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Single particle motion I

1. From rLs = v?s /!cs and !cs = eB/ms , where s = {e, i} denotes electrons
and protons, respectively,
rLi v?i mi
= .
rLe v?e me
Furthermore, the condition on the kinetic energy corresponds to mi v?i =
me v?e . Hence,
rLi mi p
= ' 1837 ' 43 .
rLe me

2. (a) The particle is initially accelerated by the electric field on the positive
y-direction. Its orbit is turned by the magnetic field, so that the resulting
motion is a combination of cyclotron motion with an E ~ ⇥B ~ drift in the
positive x-direction. The E ~ ⇥B ~ drift is the outcome of the increase
of the Larmor radius with v? (the velocity in the plane perpendicular
~ in this case v? is the velocity in the x y plane), which takes
to B;
place while vy > 0. From energy conservation it is clear that when the
particle returns to y=0 it has zero velocity. Moreover, since ~v (t=0)=0,
vk = vz is always zero, as there are no forces in the z-direction. The
orbit is schematically sketched in figure 2.1.
(b) In cartesian coordinates, with B ~ = B0 ~uz and E ~ = E0 ~uy , the compo-
~ ~ ~
nents of the Lorentz force F = q(E + ~v ⇥ B) are
< max = qvy B0
may = qvx B0 + qE0 .
maz = 0

The last equation implies vz = cte. Using the initial condition vz (t=0)=0,
it comes vz (t) = 0.
58 Solutions to chapter 2. Single particle motion I

Larger rL


Smaller rL

t=0; vy=0


Figure 2.1: problem 2

The two first equations can be written as

⇢ q
v̇x = m v y B0
q . (2.1)
v̇y = m vx B0 + qE0

Di↵erentiating the first equation and replacing v̇y ,

⇣ q ⌘2
v̈x = !c2 vx + E0 B 0 ,
where !c = m , which is the equation of a driven harmonic oscillator.
⇣ q ⌘2
⇣ = !c2 vx E0 B 0 , (2.2)
so that
⇣¨ = !c2 v̈x ,
and replacing in the equation of the driven harmonic oscillator,

!c 2 ⇣¨ = ⇣
| {z }

⇣¨ = !c2 ⇣ .

This is the equation of a simple harmonic oscillator, with solution

⇣(t) = ⇣0 cos(!c t + ') ,
where the amplitude ⇣0 and the initial phase ' have to be determined
from the initial conditions.
From (2.2) the expression for vx (t) is
1 E0
vx (t) = ⇣0 cos(!c t + ') + ,
!c2 B0
while from (2.1)
m 1
vy (t) = v̇x (t) = ⇣0 sin(!c t + ') .
qB0 !c2
Determination of ⇣0 and ':
vy (t = 0) = 0 ) ' = 0
⇣0 E0
vx (t = 0) = 0 ) 2 + =0
!c B0
⇣ q ⌘2
⇣0 = E0 B 0 .
The particle velocity is thus given by
vx (t) = [1 cos(!c t)]
vy (t) = sin(!c t) .
Finally, the orbit is obtained as
ˆ t
x(t) = vx (⌧ ) d⌧
 ⌧ =t
E0 1
= ⌧ sin(!c ⌧ )
B0 !c ⌧ =0

E0 1
= t sin(!c t) ;
B0 !c
ˆ t
y(t) = vy (⌧ ) d⌧
E0 ⌧ =t
= [cos(!c ⌧ )]⌧ =0
B0 !c
= [1 cos(!c t)] ,
B0 !c
where the initial conditions x(t = 0) = y(t = 0) = 0 were used.
(c) From the previous item,
~v = vx ~ux + vy ~uy
E0 E0 E0
= cos(!c t) ~ux + sin(!c t) ~uy + ~ux
B0 B0 B0
⌘ ~vc + ~vd ,
60 Solutions to chapter 2. Single particle motion I

E0 E0
~vc = cos(!c t) ~ux + sin(!c t) ~uy
B0 B0

corresponds to an oscillatory motion (cyclotron motion) and

~vd = ~ux

~ ⇥B
to a constant drift (E ~ drift).
Taking the time average over several gyroperiods, h~v i = ~vd = cte.,
since the time average of the sinusoidal functions is zero (hcos(· · · )i =
hsin(· · · )i = 0). Therefore, h~ai = 0 and there is no average acceleration.
The average force q~vd ⇥ B ~ cancels the electric force q E.

(d) The drift velocity ~vd is independent of the charge and the mass. Hence,
all the particles drift with the same velocity and there is no net current
in a neutral plasma. The particle’s trajectory for q < 0 is depicted in
figure 2.2


Figure 2.2: trajectory for q < 0 (problem 2).

(e) In this case the drift velocity could be obtained simply by replacing
E = F/q in the previous result for ~vd , and would be

F mg
~vd = ~ux = ~ux ,
qB qB

which does depend on the charge. Accordingly, the drift velocity would
be di↵erent for particles of di↵erent mass and would have opposite direc-
tions for particles of di↵erent charge, resulting in a net electrical current.

3. The electrostatic field created by the electron beam is readily obtained from
Gauss’ law. Considering a cylinder of radius r > R and length l, as shown in

figure 2.3,

~ · ~n dS = Qint

ene ⇡R2 l
E(r)2⇡rl =
~ en e R2
E(r) = ~ur
~ = R) = ene R ~ur

Bz uθ v

Figure 2.3: problem 3.

~ ⇥B
The E ~ drift velocity is

~ ⇥B
E ~ E(R)B0 ene R
~vd = = ~u✓ = ~u✓ .
B 2 B02 2✏0 B0

Substituting values, vd ' 4.5 ⇥ 103 m/s.

⇣ ⌘
e @ne ne
4. (a) Since ne (r) = n0 exp kB T e and @r ' ,
✓ ◆
@ne n0 e @ e
= exp
@r kB Te @r kTe
✓ ◆
ne n0 e
' = exp ;
e @ 1
kB Te @r
@ k B Te
= .
@r e
~ = ~ = @ k B Te
E r ~ur = ~ur .
@r e
62 Solutions to chapter 2. Single particle motion I

(b) Assuming the electrons have a Maxwellian velocity distribution, their

average kinetic energy is
1 3
K= mhv 2 i = kB Te ,
2 2
where each component of the velocity contributes with 2 k B Te to K
(equipartition theorem). Since v? = vx2 + vy2 ,

2 2kB Te
hv? i= ⌘ vt2 .
Hence, the average Larmor radius is
mhv? i mvt
hrL i = = ,
eB eB
or, equivalently,
eBhrL i
vt = .
On the other hand,
E k B Te
vE = =
B e B
2kB Te m m
= = vt2
m 2e B 2e B
hrL ieB m vt
= vt = hrL i .
| {z } 2e B 2

The last expression can be re-written as

hrL i = 2 .
When vE = vt the Larmor radius is hrL i = 2 .

Notice that when the magnetic field is strong enough to impose vE ⌧ vt ,

the Larmor radius is much smaller than the characteristic distance for
the variation of the electron density ne , rL ⌧ . In this case, within
a gyroperiod the electron sees a nearly homogeneous plasma and one
need not bother with the fast Larmor motion, which can be averaged
out to leave the slower guiding center drift. This procedure corresponds
to the study of phenomena that occur on time scales ⌧ = 1/! such
that ! ⌧ !ce (⌧ ~ ⇥B
⌧ce ). The former picture is modified as the E ~
drift increases, since the Larmor radius becomes comparable with the
typical length and the perturbation approach may become questionable
(in particular the very use of the orbit theory in constant electric and
magentic fields, as the sources of the fields are changing significantly
within a Larmor orbit).
5. (a) At the equatorial plane the magnetic field points along the z-direction
(see figure 2.4) and, as it falls as 1/r3 ,
✓ ◆3
~ RT
B = B(r)~uz = B0 ~uz ,

with B0 = 3 ⇥ 10 T and where RT ' 6370 km is the radius of the


Earth N B

Figure 2.4: problem 5.

Since the gradient drift is given by

2 ~ ~
1 mv? B ⇥ rB
~vd = ,
q 2B B2
it is enough to calculate the gradient in the direction perpendicular to
the magnetic field,

~ ?= @B B0 3 3
(rB) ~ur = 3 R ~ur = B(r)~ur .
@r r4 T r
~ ⇥ rB/B
Accordingly, |B ~ 2
| = 3/r and
1 mv? 3
vd = .
|q| 2B r

For an isotropic velocity distribution, hv 2 i = 32 hv?

i (see exercise 4) and
3 2
so the kinetic energy is K = 4 mhv? i or, alternatively,
v? = .
Substituting values, and noting that K/e is the kinetic energy in eV and
B(r = 5RT ) = B0 /25,

K 2 K 50
vd = = ,
e B(r = 5RT )5RT e B 0 RT
it comes, vde ' 7.85 ⇥ 103 m/s for the electrons and vdi = ved 30⇥10 3 '
2.61 ⇥ 10 m/s for the positive ions.
(b) The gradient rB~ points in the direction ~ur , so that B ~ ⇥ rB
~ points
in the direction ~u✓ (see figure 2.4). Taking into account the charge of
the particles in the expression for ~vd , the electrons drift eastwards (i.e.,
along ~u✓ ) while the positive ions drift westwards (along ~u✓ ).
64 Solutions to chapter 2. Single particle motion I

(c) At the distance r = 5RT an electron has to cover a distance 2⇡(5RT ).

The time it takes to orbit the Earth is therefore T = 10⇡R
' 7 h.
(d) J = ne(vdi vde ) ' nevde = 1.25 ⇥ 10 A/m2 .
6. (a) If there would be no electric field, the electrons would simply describe
cyclotron motion (uniform circular motion around the magnetic field
~ ⇥B
lines). Since there is an electric field, to this motion a E ~ drift is
added. The resulting motion is depicted in figure 2.5.

ExB drift

Cyclotron motion

Re E B

2Ri Ri

B Re

Cyclotron motion
ExB drift
ExB drift

Figure 2.5: simplified electron trajectory in the thruster (problem 6).

(b) The electron and ion Larmor radii are given by, respectively,
v?e me 5
RLe = ' 1.14 ⇥ 10 m
v?i mi 2
RLi = ' 2.72 ⇥ 10 m

Since rLe ⌧ L, the electrons are magnetized (i.e.,trapped in the mag-

netic field lines). For the positive ions, on the contrary, 2rLi . L, so
that a part of the positive ions can espace the confinement, by moving
to regions where the magnetic field vanishes (see figure 2.6). These ions
are ejected and communicate an acceleration to the thruster. In this
rough estimation the thruster operation does not seem very efficient,
since 2rLi /L ' 0.2. Notice, however, that the ion acceleration by the
electric field was not taken into account. Moreover, there is another
design for the thrusters, the thruster with anode layer (TAL), with a
short acceleration channel, L ⇠ 3 cm, for which the current estimation
gives 2rLi ' L.



Figure 2.6: ciclotron motion in the thruster (problem 6).

(c) This exercise is very similar to problem 2, so that just an outline is given
here. Taking the x axis along E ~ and defining the y axis along B ~ (cf.
figure 2.6), the Lorentz force equation reads
8 8 eE evz B
< mv̇x = eE + evz B < v̇x = m + m
mv̇y = 0 ! v̇y = 0 .
: : eB
mv̇z = evx B v̈z = m v̇x

The equation for vy implies vy (t) = cte. Since vy (0) = 0, vy (t) = 0.

2 E
Substituting v̇x in the last equation and defining ⇣ = !ce vz !c2 B , the
¨ 2
simple harmonic oscillator equation ⇣ = !ce ⇣ is recovered. Therefore,
⇣(t) = ⇣0 cos(!ce t + '), where ⇣0 and ' are constants to be determined
from the initial conditions. Moving back to the original variables and
imposing vx (0) = 0 and vz (0) = 0, the solution for the velocities is
vx (t) = sin(!ce t)
vz (t) = [cos(!ce t) 1] .
The trajectory is obtained by integration the velocities on time,
E 1
x(t) = cos(!ce t)
B !ce
E 1 E
z(t) = sin(!ce t) + t ,
B !ce B

where we identify a cyclotron motion with radius rLe = B! E

= m eE
eB 2
and a constant velocity drift along zz. Substituting values, rLe = 1.14⇥
10 3 m ⌧ L = 30 cm.
(d) Similarly, rLi = B! ci
=m iE 2
eB 2 = 2.7 ⇥ 10 m L.
On the one hand, the results confirm that the electrons are magnetized,
confined the to chamber, because rLe ⌧ L. On the other hand, since
rLi L, the positive ions can be accelerated and leave the chamber,
producing a thrust and pushing system, as the qualitative analysis of
6b somehow anticipated. However, the e↵ect is significantly larger than
66 Solutions to chapter 2. Single particle motion I

estimated in that simple analysis, due to the ion acceleration on the E

7. (a) From the force equation, F~ = q E,


8 8 dvx qE0
< mẍ = qE0 cos(!t) < dt = m cos(!t)
ÿ = 0 ; vy (t) = vy (t = 0) = 0 .
: :
z̈ = 0 vz (t) = vz (t = 0) = 0


qE0 qE0
vx (t) = cos(!⌧ ) d⌧ = sin(!t) ,
m0 m!
ˆ t
qE0 qE0 qE0 qE0
x(t) = xi + sin(!⌧ ) d⌧ = 2 2
cos(!t) + ,
0 m! |m!{z } m! m! 2
x(t) = cos(!t) .
m! 2

The charge as an harmonic oscillatory motion around x = 0, with fre-

quency ! and amplitude |q|E 0
m! 2 , as shown in figure 2.7.



Figure 2.7: oscillatory trajectory in problem 7a.

(b) ~ is stronger in the positive direction of the x-axis.

i. The electric field E
This means the “restoring force” is stronger on the upper part of
the trajectory than on the lower part and, accordingly, the center of
mass drifts to the regions of smaller electric field. The trajectory is
schematically represented in figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8: qualitative sketch of the trajectory in problem 7b.

A. Following the suggestions, we have, successively,

x = x0 + x1
E0 (x) ' E0 (x0 ) + x1 (x0 )
 dx
E(x, t) ' E0 (x0 ) + x1 (x0 ) cos(!t) .

The expansion is valid if

dE0 dE0 E0 (x0 )

x1 (x0 ) ⌧ |E0 (x0 ) ; (x0 ) ⌧ ,
dx dx x1

which means that the amplitude of the high-frequency oscilla-

tory component is much smaller than the characteristic distance
of the variation of the electric field.
The result follows directly from the force equation, mẍ = qE,
which reads

m(ẍ0 + ẍ1 ) = q E0 (x0 ) + x1 (x0 ) cos(!t) .

B. Since x1 is a quickly oscillating function, ẍ1 ẍ0 and |E0 (x0 )|

x1 dE
(x 0 ) , the equation of motion in the previous item re-
duces to
mẍ1 ' qE0 cos(!t) .
This equation was solved in 7a, with solution

x1 (t) = cos(!t) .
m! 2
68 Solutions to chapter 2. Single particle motion I

C. Taking the temporal average of the equation of motion†on the

short time interval 2⇡/! (which is analogous to taking the tem-
~ ⇥B
poral average along a gyroperiod in the calculation of the E ~
or the rB drifts),

mhẍ0 i + mhẍ1 i = qhE0 cos(!t)i + q x1 cos(!t) .

Furthermore, from the previous step, mhẍ1 i = qhE0 cos(!t)i,

so these two terms cancel in the previous equation, which re-
duces to

dE dE qE0
mẍ0 ' q hx1 cos(!t)i = q cos2 (!t)
dx dx m! 2
q2 dE q2 dE0
= 2
E0 hcos2 (!t)i = E0 ;
m! dx | {z } 2m! 2 dx
q dE0 q2 d
ẍ0 = E0 = E2 ,
2m2 ! 2 dx 4m2 ! 2 dx 0
where the equality dxd
(E02 ) = 2E0 dE
dx was used.

Finally, the charge feels a ponderomotive force

q2 d
Fp = mẍ0 = E2 ,
4m! 2 dx 0
which acts in the direction of decreasing E-field, as described
qualitatively in the beginning of the exercise.

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