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LIC's SIIP (T-852)

Benefit Illustration

LIC's SIIP (T-852)

A Unit Linked, Non-participating, Regular Premium, Individual, Life Insurance Plan
(Unique Identification Number - 512L334V01)

Distribution channel Offline Agency name Agency code

Name of prospect Ms. Vishal patil Age of prospect 38 Date of illustration 10 Sep 2022
Name of life assured Mr. Vishal patil Age of life assured 38 Benefit UID
Policy term 20 Premium paying term 20 Premium payment mode Monthly
Sum assured 600000 Instalment premium 5000 GST rate 18.00%
Fund opted Growth fund Risk level High risk Investment strategy Self managed
LIC's Linked ADB rider Not opted

How to read and understand this benefit illustration?

This benefit illustration is intended to show what charges are deducted from your premiums and how the unit fund, net of charges and taxes,
may grow over the years of the policy term if the fund earns a gross return of 8% p.a. or 4% p.a. These rates, i.e., 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. are
assumed only for the purpose of illustrating the flow of benefits if the returns are at this level. It should not be interpreted that the returns
under the plan are going to be either 8% p.a. or 4% p.a.

Net yield mentioned corresponds to the gross investment return of 8% p.a., net of all charges but does not consider mortality, morbidity
charges, underwriting extra, if any, guarantee charges and cost of riders, if deducted by cancellation of units. It demonstrates the impact of
charges exclusive of taxes on the net yield. Please note that the mortality charges per thousand sum assured in general, increases with age.

The actual returns can vary depending on the performance of the chosen fund, charges towards mortality, morbidity, underwriting extra, cost
of riders, etc. The investment risk in this policy is borne by the policyholder, hence, for more details on terms and conditions please read
sales literature carefully.

Part A of this statement presents a summary view of year-by-year charges deducted under the policy, fund value, surrender value and the
death benefit, at two assumed rate of return. Part B of this statement presents a detailed break-up of the charges, and other values.
Part A:
(Amount in rupees)
At 4%p.a. gross investment return At 8%p.a. gross investment return
Other Other
charges charges Commissio
(including GST (including GST n (incl.
FMC and (excluding FMC and (excluding bonus
Policy Annualised GST on GST on Fund at GST on GST on Fund at
Mortality Surrender Death Mortality Surrender Death commission
year premium FMC but FMC and end FMC but FMC and end
charges value benefit charges value benefit ) payable to
excluding discontinua of year excluding discontinua of year intermediar
discontinua nce discontinua nce y
nce charge charge) nce charge charge)
and its and its
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
1 60000 1116 5259 1065 53696 49894 600000 1115 5266 1065 54813 50932 600000 -
2 60000 1082 4637 789 110495 107663 600000 1077 4680 788 114956 112124 600000 -
3 60000 1042 5549 781 168685 166561 600000 1026 5667 779 178952 176828 600000 -
4 60000 990 6484 772 228314 226898 600000 956 6716 766 247066 245650 600000 -
5 60000 921 7442 760 289435 289435 600000 858 7833 748 319593 319593 600000 -
6 60000 827 6940 473 356908 356908 600000 719 7539 453 401690 401690 600000 -
7 60000 690 8025 448 423140 423140 600000 518 8887 417 486206 486206 600000 -
8 60000 524 9090 418 491137 491137 600000 262 10274 371 576361 576361 600000 -
9 60000 308 10183 379 561001 561001 600000 16 11755 327 672499 672499 672499 -
10 60000 55 11308 334 638819 638819 638819 0 13331 324 780716 780716 780716 -
11 60000 0 12558 324 712544 712544 712544 0 15104 324 889754 889754 889754 -
12 60000 0 13742 324 788013 788013 788013 0 16892 324 1005664 1005664 1005664 -
13 60000 0 14954 324 865267 865267 865267 0 18791 324 1128879 1128879 1128879 -
14 60000 0 16194 324 944348 944348 944348 0 20811 324 1259860 1259860 1259860 -
15 60000 0 17464 324 1034300 1034300 1034300 0 22957 324 1408095 1408095 1408095 -
16 60000 0 18908 324 1117380 1117380 1117380 0 25387 324 1556673 1556673 1556673 -
17 60000 0 20242 324 1202424 1202424 1202424 0 27822 324 1714615 1714615 1714615 -
18 60000 0 21607 324 1289480 1289480 1289480 0 30410 324 1882512 1882512 1882512 -
19 60000 0 23005 324 1378596 1378596 1378596 0 33162 324 2060990 2060990 2060990 -
20 60000 0 24436 324 1489374 1489374 1489374 0 36087 324 2269264 2269264 2269264 -

*See 'Part B' for details

Force Majeure Conditions:
a. The Corporation shall value the funds (SFIN) on each day for which financial markets are open. However, the Corporation may value the SFIN
less frequently in extreme circumstances external to the Corporation, i.e. in force majeure events, where the value of the assets is too
uncertain. In such circumstances, the Corporation may defer the valuation of the assets for up to 30 days until the Corporation is certain that
the valuation of SFIN can be resumed.
b. The Corporation will inform IRDAI of such deferment of the valuation of assets. During the continuance of the force majeure events, all
requests for servicing the policy, including policy related payment, shall be kept in abeyance.
c. The Corporation will continue to invest as per the investment pattern of the fund type opted by the policyholder. However, the Corporation
reserves the right to change the exposure of all or any part of the fund to money market instruments (as defined under Regulations 2(j) of
IRDAI(Investment) Regulations, 2016) in circumstances mentioned under points (a) and (b) above. The exposure of the chosen fund shall be
reinstated within reasonable timelines once the force majeure situation ends.
d. Few examples of such circumstances as mentioned in point (a) & (b) above are:
i. When one or more stock exchanges which provide a basis for valuation of the assets of the fund are closed otherwise than for ordinary
ii. When, as a result of political, economic, monetary or any circumstances which are not in the control of the Corporation, the disposal of the
assets of the fund would be detrimental to the interests of the continuing policyholders.
iii. In the event of natural calamities, strikes, war, civil unrest, riots and bandhs.
iv. In the event of any force majeure or disaster that affects the normal functioning of the Corporation.
e. In such an event, an intimation of such force majeure event shall be uploaded on the Corporation’s website for information.

In this policy, the investment risk is borne by the policyholder and the above interest rates are only for illustrative purpose.

I, ___________________________(name), have explained the I, ___________________________(name), having received the

premiums, charges and benefits under the policy fully to the information with respect to the above, have understood the above
prospect/policyholder. statemement before entering into the contract.

Place: Place:
Date: Signature of agent/intermediary/official Date: Signature of prospect/policyholder
Part B:
(Amount in rupees)
Gross yield (p.a.) 8.00% Net yield (p.a.) 6.13%
(excluding FMC
Premium Accident Refund
Annualised GST on Policy Addition Fund (including Fund Fund at
Policy Annualised allocation Mortality benefit Guarantee of Surrender Death
premium FMC and admin to before tax after end of
year premium charge charge rider d addition mortality value benefit
less PAC discontinu charge the fund FMC charge FMC year
(PAC) charge charge
ance on FMC)
(1) (2) (3) (4)=(2)-(3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)= (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1 60000 4800 55200 1115 1065 0 0 2259 55279 466 54813 0 0 54813 50932 600000
2 60000 3300 56700 1077 788 0 0 6689 116336 1380 114956 0 0 114956 112124 600000
3 60000 3300 56700 1026 779 0 0 11467 181318 2367 178952 0 0 178952 176828 600000
4 60000 3300 56700 956 766 0 0 16553 250482 3416 247066 0 0 247066 245650 600000
5 60000 3300 56700 858 748 0 0 21967 324127 4533 319593 0 0 319593 319593 600000
6 60000 1800 58200 719 453 0 0 27809 404429 5739 398690 3000 0 401690 401690 600000
7 60000 1800 58200 518 417 0 0 34338 493292 7087 486206 0 0 486206 486206 600000
8 60000 1800 58200 262 371 0 0 41062 584835 8474 576361 0 0 576361 576361 600000
9 60000 1800 58200 16 327 0 0 48236 682454 9955 672499 0 0 672499 672499 672499
10 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 55872 786247 11531 774716 6000 0 780716 780716 780716
11 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 64466 903059 13304 889754 0 0 889754 889754 889754
12 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 73125 1020755 15092 1005664 0 0 1005664 1005664 1005664
13 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 82330 1145870 16991 1128879 0 0 1128879 1128879 1128879
14 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 92115 1278870 19011 1259860 0 0 1259860 1259860 1259860
15 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 102517 1420252 21157 1399095 9000 0 1408095 1408095 1408095
16 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 114289 1580260 23587 1556673 0 0 1556673 1556673 1556673
17 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 126088 1740637 26022 1714615 0 0 1714615 1714615 1714615
18 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 138631 1911122 28610 1882512 0 0 1882512 1882512 1882512
19 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 151964 2092352 31362 2060990 0 0 2060990 2060990 2060990
20 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 166138 2285004 34287 2250716 12000 6548 2269264 2269264 2269264

Gross yield (p.a.) 4.00%

(excluding FMC
Premium Accident Refund
Annualised GST on Policy Addition Fund (including Fund Fund at
Policy Annualised allocation Mortality benefit Guarantee of Surrender Death
premium FMC and admin to before tax after end of
year premium charge charge rider d addition mortality value benefit
less PAC discontinu charge the fund FMC charge FMC year
(PAC) charge charge
ance on FMC)
(1) (2) (3) (4)=(2)-(3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)= (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1 60000 4800 55200 1116 1065 0 0 1136 54155 459 53696 0 0 53696 49894 600000
2 60000 3300 56700 1082 789 0 0 3307 111832 1337 110495 0 0 110495 107663 600000
3 60000 3300 56700 1042 781 0 0 5563 170935 2249 168685 0 0 168685 166561 600000
4 60000 3300 56700 990 772 0 0 7875 231498 3184 228314 0 0 228314 226898 600000
5 60000 3300 56700 921 760 0 0 10245 293577 4142 289435 0 0 289435 289435 600000
6 60000 1800 58200 827 473 0 0 12712 359048 5140 353908 3000 0 356908 356908 600000
7 60000 1800 58200 690 448 0 0 15395 429365 6225 423140 0 0 423140 423140 600000
8 60000 1800 58200 524 418 0 0 18029 498427 7290 491137 0 0 491137 491137 600000
9 60000 1800 58200 308 379 0 0 20734 569384 8383 561001 0 0 561001 561001 600000
10 60000 1800 58200 55 334 0 0 23515 642326 9508 632819 6000 0 638819 638819 638819
11 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 26607 723302 10758 712544 0 0 712544 712544 712544
12 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 29535 799954 11942 788013 0 0 788013 788013 788013
13 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 32532 878420 13154 865267 0 0 865267 865267 865267
14 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 35599 958742 14394 944348 0 0 944348 944348 944348
15 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 38740 1040964 15664 1025300 9000 0 1034300 1034300 1034300
16 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 42311 1134487 17108 1117380 0 0 1117380 1117380 1117380
17 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 45610 1220866 18442 1202424 0 0 1202424 1202424 1202424
18 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 48987 1309288 19807 1289480 0 0 1289480 1289480 1289480
19 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 52444 1399801 21205 1378596 0 0 1378596 1378596 1378596
20 60000 1800 58200 0 324 0 0 55983 1492455 22636 1469819 12000 7554 1489374 1489374 1489374
1. Refer the sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. The above illustrations are for indicative purpose. The annual charges shown above are sum total of charges deducted throughout the policy year
as per the frequency/conditions detailed in sales brochure/policy document.
3. This illustration is prepared by considering standard life (from medical, life style and occupation point of view) and assuming LIC's Linked Accidental
Death Benefit rider is not opted for.
4. Fund at the start shall be the amount available for investment in the first year and prevoius year's end fund for rest of the years.
5. Above calculations have been performed considering deductions of mortality charge and tax charge on mortality charge at the start of each policy
month and deduction of FMC and Tax charge on FMC the end of each policy month.
6. Tax charge (currently GST) is subject to change from time to time.
7. Total death benefit is the amount payable immediately on death of the life assured, which is higher of (basic sum assured reduced by partial
withdrawal made during the two years period immediately preceding the date of death) or unit fund value or (105% of the total premiums received
reduced by partial withdrawal during the two years period immediately preceding the date of death), where basic sum assured is (10 * annualized
premium), for age less than 55 and (7 * annualized premium), for age greater than or equal to 55.
8. The death benefit has been calculated assuming that death occurs on completion of the policy year and the option of partial withdrawal has not
been exercised.
9. The above illustration assumes the policy is surrendered on completion of the policy year after addition of guaranteed addition in unit fund. In case
the policy is surrendered on or before 5 years' lock-in-period, surrender value shown above equals unit fund value at the end of policy year minus
discontinuance charge minus tax charge on discontinuance charge. This amount shall be transferred to the discontinued policy fund and the
proceeds of the discontinued policy fund shall be payable on completion of 5 years' lock-in-period. In case the policy is surrendered after expiry of 5
years' lock-in-period, the surrender value shall be payable immediately.
10. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.

I, ___________________________(name), have explained the I, ___________________________(name), having received the

premiums, charges and benefits under the policy fully to the information with respect to the above, have understood the above
prospect/policyholder. statemement before entering into the contract.

Place: Place:
Date: Signature of agent/intermediary/official Date: Signature of prospect/policyholder

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