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’2 Chapter 3 Upper Limb

τ'he upper limb is ch衍acterized by its mob曲。r 姐d 翻且.ty 协 • Forearm (L. antebrach伽m) is between the elbow 础d
grasp, strike, and ~.erform fine motor skills (制例如印刷)- the wrist 姐d conta臼s the u1na 姐d m也us. It con础ts of
These characteristics 创弩 especially marked in the hand. the anterior 姐.dposte戏。r regions of the for锦rm.
E舱iency of hand func悦。a results in a 阳军e part from 也e • Hand (L. tnanu8) is dis饭lto 邸衍earm and contains the
ability to place it in 也e proper posi往on by movements at the ca:rpus, metacru:pus, and phalanges. It is composed of the
scapula也oracle, glenohum叫 elbow.,叫。也吼叫咱 wris飞 pahn, dorsum of hand, and digit嚣(finger嚣,组clu也ng
joints.τ'he upper limb consists of 阳rse伊1ent嚣, w如ch are the opposable thumb)姐d is richly supplied 叫.th sensory
缸地ersubc监飞lidedinto m庐ns (Figs. 3.1and3.2): endings 衍如叫, p础, and temper阳也

• Shoulder, which includes the deltoid, pee协时, scapular,

姐d la怡ra1 part of lateral cervical region.τ'he P创协ral BONES OF UPPER LIMB
(shoulder) girdle is a bony ring. incomplete po白白1rl实
formed by the scapul槌拙dcla飞往cles 拍dcompleted 相协 The p创oral girdle and bones of the free part of the upper
riorly by the manubrium of the s恰mum. limb form 也e superior appendicular skeleton, which ar-
• Arm (L. brachium) is between 正he shoulder and 也e ticulates with the 剧al skeleton only at the stemocla:飞往cular
elbow and is 臼a怡red around 也e humerus. It cons始ts of j怕也 allo呐nggre以 mob山飞y (Fig. 3.3).四e pee协ra1 ,~e
the an怡划。r and posterior regions of 由e arm. is suppor切d, stab也zed, and propelled by axio-appendicular

’12 Pectoral girdle



,栩栩rlor V协w


Posterior view

1. DeHold 9.P倒饱舶r 创bow

pectoral 10. Anterior forearm
Phalang幡 t而即lgle 11. Poster切rforearm
3.P树tor我1 12.An拥而orw前就
4.S倒pular 13.P铺怡舶rwrfst
5.A>dllary 14. 阳附印al mar
6. Anterior arm 15. 阳rsumof hand
7. Posterior ann 16. Digits (币nger事
8. Cubital ir四川ing 自humb)

FIGURE J.1. S句:m•ntsand b翩翩。f upper limb. The upper limb is

divided int。 four m嚣.in segments: shoulder, arm,旬,曹毡,,n,and hand. FIGURE 事.2. 民咿棚”f叩p1rlimb.

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