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Larabelle Adrianne M.

Assignment in Math

65. If today is Friday,

a. what day of the week will it be 25 days from now?
7 ÷ 25 = 3 Reminder 4
Answer: 4 signifies 4 days after Friday, which is Tuesday.

b. what day of the week was it 32 days ago?

7 ÷ 32 = 4 Reminder 4
Answer: 4 signifies 4 days before Friday, which is Tuesday

66. If today is Wednesday,

a. what day of the week will it be 115 days from now?
7 ÷ 115 = 16 Reminder 3
Answer: 3 signifies 3 days after Wednesday, which is Saturday

b. what day of the week was it 81 days ago?

7 ÷ 81 = 12 Reminder 4
Answer: 4 signifies 4 days before Wednesday, which is Sunday.

68. In 2002, April Fool’s day (April 1) fell on a Monday. On what day of the week will April Fool’s Day fall
in 2013?
11 x 365 + 1 = 4016
7 ÷ 4016 = 573 Reminder 5
Answer: So the day of the week 4016 days after April 1, 2002 (April Fool’s Day), will be the same as the
day 5 days after April 1, 2002. Thus April 1, 2013 will be a Saturday.

73. 2x = 12 mod 5
75. (2x+1) = 5 mod 4

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