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Emergence Of Flame

( By: Aira Albarracin )

You just have to get rid of fear and confront the world. Look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, 'I
love you and nothing will destroy you and you're not going to fall.'

In a world full of darkness, rage, pain only a good heart

with full of determination can change that despair and who
that might be?. A rich woman who only cares for others and
not for herself, wishing to be poor and to have a life that
can make her feel what others felt in despair. Aice was
lying on the grass under the torrential rain, crying
thinking what she did wrong for people to hate her, it’s not
her fault that she is rich because it’s her parents. While
she was lying on the grass she saw the thunder but it’s
different,she’s curious so she followed the trace of the
thunder then she saw a jade… a nephrite jade, before she
touched the jade, it floated and turned into a green sword
that flames. She brings the sword with her and comes back to
her mansion, she changes her clothes and when she comes back
to the room, the sword turns into a jade again. After that
night she’s been dreaming about her when she’s young, crying
and hurt and she hears a whisper ' I love you and nothing will destroy you and
you're not going to fall.' Then a mirror starts appearing in front of her,
then the place starts shaking and a dark blood-curdling face
starts appearing and laughing… then she wakes up sweaty and
scared. A month past before she start thinking to sell the
jade, while riding in the car the jade starts shaking and
shatter she screams but after a few minutes that she opens
her eyes, the jade was gone and so the shaking… She came back
to her house exhausted and feeling her back in pain. While
looking in the mirror remembering what she had heard in her
dreams, her back started to hurt, then when she touched it
and she saw in the mirror that the jade was in her back
attached to her body, she passed out. Aice wakes up standing
in a green flames but doesn't feel any pain or burn, a flame
is floating and turns into a human form and says
“ It is impossible to strive for the heroic life. The title of hero is bestowed by the survivors upon the fallen, who themselves
know nothing of heroism.” .
The flames started rumbling and flying approaching her, she
started running and the flame burned her… that’s when she
realized that she needed to fight for herself. Hours passed and
the flames started to disappear and her body was full of bruises
and burns then she passed out. Few days passed after that night
and she became more energetic, and feels like she’s more alive
than before. She heard shouting and the people are running so
she follow where people are shouting for help and the jade
starting to rumbling and her body started to move on its own and
her hands throwing a green flame to a enormous monster that
killed people, she was fighting and throwing flames but it’s her
own body that moves her to fight. After the monster was all dead
and the silence was so loud, the people were whispering and the
others were thanking her then she started to run. After what
happened that day she started to train herself and she made a
costume for herself, and she remembered that the jade can become
a sword so she manifested and focused with her all determination
the started to feel that the jade was turning into a sword, she
studied and learned how to use the sword. She can’t control the
jade flame so she uses the sword to help her control the flame
shot. After a month of training the enemies started appearing
again but it’s now different, only a dark shadow was there but
he is powerful and he can build a monster using his shadow
realm. She was scared and had a different feeling that made her
tremble but then she remembered what the whisper said ' I love you and
nothing will destroy you and you're not going to fall.' She fought the shadow and she
can’t defeat him because the flames are just passing through
the shadow. She started panicking because she couldn't
control her flames and she might burn buildings or kill
innocent people. In a flash she was standing in the flames
again and it turned into a human form and said “ Why are we Masters
of our Fate, the captains of our souls? Because we have the power to control our thoughts, our attitudes. That is
why many people live in the withering negative world. That is why many people live in the Positive Faith world. You
can lay down and die, or you can get up and fight, but that's it - there's no turning back.” , In a blink she
started to focus and felt the heart of the jade turning into
a sword. The two were fighting and aice was slowly winning
until she defeated the shadow. The people are shouting and
cheering, they asked her name and she’s thinking that she
doesn’t want people to know what her real identity is and the
jade was a nephrite so she said ‘ I Am Nephrite “ . The world
becomes better and Aice aka nephrite becomes the hero of the

country and helps people….. I firmly believe that any man's finest
hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that
moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies
exhausted on the field of battle.

The end…

Main character : Aice aka Nephrite

Power : Jade flames and the sword flames
Antagonist: Shadow realm, Unexplainable monsters

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