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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),

Vol. 19, No. 7, July 2021

A State-Of-The-Art Survey on Deep Learning

Methods and Applications

Muhamet Kastrati Marenglen Biba

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
University of New York Tirana University of New York Tirana
Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania

Abstract—The main objective of this paper is to provide a state- Deep learning has proved to be successful and used for
of-the-art survey on deep learning methods and applications. It detection or classification by requiring little engineering and
starts with a short introduction to deep learning and its three less domain expertise, all these thanks to a large amount of
main types of deep learning approaches including supervised available data and advances in computation power. Deep
learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning. In learning methods use simple but non-linear modules that
the following deep learning is presented along with a review of transform the raw input (natural data) into a higher
state-of-the-art methods including feed forward neural networks, representation level, slightly more abstract level during the
recurrent neural networks, convolutional neural networks and training process [1]. Deep learning methods have achieved
their extended variants. Then a brief overview on the application
state-of-the-art results in diverse applications ranging from
of deep neural networks in various domains of science and
industry is given. Finally, conclusions are drawn in the last
computer vision, speech recognition, natural language
section. processing, machine translation, online advertising, web
search, recommendation systems, etc.
Deep Learning; Convolutional Neural Network; Recurrent As presented by [1, 4, 5] the history of deep learning can be
Neural Network; Long Short-Term Memory; Gated Recurrent Unit divided in three development stages. The first stage consists of
some of the early examples (NN architectures) including the
I. INTRODUCTION Convolutional Neural Networks, in which was showed that
Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that neurons can be joined to build a Turing machine [6–8]. The
deals with building a computer system that learns from data, second stage includes application of backpropagation
which has made significant progress and received enormous algorithm [9–13]. The third stage of development includes
attention in the research community and industry. Machine solving the training problem for deep neural networks [14, 15],
learning is applied successfully to a wide range of problems it is also the time when the term “deep learning” was
ranging from image recognition, speech recognition, text introduced for the first time. From 2012-present, because of the
classification, online advertising, web search, recommendation excellent result reached by [16], deep learning has been
systems, etc. extensively applied in various domains by research community
and practitioners.
Although all these conventional machine learning methods
have been successfully applied in science and industry, these Deep learning involves many challenges that the research
methods are struggling with their ability to deal with natural community must address. The training of deep neural networks
data in their raw form. Since their beginnings, both machine is strongly related to the optimization approach, which is the
learning and pattern recognition computer systems required core component in the training of hard and complex learning
careful engineering and domain knowledge in order to design a problems. Generally, optimization of deep neural networks
feature extractor used to transform the raw data into a feature (update of weights and bias) to minimize the parametrized loss
vector, which was used as input in the learning system [1]. function, hyper-parameter tuning, and complex architectures
require too much effort to reach high and acceptable
Deep learning is a kind of representation learning performance. To tackle the optimization in deep learning,
(hierarchical feature learning), which makes it easier to extract several optimization methods and algorithms have been
useful information (automated feature engineering) when developed, from gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent
building classifiers or other predictors [2]. Additionally, deep and its inherited variants, high-derivative and derivative-free
learning benefits from the presence of a huge amount of data optimization methods which are extensively used to improve
and fast enough computers which make it possible to train the optimization performance of deep neural networks in
large neural networks. By constructing large neural networks complex and large-scale learning problems.
and training them with more data, their performance continues
to increase [3]. Furthermore, the availability of large volumes of data and
advanced computing hardware (such as GPU and parallel and
cloud computing) has played a crucial role in enabling the

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 7, July 2021

training of deep neural networks, and the success reached on most successful applications of these methods by the research
large-scale and complex learning problems. community and practitioners have been presented. Finally,
besides the recent achievements, some future challenges and
In the last 10 years, there is a lot of effort by the research
limitations are briefly discussed.
community devoted to the application of deep learning in
several domains, and several contests were won by deep
learning methods. Some of the most well-known examples of II. BACKGROUND
these applications include object recognition, object detection,
image segmentation, speech recognition, machine translation, A. Deep Learning
optical character recognition, handwriting recognition, Although conventional machine learning algorithms have
language identification, audio onset detection, text-to-speech shown incredibly good results in various fields, they are
synthesis, social signal classification, video classification, and characterized by several drawbacks including feature
too many other machine learning tasks. In this paper, we have engineering, which is an important but time-consuming task
been much more focused on the research work conducted in that requires engineering skills and domain expertise.
the last five years in the field of deep learning. Furthermore, they have problem with large and complex data
sets and reach a plateau in performance after a considerable
The number of papers published in the last ten years on
amount of data used in training.
some of the most well-known computer libraries (such as
IEEE, Nature, Springer, Elsevier, and ACM) better shows the Deep learning is a kind of representation learning that
latest trends direction and scientific significance of this field. It makes it easier to extract useful information (automatically
is obvious that more and more work pay attention to the feature engineering) when building classifiers or other
application of deep learning methods, we have been much predictors [2]. Additionally, deep learning benefits from the
more focused in the last five years, there are several published presence of a huge amount of data and fast enough computers
papers related to this topic every year. Therefore, the research which make it possible to train large neural networks. By
trend on this topic is growing and extending each year. constructing large neural networks and training them with
more data, their performance continues to increase [3].
During our research, we have identified some interesting
facts, for example, one of them is that the number of papers The success of deep learning is strongly related to:
published by universities and research institution such as the
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), the • Availability of faster CPU, the advent of GPU, Multi-
University of Toronto (Canada), with main majors in the field GPU, Cloud, and HPC.
(led by Geoffrey Hinton), the University of Montreal, Canada • Faster network connectivity and better software
(Yoshua Bengio), New York University, USA (Yann LeCun), infrastructure for distributed computing
and Swiss AI Lab IDSIA (Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi
sull’Intelligenza Artificiale) (Jürgen Schmidhuber) have • Built of new deep learning packages (Cafee, Keras,
provided a valuable contribution in this field. Also, industrial TensorFlow, Theano, etc.) which have made possible
labs in Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Baidu, IBM, training of large neural networks.
Apple, and so many others have brought these algorithms to a Supervised learning: Also referred to as learning from
larger scale and into products. labeled data is the most widely used approach in machine
Another interesting fact is that deep learning and its learning, deep or not, is supervised learning [1]. The deep
successful application have also attracted the attention of learning expansion that we are seeing in practical applications
several scientific disciplines such as computer vision, image is because of it is fantastic at supervised learning tasks [4]. In
recognition, bioinformatics, biomedical applications, physics, supervised learning, both input attributes and output classes are
chemistry, and other areas. There have already been two given in advance and the aim is to find a function or hypothesis
excellent review papers introduced by pioneers of the field. that correlates the input attributes and the output attribute. Both
One historical survey that compactly summarizes relevant regression and classification are supervised learning methods.
work from the early development of the field [4], and another In the case of a regression problem, the output variable is
one is [1], which presents an excellent and comprehensive continuous (real domain) and its value is determined as a
overview on deep learning and its application. In meantime, function of inputs. In classification, on the other hand, the
there are several other surveys and overview articles that output is a class (discrete class or category) from the domain of
present comprehensively the latest trends in the field of deep possible classes [19].
learning and its applications [5, 17, 18]. Unsupervised learning: Is different from classification and
This paper serves as a complementary one to those regression since only inputs (input vector) is given, without the
previously published, at the same time provides a state-of-the- supervising (output) variable.
art review on deep learning, by covering methods, and most Reinforcement learning: Is a promising machine learning
recent development trends and application of deep learning approach concerned with how an agent learns by continually
methods in several areas of science and industry. First, it gives interacting with an environment. The working principle of RL
a short overview of deep learning and feature learning is as follow, the agent observes the state of the environment,
(hierarchical feature learning) used to train deep neural and based on this state/observation takes an action [20].
networks, and some other useful background notation. Then,
state-of-the-art deep learning methods followed by some of the

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 7, July 2021

B. Feature Learning possible, which makes enable updating the current state based
on past states and current input data [18].
III. DEEP LEARNING METHODS RNNs are specifically designed for the tasks that involve
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) or simply neural sequential inputs such as time series or natural language, which
networks (NN) are a prominent class of machine learning incorporate correlations between data points that are close in
models that are loosely inspired by concepts from biological the sequence. Like a CNN that is a neural network that is
brains. In general, an ANN is a network composed of specialized for processing an X value network such as an
connected units or nodes called artificial neurons (processing image, an RNNs is a neural network that specializes in
units), which are interconnected to each other by weighted processing an x(1) value sequence x(t) [21].
connections. Each neuron has inputs like and their
weights , which usually are real numbers, and an
overall bias, b. The output of the neuron is a function
which is also known as activation function
(sigmoid, tanh, ReLU) [22, 23].
Many different variants of ANNs have been presented and
studied over the years. In general, they can be classified into
two major types based on connection type: (i) ANNs whose
connections form cycles, which are known as feedback,
recursive, or recurrent, neural networks and (ii) ANNs without Figure 2. General structure of RNNs and unfolded in time of computation
cycles (acyclic) are known as feedforward neural networks for three-time steps involved in forwarding computation [1].
RNNs are characterized by several benefits that make them
an attractive choice for processing sequential data. They can
A. Feedforward Neural Networks successfully handle several machine learning tasks, especially
Feedforward neural networks (FNNs) are neural networks when the input and/or outputs are of variable-length. They
where the output from one layer is used as input to the next remember contextual information from past inputs (and future
layer. These types of networks are acyclic, which means there inputs too, in the case of bidirectional RNNs), which allows
are no cycles in the network. The term “feedforward” refers to them to instantiate a wide range of sequence-to-sequence maps.
the fact that the information is always fed forward, never fed Furthermore, they are robust to localized distortions of the
back. However, there are extended models of artificial neural input sequence along the time axis [23].
networks in which feedback connections are possible, we refer
to such models as recurrent neural networks [21]. RNNs have been extensively used in several machine
learning tasks especially with sequential data including speech
Among different types of FNNs, multilayer perceptron recognition, sequence labeling, generating sequences,
(MLP) [24] has been most extensively studied [23]. sentiment classification, machine translation, image captioning,
video activity recognition, DNA sequence analysis etc.
Over the years, several RNNs variants and extensions have
been proposed to tackle two main drawbacks of RNNs,
vanishing gradient and the capture of longer-range
dependencies. The two most used includes its rich LSTM
variants [25] and more recently proposed one known as GRUs
[26, 27].

1) Bidirectional recurrent neural networks (BRNNs) [28]

Figure 1. Multilayer perceptron, which consists of input layer, hidden layers,
and output layer [21].
are extended variant of RNNs architecture. While
unidirectional RNNs are influenced from the previous inputs to
The Figure 2 shows the multilayer perceptron network, make predictions about the current state, bidirectional RNNs
which compounds by the input layer (the leftmost layer in this pull in future data to improve the accuracy of it. In other words,
network), and the neurons in the input layer are known as input the output is influenced from previous inputs (backwards) and
neurons. The output layer (rightmost layer in this network) future states (forwards) simultaneously.
contains the output neurons, or in this case, two output
neurons. The hidden layer is in the middle, between input and
output, and the neurons in this layer are neither inputs nor

B. Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) [24] are an extension of
conventional FNNs, in which cyclic connection (feedback) is

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 7, July 2021

Figure 3. Bidirectional recurrent neural network (BRNN) shown unfolded in

time of the computation for three-time steps, involved in its forward and Figure 5. Diagram for gated recurrent units (GRU) [5].
backward computation [28].
Advantages/disadvantages: one of the main advantages of
GRU is that is a simple model and easier to build a larger
2) Long short-term memory: Although RNNs have proven
network, also has faster computation time. On the other hand,
to perform well in several machine learning tasks, they have a LSTM is more powerful and more flexible, and has been
problem with capturing long-term dependencies, which is a historically more proven choice and extensively used by
truly relevant feature when input data is large. Long short- research community and practitioners, so we can surely say
term memory (LSTM) [25] is an RNN architecture that LSTM can be considered as default and the first thing to
specifically designed to handle the problem of long-term try.
dependencies and performs better at storing and accessing
information than standard RNNs. Almost all state-of-the-art C. Convolutional Neural Networks
results based on RNNs have been achieved by LSTM, and Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) aka. ConvNets [30]
thus it has become so popular in deep learning. LSTM are a special type of neural networks specifically designed to
architecture, which uses purpose-built memory cells to deal with data that come in the form of multiple arrays.
remember information for long periods is practical, is better at Authors in [31] presented the first paper on CNN trained by
finding and exploiting long-term dependencies in the data, not backpropagation to solve the problem of classifying
something they struggle to learn [29]. LSTM has been shown handwritten digits images. During the 1990s, there have been
to reach state-of-the-art results in several sequence processing several successful applications of CNNs, and a surprisingly
good result were obtained in tasks such as handwritten digit
tasks, ranging from speech and handwriting recognition,
classification and face detection, speech recognition, and
speech recognition, sentiment classification, video activity document reading. In the last ten years, several improved
recognition, sequence-based prediction of protein localization, architectures have been introduced obtaining state-of-the-art
etc. results on almost all benchmark data sets. CNNs or some close
variants represent a breakthrough in image processing [16],
video, speech, and audio [1].
CNNs use a special architecture that is specifically
designed to process data that has a known grid-like topology.
Examples include time-series data, which can be thought of as
1-D grid for signals and sequences, including language; 2-D
for image data (grid of pixels) or audio spectrograms; and 3-D
for video or volumetric images. The term convolutional in
CNN refers to the fact that the network typically uses a
mathematical operation named convolution, which is a
specialized kind of linear operation. CNNs are simply neural
Figure 4. Diagram for Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [5]. networks that employ convolution in place of general matrix
multiplication in at least one of their layers [21]. CNNs
leverage four basic ideas: local connections, shared weights,
3) Gated recurrent units: A gated recurrent unit (GRU) pooling, and the use of many layers [1].
[26] was proposed with idea to make each recurrent unit to
adaptively capture dependencies of different time scales. On
the same time to reduce computational burden caused by
additional parameters used in LSTM. In order to do so, the
GRU cell integrates the forget gate and input gate as an update
gate that can regulate flow of information, without having a
separate memory cell [26, 27].

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 7, July 2021

(ILSVRC-2012) by reducing almost halve error rate as

compared to conventional computer vision techniques, which
precipitated the rapid adoption of deep learning by the
computer vision community [1]. Other CNN architectures
have been introduced during that time, but we will mention
three of them which performed state-of-the-art results in
image recognition. ZFNet [34] an extended CNN architecture
over AlexNet, which outperformed AlexNet and won the
ILSVRC 2013 contest. A year later, it was another CNN
architecture known as Visual Geometry Group (VGG)
Figure 6. General structure of CNN and the training process [32].
introduced by [35] that won the 2014 ILSVRC, at the same
time they showed that VGG generalizes well to other datasets,
A typical CNN architecture consists of a small number of achieving state-of-the-art results. At the same time with VGG
relatively complex layers, with each layer having many was introduced the GoogLeNet [36], which is a CNN
“stages.” The first few stages are composed of two types of architecture codenamed Inception that achieved the new state-
layers: convolutional layers and pooling layers [1]. Although of-the-art for classification and detection in the ImageNet
during the last years, several CNNs architectures have been 2014 (ILSVRC2014).
introduced, almost all of them consist of a key set of basic 3) CNN 2015-Present: During the last years (from 2015-
layers such as the convolution layer, the pooling layer, dense
2020), the research work in CNN is still going on, more and
layers, and the softmax layer [5].
more efforts have been devoted by the research community
For a detailed description on CNNs, historical providing significant improvements in CNN performance. In
development, and an overview of applications including this regard, several extended variants of CNN architecture
numerous contests won by CNN, we refer to [1, 4, 5, 17, 33]. have been proposed.
1) The revival of CNN - 2006: the year 2006 marks a a) Inception-V3 [37] demonstrated substantial gains
turning paper on the concept of greedy layer-wise pre-training, over the state-of-the-art via to carefully factorized
which revived research interest in deep learning both in convolutions and aggressive regularization.
academy and industry [14]. Experimental results from this b) Highway network [38], which is based on the
study and other studies showed that both supervised and intuition that the learning capacity can be improved by
unsupervised training can initialize a network in a better way increasing the network depth [17].
than random initialization [17]. One important improvement c) Inception-V4 and Inception-ResNet [39], which is
concerning neural networks was this of using new activation based on the introduction of residual connections with
functions such as ReLU and tanh, etc. Another useful traditional CNN architecture and achieved state-of-the-art
improvement regarding the CNNs was the introduction of max- performance in the ImageNet 2015 (ILSVRC 2015). ResNet
pooling, which showed surprisingly good results by learning (residual nets) [40] was evaluated in ImageNet dataset with a
invariant features. On the other side, in the late of 2006s, it was depth of up to 152 layers, which was 8 times deeper than
also introduced the graphical processing unit (GPU) that VGG nets but still having lower complexity. An ensemble of
accelerated the training of larger neural networks. In 2010, these residual nets achieved a 3.57% error on the ImageNet
there was another relevant contribution by Stanford, test set and won 1st place on the ImageNet 2015 (ILSVRC
respectively, the introduction of two large databases, one with 2015) classification task. ResNet revolutionized the CNN
millions of images belonging to many classes known as architectural race by introducing the concept of residual
ImageNet, and almost the same time they released large data learning in CNNs and devised an efficient methodology for
set for object detection named PASCAL 2010 VOC, which the training of deep networks [17].
have been used as benchmark data set [17]. d) WideResNet (Wide residual networks) [41] - in this
2) Rise of CNN - 2012-2014: the increase in the paper authors conduct a detailed experimental study on the
availability of the annotated data and improvement in the architecture of ResNet blocks, based on which they proposed a
hardware technology are among the key factors that novel architecture where they decrease the depth and increase
contributed more to swiftly advance research in CNNs the width of residual networks. They have also demonstrated
achieving state-of-the-art results in numerous tasks. Besides, that even a simple 16-layer-deep wide residual network
other relevant elements including parameter optimization outperforms in accuracy and efficiency all previous deep
algorithms and new architectural ideas have accelerated the residual networks, including thousand-layer-deep networks,
research and dramatically improved the performance of CNNs achieving new state-of-the-art results on CIFAR, SVHN,
in several tasks ranging from visual object recognition, object COCO, and significant improvements on ImageNet.
detection, speech recognition, and many others [33, 17]. The e) DenseNet [42] - connects each layer to every other
breakthrough that used deep CNNs was brought by AlexNet layer in a feed-forward fashion. Some of the main advantages
[16] that showed outstanding performance in ImageNet of DenseNets are as follows: they alleviate the vanishing

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 7, July 2021

gradient problem, strengthen feature propagation, encourage IV. APPLICATION OF DEEP LEARNING METHODS
feature reuse, and substantially reduce the number of In this section, we have presented some of the most recent
parameters. DenseNets obtained significant improvements trends in the application of deep learning focusing on the last 5
over the state-of-the-art on most of them, whilst requiring less years. In the first part of this section, we shortly review some
memory and computation to achieve high performance. practical applications of CNN in image processing and
f) MobileNets [43] – authors here presented a class of computer vision, speech processing, and medical imaging. In
efficient models called MobileNets for mobile and embedded the second part, we bring another overview of the application
vision applications. They have also demonstrated the of RNNs including their rich variants (LSTM and GRU).
effectiveness of MobileNets across a wide range of
applications and use cases including object detection, fine- A. Applications of CNNs
grain classification, face attributes, and large-scale geo- In recent years, deep CNNs are at the core of most state-of-
localization. the-art computer vision solutions for a wide variety of tasks
[37]. In other words, this success represents a huge impact in
g) Xception [44] – as described by authors here in this computer vision. CNNs can be surely considered as the
paper this architecture, slightly outperforms InceptionV3 on dominant approach for almost all recognition tasks by
the ImageNet dataset, and significantly outperforms Inception providing human performance for a variety of tasks, namely
V3 on a larger image classification dataset comprising 350 image recognition, classification, detection, regression,
million images and 17,000 classes. Although the Xception segmentation mainly tested against the ImageNet data set on
architecture has the same number of parameters as Inception the ILSVRC (classification and detection challenge) including
V3, the performance gains are not due to increased capacity [37–47, 49–57].
but rather to more efficient use of model parameters.
CNNs have also been successfully applied in speech
h) Residual Attention Neural Network [45] – is a recognition [58–63], face recognition [64–68], predicting drug-
convolutional neural network using attention mechanism target interactions [69–73], analyzing particle physics data
which can incorporate with state-of-art feed-forward network [74–76], in bioinformatics predicting on gene expression and
architecture in an end-to-end training fashion. This disease [77–80], predicting DNA–protein binding [81–88].
architecture achieved state-of-the-art results in object Other examples of application of CNN architectures includes
recognition performance on three benchmark datasets audio classification [89–93].
including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet.
Perhaps more surprisingly, CNN has been successfully
i) ResNeXt [46] - a simple, highly modularized network applied for several tasks in natural language understanding
architecture for image classification, which was constructed ranging from text classification [94–99], topic classification
by repeating a building block that aggregates a set of [100], sentiment analysis [101–104], question answering
transformations with the same topology. ResNeXt won 2nd [105–107], language modeling [108], image captioning and
place in the ILSVRC 2016 contest, respectively on the visual question answering [109], language translation [110–
classification task. The authors further investigated ResNeXt 112], sign language recognition [113–116], video
on an ImageNet-5K set and the COCO detection set, also classification [117–120], etc.
showing better results than its ResNet counterpart.
j) SENet [47] - also known as “Squeeze-and- B. Applications of RNNs
Excitation” (SE) was one that won 1st place in ILSVRC 2017
classification contest by significantly reducing the top-5 error RNNs have been widely and successfully applied in
to 2.251. several machine learning tasks dealing with sequential inputs,
such as speech and language. However, RNNs compounding
k) Convolutional Block Attention Module (ResNeXt101 by sigma cells or tanh cells is not suitable for capturing long-
(32x4d) + CBAM) [48] – to verify its efficacy, authors term dependencies. To tackle this drawback were introduced
conducted extensive experiments with various state-of-the-art gate functions into the cell structure which allows long-term
models and confirmed that CBAM outperforms all the dependencies, and one of the most widely and successfully
baselines on three different benchmark datasets: ImageNet1K, used is LSTM, which is part of almost all the exciting results
MS COCO, and VOC 2007. They also find out that the overall based on RNNs [18], particularly stacks of LSTM-RNNs and
overhead of CBAM is quite small in terms of both parameters GRU-RNNs.
and computation.
l) Other CNN architectures - there are some other Some successful application examples of RNNs includes
proposed CCN architectures including FractalNet [49], speech recognition [121–126], keyword spotting tasks [127–
DelugeNet [50], PolyNet [51], PyramidNet [52], Concurrent 129], TIMIT phoneme recognition benchmark [130, 131].
Spatial and Channel Excitation Mechanism [53], Channel Recently, the RNNs have been widely used for the
Boosted CNN [54], Competitive Squeeze and Excitation recommender systems and results showed significant
Network CMPE-SE-WRN-28 [55]. improvement over conventional recommendation systems
[132–142]. Some other domains where RNNs has been
applied are in robotics including application for robot

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 7, July 2021

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text-to-speech [152–154], machine translation [155], speaker code recognition,” Neural computation, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 541–551, 1989.
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Muhamet Kastrati is a PhD cand. at University of New York in Tirana with
Master of Sciences in Computer Engineering from University Prishtina
(2014). He obtained Diploma Degree in Faculty of Electrical and Computer
Engineering from University of Prishtina (Kosovo) in 2007.
His researches are in fields of Advanced Algorithms, Statistical Relational
Learning, Machine Learning and Data Mining and Deep Learning.

Marenglen Biba Assoc. Prof at the University of New York in Tirana with
PhD in Computer Sciences from University of Bari, Italy (2009). He obtained
Laurea Degree (5-year) Cum Laude in Computer Science, specialization in
Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning, University of Bari, Italy in
2004. His researches are in fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning,
Pattern Recognition, Data Mining, Computational Biology, Document Image
Understanding, Information Extraction, Social Networks Analysis, and
Natural Language Processing of Albanian.
Further info on his homepage:

ISSN 1947-5500

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