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Inglés III Del 26 al 30 de septiembre

Aprendizaje esperado: Describe y compara personas, lugares o cosas

Activity #1 Read these opinions about japanese anime and US american cartoons

 “Japanese anime is more exciting as there is more variety in the stories they tell”

 “Cartoons from US are more popular all around the world”

 “US American cartoons are duller when they are dubbed into Spanish, some other
times they sound weird as they introduce Mexican Spanish words”

 “Anime stories are more brilliant since mangakas know a lot and they make a
huge effort both to write the story and draw every scene to tell what’s happening”

 “Anime and cartooons are so catchy but if I had to choose, I’d say anime is more
fantastic and entertaining, I´d say it is trending topic”

Activity #2 Pay attention to the rules to use comparative adjectives

Bad- worse
Far- further
Producto de aprendizaje: Presentación oral comparando dos películas, series o
programas de TV

1.- Intégrate en equipos y elijan dos materiales audiovisuales de su agrado

2.- Piensen en las semejanzas y diferencias que existen entre ambos; escribe por lo menos
6 oraciones usando adjetivos comparativos para mencionarlas
3.- Prepara una presentación en Power Point para mostrar tu trabajo en clase, incluye un
video de 5 a 10 minutos con escenas de ambas películas, series o programas
4.- Asignen roles para mostrar su trabajo, no olviden incluir una introducción (decir de qué
hablarán), practicar la pronunciación y el volumen adecuado así como los elementos
necesarios para que su exposición sea exitosa.

Mencionen de
Toy Story and Cars
qué hablarán

Good morning classmates and teacher, we are going to talk about two cartoon movies,
they are Toy Story and Cars.

 Toy Story is older than Cars as it was released in 1995

 Cars is more popular than Toy Story since it earned 100 millions dollars more than
Toy Stoy
Oraciones usando

Then we are showing some scenes from both movies that are interesting/funny, we hope
you like them.
Vídeo con escenas
Thanks for paying attention to this presentation, have a nice day!


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