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The Worlds Most Expensive Pets ?

Elite Racing Pigeons Sell For Millions!

© 2021 Silvio Mattacchione BA MA
Racing pigeons are man's oldest feathered companions. Historically the “messenger pigeon” was
the special prerogative of the nobility and commoners were forbidden from owning pigeons.
The empires of Carthage, Egypt, and Rome made strategic use of
“messenger pigeons” as the core of a reliable communications
network. The homing pigeon enabled the elite to communicate in a
timely fashion with the most remote areas of their kingdoms and
empires at a time when horse and rider would have taken weeks or
months to deliver critical information.
It is hard to imagine racing pigeons as the ultimate communication
technology but in the ancient world, messenger pigeons were
cutting edge. It should come as no surprise that China had also
developed a sophisticated postal system based upon the use of messenger pigeons. In every age,
knowledge has meant power, and in the ancient world, the surest and swiftest way to deliver
critical information was via the racing pigeon.
In the 19th Century, Julius Reuter founded the news service that, to this day, bears his name. The
backbone of the Reuters service was the implementation of a reliable pigeon post network.
The epicenter of the modern form of pigeon racing was Belgium. The development of the
modern racing pigeon began around 1810, and by 1868, W.B. Tegetmeier in his Pigeons: Their
Structure, Varieties, Habits, and Management could write:

"From the fact that many of the breeds come from Antwerp, they are not infrequently
known as Antwerp's or Antwerp's rapidity and power of flying these birds
far exceed any other variety of pigeon with which I am acquainted...This power of
flight is conjoined with an attachment to home that is not surpassed by that of any
other pigeon".~Silvio Mattacchione

Belgium remains the center of the racing pigeon world.

Racing pigeons are cultivated for their ability to race to their birth homes at breakneck speeds.
From the deserts of the Middle East to the plains of South Africa, to the industrial towns of
Europe, to the ancient cities of China, and finally, to the skyscrapers of America, there exists a
bond that goes beyond color, creed, origin, class, and politics. Lovers of racing pigeons are part
of a worldwide fraternity and in the 21st Century, this fraternity includes China, Taiwan, and
Japan in a very big way.
The 21st Century pigeon racing sport includes white-collar, blue-collar, and no-collar workers,
millionaires, and incredibly even several billionaires. The competitive pigeon world demands
results, performance on the racecourse and in the breeding pens and that is all that matters!
Today the underlying motivation for most serious participants is the potential to garner
significant financial returns in global one loft racing events. Success in national and one loft
racing opens up possibilities to monetize desirable genetics through strict breeding programs and
stud farms.
Fanciers study pedigrees and bloodlines with the same focus and intensity that thoroughbred
racing enthusiasts do. They invest in proven performance pigeons from proven performance
bloodlines that produce above average results in one loft races worldwide. These champion
pigeons are rare, their numbers are limited and demand is global and the result of this supply and
demand imbalance naturally leads to an enormous increase in prices that certain “financially
unencumbered” fanciers are prepared to pay at public online auctions.
This recent development is the
result of the proliferation of the
internet, personal computers,
powerful cell phones, and the
implementation of these
developments within a sport that
had not changed substantially in
200 years. The internet has
enabled fanciers around the world
to access, in real-time, results of
National races in Europe, and
One Loft Race results globally.
The result is that an enormous
number of monied pigeon
Figure 1 Dr. Guo Weicheng Founder of Sihuan Farmacie is the worlds biggest enthusiasts from countries around
collector of exclusive racing pigeons. Known as “Great Wall” the development the world (most especially China)
and building of his racing pigeon facility in China is alledged to Have cost over are all chasing a select and very
$20 million US. limited number of proven
performance pigeons. Classic
“supply and demand” is the real story and the reason that these select birds have sold for some
staggering amounts. Without the development of the “ all things internet,” and the emergence
of interest by many exceedingly wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs, and the worldwide interest in
one loft racing with their huge payouts, the incredible prices being paid today on PIPA would not
have been impossible!

1960- My First Purchase

My mother and brothers and I traveled from Naples to Ellis Island in1955 and we crossed, into
Canada by train, at Ft Erie in February of 1955. In 1960 my father and I traveled, by bus, to the
Kensington Market in Toronto and it was at this outdoor market that we purchased my first pair
of pigeons. Two Blue Checkers, of non-descript breeding, for the princely sum of $1.50 Can.
And so began my now 60-year fascination with the racing homer.
1992- It All Began To Seriously Change in the early 1990s
Thirty-two years later in 1992, I purchased at public auction, sight unseen an old “Silverado
Family” Foundation Sire called “Slade” at that time my winning telephone bid was $2000.00
US for this cock on a hunch that this “Silverado” genetic package would blend with my own
“Spanjaard Family” line. It did.
1994- Kenechi Yoshihara Releases” World Champions 1994”
I designed and produced, for Mr. Yoshihara the book “ World Champions 1994” and this edition
is now very rare. It was and is an important reference to the elite racing pigeon
fanciers from Holland, Germany, Japan, the USA Belgium Canada, and the
Peoples Republic of China. Legendary fanciers include Campbell Strange,
Chris Peeman,Jef, Luc, and Nadia Houben, Antoine Jacobs, Jos Thone,
Edmond Tournier, Silvere Toye, Van Brauene, Jan Hermans, Ludo Claessens,
Gijs Peters,Willi Ritz, Raymond Hermes, Dr. Jeff Horn, Louella Lofts,
Koopman and Son.In total 56 fanciers with their key pigeons all before the
Figure 2 Kenichi advent of the internet. Kenechi Yoshihara visited me in Canada and advised
Yoshihara me that he had brokered, that year, the sale of 3 million dollars US to clients in
Japan and Taiwan. Most key pigeons at that time were brokered by agents and
representatives but that business model soon came to an end with the emergence of the PIPA
online auction platform.

1997/98 - First Million Dollar One Loft Race

I remember the very first time I heard that a South African group was going to guarantee
$1million US in prize money for “The Sun City Million Dollar Pigeon Race” a one loft race
that was open to worldwide entries and thus provided the ultimate competition. The winner of
the final race would walk away with a purse of $200,000.00 US. Simply unheard of, and at the
time most fanciers thought it impossible to achieve given all of the potential problems including
technical, logistical, customs, legal, financial, health, quarantine, transportation, regulatory, in
both the exporting and receiving nations. An incredibly impossible idea never before thought of
let alone successfully orchestrated. No one, including this writer, seriously thought that all of the
hurdles could be overcome. But overcome they were and that first million-dollar race in
1997/1998 drew 1000 entries. Six years later, that is for the 7th million dollar race the organizers
attracted 2,473 entries. It was not easy attracting participants but by the 8th year, the entries
totaled 3,703 racing pigeons. However in 2005 by their 9th race, the million-dollar race attracted
an unheard-of number of entries 5,096 (3,711 international entries and 1,385 South African
entries) from 30 different countries. These were and are huge numbers.Needless to say by the
15th running of the race the entries came from 36 countries and totaled 6,611 young racing
pigeons. 2017/18 marked the 21st running of this race with entries from 38 countries totaling
6000 racing pigeons. The entries originated from Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Iraq, Ireland, Italy,
Kuwait, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Saudi
Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Switzerland, Ukraine, United
Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States of America. I still remember that very
first million-dollar pigeon race in 1997/98 and how it was won by an American by the name of
“Qualls” who had purchased two late breds from Bob Kinney and then mated those together and
entered the very 1st million dollar pigeon race in South Africa and won $200,000.00 US.
Everything changed dramatically that day in the racing pigeon world, everything!

I asked Jim Ward, the founder and operator of the Hoosier Classic, the largest and richest ( $1,555,000.00 in guaranteed prize
monies in 2021/22) one loft race in North America what he felt the role of one loft races were
and if he thought that they were good for the future of the sport of racing pigeons.

“The role of one loft races is to offer a level playing field for all the entries. All birds
are treated equally from medication, feeding, training, and loft location. All birds are
flown on the same system. In one loft racing, you are not competing against another
handler but a breeder. I truly believe here in the United States one loft racing has
helped the pigeon sport. Not all fanciers have the luxury of flying in a club let alone a
big club. With clubs closing because of decreasing membership, fanciers still have the
option of competing with one loft racing. In most cases, a fancier can compete
against the best in their country and sometimes the world. We compete in several
races a year. San Francisco Triple Crown, Breeders Fall Classic, Southern Bell, Pacific
Northwest Challenge, Big Andy’s One Loft Race, Victoria Falls, & Crooked River
Challenge are the races we entered.” ~ Jim Ward

600 People From 7 Different Countries

Jim Gabler crossed my radar for the first time in December of 1999. Twenty- two years have
passed since that date but I can still remember the original circumstances. The event that sparked
my attention was the final dispersal sale,and retirement from the sport of the racing pigeon
legend, Campbell Strange, founder/ proprietor of the world-famous “Oakhaven Farms” of
Springtown, Texas, USA.
Mr. Strange or “Campbell” as he preferred to be called was, in 1984, the
founder of North America’s first professional “thoroughbred racing
pigeon breeding and racing facility”. Campbell, a man of vision set out
to cut out the middlemen and sought out and acquired racing pigeon
superstars direct from the European breeders as early as 1967. These
early acquisitions formed the initial base of his enormously successful
commercial breeding operation. Without a doubt, one of the world's
premier foundation breeders was “Super 73” 1981 NL 8115173
purchased by Campbell in Holland and moved to Texas. “Super 73”
from a performance point of view, was the “Secretariat” of the pigeon
racing world and from a breeding and genetic perspective was the
“Northern Dancer” of the racing pigeon breeding world. He was
Figure 3Campbell Strange a
visionary. magnificent, he was unique, he was exceptional and his descendants
carried on both his racing and breeding tradition. “Super 73” was 1st
overall Sprint Ace of Holland in 1984 and in 1985 he was 1st Overall Ace Pigeon of Holland.
Campbell Strange took the sport in North America to a whole new level and remained on the
cutting edge until at age 60 he decided to auction all of his stock pursue other interests.


1999 was the beginning of a different level of seriousness in both North American as well as the
rest of the world. European fanciers and official pigeon press watched in stunned disbelief as 600
people from seven countries converged on Chicago,USA in December 1999. It was a live, in-
person racing pigeon auction, in Chicago and yes it was indeed the auction of the century! You
can, all these years later, still feel the anticipation, the electricity, and excitement when reading
the description of the events of December 1999 found in The Racing Pigeon Digest of Jan 1,
2000 page 12. That day the public auction of the 118 racing pigeons sold for a world record total
of $504,000.00 US (and the overtime auction of young birds brought that total to $552,000. The
total dispersal garnered $620,000.00 US or an average of $4,218.00 per racing pigeon). I must
stress that this world record auction was live, in person, with no internet component whatsoever.
A world record sale that was an incredible achievement and acknowledgment of the reputation
and respect that was attained by Campbell Strange and his breeding and racing prowess. This
sale stunned the European pigeon press, it was a staggering amount at the time.

How far had the racing pigeon sport come in a relatively short period I quote Campbell Strange
on his first expensive purchase:

“The first bird I spent any money for was the 1959 Golden Gate Futurity winner, No
202. At that time the Golden Gate Futurity was one of the biggest, if not the biggest,
race in the country. I bought her a few days after the race for the grand sum of $100.
It was a ton of money for me in those days. The blood from that bird is still in my
Devriendt family today. She was a terrific hen. ~Campbell Strange

1999 The Jim Gabler Philosophy “Quality Is A Choice”

Jim Gabler first met Campbell Strange in 1996 and
he made a conscious choice to acquire many of
Campbell Strange's key birds at his complete
dispersal auction. Birds such as “Missy, Avenger,
Verona, Hekkenklak, Mr. Aristona”. Jim Gabler
decided that day that if he was to succeed he
required “Super Quality” racing pigeons and the
Campbell Strange auction gave him the unique
opportunity to acquire the very finest of Campbell’s
Figure 4 Jim Gabler "Quality Is The Only Choice" most prized breeding stock and to that end, he spent
over $61,500.00 that day.


Everything was about to change
in the world of racing pigeons,
fanciers just didn’t know it yet.
A young Belgian, the third
generation in a family of
successful racing pigeon
enthusiasts decided to create a
simple racing pigeon site
devoted to news and timely
Figure 5 Nikolaas, Carlo and Thomas brining super pigeons to the world.
interesting information. The true
potential of the internet was
really little understood, evolving daily and most racing pigeon fanciers just like most anyone had
little understanding of the revolution that the world was undergoing due to the development of
the internet and all things associated with it. I am sure most fanciers just chuckled. Though the
idea was conceived of by Nikolaas Gyselbrecht in the summer of 2001 it was not until a year or
so later that PIPA undertook its first live auction.
Nikolaas grew PIPA organically and brought in the right people at the right time including his
brother Thomas and Father Carlo. The concept was clean simple, but not easy, as it took
enormous dedication, commitment effort, and sticktoitiveness. PIPA eventually brought together
the finest available performance and breeding pigeons from acknowledged Belgian and Dutch
superstars and offered these quality performance racing pigeons direct, via their ever-developing
auction platform to a global racing pigeon audience that would have never be able to visit key
fanciers in Europe. PIPA had delivered what the worldwide marketplace wanted. Buyers finally
had access to the very best , and critically acclaimed sellers finally had access to the top buyers
worldwide and prices were finally dictated by the open market in short “supply and demand”.
Classical free-market enterprise at its best enabled by 21st-century digital technology, a highly
skilled team of researchers, developers, and experienced selectors in short super quality offered
in one online venue to the entire world, and the laws of supply and demand did the rest! The
results were exceedingly satisfactory to all concerned. Very simply put the winning formula was
the “Best birds from the Best Fanciers to the Best buyers in the world” and all of it made
possible by what was to soon become the most visited and trusted pigeon auction house in the
world “PIPA” the “Christie’s” of the racing pigeon world!
PIPA was an idea, one man’s idea, in time that idea grew into
a vision of how things might one day be, and with the passage
of some additional time it grew to incorporate other men,
each of whom brought with them their special personalities
and talents, together, the vision of the founders coupled with
the power of the then newly emerging and little understood
and even less appreciated “Internet Reformation” plus the
human resources that the founders attracted to themselves
revolutionized and reinvigorated an ancient hobby while
transforming it into, in many ways something very different.
It was in many respects the same but in so many other
respects it has now become fundamentally different. One
thing is very, very clear and that is that the sport of racing
pigeons will never again be the same. The internet and the emergence of PIPA have seen to that.

PIPA has changed for good the way that racing pigeons are viewed and marketed, how they are
appreciated and how they are valued. The emergence of PIPA has indeed facilitated the very real
birth of the global racing pigeon marketplace. No matter where you live on earth whether in 1st
world countries or 3rd world countries or anything in between we now all instantly get the results,
and instantly meet the key players.
Thanks in great part to PIPA the racing pigeon community has become more self-aware, more
focused. As racing pigeon enthusiasts are bound by a common bond and that is our collective
appreciation and primal fascination for the inherent ability of the racing pigeon to return to the
place of its birth from great distances and against all odds. This seemingly simple fact binds us all.

With the emergence of PIPA the economic model that preceded it

was no longer workable, no more would European agents buy
locally at pre-negotiated modest prices and then export their
purchases into foreign markets at substantial profits. The
PIPA/internet connection made it possible for information that
hitherto had been the exclusive preserve of a few specialist
marketers and representatives to become readily available to all who
were interested and all who had access to this incredible new tool
called the “internet”. Twenty short years ago the vast majority of
people, in all walks of life, failed to understand that the internet was
a “game-changer”. Champion breeders would soon learn the true
international market values of the lines of successful racing pigeons that they cultivated. PIPA was
the game-changer.


“As ever more markets for European racing pigeons continue to be opened up by the
PIPA organization I am confident that the prices can only continue to reflect the
scarcity of the truly exceptional specimens that continue to be sold. With so many
professional pigeon fanciers chasing so few truly excellent pigeons the marketplace
dynamics will indeed take over and so the prices can only continue to rise. We are
seeing it everywhere but the most dramatic instance is in the rapidly rising prices of
the super breed “De Rauw –Sablon”. ~ Silvio Mattacchione

The reality is that all of the success that has been achieved by the PIPA organization in the past
two decades is only the beginning of all that remains to be achieved. Nikolaas and the entire
PIPA worldwide organization had, early on,fixed its focus on the largest, fastest-growing,
richest, and most enthusiastic overseas racing pigeon market in the entire world, CHINA!
Their foresight planning and efforts paid off and PIPA is respected and recognized as the
preferred brand in China. But, truly this is only the very beginning. Like the “Silk Routes” of old
that linked South and Central Asia to Europe.PIPA has become a modern-day corporate Marco
Polo ( 1254 – January 9, 1324) that Venetian merchant traveler whose travels were recorded in
the book “Il Milione” which introduced Europeans to Central Asia and China) with the
Gyselbrecht brothers Nikolaas and Thomas realizing full well the riches to be had if they are
prepared to travel. And travel they most certainly do.
China today is without a doubt the most important market in the world for very high, I would say
exclusive racing pigeons. This was recognized by the founders of PIPA very early on so they
dedicated increasing human and economic resources to ensuring the orderly development of this
massive market. The founders of PIPA have traveled often and certainly, 2011 was the year in
which a major drive was coordinated and executed. Ultimately it boiled down to people visiting
people, decision-makers visiting buyers, and friends visiting friends. Respect and trust for
without these two
ingredients nothing is
possible. Nikolaas is
a master at both! The
Chinese people value
The incredible prices
that we see today
would not have been
possible without the
involvement of
several wealthy
Chinese collectors
and aficionados of
the racing pigeon.
Most of the greatest
performance and
breeding stock in the
world today made and make their way to China. Why ? Well simply stated, financially no one
can outbid these super-wealthy fanciers once they decide to buy.
2018 -Jim and Kelly Ward “The Hoosier Classic” Million Dollar Race In Indiana, USA
Towards the end of 2017, after five years of successfully
operating, one of the finest one loft races in the USA the
Ward family of Indiana stepped up to the plate prepared to
take their successful race over the top. Thus the Wards
personally guaranteed the largest payout in the history of one
loft racing in North America and in so doing created the very
first million-dollar pigeon race in North America’ 2021/22 series will
guarantee $1,555,000.00 US with an incredible 1st place
payout of $500,000.00 US. This race is the “Olympics” of
one Loft Racing in the Americas and draws competitors
#20 CONTADOR -Joel Verschoot- 3/17/2019- €200,000.00 ($241,818.00 US*)

#19 New Neymar- Norbrt &Stefan Ally-1/31/2021- €202,000.00 ($244,253.00*)

# 18 Brother Anette-Hok Van de Wouwer- 11/15/2020 €204,000.00 ($246,666.00 US*)

#17 Palme Kim - Hok Van de Wouwer- 11/15/2020 €204,000.00 ($246,666.00 US*)
#16 Nieuwe Olympiade-Leo Heremans-€210,000.00 ($253,921.00 US*)

#15 Nikolaas-Casaert Senechal-12/21/2014-€244,000.00 ($295,032.00 US*)

#14 DOLCE VITA-Pieter Veenstra-1/28/2012-€ 250,400.00 ($302,770.00 US*)

#13 FIRST LADY-Gino Clicque-12/27/2020-€252,000.00 ($304,705.00 US*)

#12 LLOYD-Team de Jaeger-2/3/2019-€254,000.00 ($307,123.00 US*)

#11 GOLDEN KING- Gino Clicque-12/26/2020-€300,000.00 ($362,000.00 US*)

#10 BOLT- Leo Heremans-5/18/2013-€310,000,00 ($374,835.00 US*)

#9 GOLDEN PRINCE-Gino Clicque-€360,000.00 ($435,294.00 US*)

# 8 NEW BLIKSEM-Gaby Vandenabeele-11/10/2018-€376,000.00 ($454,639.00 US*)

# 7 DIAMOND KIM-Hok Van de Wouwer-€390,000.00 ($471,567.00 US*)

# 6 MOTHER NEW KIM- Hok Van de Wouwer-€400,000.00 ($483,659.00 US*)

# 5 NEW GENERAL -Kurt and Raf Platteeuw-3/29/2020 -€404,000.00 ($488,495.00*)

#4 GOLDEN NEW KIM 887-Hok Van de Wouwer-11/16/2020 €600,000.00 ($725,488.00*

#3 MARIA- Hok Van de Wouwer-11/16/2020-€700,000.00 ($846,403.00* US)

#2 ARMANDO-Joel Verschoot-3/17/2019-€1,252,000.00 ($1,513,853.00 *US)

“Armando” hit the mainstream news worldwide in 2019 after he was sold by Joel Verschoot at
public auction on the PIPA auction platform for an incredible €1,252,000.00 or in 2021 dollars
$1,513,853.00 US. In 1999 Jim
Gabler and the Rock River Valley
Racing Pigeon Club orchestrated the
Campbell strange auction that was
rightly billed as the “Auction of The
Century” a live, in-person auction, in
Chicago that saw 600 fanciers attend
from 7 countries and where a world
record price was set for this total
dispersal. Absolutely amazing once
we understand that this auction
preceded the internet auction
platforms. Jim Gabler, that day was
also a major buyer being responsible for purchasing many of the high-selling pigeons totaling
about 10% of the entire auction value. So it was not a surprise to me that Jim Gabler searched the
entire world in an attempt to locate the perfect “Armando” specimen, and finally located a
direct daughter of “Armando” in Romania. Gabler spent a record amount to acquire this superb
daughter of “ARMANDO” which to the very best of my knowledge is the only direct daughter
of “Armando” in the Americas. Jim Gabler also owns a direct son of Porsche 911, as well as a
direct son of Boxster and a host of others, including a superb collection of Jelle Roziers Queen L,
a stunning Geerinckk collection, an award-winning Super 73 collection, and much more. For
Jim, Gabler Quality has always been THE ONLY CHOICE!
#1 NEW KIM-Hok Van de Wouwer-11/15/2020-€1,600,000.00 ($1,934,636.00 *US)

*Conversions to US dollars based on the rate in effect on April 28, 2021, €1.00 EURO=$1.20915 US Dollars

Finally, Most Expensive Racing Pigeon Ever Sold At Auction Anywhere in

The World!
However, the story does not end here as I
continued my research I discovered that in
2018 a highly reputable racing pigeon
magazine www. ran photos of
and story on a racing pigeon in China that
sold for the staggering amount of
€2,788,000.00 and his name was
“JAMES’S LEGEND” he was the 1st ACE
PIGEON of the Pioneer Club in the 2018
racing series. The bird was purchased by
the breeder Mr. James Huang from the
charity auction of all of the winners.
“JAMES’S LEGEND” the most expensive
pigeon in the world sold in China for
€2,788,000.00 or$3,381,676. US*

Figure 6 reference


Figure 7 reference


According to the “De Duif” article of 27/11/2018 the accomplishments of 18-791 named
“James’s Legend” were unsurpassed:

“… never before has such an exceptional pigeon flown in the Pioneer Club; Four weeks in a
row in the top prizes in four flights of 321 miles (500 km.) in different weather conditions (which
contributed to the decrease in the number of basketed pigeons). On his own, "James's Legend"
won 7 cars throughout the competition, including a Mercedes G63 worth ca. €150,000.

Besides the Ace Pigeon, James also won the title "Champion Loft" Pioneer 2018, and in total
he received the keys of no less than 13 different cars!

On November 20 of this year the auction of the Prize winning pigeons from the Pioneer Club
took place, and after a long bidding battle, James could take home his ace pigeon for the
unimaginable amount of 22 million Chinese yuan (renminbi), which works out at a cool
€2,788,000... An absolute world record!”

~ Reference

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