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Deepwoods Random Scenario Generator

Step 1: Choose Armies:

Both sides choose armies up to the agreed upon points limit.

Step 2: Terrain:

Both players may either choose to play on the table ‘as is’, or to randomize terrain.

If the players cannot agree to play ‘as is’, then randomize as below. Remember however,
at this time you do not know what scenario you are playing, nor what deployment zone
you have.

-Create a pool of terrain equal to the boardsize squared you are playing on.
Example: For a 4*4, there would be a pool of 4 terrain pieces.
-Players roll a dice to see who deploys a piece of terrain first, winner may choose to
deploy either first or last.
-Players take turns placing terrain and may deploy the terrain anywhere not within 12” of
the board.
-Once all the terrain is placed all terrain pieces are scattered 3d6 inches in the direction of
a scatter dice. If a hit is rolled, the terrain piece does not move. Use a scatter dice to
randomize facing of terrain if applicable.
-If the distance is enough to take a terrain piece off the table it will bounce back at a 180
degree angle the rest of the remaining distance.
-If two terrain pieces collide, then bounce them in the same way as above.
-Once all terrain pieces have been scattered, continue to step 3.

Step 3: Determine Objective:

The objective of the battle will have serious implications on what will earn you victory

Roll a D6:

1) Kill them all:

Victory conditions: Double Victory points for destroyed units only, no other VP’s
Special Rules: Units below 25% may rally.

2) Capture:
Victory conditions: VP’s for destroyed units and units below half. Also, place an
objective in the middle of the table. At the end of the game, each player adds up the unit
strength of all non-fleeing US5+ units with 6” of the objective, the player with the highest
total unit strength gets +(1/4th of the total agreed upon points) [this would be 500 points
in a 2000 pt game]
Special Rules: None
3-4) Conquest:
Victory Conditions: Normal
Special Rules: None

5) Advance
Victory conditions: Normal victory points except for killing the general and
capturing banners. Also, all non-fleeing units in the enemy’s deployment zone at the end
of the game earn VP’s equal to their points value (or half their points value if below half
Special Rules: None

6) Vengeance
Victory conditions: Normal victory points except none for table quarters. Also,
the enemy general is worth +(1/4th total agreed upon points) if killed, and +(1/8th total
agreed upon points) if wounded.
Special Rules: The two generals Hate each other, even if normally immune to

Step 4: Determine Engagement type:

Roll a D6 for deployment type:

1-2) Table Quarters

3-6) Pitched Battle

Table Quarters: Divide the table into four equal quarters. Roll off to decide who gets to
choose their quarter. The player chooses which quarter by deploying a unit in it. His
opponent gets the opposite quarter. No unit may be deployed within 8” of the center of
the board.

Pitched Battle: Roll off to see who can choose long table edges to be their deployment
zone. The player who wins chooses a side by deploying a unit in it, units may be
deployed up to 12” from your long table edge.

Step 5: Special Circumstances:

Both players roll a D6, for each roll of a 1, roll of the following table (reroll duplicates):

1) Fog:
All missile weapons, including ratling guns, war machines and magic missiles
have their maximum range halved (therefore short range is also halved). In the case of
war machines that guess range the maximum guess is halved. War machines with random
ranges (such as the WLC) roll range than half the result. Breath weapons and the roll of
the artillery dice are unaffected. Roll a D6 at the start of each turn starting on turn two, on
a 4+ the fog dissipates for the remainder of the battle.

2) Boggy Ground:
Roll a D6 for each Calvary or chariot unit before it moves, after declaring
charges. On the roll of a 1 it has been hampered by the mud and counts as being in
difficult terrain for the turn. Units already in difficult terrain do not need to test. Chariots
do not take damage from boggy ground.

3) Magical Flux:
At the start of each magic phase the player whose turn it is must roll all of their
power dice, on a 1 those dice are given to the other player to be used as dispel dice.

4) Gale force winds:

Flyers and flying units reduce their maximum movement by D6 inches each turn,
roll after declaring charges. Roll each time a unit moves.

5) Playthings of the Gods:

The fickle gods have decided to see how the mortals do without their magical
playthings. All magic items, including dwarf runes, but with the exception of dispel
scrolls and runes of spell breaking lose all magical properties for the duration of the
battle. These items will revert to a normal item of the same type if able (for example, a
magical shield would become a normal shield). Note: This does not affect such things as:
Virtues, bloodline powers, demonic gifts or lizardmen marks.

6) Courage:
The troops have been inspired by lots of speeches, honors, and booze, all units get
a +1 bonus to their leadership for psychology tests (in addition to any other modifiers,
such as general’s leadership). A unit’s leadership may never be better than 10.

Step 6: Determine Game length:

Roll a D6:

1-2) 5 Turns
3-4) 6 Turns
5-6) Random: At the end of turn 5, roll a dice, on a 1 the game ends. If not than the battle
ends on a roll of a 1-3 at the end of turn 6. After that a 6 must be rolled to have the game
continue for another turn.

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