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Larabelle Adrianne M.


Many different situations raise questions about human dignity. Most people
understand it to be a crucial component in defending human rights and
determining what is right and moral. All people are guaranteed certain rights
by virtue of being human, and these rights cannot be denied based on factors
that distinguish one person from another, such as gender, race, sexual
orientation, and so on. Because it keeps us from sinking in hopelessness and
becoming overcome by negativity, I firmly believe that everyone should have
a feeling of respect toward themselves. Since it is the value of a person's
being, dignity allows us to see our perspective with compassion and
contentment. Although this equality is frequently not valued or promoted in
practice, the vast majority of religions all teach in favor of it. All people have
dignity, according to Catholic beliefs, because they were made in the image of

While the Catholic Social Teaching takes a strong stance on problems

surrounding the beginning and end of life (such as the death penalty and
abortion), the principle of human dignity also has significant ramifications for
everything in between. It may impact, for instance, how we approach issues of
civil rights, how we confront global inequalities, and how our society supports
those who have disabilities. The themes of "Preferential Option for the Poor"
and "Authentic Human Development" within Catholic Social Teaching arise
from the notion that all individuals have intrinsic dignity.

Catholic Social Teaching is not the only one who believes that every life is
valuable; international human rights, which are likewise universal, unalienable,
and inviolable, also hold this belief. But because of its foundation, Catholic
Social Teaching is slightly different. It grounds Human Dignity in the solid
pillars of Catholic Church traditionalism about the holiness of creation as
revealed in the narrative of our creation (Genesis) and God's incarnation

It defends all human rights and prescribes how individuals ought to be treated.
Humans have a natural affinity for the idea of human rights, but they also
instinctively seek out justifications to exclude particular groups of individuals.
Traits including gender, color, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and others have
been utilized to damage and practice discrimination. Inherent rights prove that
discrimination is wrong and come from the idea of human dignity. People who
support prejudice and violate human rights may face consequences.
Respecting human dignity is important because it promotes a just and
equitable society where everyone can prosper.

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