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Teamwork is Always portrayed as something nice, isn’t it?

From books to TV shows, it

is always the key for someone to achieve something or to surpass some sort of barrier. Even
so, it is not always that good. For an example, when you end up doing a school project with
people who do not put themselves into it.

There was this one time my whole class got grouped up to prepare a documentary,
and we divided ourselves in groups; some of us would take care of the filming, some of us
would organize interviews, some would do the editing and so on. I chose to be on the editing
group, alongside two of my friends. I thought it would be easy; in my head, all I would have to
do was to wait for the rest of the class to give me the raw filming and put it all together. That,
at least, was how it should have been, but nobody had sent me anything until the week before
the presentation of the project. All I had was some interviews my professor had given us, and
nothing more.

That week I spent all of my time trying to get people to film something while I worked
with what I already had.

– Come on guys, get me something to work with or else we won’t have anything to present
next week! – I said to those should have done something up until that point.

– What do you want us to do? We do not have time to go anywhere anymore. – Is what most
of my classmates responded.

– Just interview some random people, maybe for some common sense, I guess.

Luckily, three of my friends did that. They got me videos of people exposing their
opinions on the main subject of the documentary, and the final video got more substance to it.

The following days were like hell for me, as I had to do all of the editing all by myself,
almost deprived of any sleep at all. In the end, I did get it done in time, and I got a high grade
for all the class. What makes me most angry about it was that people who only did the
decoration of the class for the presentation of the documentary got grades as good as mine,
and the professor got mad at me, thinking that I was the one who did not do the work right.

If anyone has to work in a team, it is better to make sure everyone is doing their work
all the time, or else they will have to go through the same as I did.

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