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Summative test

(GTS, Mechanism of evolution and speciation)

Pahirap Box sample questions

 The Geological Time Scale was arranged chronologically (Time). What are
the bases on arranging the Geological Time Scale?
 Complete the sentence, Scientists have proved that lower the rock layer the -
________ and the more ancient are the fossils it contains.
 Enumerate the Geological time scale from Longest to shortest length of
 Give the GTS (eon, era, period epoch) of the present time.
 Why there were no multicellular organisms during the Precambrian of the
 What marks the END of a portion in the geological time scale? Give
 Why is it important to learn about the history of life/ Geological Time Scale?
 What is gene pool?
 What do we mean by evolution?
 What are the five mechanisms of evolution?
 How does evolution occur?
 How does gene flow affect evolution?
 How do humans affect evolution of species?
 How does natural selection affect us?
 How is Pokémon evolution different from the evolution of species in reality?
 What is speciation?
 What are the types of reproductive isolating mechanism?
 Give the 3 modes of speciation.
 Can two different species reproduce naturally? Explain your answer.

_______ 1. The fastest cheetahs of the population catch enough food to survive,
reproduce, and feed their offspring.
_______ 2. The Africanized honeybee was introduced into Brazil in the 1950’s. the
African bee mated with the western bee population, introducing new genes to the
indigenous population (ultimately leading to a new hybrid species commonly
known as “killer bees”.
_______ 3. A random change in the DNA sequence resulted in blue eyes being
introduced to the human population 10,000 years ago.
_______ 4. An ant population consists of red and green members. over the course
of many generations, the number of red members in the population has been
greatly reduced. this is because the red ants are more easily located by insect eating
predators in the leafy environment which they live.
_______ 5. A male blue-footed booby bird picks up its feet slowly in a dignified
fashion as it performs a courtship display. along with its head bowing and wing
spreading are ways males attract females.
_______ 6. Tortoises on a certain Galapagos Island have evolved to have a saddle
shaped shell, long neck and lengthy fore limbs because the food available to them
is perched high atop the cactus plant.
_______ 7. The Bascomb bumble bee only recognizes (is attracted by) the color
yellow. All of the flowers on Bascomb island are yellow.
_______ 8. during the Vietnam war, USA soldiers had children with Vietnamese
women. the gene pool of the Vietnamese population had new alleles added to it as
a result.
_______ 9. Relies on inheritable variation, overproduction, differential success and
_______ 10. A small population of deer are caught in a forest fire. most of the
unspotted variety are killed. now the population consists of mostly spotted deer.
_______ 11. Antibiotics prescribed to treat a bacterial staph infection killed 95% of
the staph bacteria. The remaining 5% of antibiotic resistant staph bacteria
reproduce and now make up the majority of the staph bacterial population.
_______ 12. The native American population now includes blue eyed individuals
following the migration of European settlers to north America.
_______ 13. Because bacteria have short generation times, they are more likely to
experience random beneficial changes to the DNA that will lead to survival


1. A group of researchers is studying fish populations in two small, adjacent

mountain lakes. Historically, seasonal flooding temporarily joined the lakes,
allowing for repeated cycles of interbreeding and isolation between the lakes’ fish
populations. The area’s climate has become drier, so the seasonal flooding no
longer occurs. Which of the following best predicts how the lack of seasonal
flooding will affect the fish populations in the lakes over time?
A. gene flow between the lakes’ fish populations will increase, resulting in
allopatric speciation.
B. The fish population in each lake will adapt to different food sources,
resulting in sympatric speciation.
C. The fish population in each lake will become reproductively isolated,
resulting in allopatric speciation.
D. Genetic drift will increase the genetic diversity within each lake’s fish
population, resulting in sympatric speciation.

2. Which of the following describes two species that exhibit a prezygotic

mechanism of reproductive isolation?
A. The rice species Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima can be crossed to produce
F1 hybrid plants, but these hybrid plants produce empty pollen grains that cannot
carry out fertilization.
B. The western spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis) and the eastern spotted skunk
(S. putorius) have overlapping geographic ranges, but S. gracilis mates in late
summer and S. putorius mates in late winter.
C. The domesticated horse (Equus ferus caballus) and the domesticated donkey
(Equus africanus asinus) can mate and produce offspring which are healthy, but
D. The yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) and the fire-bellied toad (B.
bombina) have overlapping geographic ranges, but hybrids between the two
species have high rates of embryonic mortality.

3. A group of scientists is studying Tetragnatha spiders on the island of Hawaii. A

large lava flow has divided the spiders’ forest habitat into two parts. As a result, a
population of Tetragnatha spiders has become isolated on either side of the
hardened lava.
Which of the following best predicts how the lava flow will affect the spider
populations over time?
A. Genetic drift will increase the genetic diversity within each spider
population, resulting in sympatric speciation.
B. The spider population on each side of the lava flow will become
reproductively isolated, resulting in allopatric speciation.
C. Gene flow between the spider populations will increase, resulting in
allopatric speciation.
D. The spider population on each side of the lava flow will adapt to live in
different types of vegetation, resulting in sympatric speciation.

4. Two populations of birds have overlapping geographic ranges. Birds in the two
populations look similar, having only small differences in their feather coloring.
The populations are classified as being part of a single species. A scientist claims
that, according to the biological species concept, the two populations are actually
separate species. Which of the following observations would provide the most
direct evidence in support of the scientist’s claim?
A. birds in one population have a distinct song pattern that is more complex
than that of the other population
B. Birds from each population fight only with birds from the other population
while defending the breeding territory
C. birds in one population eat mostly berries, while birds in the other
population eat mostly insect
D. Birds from each population mate only with birds from their own population.

5. As a result of adaptive radiation, there are more than 70 species of Bulimulus

snails found on the Galápagos islands. These species differ in their shell shape,
shell color, and habitat use.
Which of the following statements best explains how adaptive radiation could have
led to the diversity of Bulimulus snail species found on the Galápagos islands?
A. Over time, many closely related snail species floated on debris to the islands
from the mainland. Each species settled into the ecological niche it was best
adapted for.
B. Members of a single snail species floated to the islands on debris from the
mainland. Over time, this species diverged into many species as groups of snails
adapted to different habitat niches on the islands.
C. An increased mutation rate among island snail populations led to the
accumulation of prezygotic reproductive barriers over time. These barriers then led
to a high rate of speciation on the islands.
D. A cataclysmic weather event reduced the ecological diversity of the islands,
which increased competition between snail populations and led to the formation of
new species.
6. Which of the following describes a postzygotic mechanism of reproductive
A. Female Pundamilia pundamilia and P. nyererei fish choose mates based on
scale color: breeding P. pundamilia males have blue scales on their back, while P.
nyererei males have red scales.
B. The orchid species Chiloglottis grammata and C. triceratops have
overlapping geographic ranges, but the chemicals they produce attract different
types of pollinators.
C. Two species of Ensatina salamanders that occur together in the California
foothills can mate and form hybrids, but most of the hybrids die before reaching
D. The sea urchin species Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. purpuratus
have incompatible gametes, preventing cross-species fertilization in the water.

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