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Themed: *AGONY*

I've seen *pain* but this, I do not know how so deeply it daggers pierced my heart.

The rain outside couldn't stop reminding me of how mama died in an auto crash and for
months, I was inconsolable. Not helping things, her ghost kept on appearing to me, turning my
once brave body into a cowardly one. My iris would refuse to be shielded by my eyelids as her
memories kept flowing and landlocked in my heart. I'll cry till my eyes swell.

My head hurts like being pounded by drummed conundrums, following the dreams at night.
He,being a bold man, never succumbed to any difficulty coming his way but at mama's burial,
he cried like a baby. I could now understand the true meaning of filial love.

Depression took a gripping hold of papa, turning the once great man I knew into a slave of
bad health. As if that was not enough, his stroke broke the camel's back and that was the last
Soon, he got on a sick bed which later became his death bed. Health talks, therapy, and
checkups couldn't save him as he finally breathed his last that early morning and was laid to rest
right beside his beloved, my mom.

The thunderstorms and lightning that accompanied his last breath came as a scarecrow. I
couldn't just fathom how I lost them- papa and momma in a few months.

Our uncle took it as a responsibility to parent us, but we could see ourselves in the streets
with rags dangling from our necks. The orphan's story ,how painful life was!

The bridge harbors our frail body, and it became home for our age-long dream.

I wanted to be a doctor and my sister, Bisi, envisioned becoming an engineer.

From sympathizing with us, we slowly let our friends into our world and they successfully
influenced us. In less than two months after the demise of our parents, Bisi started a business
tagged "Trade by batter",she earned money from pleasuring men.

That was not what we planned for ourselves. But,I couldn't complain because I never had an

I also joined the notorious sequel gang, at least, it kept body and soul together.
Not knowing we're threading the destructive path, I knew I didn't want our life to be lived that
way but who are we to disagree with fate?

Soon, I became an expert, robbing and drinking, now my blood and bone, I was ranked next
in command to *snake*, our boss.

Our last mission was partially unsuccessful, as "snake" was arrested and I ranked myself
the boss.

I could see the sky turning grey, my turn to leave drew near.

It happened that I left the world that fateful afternoon, the grey sky told us it was the end time
but our tongues were sweet already.

The bank claimed my life as our duel with the blood tasty officers couldn't let us in.

At least, I'll rest in peace and quietness as I die.

Free from this unending gloom.

The pull of the trigger kept me awakened from my nightmare, the rain seemed to make it a
reality though.

© Lightening pen.

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