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Humans are given a name at birth and embrace surnames

"'ESARUS THAR NO'DARADOR' – BY BLOOD AND HONOR, WE SERVE." whose lineages might stretch back a dozen generations.
- archaic human saying
Male Names: Darrick, Hebry, Gyram, Merander
There is no terror in this world that humanity won't face; Female Names: Ammi, Lilla, Merian, Richelle
there is no tragedy that can break its spirit; and there is Surnames: Renn, Runetouched, Silversmith, Townguard
no threat it will kneel to. Time and again has humanity
proven itself bold in the face of overwhelming danger.
THE RISE OF HUMANITY As a human, you have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice
Humanity was little more than disparate tribes until at increases by 2 and a different ability score of your choice
last the forest trolls of Arathi became too great of a threat increases by 1.
to ignore. The Arathi tribe, led by the warlord Thoradin, Age. Humans live bright, but short lives. They reach
united its neighbors under one banner, and together, adulthood in their late teens and are lucky to live for more
these tribes formed the nation of Arathor. Humans all than a century.
over the continent flocked to its borders, trusting in its Size. Humans come in all shapes and sizes. Your size is
promises of equality and protection. Thus, the Arathor Medium.
Empire was born. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Humanity still knew little of magic; their most spiritual Ambitious. You have proficiency in two skills of your
members practiced crude druidism and shamanism. It choice. You can substitute one or both of the proficiencies
wasn't until the high elves of Quel'thalas were pushed to for proficiency with a tool, two simple weapons, or one
the brink of annihilation that humanity learned arcane martial weapon of your choice.
magic. While the elves possessed great magic, they lacked Brave. You have advantage on saving throws made
the numbers to succeed in their war against the forest against being frightened.
trolls of Zul'Aman. The deal was simple: humanity would The Human Spirit. After you make an ability check,
join the war effort, and the high elves would teach exactly saving throw, or attack roll, you can reroll the die and use
one hundred humans in the ways of magic. This moment either of the two rolls. You can use this trait a number of
would cement humanity's foothold in the world. times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain any
Although the Arathor Empire would later fracture into expended uses after finishing a long rest.
seven kingdoms, humanity has remained a steady power Perceptive. Called the sixth sense of mankind, humans
in the world's affairs. Twice have they founded a political can often perceive unseen creatures. You have advantage
and military alliance against outside threats to ensure on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation)
freedom for its member states. No matter what threat checks to detect creatures hidden by magic or that hide on
rears its head, humanity refuses to be cowed. the Ethereal Plane.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak Common and
two other languages of your choice.

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