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Chapter 654: Sunny looked at the runes of the Memory.

It was a Divine Memory, which left Sunny shocked, and

nervous. It was the same rank as the Mask of Weaver. This one was a Tier 1 Divine rank Tool type Memory. He
looked at the Description of the Memory: It described a conversation between the War God and the Shadow God.
The War God spoke, "Death is just the shadow of life. Peace is just the failure of war. Have you ever been something
that had not been stolen, made empty, and vile? Have you ever done something that was not futile and hollow? Can
you even exist without being cast by another? Look at how weak you are, how small you are. Am I supposed to be
frightened by a small shadow?" Shadow, looking feeble by the radiance of the Sun, laughed and rose. And as he rose,
he swallowed the lands around him and blotted out the light of the sun. There was nothing left but darkness, and in
that darkness came a hiss that made the War God tremble. The Shadow God spoke, "Life is just a prelude to death,
and war is just the key to open its gates. Everything you cherish, everything you nurture, everything that starts with
you will one day be mine, be welcomed by me, and find peace within me. This is the mercy of Shadow. Hollow...
futile... you might have come first, my sister, but when crueldy ends... I will be all that remains..." And with that the
description of the Memory ended. Sunny shivered. Shadow God was creepy. He never thought of him as terrifying
but he knew he was hated, he stood out among the gods. His temples were burnt and his followers, made into
slaves. But things that remained to be unseen were always more dangerous and Sunny knew that well. The conflict
between the War God and Shadow God was not surprising to Sunny. He had suffered from the followers of the War
God himself. He continued onto the enchantments. The singular enchantment was called Gates of Shadow: This
lantern devours light and can contain, and then release, an infinite amount of shadows. That didn't seem like much.
But it was a divine ranked relic. Sunny summoned the black lantern that seemed to be crafted by a material that
Sunny didn't recognize. It was stone, but not stone at the same time. Above it was a circular hold for the hands of
the user and attached to it were chains in case it needed to be wrapped around the hips. The lantern had sucked in
the light from the room. It was completely dark, Sunny could see fine, but another person would not be able to. He
continued observing the lantern. On one of it's side was a door, which he commanded to open. And with Sunny felt a
mild terror, he was witnessing infinity. His hearts staggered, his breath had a chill to it, his hair rose to it's end. The
lantern was empty. He needed to trap something inside first. He asked his happy shadow if it wanted to go in, it did
not. Then he asked his creepy shadow. It reluctantly went in. Sunny could still feel it's existence, but it was different.
All he could feel was that it was in a vast and terrible place. He opened the gate again and the creepy shadow came
out and secretly trembled when it thought nobody could see him. Sunny continued experimenting. He asked Saint to
enter the lantern, she didn't understand his order so continued staring at the lantern. Doesn't look like it works with
his Shadows. Then he placed the lantern to the ground when an idea clicked in his mind. He thought aloud,
commanding the nearby shadows to enter the lantern, and they did. Sunny smiled, he could work with this. SUnny
closed the gates and dismissed the Memories. It was a very useful tool. Especially since most of his abilities rely on
darkness and shadows. Having portable shadows would definitely be useful. Sunny could feel there was more to
learn from the Shadow Lantern but for now, he will learn about his new friend, Nightmare

Chapter 655: Sunny dived into his soul sea. It was a familiar sight. Whenever he was in his soul sea, he took the form
of his soul. Sunny walked beneath the triangular formation of his three soul cores. He summoned the steed and it
was just as he remembered it. However, it was no longer mad as if in cleansed by the peace of death. Sunny
observed the horse and it's features, stared at it's fangs that were on par with his Mantle of the Underworld,
something that could rip him apart. He brought his hand forward and started caressing the horse. It was like talking
to his old friend. Back when he had the dream of the Shadow Lord, riding the horse, and saying his farewells, made
Sunny care about Nightmare a lot. The horse stared back at Sunny with hints of recognition. The horse snorted, there
was clear affection in it's voice. Sunny finally read the runes of his new friend. It was an Awakened Terror Shadow.
The description told the story of how the treacherous Lost from Light tamed the creature going through endless
nightmares finally finishing their battle when the nightmares could not keep up. Sunny sighed, again. The Spell
described him as treacherous again, at least it wasn't mocking him again. He read his Shadow's attributes. [Swift]:
The Shadow is especially swift and enduring. [Dark Destrier]: The Shadow is loyal, shows no fear. It grows stronger
when surrounded by shadows.|[Dreadlord]:This Shadow grows the more it is feared. [Dreamwalker]: This Shadow
can travel through dreams. Sunny studied the Attributes. It was a loyal horse prepared to live it's life in war. It was a
fearsome creature with its rank and class alone but it grows stronger and stronger the more it is feared and when it
is surrounded by shadows, it was a terrifying cycle of fear and strength. Sunny wasn't sure about the Dreamwalker
Attribute. He jokingly thought about invading Mordret's dreams and haunting him. Now on to it's Abilities. [Flowing
Shadow]: The steed can dive into shadows and move very quickly. It was like Shadow Step without the teleportation
part. [Mantle of Fear]: This Shadow can deliver continuous mind attacks to it's foes around it. It was a terrifying
ability. Sunny was lucky to be wearing the Mantle of the Underworld when he had slept. It would also cause more
fear for the horse, strengthening it even further. [Nightmare]: This Shadow can create and subjugate nightmares.
The more nightmares that serve it, the more powerful it is, both inside and outside dreams. Dormant Nightmares:
[0]. It was the Tyrant ability of the Shadow. Instead of creating physical minions, the Shadow creates nightmares that
were one rank below it. At this time, it would be of Dormant rank. Right now though, it had no nightmares under it.
Sunny had broken through them all. It had run out of nightmares and so it had to fight Sunny outside of dreams.
Sunny wasn't sure about how to give the steed more nightmares, but knew it wouldn't be a simple or easy process.
Sunny looked at the the final Ability of Nightmare, but it was locked. It felt dead, inactive. It was called Dream Curse.
And it required 1000 Nightmares to be unlocked. Sunny thought about Nightmare. It was a fearsome creature with
great affinity to Sunny himself, as he is also a shadow. He was happy that Nightmare would fight alongside him from
now on instead of against him. If only, Nightmare came with a saddle, but didn't show his disappointed. Instead, it
continued patting the horse, promising that the two of them would terrorize many beings, to the point there will be
a saying about them. Finally, he laid down. He needed some rest, and he peacefully slept.

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