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rh.+f"kl ~I.t."ce .'5."" 61'l11\.h

L~~IA ";J~:" ;JtLlIJ


6th Year No. 10

ia'(-ia"'~ ~oo+ ckTC I ADDIS ABABA - 7mDecember, 1999
O"-+f"kl ~1..&-I\'£Il'l"h&-c\,r,£ ~roOt\.h
"Ilia "Oil "'-'lC n +1 IiiV.~1 f ib1'00 "'1DI1f"t- MlC 0."" ml1-t~"" flDtIJ

Proclamation No. 188/1999
"9'~ eIITCifit~/IDnl ~.9'"' Federal Courts of Sharia Consolidation
f4.1..&-/A ii'~~ ti:C.(- 0."'~1 MI:9'" I\"7m'ihC flDtIJ Proclamation Page 1185
".,~ , ,
" ",., 1~
f~1..&-/A ii'~~ r,:ct.- 0."':Y-1 MI:9"
I\"7m'ihC flDtIJ J\CP~

WHEREAS, pursuant to Sub-Article (5) of Article 34 of

n"-""f"k,r ~1..&-I\'£ ll'l"h&-c\I'£ ~roOt\.h ib1 the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
001..,,.."" nh1+~ wi! 10-ia h1+~ ?; 001Pt."" f .?00~: Ethiopia, disputes arising in relation to m~age, personal and
f..,/A'i fo..,.(\11 0000""1\f, f"7.~"" fib.., 1--'lf"t-1 hiaOOlAh.,. family rights are to be adjudicated in accordance with
ny f,"7'i"" ib.,..t-
n~.+ ~ ~ ~..,.I\f, n .,.oo(\t.'" o-~:J" n 11tJl\'£'i religious or customary laws, with the consent of the parties
1\00-'11'''''f"7.:f-1A noolr.,.: thereof;
nib1 001..,,..-1: h1+~- ~~ 10-ia h1+~ (?;) 001Pt."" WHEREAS, the House of Peoples' Representatives and
fl1iblA'i fYf,"7"""" ib'''':Y-1 oou.t.:t- h.(-C11D-f"7.~j. Y~"7'i State Councils are empowered, under Sub Article (5) of
:J-,£'i '1111\'£fr,:ct.- ,,.*,,.,..,. nl\.1\- 'Ut. fib1'11'''fDI1f"t- 9"ht Article 78 of the Constitution, to establish, as necessary,
religious and customary courts that exercise judicial functions
o.+'i fhlAlA 9uhc 0."':'1- '\~IUJ1 '''*''7:t- "11.hia4LI\1.~-I: ' on the basis of cultural and religious laws, in cases where such
"1IlJ'*ckoo- ,.. IAtlJ1 f"'(\m n 00 Ir.,.:
courts are not in existence;
hib1 001"1,..-1: oo~-y-:,. n4."" n,..&- I\~ f~n~'i
WHEREAS, Courts of Sharia, which have been in
f001..,,.."" "1D':"'i f~n&-:f:ID' '/~""'i:J"'£'i I1tJl\'£ f~Ct."
001..,,..-1: n"7.(\mlD' "ID-:"'i 001Pt."" nhJlia existence for more than half a century and been left to remain
.,.*"'..,. ib1
without any structural changes, need to be consolidated
OOlAh t\.~&:A: "'~"7.t-I\' (H-1.~111D- 001Pt."": +1.9" c\1A
pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution that religious
~oo..,. nl\f, 'N'N:OOID' J\1~t-9" f"7ifif,r I\ID-'I'
h"'''711 9'""'" and customary courts, which functioned and had state
"f,~t.""1:fm' '11\.n:t. o-~:'-" f.,.1.t.1-"'" fii'~~ ~Ct." recognition prior to the adoption of the Constitution, may be
11.4>:t-'11\m- 1/-).:'- "'Il~&-~ "7 t."t..., hia4LI\.1. organzied anew, on the basis of recognition accorded to them
o."'~ h*9"
rr'i n001'r.,:: by the Constitution;
n,,-.1-f-A-,r ~Yo&-I\(r. ~.'l"h&-c\,rce tr11t\.h ib1 NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (I)
001"1,..,1- h1.,.K' ~?i (Ii) UDIJ..t.:t-f"7.h.,.I\m. :J"ID-~IA:: of the Constitution, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:

~;Jt"" ;JtLIIJ 7".",.4:. it-;"'.?!

,f1P,.CP;J 3,40
~egarit a.p.O.Box 80,001
Unit Price
1W liif.lifif% t..,.,t.A ~;Jt.). ;JILIIJ <h'l'C I ..,.&;C
?;?;+, Iitf21 ,.,.. FederalNegaritGazeta- No. 10 7111
December, 1999-Page 1186

tJCJ:A h'}Y:
m :'>1\1\ PART ONE
(i. h 6f.bC C iJit
f,U htp:~: "f&..~o/'.A i'i/,'} ,-~C.(. n."'1''}
J. Short Title
MI:9" t\OYm
e;hc fmfl' htp~ 4:'I'C ?i~'jr~/Iuf.j~ This Proclamation may be cited as the "Federal Courts of
" TlI"" t\.m"'''
f,"fI\A:: Sharia Consolidation Proclamation No.188/1999."
~. ""'C~"I 2. Definitions
'UlU htp~ en."...: In this Proclamation:
Ii' ".cJ>Jt" fIIIt\:" ni'f/,fiCJ:(;.(' 0..,.1- cn-"... nf""'~cn-9" 1) "Kadi" means ajudge appointed and sitting at any
~.I.'F,.,...'qu fflll.IP/,. p,;;: ~en': level of Courts of Sharia;
~. "tpc,' .cJ>J;."fIIIt\:" f&..~o/'.A m:'>l\f, i'f~fi CJ:CY:0."'" 2) "Chief Kadi" means head of the Federal Supreme
f'll\f, mf,9" l111I\n. .cJ>J;.~cn-: Court or the presiding Kadi thereof;
f.' ""'m/,9'1'" fIIIt\:" f&..Yvt..t\. htt:>t.~ if~fi tt:CY: 3) "Heads" means heads of the Federal First Instance
n.'1.e; f&"Yco/,.t\'foo"f.oo/"f 1.1.'F,i'1~fi tt:CY: 0."'"
and High Court of Sharia directing the activities of
:~1\",9'1' Inen' ff'-~C.r.' n.''':F~:m''} r t.. fOf.oo~ their respective courts;
4) "Federal Courts of Sharia" include First Instance,
9.' "f&..~o/'.A i'f/,fi r~cy.: n."':)"" fIIIt\"'" foo"f.oo~,f High and Supreme Courts of Sharia;
~.t.'F, if/'fi: fhr~".;;: i'f/,'} 'he; fm:'>l\f, if~fi tt:cY:
5) "Civil Procedure laws" means the Civil~rocedure
0."'1' e;:fm.:
?;. "fCJ:''''ch11ch.C r~ rCfi"'" :tt.ff" fIIIt\"'" Code of 1965 and include any. amendments made
nlj!~~% fmfIJcn-'} ffJ:-rchllch.C r~ rCfi"'" :tt..,e;
'hCl1',} t\fIII7i7iA nf'L' fenm-e; lD1.4.""'9"fOf. 6) "Federal Judicial Administration Commission' ,
mll1,'1''} f,'L1.9" /'.A: means the Commission established under
}. "f&..~o/'.A P,i'f1' h"-l-P,1.C .,.l}~" fIIIt\"'"nh'P~ proclamation No.24/1996.
4:'I'C t}!~/Iuf.'jr~ f-l-**ooen, .,.fl~ ~cn-:: 3. Establishment
f.' 00**9° The:
-l-m~~:J':':en' t\&..Yv/,.t\. P,i'f1' h".,.JU'.C ".l}~ flf).: I) Federal First Instance Court of Sharia,
V) f&...~/'.A oo:f.oo/',f 1.1.'F,if~fi tt:C.(' 0.:": 2) Federal High Court of Sharia,
t\) f &..~o/'.A htt:-l-;;: 1i/,fi fJ:CY:0.:": 'he; 3) Federal Supreme Court of Sharia,
ch) f &..~o/'.A m:'>l\f, i'f~fi tt:CY: 0."'" "'*4:ootpA:: are hereby established, being accountable to the Federal
tJ'-~A (/ot\"'" Judicial Administration Commission.
"t\,-~CY: 0."':-". faJA fP'~~"'" r!:\fIJ,)
9.' OPIPI.i::
Common Jurisdiction of the Federal Sharia Courts
(i. f &..~o/'.A i'i/,'} r~c.r..' n,'''1- h'lU n;J-1' n-l-oot\
h":.1' "'P'f':-". I\,{'.ofmA fP'~~"'" rAfIJ'} f,e: /,. 4. Principle
~:tpA: I) Federal Courts of Sharia shall have common
V) fIIIC,':':CD"9uf,'),n!}:: ffJ:=f: f.,.t\o(l haJl\(t'}:' jurisdiction over the following matters:
hl1t\ oom').rAY.t.(t. :tt'le;:" qu""L""'H. 'he; (a) any question regarding marriage, divorce, main-
nn.".(t.n ,'.tl9u P. I\f, fOf. ~(t. 1'P'f'1-') h"'OP tenance, guardianship of minors and family
At-J,,. 'I"rel: ,r"h'l-t\cn- ;J11:F n'h"A9"e; relationships; provided that the marriage to
'f,fllle:,.,. rcQ,1. 000'/.'''' f.,.t,Roo flr~ which the question relates was concluded, or the
'h'}Y.ln enf,9u flt\".JH":f. n'h"A9"e; 'f,fllle::,.
parties have consented to be adjudicated in
rCfi,1, t\00P,'f,1. t.:'>Y.en' tun:
accordance with Islamic law;
t\) fen:'>c~: f"cl1:" ('Lfl) fen.c" aJf,9° f).tllL (b) any question regarding Wakf, gift/Hiba/, suc-
"'P'f':""'} ')oI'00t\h1' hCD./,:n mf,9" "(0:1-
mf,9u ,,'e;t'~',. cession of wills; provided that the endower or
h.('/"'I. OO'''1\.9u fin 'h'}1.ln
lIJ,r,9u 0.1()'.()fl",,'n,} (t'H. 00'''1\.9u Ire: fqu." donor is a muslim or the deceased was a muslim
},'}Y.ln: at the time of his death;
(II) h'-~ ,n".. h(ll) },"h (t\) n"."t\R.'} ".p'\":)"I\f, (c) any question regarding payment of costs in-
nflll..,.cn' h(1',)'. ttl..,/,. ooOJ(t')"} ,)of.not\h'l-: curred in any suit relating to the aforementioned
~. n:tt',oo')OIP"': h')"''''' matters.
~H! '}o." h,}"'R' (?;) n-l-1
t\Ren. oolJ'I.'} hr~ ,n".. ')of'1t\O"} "'P'f'1- I\f, CJ:/ 2) The courts shall have jurisdiction over the aforemen-
n.,y.:,; fp,:~~.1' rAr.)') fflll.e:/'.:,:en' '1"tlt..I1/, lD1e:1- tioned matters only where, Pursuant to the
(}},"A9°e;en' 'f,OI/'f,} rcq:,. t\oop,'~':" ..,A1\ nlf~ provisions of Article 34 Sub Article (5) of the
oo'}',.(' nt..cJ>P,:,:en. OOCmen. f"'l.n. tur~ O(I:F Constitution, the parties thereof have expressly
f,II'e; A:: consented to be adjudicated under Islamic law.
Jh December, 1999-Page 1187
.,~ jiitiifft 4..1ot.t:\ ~;Jt'1' ;JII.II)'h'1'C! "'I'-;C?)~"" !ufjg '}.9". Federal NegaritGazeta - No.10

~. ,co:J>"~":",} mf,1}" .,. :J>m°'l",} l.,\oPmfl'} 5. Detennination of Consent or Objection

Ii' h'H1t.t}~ m11f1- h,}~ nif~1 tt:/n.:,. l\oP.';}':" 1) Where a party brings a case before a court of Sharia,
M1."::" ll.,f"'C,n ".p'f- f.,.~nl\:" fif~1 tt:C.(-0.:" such court shall issue summons to the other party for
I\.It mo .,.ht. t}~ OJ1'} n tt: / 0.i: 1\oP.';}' :,. "-:1'1.~ confirmation, in accordance with the form attached
oPl',} hl\oPl'''',} tULl' h"~ ;JC "-,ff,tI n"7. 1}'m-
herewith, of whether or not he consents to the
:,oR' oPlP~:" "'CI\ h '}Jt,f ~;J"'tp oP'P~1 f,Ah
adjudication of the court.
~. lULU h,}"'R" Ino-l\ h'}.,.W (Ii) n"'1I\Rm- oPlP~:" 2) Where a party properly seryed with summons,
fl"':C.f.: n.,,: (1111't.,f nh""'lo- h'}Jt1.Cflm- f"'''~1 pursuant to Sub-Article (1) of this Article, does not
'H1I.J1~ m1') "..4>mo'l"m-'} m,,1}" "-:1'1.~"i:,} confirm his objection or consent by appearing before
.,. :1'm-'l"
I\I"':C1: n.i: (..~l\,).t.C .,.C(\ t}It~;J1m the registrar of the court, he shall be presumed not to
l\"'I:,o~il h 1P,A,c.I\', ''''''PC' 1-.';f- nl\.l\n:"
have objected and the case shall be heard ex parte.
nl"':c.f.: n..,.:t:l\oPp,')":" n"'ht.t}~ m1'i'f oPt}hA 3) In the absence of clear consent of the parties for the
""AR" nl'" QD'}11.: l\1}"1}"":" nl\.l\ 'lIt. .,..';f- case to be adjudicated by the court of Sharia before
m11f'f "'.';1
f"'\:" fif41 ~C.(- 0.:" "'ht.t}~ which the case is brought, such court shall transfer
:':mo'} noPY.n~: t",:c.(- n.:" h'}Jt,fl\ml\.,. .,..';f-,}
the case to the regular federal court having jurisdic-
P'An)'} Itl\mo ftC t'ot.A oPY.n~ ft:/n.:" ,fl\.,.It
4) Under no circumstance shall a case brought before a
!!. n'Hlt"t}~ m11f":J"' ,c..4>..t'..It" "'oPl\c.,.m- nif~1
nayli court of Sharia the jurisdiction of which has been
I"':C..t'..n,"" noP :"V.). It" f"7. 1"'" 1-.';\'"'f'}
:,:(0'9u 9uh'} ,f'} mY. oP Y.n~m' ft:/ n.:"~ m,,9" consented to, be transferred to a regular court; nor
noPY.n~:mo I",:/n."" noP:"f:" Itf, f"7.1}'. .,..';\'"'f'}
shall a case before a regular court be transferred to a
(nY. if~1 I"':/n.,)' ,,,,,"mo~m- h'}Jt:t"f- ay.(-~..,
court of Sharia.
6. Laws to be Applied
j;. tt:C..t'."n.".:,: l\I\OI/olP",.I)TW' il,"''f 1) Federal Courts of Sharia shall adjudicate cases under
ii' ftC..J!ot.A if~1 I"':C..t'..n.'''1- fP'At"I)'} hAIt:fm-'} their jurisdiction in accordance with Islamic Law.
01111'1.:" h..t'.'C1W' v.,.~nlt:fmo'} 1-.';\'"10 ll.oP~r~ 2) In conducting proceedings properly, the courts shall
fift.'}mo'} ift.., oPlPl.')' h..t'."C1m- f,.';~f\o::
1)1\m- apply the civil procedure laws in force.
ft. I"':C,f.: n..,.:t: f ,fUo,,:,:Wo'} .,..';\'"10 P'C1:"
Itf, ,ff\o:"'} 7. Contempt of Court
0-).:" l\oPl}"t."', h'}P,.,fl\'flt:t:mo nP't.
fl"':')'~"ilth.C P''' P'C'i:" ift',..'f .,.h:"l\m- Any person who, in whatsoever manner, shows improper
f,1I.t..l\o:: conduct in the course of any proceedings or who, without
good cause, fails to comply with an order of the court
1: I"':C1: n':,..} l\l\oP ,f:,coC
"'I'}I}" flat. VI"':C..t'..p' t.. n"7.hlim'}(H' 1.11. nayli:fm-r shall be punishable with imprisonment of upto one
'}f,"'} oP'}".f.: "',f'I\":" ~TP. .t'..,coC,,.,,,'IC f "-,,,OP mf,r month or to a fine of upto Birr 1,000.00 (One thousand
,fl\net 9ut,'},r.). ",.y-I\"":'} .h~tI1' ,rlthn~ h'}1..,.., h,}'(- Birr).
OJC n"7.Y.Cl\ hP't."" (O"r hl\h ilC lii'f.u (h,}'(- i'f.u
ilC) n"7.Y.Cl\ V1'}II,n 011""""1>""'t"I)A::
t,I"':Al' l\ Jurisdiction of Federal Courts of Sharia
ftC t'ot.A if~1 I"':C,f.'n.".~f' f.';~":" P'At"I)'}
8. Jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court of Sharia
P'At"I)'} .
~. ftC t'ot.A m:,oltf, i'it.f~ I"':C..t'..n.:" f.';~""" The Federal Supreme Court of Sharia shall have
VtC t'ot..A m:,olt" if t.f~ I"':C.f.' n."" nay.hi'I\-:'- 1-.';\'"10 jurisdiction over:
It" VP'~~.,,). P'An)'} ~fi I."A: I) decisions of the Federal High Court of Sharia
ii' VtCt'ot..A hl"':,"~: ift.'} I"':C..t'..n."" noP1:oP~,r 1.~jf
rendered in its first instance jurisdiction;
VP'~~.,,). p'An)',. W°l}). nflmll:t:mo 1-.';\'"'f~
2) decisions of the Federal High Court of Sharia
~. VtC t'ot..A hl"':,"~: if t.f~ I"':C..t'..n."" n""'I)~ fl"7.":"
P' A nJ). nflmwo n"'lli:fwor wol}~ f"7. "'Co- rendered in its appellate jurisdiction.
9. Jurisdiction of the Federal High Court of Sharia
VtCt'vt.A hl"':'f'~ ift.'} I"':C..t'..11.')' f.';~":" P'At"I)'}
ii' I) The Federal High Court of Sharia shall have first-
ii' ftC t'ot.A hl"':,"~: ift.'} I"':C..t'..n.:" "'I}":t":fm- hl1C instance jurisdiction over cases involving an amount
~v.WoU(0-1\:" oP'" WoU,nc) nltf, IU'.,. .,..';\'"10 It"
in excess of Birr two hundred thousand (200,000).
VoP:l':I"TPt.,rY.~jf VP'~~.,,). P'At"I)'} f,1f ~"A::
~. VtC t'ot.A hl"':,"~: if t.f~ I"':C..t'..n.')': f tC t'vt.A foP1:
2) The Federal High Court of Sharia shall have ap-
n.')' vmfl.,wo'} mol}~ nf,""I~
oPt.,f .v.l.jf if t.f~ I"':C..t'.. pellate jurisdiction over decisions of the Federal First
V"?V.} ".IAn)'} ,f..fiI."A:: Instance Court of Sharia.
e. h,}.f."} 'f.P'f, h",'}.f.' VtCt'vt.A VoP:f.oP~,r 1.~jf 3) It shall have jurisdiction over applications for change
ift.f~ I"':C1: 11.-)' mY. It VtCt'vt.A oP:f.oP~,r 1.~jf
(1),,9u mY. t.fl. h'}Jtt,mc f"7."'Cl1') of venue from one Federal First Instance Court of
I"':C,f: 11.')'
".p,~ l\"7f:" P'An)'} ~'i ~"A:: Sharia to another or to itself.
1~ ~jf.i!f.ftt. t..Y..t.A ., ;11.')' ;JfLIIJ<h'l'CI"'.s;c 7)%.,.'} :Wfn 'J.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.IO 7111
December, I999-Page 1188

I. fA..1..t.A OD1.ODt..f.l'.~jf ot.q r,:C~ fL"" f'-;~~"" 10. Jurisdiction of the Federal First Instance CourtofSharia
The Federal First Instance Court of Sharia shall have
fA..1..t.A fOD"f.,ODt..f .l'.~jf ot.q r,:C~ 0.'''' "'I?";J-TCD- jurisdiction over cases involving an amount not in
hilh -tIC !n~fi.tJ (0-1\')' OD." fi.tJ -tIC) 1''-;f"~,) excess of Birr 200,000 (Birr two hundred thousand) or
CDf,?" °19u;J-:fCD' n1')tHll\."'OD') nO'/f,~I\'1-'-;f"~ I\f, c<)Sesthe value of which cannot be expressed in money.
fOD:f.ODt..f .l'.~jf fp':~"'} P'AIfJ') f,'i ~'PAII
hr':A itt."" Structure of Federal Courts of Sharia
f A...l'..t.A i'it.q r,:C.r.' n..Y':}"it.l'..~jf:f.:"'i fP'~""" P't. and the Administration of Justice
it 'l~~
11. Judges and Other Personnel of the Federal Supreme
Hi' f A..1..t.A m:"I\f, lit.l} r,:c~ 0."" P,7f~'i lb""~ Court of Sharia
IPt,"'7f'1"- 1) The Federal Supreme Court of Sharia shall have a
{i. fA...l'..t.A m:"I\f,OI.l} r,:C~ 0.:,. it')~ 'P'i :J>,It Chief Kadi, a Deputy Chief Kadi, as well as the
h'i 1",')~ ?"h')'A 'P'i :J>,It h'),lto-?" l\P't.CD- necessary Kadis and registrars.
itiltA'L f(r~ .cj>,ltSJ':1''it'..~il""t.r:~ f,Cj'~;J-AII 2) The Federal Supreme Court of Sharia shall have the
!{. ft..J!..t.A m:"I\f, 01.1} r,:C.,l'..' 0."" l\P't.CD' personnel necessary for its function.
1",iltA'L fIn. IJ,/...,.?f:}'. f,Cj'~;J'AII 12. The federal High Court and First Instance Court of
fA..f-../..A hr,:.,.~ lit.l} r,:c.,l'..' fL'r'i fOD"f.,ODt.! .,l'..~jf Sharia
0 I. I} r,:C.l': 0..,.'1"- 1) The Federal High Court and First Instance Court of
Sharia shall each have a head, representing the
ji. fA...l'ot.A hr,:.,.;;: 1it.l} r,:c~ o.:"'i fOD"f.,ODt..f
respective court, as well as Kadis and registrars
.l',~jf 01.1} r,:C.,l'..'n..,.~ I\fr,:C~ o.,y.:,: "'mt.
necessary for their respective functions.
fO'/.rn. if.qu'1"'i I\P' /..CD-itilt.I\'L ftr~ :J>,ltSJ'~'i
2) The courts shall have the personnel necessary for
t'..~il:,.t.r:~ f,Cj'~:':'PA II
their respective functions.
~. IJ:C.,l'..'n..,.~ I\P'/..CD' itilt.I\'L f(r~ 1P/.,"'7f~
f,'i ~::f'P A II 13. Divisions and Place of Sittings of Federal Courts of
Ii:' f A...l'o/..A i'iI. I} r,:C.r.' 'V,. '.1'",,:,,'i fO'/ ilfF.f ilr,:t.
I) There shall sit a single Kadi in each division of the
{i. f t..J!o/..AOD:<':rlOt..f J'.~jf 1i1.1}r,:c.,l'..'~..,. ~"...,.~ Federal First Instance Court of Sharia.
111",'}.r.' ,cj>,It .f il :}"I\ 1\' II
2) There shall sit a presiding Kadi and two other Kadis
!!.. nt...('ot.A hr,:.,.;;: i'it.l} r,:C.,l'..' fL""'i n1it.l}CD- in each division of the Federal High Court and of
m:"I\f, r,:C.,l'..' :f,,"',.~ it')~ (111tafl'i 0-1\"" the Supreme Court of Sharia.
.cj>,ltSJ'~ .,.t'1f,ODCD' .fil1'I\I\' II
3) The Federal Supreme Court of Sharia shall sit in
i:' f t...l'ot.A m:"I\f, 1i1.1} r,:C~ 0."" O'/ilfF.f ilr,:t. Addis Ababa.
it,ltil itnl1 f,(r'iA II 4) The Federal High Court and the Federal First
9.' ft..1..t,A hr,:.,.;;: 1it.l} r,:C~ o."'1''i fOD"f.,ODt..f Instance Court of Sharia shall sit in Addis Ababa,
.('.~jf 01.1}r,:C.,l'..'
n,'Y'1' fO'/ilfF.f ilr,:t. nit,ltil hlll1 Dire Dawa and in such other places as may be
h"'I1'/ I n.,l'..'t'..P,'P'in,fi1OD')"'Ip'1: it')"'", i%t determined under Article 78 Sub Article (2) of the
')o.il1",')"'''' (~) nO'/,{I)t'1.,CD- ODIP~""f,(r'iA II Constitution.
I9.' ft...l'o/.,A 1it.l} r':CJ': n,'Y':}"fP't. *')* 14. Working Language of Federal Courts of Sharia
{i. f t...('ot.A 1it.'~ r,:c.r.. n."'1' f P' t. *')* itO'/t:~ 1) Amharic shall be the working language of Federal
f,(J'liA II Courts of Sharia.
!!.' 1",IP/C~ *')* 1\1P/f,"}"'A IM1-P,f, Ij:C~ 0.1: itil.,. 2) The Courts shall provide an interpreter, to a party
C:}tPJ,f,OD~-tII\;J'A II who does not understand Amharic.
I?;' n"'l A~' ',}',,, ,. ill\O'/ il;J:A 'i h 1'"'''''' ill\ OD.,ta"" 15. Open Hearing and Withdrawal of Kadis
{i. ft...('ot.A 1it.l} r,:c.l': fL"'1' 1\,fi1'11"'IA'" ntr., 1) Federal Courts of Sharia shall hear in open court.
lJ.).;,. .fil ~I\I\' II 2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub Article (I)
~. ntLtJ 1",')"'~' ') 1",')"'''' (ji) f"'ODl\h.,.tp" of this Article, civil procedure laws pertaining to
n.'iC9U 1\.-;:t;"'}1",IJ'/..C it°11111":" .fl\:t:{I)' fr,:..,.", the administration of justice shall remain ap-
'fll'h.C P''' p'c'H. I'n"":}" .,.t.1..O'/. f,(r'il\' II plicable.
i:' f t...('../..A lit.'~ (':C.r.',1.') .cj>,It h"}""":" h '),It.,ta
3) Either of the parties to a case may apply to a Federal
h"'ht.'lt. (I)"'i:}" 1",'}?,. I\r,:c.,l'..' 0.1: O'/ODAhfF Court of Sharia, requesting for the removal of a
IP/:"~.n f,1'I\A II Kadi sitting in the hearing thereof.
!!. ",/ODAhfF f.,.~nn')' ~cj>,Ith~"":" f01J...,tan""') 4) Articles 27 to 30 of the Federal Courts Proclamation
lJ.).;,. n"'ODl\h'" f t...l'ot.A Ij:C~ o..,.~ it'P~ No. 25/1996 shall be applicable in respect of
<1:'1'(;?!?;/IUf.'if~~ hit')"'", ?}% hilh @ .fl\''''' conditions for the withdrawal of a Kadi against
.r.''),;J1.9'~ "'t,1..01J..f,(r'i 1\' II whom a request for removal is made,
't.,.. FederalNegaritGazeta- No. 10 7111
December, 1999-Page 1189
, 1A" ~1t fn u.t.~ ~;J~+ ;JtLIIJck-rC! ..,.-;Cn"'''J !ill2.

II .~ "'i ItllDlID".''' f"7.10<k o-~:1"sP".f 16. Criteria for Appointment of Kadis

f"'l.hTh-:r-'} "'~:1"sP".f fOt.f":l" ".,')~m-9" 1\.:r-f-*I«£ Any Ethiopian who:
0dJ.~-~ ii'~~ tj:C.(' o..,.".f :I".IlII''i lL1'9" ,,".f"1A ; I) is trained in Islamic law in Islamic Educational
Institutions or has acquired adequate experience
i' 0~"1A9'"~ :r-9"IIC:r-.,.*".,:r- O1r~~ ih.., flPltl11~ and knowledge in Islamic law;
tIJ"9'" oii'~~ ih"'l n<t fll'~ 1A9".(' ~'i 2) is reputed for his diligence and good conduct;
1110.,. ; 3) consents to assume the position of a Kadi; and
I' 0;t':1"~~-I:'i OP'~ 9""'f1~ lIDlAl19""9" ,.,.I.L ; 4) is more than twenty five years of age;
f.' :I".IlII''i ItllDP'/'.:r- L:I"1.~ fll'~: ~'i may be appointed a kadi in Federal Courts of Sharia.
!!. b.(''''I.m- hIli ~lID:r- 0"" fll'~ == 17. Appointment of Kadis
f :J'.IlsP".f "'1(.1(9" I) The Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs shall,
,..c;f'".f 111:""" ,.f1't : h~1../,./t- .c;?f".f upon request by the Federal Judicial Adminis-
Ii' ~"IA9"'i tration Commission, carry out the recruitment of
'f'.c;1.C "'1~. '" ,fet lL"'C-fIIt:r- f :J'.IlsP".f') Kadis.
9"lAlID" .fh'im-'i1A = 2) The Chairperson of the Supreme Council shall
,.f1'tfD' "'-fI"n.: n1-f1'tm- f"'I11-'OO- prepare and submit, to the Federal Judicial Ad-
I' ~"IA9"'i
:r-'}'i n .,.1t1~ 1.1.~ ~ ,).IlllD 1.11- f .('9"" -filA6IiI. ministration Commission, a short profile of would-
.(';JtJ. 11"f.:r-') fbl.1J; :J'.IlsP".f "'-£bC f ih"fD:r- be Kadis nominated by, and have received the
support of the majority of the Council together with
:1"~h OD'?1t6lil.MI;J:E-'" 1t4..1../,./t- .c;?f".f ",,,.,..c;1.C
th~ level of their placement.
,.f1't ,f"'Cf11A .=
3) The appointment of Kadis, who are to be placed at
f.' Of:r-~m-" 1.1.~f"'l.lID1.11- :J'.IlsP".f if.lID:r- any level, shall be approved by the Federal Judicial
n4..1../'-1A 111:""" tJ.C.(' o.:r- T IoIL.c;'}:r-"':"/'-n.~"" Administration Commission, upon recommen-
n4..1../'-1A .c;?f".f ",,,.,.I;1.C 1-f1't ".A.(':J'IA == dation by the President of the Federal Supreme
I;';' "It.lllLTlL '} "'fD""',)
18. Detennination of Disciplinary Matters
f 4..1../,.1A P,?f".f "'r..1-P'1.C 1,'I't "''P:E-'i f 4..1../,.It-
.c;?f".f lID"'P'1.~,f ,. 'HI f 4..1../,.1A if I- q tJ.C.(' o..,.".f The Federal Judicial Administration Commission
Establishment Proclamation and Administrative
:J'.IlsP'.f-'} It'''l.lIDIt h.f: f.lllLTlL '} 1.P'f'".f "'OJ""'')
Regulations for Federal Judges shall be applicable in
"'L~"'I. ~:,. "'i /'.:r:'P1A respect of determination of disciplinary matters relating
n:(:r- to Kadis of Federal Courts of Sharia.
f4..1../,.1Aii'~~,,-0.'''1- n:l:r- tl"'l.h.,./t-:r- 9"'}~".f 19. Budget
f"'l.1~ "lf~lA; The budget of Federal Courts of Sharia shall be drawn
0) h4..1../,.It. lID')"'p")' n"'l."''I' fn:l"" .(",.."., ; from the following sources:
I) budgetary subsidy to be allocated by the Federal
It) hh.1\01- 9"'),,""b:}"hOl/.1a; y,,';JtJ.== Government;
2) assistance from other sources.
tll':lA MJUll:"
lll\'P'ifD' ,tJ>.Il:9"h:r-1A 'Pc;' ,tJ>.Il~'i "'l11l-sP".f PARTFIVE
The Chief Kadi, the Deputy Chief Kadi
I' f'P'ifD' .tJ>.IlP'lAfIJ')'i "''','IC and Other Heads
,tJ>.Ilf4..1../,.I\-'} ifl-~ tJ.C.(' o..,.".f nn""~:r
Ii' 'P'itIJ. 20. Powers and Duties of the Chief Kadi
I) The Chief Kadi shall, as a superior authority,
'} o-ll '}.,.,. (Ii) "'111:J''''' '" ~;J1C
I' filII"''}'"'' '" administer the Federal Courts of Sharia.
~,}1-'f'l11n.,. If'i 'Pc;'fD' .tJ>.Il:
2) Without prejudice to the generality stated under
0) nf1.l.~fD' fOl/.1.1.."P;. fifl-q
tJ.C.(' o..,.".f') Sub Article (1) of this Article, the Chief Kadi shall:
llD'P:"C MI;J:c~..r. 1\4..10/,.1\- 111:""" tJ.C.(' 0."" (a) prepare and submit the organizational struc-
TIo'lP,'):" ,f"'C:'llA: "'.4."":1\:'-9" np'l.. "" ture of the Federal Courts of Sharia, to the
,ffD'''IA== President of the Federal Supreme Court, and
1\) n4..1../,.I\- m:",," l':C.(' o.:r- TlollP,'):r- "'01/1'} implement same upon approval;
:~~.)- fOl/Ah.I\')-'} .tJ>.IlsP".fn4..1..t..l\- ifl-q (b) give job placements in Federal Courts of
Sharia to Kadis so notified to him by the
l':C:.(' 0..,.:-,".fD'll'l' nllD1.IA1.1A,flPt..lA;
President of the Federal Supreme Court;
"') f 4..1../,.It-'} 111:,."" tJ.C.(' 0.:" T Ioll.c;'):r- (c) put a request, to the President of the Federal
. 1\P'/,.fD' "'ll4.1t'1. flf~ IPt...,.?f".f ~,).Il"'111 Supreme Court, for employment of the per-
~I\ :r- "111" lLL'" .(' It :r-9" IPt...,.?f".f
,tJ>IA = sonnel necessary for the function; employ
,,"'-r/,.IA= nf ,... l..fD' 1.1A.('1\0 ,flPl..IA=: same upon approval and give them job
1W fiif.fir:i ~.(!../'.A ";1/'-"'" :JlLI'1 'l:'rC :~ '~J;C: 't}'f:.,.') lP.r1jf '}.SJ": Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 10 7d'December, 1999-Page 1190

e. f &.J!../../\' i'i~q (':C.l~.. f1,'''1' {\I\hc;'OJ)''PTlD- 3) He shall submit a bi-annual report, to the President of
r /..9':1. flfit.('it.} me;. /\&..Y-../../\-m:"l\f. ~c:.(' f1,"" the Federal Supreme Court, on the performance of
TIo'lP,'},'" ~7'C:'} .r"'C:IIA: the Federal Courts of Sharia.
4) He shall prepare, and submit to the President of the
!!. f~C:.~' f1,.,.~'} /):"'('c;' fl~'''' MI.'J~.y. /\&"y-"/../\-
m:"I\f.~C:'(' n.'} TIo'lP,'}"" .""'C:'IA! lL&''''.(' Federal Supreme Court, the work plan and budget of
the Courts and implement same upon approval.
/\""tj" r/..I\f. ."(D'I\A:
5) He shall attend necessary events and give statements
?;. ODrt..r f1,.f:'} flODIDhA hit&.I\'L (I.+sP'f f.1~A:
on behalf of the Courts.
ODol/\6"1.sP1'') f.on,A:
6) He may, on his own initiative, or suggestions made
7;' fl/..O. i',~ta'li~.} mYJtj" ff,}"/\"'''1' htatafl~"" OJf.tJD
to him by divisions of the court or upon petitions
fll1/\"'P'f:.1' m.f<l~~;" fl&..,('../'./\' m:"l\f. i'i~q ~c:.('
made by parties to a dispute, direct cases involving a
n.')' "}"/\"'''1' OD'1hA ODlPl.:t''e fIr). f""C:1-tJD basic difference between divisions of the Federal
Af..~'} .r/\IFI:(D. fi'it.o(D.') :It<1 fDl/.OD/\h-l: 1-P,f''f Supreme Court of Sharia, as regards interpretation of
lL ~O. 1'P,f..'} hhtJDit.} .rl\~"" :J>JtsP'f 1-0f.ODlD- Islamic law, to be heard by a division composed of
},'}Jt."f.."" /\fII/.~'l.°1 f.'.1'I\A:: not less than five Kadis.
ftJDtJ'}A 'Pc;' .cj>Jt(D.rAflJ'}c;' 'f'<1'IC: 21. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Chief Kadi
. ?;l!'
The Deputy Chief Kadi shall:
tj"tJ""A tpc;' .cj>Jt(D.:
I) perform functions referred to him by the Chief
ji. ntp(j(D. .cj>Jt f<pI.ODe;./\.).'} ".P'f':}" .rhc;'(D'c;'A!
!:.. tpljm' .cj>P'. n<PIYJliCfH' 'LII. tplj(D.'} .cj>Jt 1-tJ.y.
2) act in the Chief Kadi's stead, where he is absent.
f."" /'.A:: 22. Powers and Duties of Other Heads
f'I'm~9)"}" rAflJ'}lj 'l.o/IIC The respective Heads of the Federal High Court and
f&..Y../..A h~'I'~lj fOD:€..OD~." y.l.~ i'i~q ~/f1,""
First Instance Court of Sharia shall:
I) represent the court;
2) direct the functions of the court and administer
fi' (':C.~' f1,,"Y::t:(D'') f.mtJl\/\':
personnel thereof, in accordance with directives
!i' 'Pc;'m. .cj>Jt nflI/.om(D' ODOD~." ODlPl."" f~C:.('
from the Chief Kadi;
n.'I:,} r /.. f.OD/../\.: lP/...f'?f'f ,..it1-P,.('/../\-! 3) submit, to the Chief Kadi,a statistically substan-
e. it /\ 'HIlj lD). P' /..9) :}'. /\ tp lj OJ. .cj>Jt n ~ it:t''''' it of:tJ ... tiated statement and a report on the performance of
f'I,,(I.1&, ODOI/\6b1. 'l,c,' ~,}f.hit&.I\'LH: nf'Ul.lD' the court as may be necessary; and consult with the
t.;I'C'} ,r"'CII/\': it/\r/..sP!F:t:OJ. ~,}Y.hit&.1\ Chief Kadi, as necessary, in respect of their
'L ~'I: htpc;'lD' .cj>P'..'JC nODOD'1hc: .rhc;'lD-c;'/\-:: functions;
!i. /\./\..:}'. n:lt°l fflI/.O{!IJI:lD-'} "'<111/...'" .rhc;'lD-lj/\-:: 4) perform such other functions as may be given to
him by law.
h r':A it.(.it""
l:\ f.. A f.. .l':'} :J1.sP'f
Miscellaneous Provisions
?;e. f &..Y~/../\' i'i~q tt:c:.~' n.."'.}'. lD-ta~9'1'lj ..,./)tlJl'f 23. Decisions and Orders of Federal Courts of Sharia
fi. flu'" Y.l.p, fflI/:""" f&"y-"/..l:\ i'i~q ~c:.(' ]) Federal Courts of Sharia, of all levels, may order
fl..Y':}"nrAn)'} hAI\:I:(D' nflI/,i'i&.~. "'P'f'1' I\f. that decisions and orders given by them on matters
f<PI.O{!l.:I:(D"} m.ta).9':}"lj ,)./)tlJl1' hit&.KDI/. under their jurisdiction, be enforced by executive
h(':/\":}" ~ '}Jt&.X'IJD' /\flI/llll f.':;'I\/\-:: organs.
fi'it.l} (.:c:.(. n,'l: '}/)tlll ff.l.taTlD- hit&.KDI/.
2) Any Executive Organ as well as individuals who
receives the decisions or orders of any Federal
i',ill\'}tj" In. °//\0(1:1. n""/)tlll- ODlPl."" fOD&.
Court of Sharia shall execute or cause the execution
Ktj"tj" In fflI/it&.Xtj" °1Y + h/\IITlD-::
of same.
?;!i' W':C.(' n.'} nOD:"f.). I\f. itl\/\- 1-P'f'1' .24. Pending Cases
f.U i',tp:~,:';hODX'lj'l: n&.'} fI}-,Jtit hn'llj n.('Iop,'P i'i~q Cases pending in the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa
r.:c.~' fl..Y:.1. flOD:"f;,' I\f. .r/\- 1.P'f'1' fHlU h'P~ Courts of Sharia, prior to the coming into force of, this
fl'I..(I,~""lD' ODlJ.'l.'} rAn)'} OJP'I\TOJ' f&"y-"/'.A i'i~q
Proclamation, shall be transferred to the Federal Courts
r,;/n..y.:f- '1"lm'l.m, YJ:",ft/\':: of Sharia having jurisdiction pursuant to the provisions
of this proclamation.
..,.c;Ct;'%+') !ilr.j~ C}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 10 701December, 1999-Page 1191
1)tj!i(iir.jji ~Yo".A ";J~'''' ;JILI'I +.-rC !

25. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws

?;?;. f"'7i~'i ".t..~"7.'1"" f"7~tjt'TtD- ilI''''":(- 1) The Kadis and Naibas Councils Establishment
f,cJ>JUP":(-'}'i f'ih"I?J~--,} ""1'\ 1\"7<):<):9"flDtI]tD- Proclamation No. 62/1944 is hereby repealed.
hlf:~ ck'l'C :Eg/; mlU hlf~ .,.7itr,:/.\:: 2) No law, inconsistent with this Proclamation or
g. ~U'} hlf~ ftPJ.,cJ>I.'} W~9" mlU hlf~ f.,.ift..'t- dealing with matters provided for herein, shall be
h,} "7,} 7f tD-9" ill.., .,. t..~ "7. '1'-"
'J-P'f:,f-'} f"7. 00 1\ applicable. 1.1D'9°::
26. Effective Date
?;?;. hlf~: ftPJJ~'in"" 'llL This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 7'11day
f.U hlf:~ huP,C '6% +') :Wf.:ig q.9" 1.9"r: fK'i of December, 1999.'i /.\::
hJlia hn'l '~P,C ?!~ .,.'} IuY.:ig q.9". Done at Addis Ababa, this 7'11day of December, 1999.

,./e '1,"J(a'lP'P' NEGASO GIDADA (DR.)

fh.')'f''',f ~Y..t'''1f Jl'l"tM.(a.J'1f &T11A.h
T t..llP,'}'-"

fh. "'-V'''J' ~~ot'''1f

Jl'l"ht'{l.,flf &T11A.h
i'it.q I'':C~' 0.'-" Federal
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Court of Sharia
.,.'} No.
f lJ:'-" tit 11 th.C
Civil Case File No.
001,.,11 ck-rC
ftPJ I.;J'J lOb],
IP" 1:":
Name of Party
Address: W oreda Kebele
fhoo/.\\1',f. ia9"
.,.nl\,- fo.'-" ck-rC- Via/ck.- House No. Te.. No.
h,~...t.7t' : ml.P,
- Occupation
~~ hoo/.\\1":(- ntl.')'V'A',f ~Y..t'''1f Jl'l"ht.(a.,flf
t.T,nA.h ill., 001°,r,)' h1"'K- @! '}o-ia h'}.,.y\ (?;) ~'i I confirm, under my signature hereof, that pursuant to
n~Y..t./.\ i'it.t~ I'':C~- o.,r:,f. UI/lIlc.'ht.,f hlf~ ck-rC Sub Article (5) of Article 34 of the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and Sub Article (I) of
Iuy'jg nh1"'K' ?; 1o-ia h1"'K- (Ii) n.,..,I\OtD- 001P1.'-"
nlJ:'}tlt11th.C 001,.,11 ck-re mlU lJ:C.(' 0.'-" f",001P1."'tD-1 Article 5 of the Federal Courts of Sharia Consolidation
.,-P,~ n'/ ~lIIJtj'l: rCq,}li $'-111 001P1.'-" I\oop,j'-"'i Proclamation No. 188/1999, I consent/object to the
1\00~l.ia f,"ia"7"7v-!.f/,\,"iaUl/"7V- oolr~'} nkC"7V- hl.;J'" adjudication of the case, brought before this Court, under
tl]1\v-:: Civil Case File No. -, in accordance with the laws of my
fhoo/.\\1',}'. rf)°
Name of Party
hlJ: ,nl\o f"..,I\KID-'} .cJ>/.\1.,'1: .,.cnlD- hl.;J"'lIllf/.\::
ft..~ia.}t.e r9" The confirmation hereinabove stated is made under
/.,CUI/ personal appearance before me.
Name of the Registrar
UI/ ilI"'f)"

"ICY'}" M9" """'''''.,f ~L:~')' :"''''00


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