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2018 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]

Application of machine learning in rheumatic

disease research
Ki-Jo Kim1 and Ilias Tagkopoulos2,3

Division of Rheumatology, Over the past decade, there has been a paradigm shift in how clinical data are
Department of Internal Medicine, collected, processed and utilized. Machine learning and artificial intelligence,
College of Medicine, The Catholic
University of Korea, Seoul, Korea; fueled by breakthroughs in high-performance computing, data availability
Department of Computer Science, and algorithmic innovations, are paving the way to effective analyses of large,
Genome Center, University of
multi-dimensional collections of patient histories, laboratory results, treatments,
California, Davis, CA, USA
and outcomes. In the new era of machine learning and predictive analytics, the
Received : September 23, 2018 impact on clinical decision-making in all clinical areas, including rheumatology,
Accepted : November 18, 2018 will be unprecedented. Here we provide a critical review of the machine-learning
methods currently used in the analysis of clinical data, the advantages and lim-
Correspondence to
Ki-Jo Kim, M.D. itations of these methods, and how they can be leveraged within the field of rheu-
Division of Rheumatology, matology.
Department of Internal
Medicine, College of Medicine,
Keywords: Rheumatology; Machine learning; Prediction
St. Vincent's Hospital, The
Catholic University of Korea, 93
Jungbu-daero, Paldal-gu, Suwon
16247, Korea
Tel: +82-31-249-8805
Fax: +82-31-253-8898

INTRODUCTION state-of-the-art in a variety of applications, including

speech and visual object recognition, machine transla-
Machine learning (ML) is a field of computer science tion, natural language processing, and text automation
that aims to create predictive models from data. It [5,7]. Similarly, AI is broader than ML in that it uses the
makes use of algorithms, methods and processes to un- latter as a prediction engine feeding decision support
cover latent associations within the data and to create and recommendation systems that are more than the
descriptive, predictive or prescriptive tools that exploit sum of their parts. AI has been around for more than
those associations [1]. It is often related to data mining 70 years, born out of our appreciation and admiration
[2], pattern recognition [3], artificial intelligence (AI) [4], of the power and inner workings of human intelligence
and deep learning (DL) [5]. Although there are no clear [8]. Moreover, ML and AI are already part of our every-
definitions or boundaries among these areas and they day lives, as they underlie our web searches [9], e-mail
often overlap, it is generally agreed that DL is a more anti-spam filters [10], hotel and airline bookings [11],
recent sub-field of ML that uses computationally inten- language translators [12], targeted advertising [13], and
sive algorithms and big data [6] to capture complex re- many other services [14]. Lately, ML and AI have cap-
lationships within the data. Using multi-layered artifi- tured the world's imagination in applications involving
cial neural networks, DL has dramatically improved the various complex games, with one of the most celebrat-

Copyright © 2018 The Korean Association of Internal Medicine pISSN 1226-3303

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( eISSN 2005-6648
by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited4
The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine. 2018 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]

Artificial intelligence

ƒ(χ) Clustering
Machine learning
Reinforcement learning
Active learning
Deep learning
Transfer learning
Natural language processing
Decision support systems
Computer vision


Inference Algorithms
Sampling Complexity
Distributions Databases
Probability Big data
Bayesian methods High performance computing

Figure 1. An overview of fields related to learning from data. AI, artificial intelligence.

ed cases being the GO match held in 2016 between son for Oncology [18] and an expert board of oncolo-
Sedol Lee, one of the top GO players in the world, and gists was highly variable, with a range of 17.8% to 97.9%
the computer program AlphaGo [5]. Fig. 1 provides a depending on the tumor type, stage, hospital, and
grouping of the different fields related to ML and AI. country [19]. Moreover, in recent news, the tool report-
The concept of ML dates to the 1940s but its devel- edly recommended unsafe cancer treatment plans [20].
opment since the 1990s has been rapidly accelerated Therefore, a thorough understanding and judicious
by the confluence of four key factors: the digitalization approaches to ML are required to ensure its reasonable
and storage of a massive amount of high-dimensional use in research and clinical practice. This is especially
data at low cost; the development of general and graph- apparent given the complex nature of medicine, which
ic processors with high computational power; break- involves the interactive combination of clinical and bio-
throughs in ML algorithms that have significantly im- logical features in disease manifestation and diagnosis;
proved performance and minimized errors; and the free a continuous inflow of new medical tools and drugs;
availability of open-source tools, codes, and models. In socio-economic factors, such as the permission to treat
a clinical setting, ML and AI tools can help physicians that must be obtained from insurance companies; drug
ton understand a disease better and more accurately regulation and release by the regulatory agencies of the
evaluate patients’ status based on high-throughput mo- various countries; and ethical issues dealing with the
lecular and imaging techniques, which at the same time use of electronic medical records (EMRs).
reveal the complexity and heterogeneity of the disease Rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis
[15-17]. Nonetheless, equal to the promise of ML/AI are (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syn-
the potential dangers that may arise if too much trust drome, systemic sclerosis, idiopathic inflammatory
is placed in automated diagnosis and decision tools. As myositis, and the systemic vasculitides, are chronic
a cautionary tale, the concordance between IBM’s Wat- autoimmune inflammatory disorders with multi-or-

Kim KJ and Tagkopoulos I. Machine learning in rheumatology

gan involvement. Complex interactions between a traditional statistical modeling is generally fitted to
multitude of environmental and genetic factors affect produce the simplest, most parsimonious model and
disease development and progression [21,22]. In view yields a result that is easy to understand and interpret.
of their heterogeneity, most rheumatic diseases are not However, clinical and biological factors are usually not
defined as a single entity but as a single group accord- independent of each other and their associations may
ing to established classification criteria [21,22]. Previous be non-linear. ML approaches, however, consider all
risk-prediction models for disease development and possible interactions between variables according to
outcome based on population-wide databases work well multi-dimensional non-linear patterns, irrespective of
on average, but in terms of precision medicine many the degree of complexity, while aggressively seeking to
of the diagnostic and management needs of patients capture as many informative and interesting features
with rheumatic diseases are still unmet [23,24]. In this as possible. Nonetheless, by the same token, this can
setting, ML can suggest effective solutions for the un- produce a complicated and sophisticated model that
settled issues arising from complex and heterogeneous is not easy to understand or interpret. Fifth, it is often
diseases such as rheumatic diseases [16]. ML applica- the case that the results of clinical studies are not con-
tions in multi-omics datasets were examined in detail sistent across studies, due to differences in the charac-
in a series of recent reviews [7,25-29], and the superb teristics of the study population, the sample size or the
performance of DL in image analysis has been the focus measured variables (number, scale, and method). This
of recent papers [30-33]. Here we review the core princi- is partly because traditional models seek a goodness of
ples and processes of ML that are applicable to clinical fit in a set of study samples. By contrast, the fundamen-
medicine as well as the current use of ML in research tal goal of ML is to generalize beyond the examples in
on rheumatic diseases. Our aim is to help clinicians the training set. Generalization is feasible because the
and rheumatologists to understand better the basics of models derive from a much larger dataset, are then val-
ML and its relevant research applications. idated in an independent dataset and further tuned to
obtain the best performance [38,39].

THE BASICS OF MACHINE LEARNING Types of machine learning

There are many types of ML algorithms, as shown in
Differences from traditional statistical models Fig. 2. One of the most widely used categorizations
There are substantial differences between ML and tra- separates them into three classes: supervised, unsuper-
ditional statistics. First, ML concentrates on the task vised, and reinforcement learning.
of “prediction,” by using general-purpose learning
algorithms to find patterns in often rich and unwieldy Supervised learning
data. By contrast, statistical methods have a long-stand- Supervised learning searches for the relationship be-
ing focus on inference, which is achieved through the tween a set of features (input variables) and one or more
creation and fitting of a project-specific probability known outcomes (output classes or labels) and then de-
model [34]. Second, most ML techniques are hypoth- rives a function that predicts the output value for a set
esis-free, as their aim is to reconstruct associations of unlabeled input values based on an acceptable degree
within the data, whereas traditional statistics usually of fidelity [17,36,37]. For supervised learning to work,
rely on specific assumptions and hypotheses, often the training data should have the correct input-output
those stemming from the model that has generated the pairs, which should be labeled by experts. Supervised
data [35]. Third, the toolsets used to evaluate the gen- learning includes both classification, where the task
eralization errors of an ML model (receiver-operating is to predict the group or class to which a new sample
characteristic curves, cross-validation, among others) should be assigned (hence the output is a discrete vari-
are generally different from those of traditional statis- able), and regression, where the value of a continuous
tical techniques, which mostly rely on a calculation of variable for a new sample must be estimated. For ex-
the p value to reject a null hypothesis [34,36,37]. Fourth, ample, to determine whether a set of clinical features 3
The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine. 2018 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]




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Figure 2. Overview of categorical types and different ma-



chine-learning algorithms. AI, artificial intelligence.



can predict the treatment response in patients with RA Unsupervised learning algorithms include clustering
treated with a specific therapy, researchers can apply methods such as hierarchical or k-means clustering,
a supervised learning algorithm to a dataset in which principal component analysis, t-distributed stochastic
each patient record contains the set of clinical features neighbor embedding (t-SNE), non-negative matrix fac-
of interest and a label specifying the degree of disease torization, and latent class analysis [17,36,37,43].
responsiveness (e.g., “good,” “moderate,” “no” response,
in conformity with the EULAR response criteria) [40]. Reinforcement learning
Supervised learning algorithms include logistic and lin- Reinforcement learning is an area of ML that is based
ear regression, naïve Bayesian classifiers, decision trees on behavioral psychology, namely, how software agents
and random forests, support vector machines (SVMs), take actions in a particular environment to maximize
k-nearest neighbors, and neural networks [17,36,37]. the cumulative reward [39]. The best example is game
theory and the above-mentioned AlphaGo, which plac-
Unsupervised learning es a stone at a specific position on the board at a certain
Unsupervised learning is a sub-field of ML that at- point in the game to maximize the winning rate [44]. A
tempts to identify the structure in the data without similar method was also used to select the best initial
the need for a training set, classes, or labels [17,36,37]. time for second-line therapy in patients with non-small
In the medical field, an example would be to identi- cell lung cancer [45]. However, although it has great po-
fy hidden subsets of patients with similar clinical or tential, reinforcement learning is not often applied to
molecular characteristics as described in the data. For clinical settings, as it needs rigorously defined clinical
example, patients with diffuse-type systemic sclerosis states, observations (vitals, lab results, among others),
can be further categorized as having inflammatory, fi- and actions (treatment) and rewards, which are quite
broproliferative, or normal-like disease based on their difficult to define and are sometimes unknown.
skin’s molecular signature [41,42]. The significance of
this additional grouping can be further evaluated by Transfer learning
determining correlations with clinical features and Transfer learning is the improvement of the learning
performance in subsequent supervised learning tasks. of a new task through the transfer of knowledge from

Kim KJ and Tagkopoulos I. Machine learning in rheumatology

Raw data
Cleaning Train Hyperparameters selection instances
Dimension reduction Training and validation
Extraction set
Machine Model Final model
Features Validating
and labels set
Tune Predicted
set Estimate

Extraction Training Prediction

Figure 3. Workflow to develop a supervised machine-learning-based predictive model.

a related task that has already been learned [46]. The DCNN accurately classified tuberculosis with an area
assumption is that a model pre-trained in a dataset under the curve (AUC) of 0.99.
that has some similarities with the final dataset, i.e.,
the one that will ultimately be used for training, will
perform better and be trained faster than if the model SALIENT POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN RUN-
is exposed only to the latter. The two conditions under NING MACHINE LEARNING
which this assumption holds true are: (1) the final data-
set is much smaller than what is dictated by both the Medical or healthcare data can be presented in a table
task at hand and the complexity of the model and (2) consisting of two components: rows of samples (obser-
the pre-training dataset and the final dataset have some vations or instances) and columns of features (variables
commonalities that are informative for that task. For or attributes). A schematic diagram of a supervised ML
example, assume that a model is to be trained to recog- process is provided in Fig. 3. In data science, a pro-
nize black swans in images but only a few dozen images grammed machine or model type is called a “learner.”
of swans of any kind are available; hence, the dataset is In the following we discuss several points that should
sufficient to train only the simplest of neural networks. be kept in mind when ML is used.
In an alternative approach, large datasets comprising
hundreds of thousands of images of birds in general Data quantity, quality, and their control
can be substituted to pre-train the classifier to recog- In ML, the data are of high dimensionality and the
nize birds. This pre-trained “bird” classifier can then sample size is large, so-called Big Data. An exploration
be taught, using the key informative features of a bird of each subgroup of the data can reveal hidden struc-
(feathers, wings, beak, etc.), to recognize black swans tures by extracting important common features across
from other items, including other birds. In a more many subgroups even when there are large individual
relevant study for clinicians, Lakhani and Sundaram variations. This is not feasible when the sample size is
[47] adopted two famous deep convolutional neural net- small because outliers may be mistakenly identified
work (DCNN) models for image classification, AlexNet [51]. However, Big Data, a term applicable to EMRs, are
[48] and GoogLeNet [49], pretrained on ImageNet [50], inevitably characterized by certain weaknesses [51-53].
to differentiate pulmonary tuberculosis from the nor- High dimensionality brings noise accumulation, spu-
mal condition on a simple chest radiograph. DL with a rious correlations, and incidental endogeneity [51]. In 5
The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine. 2018 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]

addition, because the massive samples in Big Data are step for many ML algorithms. Predictor variables with
typically aggregated from multiple sources at different ranges of different orders of magnitude can exert a dis-
times using different technologies, issues of heteroge- proportionate influence on the results. In other words,
neity, experimental variation, and statistical bias arise. in the context of an algorithm, predictor variables with
Medical data are no exception, as there are clear differ- a greater range of scale may dominate. The scaling of
ences between the formats used in EMRs, laboratory feature values implicitly ensures equal weights of all
instruments, scales, assay reagents, and laboratory data features in their representation and should be the ap-
notation methods. Furthermore, clinical and laboratory plied preprocessing approach in ML algorithms such
elements are often recorded incompletely or according as linear regression, SVM, and k-nearest neighbors [37].
to the preference of the particular doctor and therefore
differently. In fact, the accuracy, completeness and Training, validation, and test datasets
comparability of EMR data were shown to vary from For ML, the data are usually split into training, valida-
element to element by 10% to 90% [54]. The same dis- tion, and test datasets. The training dataset is the data
ease code may be differently defined depending on the sample used to fit the model. The validation dataset is
updated criteria, and coding errors inevitably occur be- the data sample used to provide an unbiased evalua-
cause for the most part humans perform the recording. tion of a model fit on the training dataset while tuning
According to the Korean National Health Insurance model hyperparameters; it is regarded as a part of the
claims database, true RA made up 91.4% of the total RA training set. The test dataset is the data sample used
disease codes based on the RA identification algorithm to provide an unbiased evaluation of the fit that the fi-
[55]. Hence, to handle these challenges, aggressive qual- nal model achieved with the training dataset [36,37,60].
ity control is needed [56], including data cleansing and If the categorical variables are unbalanced, stratified
refining techniques, such as error correction, removal sampling is favored. When a large amount of data is
of outliers, missing data interpolation, normalization, available, each set of samples can be set aside. However,
standardization, and de-batching. However, these if the number of samples is insufficient, removing data
processes rely on expert human judgment. Since even reduces the amount available for training. This can be
complex and sophisticated algorithms will not produce mitigated by the use of resampling methods such as
good results if the quality of the input data is poor, cross-validation and bootstrapping [60,61]. In general, a
refinement of input data to improve their quality will repeated 10-fold cross validation is recommended be-
provide better results even if the algorithm is less than cause of the low bias and variance properties of the per-
optimal [37,57]. As has often been noted: “garbage in, formance estimate and the relatively low computational
garbage out” [58]. cost [37].

Data preprocessing Bias-variance trade-off and overfitting

Raw data are usually not in a structure that is conve- ML methods are often hindered by bias-variance
nient for researchers to work with and not organized trade-offs when a high-dimensional dataset with an
enough to be ready for ML. Data preprocessing refers inadequate number of samples is to be fitted [36,37,61].
to any transformation of the data before a learning al- Bias is the training error of the model; that is, the dif-
gorithm is applied. It includes example finding and re- ference between the prediction value and the actual
solving inconsistencies; imputation of missing values; value. Models with a high bias tend to underfit, by ap-
identifying, removing, or replacing outliers; discretiz- plying a simpler model to describe a dataset of higher
ing numerical data or generating numerical dummy complexity. For example, if the goal is to capture the
variables for categorical data; dimensionality reduction; half-life relationship of protein degradation, a known
feature extraction/selection; and feature scaling (nor- non-linear process with exponential decay, the use of
malization, standardization or Box-Cox transformation) a linear model will not result in accurate prediction of
[59]. Of these, feature scaling through standardization (or protein levels at any time point, no matter how many
Z-score normalization) is an important preprocessing training samples make up the dataset. By contrast, vari-

Kim KJ and Tagkopoulos I. Machine learning in rheumatology

ance expresses the sensitivity of the model to small per- process of transforming raw data such that the revised
turbations in the input. A model of high variance will features better represent the problem that is of interest
provide substantially different answers (output values) to the predictive model, resulting in improved model
for small changes in the input, because of overfitting performance on new data. An example is to transform
of its parameters to the training dataset at hand [61]. the counts of tender and/or swollen joints and the
This prevents generalizations (and thus the ability of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) into a single for-
the model to perform well) to other datasets never seen mulated feature, Disease Activity Score (DAS28)-ESR,
by the model, i.e., those it has not been trained on. In which better assesses disease activity in patients with
general, variance increases and bias decreases with in- RA. Feature selection is the process of selecting a subset
creasing model complexity [36,62]. of relevant features while pruning less-relevant features
Many ML algorithms are susceptible to overfitting for use in model construction. There are three methods
because they have a strong propensity to fit the model in feature selection algorithms: filter methods, wrap-
to the dataset and minimize the loss function as much per methods, and embedded methods [37,64,65]. Filter
as possible. Because the goal of ML is to make the mod- methods involve the assignment of a score to each fea-
el generalizable from learning the training data, and ture using a statistical measure followed by selection of
not to obtain the best model well-fitted for the training high-ranked features based on the score. Filtering uses
data, proper measures should be taken depending on a preprocessing step and includes correlation coeffi-
the type of algorithm. The most popular solutions for cient scores, the pseudo-R2 statistic and information
overfitting are training with more data of high-quality gain. Wrapper methods evaluate multiple models using
and the least amount of noise, cross-validation, early procedures that add and/or remove predictors to find
stopping, pruning (remove features), regularization, and the optimal combination that maximizes model perfor-
ensembling [36,37,61,63]. The appropriate combination mance. An example is the recursive feature elimination
should be selected depending on the purpose of the algorithm. Embedded methods perform variable selec-
study, the characteristics and size of the dataset, and the tion in the process of training and are usually specific
learner type. to certain learning machines. The most common type
of embedded feature-selection method is the regular-
Feature engineering and selection ization method found in LASSO, Elastic Net, and Ridge
Since features describe the sample’s characteristics, regression. The features selected from the methods
more features imply a better understanding of the sam- do not necessarily have a causal relationship with the
ple. However, in predictive modeling, too many fea- target label, but simply provide critical information for
tures can impede learning because some may be irrele- use in predictive model construction.
vant to the target of interest, less important than others
or redundant in the context of other features. A “curse
of dimensionality” occurs when the dimensionality of Limitations of machine learning
the data increases and the sparsity of the data increases ML has become ubiquitous and indispensable for
[61]. It is statistically advantageous to estimate fewer solving complex problems in most sciences [16]. It can
parameters. In addition, researchers usually want to present novel findings or reveal previously hidden
know the key informative features obtained with a sim- but important features that have been missed or over-
ple model rather than work with a complex model that looked in conventional studies using traditional statis-
uses a large number of features to predict the outcome. tics. However, those features might also be irrelevant,
In truth, processes that make the refined data amenable nonsensical, counterposed to the framework of current
to learning, such as data cleaning, preprocessing, fea- medical knowledge, or even cause confusion. This is
ture engineering and selection, are more essential than because the results returned by ML are based solely
running a learner. However, this is a daunting task on the input data. ML does not call the input data into
because it is manually tailored by domain experts in a question or explain why the results were obtained or
time-consuming process [61]. Feature engineering is the their underlying mechanism. In the event of unexpect- 7
The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine. 2018 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]

ed results, the data should be re-investigated to deter- matic diseases, ML has been employed only recently,
mine whether human or technical errors have created but two of those studies are particularly noteworthy. In
biases, followed by careful interpretation and validation the first, Orange et al. [87] reported the identification of
in the context of the disease. three distinct synovial subtypes based on the synovial
ML models are fairly dependent on the data they are gene signatures of patients with RA. These labels were
trained on or are called upon to analyze, and no model, used to design a histologic scoring algorithm in which
regardless of its sophistication, can create a useful anal- the histologic scores correlated with clinical param-
ysis from low-quality data [61,66]. As data are a product eters such as ESR, C-reactive protein (CRP) level, and
made in the past and represent existing knowledge, ML autoantibody titer [87]. The authors selected 14 histo-
models are valid within the same framework of that logic features from 129 synovial samples (123 RA and six
knowledge and their performance will degrade if they osteoarthritis [OA] patients) and the 500 most variably
are not regularly updated using new, emerging data. In expressed genes in 45 synovial samples (from 39 RA and
the case of a supervised classifier, a common problem six OA patients). Gene-expression-driven subgroup-
is that the classes that make up the target label are not ing was explored by k-means clustering, in which n
represented equally. An imbalanced distribution of objects are partitioned into k clusters, with each object
class sizes across samples favors learning weighted to belonging to the cluster with the nearest mean [88].
the larger class size such that the trained model then Clustering was most robust at 3 and this subgrouping
preferably assigns a major class label to new instances was validated by principal component analysis, but not
thereof while ignoring or misclassifying minority sam- in an independent dataset. Three subgroups compris-
ples, which, although they rarely occur, might be very ing high-inflammatory, low-inflammatory, and mixed
important. Several methods have been devised to han- subtypes, were designated based on their gene patterns
dle the imbalanced class issue [67,68]. and enriched ontology. The aim of the study was to
Because the optimal algorithm, i.e., the one that best determine the synchrony between synovial histologic
fits the data of interest, cannot be known beforehand, features and genomic subtype, thereby yielding a con-
a reasonable strategy is to sequentially test simple and venient histology-based approach to characterization of
widely known learners before moving on to those that synovial tissue. To this end, a leave-one-out cross-val-
are more sophisticated and distinct. In some ML learn- idation SVM classifier was implemented. The aim of
ers, hyperparameters should be tuned by exhaustively an SVM is to find a decision hyperplane that separates
searching through a manually specified subset of the data points of different classes with a maximal margin
hyperparameter space of a learning algorithm [69]. (i.e., the maximal distance to the nearest training data
Randomness is an inherit characteristic of ML appli- points) [89]. The model’s performance in separating
cations [70], appearing in data collections, observation both the high and the low inflammatory subtypes from
orders, weight assignments, and resampling, among the other subtypes was relatively good (AUCs of 0.88
others. To create stable, robust models with repro- and 0.71, respectively). It should be noted that histolog-
ducible results, detailed information on the type and ic subtypes are closely associated with clinical features,
version of the computational tools, learners’ parame- as significant increases in ESR, CRP levels, rheumatoid
ters, hyperparameters and random seed number used factor titer, and anti-cyclic citrullinated protein (CCP)
should always be reported [71]. titer in patients with high inflammatory scores were
detected. However, this model might succumb to over-
fitting because SVM is vulnerable to overfitting [89,90],
ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF MACHINE the sample size was too small (only 45 samples) and the
LEARNING model was not validated using an independent dataset.
Moreover, the data samples were a mixture of RA and
Several representative clinical studies in which ML OA samples and there were no normal controls. SVM
methods were used in the area of internal medicine are is an unsupervised ML with an efficient performance
summarized in Table 1 [72-86]. In the study of rheu- achieved using the kernel trick and the tuning of hy-

Kim KJ and Tagkopoulos I. Machine learning in rheumatology

Table 1. Representative clinical studies using machine learning methods in internal medicine
Machine learning
Area Title learning Input data Reference
Cardiology Identifying important Supervised Random survival 39 Clinical variables [72]
risk factors for survival forest 2,231 Adult patients with
in patient with systolic systolic heart failure
heart failure using
random survival forests
Cardiology Use of hundreds of Supervised Random survival 477 Electrocardiographic [73]
electrocardiographic forest findings
biomarkers for 33,144 Postmenopausal women
prediction of mortality in
postmenopausal women:
the Women's Health
Cardiology Phenomapping for novel Unsupervised Agglomerative 67 Clinical and [74]
classification of heart hierarchical echocardiographic parameters
failure with preserved clustering 420 Patients with heart failure
ejection fraction with preserved ejection
Cardiology Machine learning for Supervised Logit-boost 44 Coronary computed [75]
prediction of all-cause model tomographic angiography
mortality in patients variables and 25 clinical
with suspected coronary variables
artery disease: a 5-year 10,030 Patients with suspected
multicentre prospective coronary artery disease
registry analysis
Pulmonology Unsupervised learning Unsupervised Hierarchical 78 Selected features from [76]
technique identifies clustering clinical, radiographic, and
bronchiectasis functional parameters
phenotypes with distinct 148 Patients with bronchiectasis
clinical characteristics
Gastroenterology Predicting hospitalization Supervised Random forest Over 30 clinical and laboratory [77]
and outpatient features
corticosteroid use in 20,368 Patients with
inflammatory bowel inflammatory bowel disease
disease patients using
machine learning
Nephrology The development of Supervised Gradient boosting 36 Clinical and laboratory [78]
a machine learning machine features
inpatient acute kidney 121,158 Admissions
injury prediction model
Nephrology Using machine learning Supervised LASSO logistic 9,288 Clinical and laboratory [79]
algorithms to predict regression features
risk for development of Random forest 401 Patients with chronic
calciphylaxis in patients kidney disease
with chronic kidney
disease 9
The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine. 2018 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]

Table 1. Continued

Machine learning
Area Title learning Input data Reference
Endocrinology A predictive metabolic Supervised Decision tree (J48) 110 Blood metabolites [80]
signature for the Naïve Bayes 1,035 Women with gestational
transition from classifier diabetes
gestational diabetes
mellitus to type 2
Endocrinology Predictive models to Supervised Logistic 13,647,408 Variables in medical [81]
assess risk of type 2 regression records
diabetes, hypertension k-Nearest 300,489 Hospital visitors
and comorbidity: neighbors
machine-learning Support vector
algorithms and machines
validation using national Multifactor
health data from Kuwait. dimensionality
A cohort study reduction
Oncology Systematic analysis of Supervised LASSO logistic 6,642 Image features from [82]
breast cancer morphology regression H&E-stained histological
uncovers stromal features images
associated with survival Two independent sets of
patients with breast cancer:
NKI (248 patients) and VGH
(328 patients)
Oncology Development of a Supervised Attractor Clinical, survival information [83]
prognostic model for Unsupervised metagenes and 12 molecular features
breast cancer survival analysis 1,981 Patients with breast
in an open challenge Generalized cancer
environment boosted
Oncology Predicting non-small cell Supervised Naïve Bayes 9,879 Image features [84]
lung cancer prognosis classifiers 2,186 H&E stained whole-slide
by fully automated Support vector histopathology images, which
microscopic pathology machines were obtained from 515 lung
image features Random forest adenocarcinoma patients
and 502 lung squamous cell
carcinoma patients.
Hematology Prediction of allogeneic Supervised Alternating 18 Clinical features [85]
hematopoietic stem- decision tree 28,236 Adult hematopoietic
cell transplantation stem cell transplantation
mortality 100 days after recipients who were affected by
transplantation using acute leukemia
a machine learning
algorithm: a European
group for blood and
marrow transplantation
acute leukemia working
party retrospective data
mining study

Kim KJ and Tagkopoulos I. Machine learning in rheumatology

Table 1. Continued

Machine learning
Area Title learning Input data Reference
Dermatology Dermatologist-level Supervised Deep 129,450 Clinical images of skin [86]
classification of skin convolutional lesions, which were labeled
cancer with deep neural neural network with 2,032 various skin disease
LASSO, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; NKI, Netherlands Cancer Institute; VGH, Gancouver General Hospital.

perparameters. A better approach would be to specify which traditional Cox proportional hazards model rely
the details of the model (kernel type, parameters, and on. RSF has also been used to analyze the mortality risk
hyperparameters) during method selection, to guaran- in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus [97] and
tee the reliability and reproducibility of the model. in those with juvenile idiopathic inflammatory myopa-
In the second, Lezcano-Valverde et al. [91] devel- thies [98].
oped and validated a random survival forest (RSF)
prediction model of mortality in RA patients based on
demographic and clinically related variables. RSF, an CONCLUSIONS
extension of random forest for time-to-event data, is a
non-parametric method that generates multiple deci- ML algorithms can accommodate diverse configura-
sion trees using a bagging method [92,93]. Bagging, an tions of data, specify context weighting, and identify
abbreviation for bootstrap aggregation, is a simple and informative patterns that enable subgrouping or pre-
powerful ensemble method that fits multiple predic- dictive modeling from every interaction of variables
tive models on random subsets of the original dataset available for the assessment of diagnostic and prognos-
and aggregates their individual predictions by either tic elements. Extensive, in-depth applications of ML
voting or averaging [94]. It is commonly used to reduce in biomedical science are increasing in number, and
variance and avoid overfitting. RSF is an attractive al- interesting results in the area of precision medicine
ternative to the Cox proportional hazards model when have been obtained. However, several challenges must
the proportional hazards assumption is violated [93,95]. still be overcome. First, ML works only if the training
Lezcano-Valverde et al. [91] used two independent co- data are representative of the problem to be solved,
horts as the training and validation datasets: the RA co- include informative features and are of sufficient quan-
hort from the Hospital Clínico San Carlos (HCSC-RAC), tity to train the model at hand. This can be difficult
consisting of 1,461 patients, and the 280 RA patients to achieve for both technical and real-world reasons.
from the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa Early Second, privacy is a major concern in the collection of
Arthritis Register Longitudinal (PEARL) study. Each sensitive clinical data, which might limit the aggrega-
model was run 100 times using 1,000 trees per run. tion of all necessary information. Moreover, some data
The prediction error was 0.187 in the training cohort are expensive to acquire, reported in different formats
and 0.233 in the validation cohort. Important variables and obtained using different methods and technol-
with a higher predictive capacity were age at diagnosis, ogies. Third, because text-based medical records can
median ESR and number of hospital admissions. These be incoherent, distracted, and contain technical errors
variables were consistent with those obtained in a pre- [52,53], expert human judgement is needed to review
vious result using a Cox proportional hazards model the data, detect any errors or problems and determine
[96]. The strengths of the approach described in that the clinical significance of any findings [35,99]. Finally,
study were external validation using an independent a consensus should be reached on how to integrate
RA cohort and the absence of a restrictive assumption, and coordinate ML results with previously established 11
The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine. 2018 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]

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