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2nd Semester, A.Y. 2020-2021

Final Examination in
Educational Planning
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

1. Cite concrete illustrations on how organizational leaders and members overcome

the challenges of teambuilding focusing on the four stages: forming; storming; norming;
and performing. Support your claim with established principles or theories.

The best theory to explain how an organizational leaders and members overcome the
challenges of teambuilding is Dr. Bruce Tuckman’s theory of Team-Development. Tuckman's
model explains that as the team develops maturity and ability, relationships establish, and the
leader changes leadership style. Beginning with a directing style, moving through coaching, then
participating and finishing with delegation, at which point they are almost detached. At this
point, the team may produce a successor leader and the previous leader can move on to develop a
new team. 
This simple overview of the Tuckman 'Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing' model
offers a simple way to understand how groups develop. Tuckman's model is especially helpful in
training people on group work, thus enabling groups to fulfil their full potential.

2. It is believed that leaders who are transparent are trusted by their followers. Also,
for leaders to exert influence, they must be transparent in order to make significant
decision, creating means of putting them into actions. However, opponents of the principle
of transparency argue that it is not a good idea to be transparent because information may
be misinterpreted or distorted. Being transparent may take a lot of resources and more
time thus slowing organizational processes. It is also argued that leaders practicing full
transparency are easy target of attacks and are vulnerable to groups that feel alienated or
underrepresented. What is your stand on this? Explicate your answer by citing concrete
I firmly believe that being transparent is one of the good signs of being a great leader.
Transparent leaders strive to practice what they preach, set crystal-clear expectations, and
communicate effectively with every member of their team.
Leading with transparency requires a willingness to be honest and open with your
employees, even if you feel somewhat vulnerable as a result. When employees can see and
evaluate everything you do, it’s essential to lead your organization with integrity, in ways that
are true to its values. In return, employees will give you their loyalty and trust.
When you lead with transparency, you set a standard for the rest of the company to live by.
The importance of transparency in leadership becomes more apparent as it fosters a workplace
culture of open communication and accountable behavior for both employees and leaders.

3. In teambuilding, the dynamic of a team changes according to the placement of

a. The wrong person in the wrong place = Regression
b. The wrong person in the right place = Frustration
c. The right person in the wrong place = Confusion
d. The right person in the right place = Progression
e. The right people in the right places = Multiplication
Explain the aforementioned practices by citing concrete example/s from your own
organization (school).

a. A best example of Regression is the Mismatching of jobs. The skills that they
need in that job is not match to the skills of the persons they hire. The wrong person in the wrong
b. We can see the concept of frustration when there’s a position that needs to be
filled up. A candidate who applied did not met the qualifications of the said position, but since
they really need someone to take in-charge, even she is not qualified they hired her.
c. Confusion is shown when a person is in the right place, he/she worked hard for
his/her position but in the wrong place by having toxic relationship with others, toxic
environment and in a not so good type of leadership.
d. I am proud to say that my experience is an example of progression. I am the right
person at the right place. I worked hard for my position, and I can feel the support that the school
is giving me.
e. When a group achieved every goals that they have, finished every plan
Successfully, and supported one another till the end, we can say that these are the right persons at
the right time.

4. Expound Peter Drucker’s statement, “If you think you’re leading but no one is
following you, you’re just taking a walk.”

Losing touch with your people is a huge leadership landmine. It will damage your
credibility and destroy your influence. The most effective leaders stay connected to their people.
This gives them the greatest amount of influence, and allows the leader and the team to achieve
their big-picture goals together.
The saying itself is a reminder that leaders must keep their people close; if you get ahead
of them, or lose touch with them, then you’re literally not leading anyone–you’re simply
following your own path (i.e., “taking a walk”). Leaders should never want to go it alone; they
should always desire to have someone with them, learning at their side, growing through the

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Ph-D Language Teaching

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