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Good afternoon everyone! How are you this afternoon? Are you all good?

Are you
all feeling well? Okay! That’s Good!
I would like to introduce myself, I am Ms Ara Tamparong I will be your teacher in
this afternoon! Glad to finally meet you all! So, As we start I would like everyone
to sit properly and set your eyes and ears to me! Okay? Okaaay…. So Let Start!

Now We will talk about what is Marketing, why we should study marketing
and the concept of marketing and the traditional approaches to Marketing?
So as you hear the word marketing, what comes first in your mind?
Anybody would like to answer? You can give me just one word or just
(May I call on Ms/Mr….) Good!

Sometimes people will directly associate marketing to selling, but Marketing is

more than that!
According to Medina Marketing may be defined as exchange activities
conducted by individuals or organizations for the purpose of satisfying
human wants with the view of accomplishing individual or organizational
Let us put it in layman’s term Marketing is any actions an individual,
organization or a company take to attract potential clients or customers to its
products and services offered.
For more understanding of marketing, Let us define these following terms…
Exchange – refers to the trade of things or service of value between buyer and
Human Need – refers to a thing or service that is required by a human being for
the health and well-being of his body and mind.
Ex. Food, Water and medical service
Human Wants – refers to a thing or services that a person desire to have above
what they truly need in order to live.
Ex. Laptops, Designer Bags, Camera
Objective – refers to the desired result of an activity
Ex. Profit, reduction of pollution

Okaaay are you following?! Are we in the same page?!

Now let us go deeper, the Concept of Marketing/ Marketing Concept

We all know that the objective of a business is Profit on a short term and long
term bases; however, study says that is possible only when customers patronize
your firm or your products or services. We want a long term customers right
“yung tipong babalik at babalikan yung anong meron ka”. Right?
But this only happen if you continually meet costumer’s satisfaction, you
continually give the service or the product he wants, at a price acceptable to
him, at the place where he wants to find it, and the way he wants to get it!
That’s why Marketing Concept calls for identifying the needs of customers first
before making a move!
Coz’ it is much wiser to know the minds of the consumers first! We need to
identify their needs and wants!

Show the slide discuss

Let as have an example, Mr Leoligao is currently living in Marawi and he wants to

start his own business.
Now Marawi is known as Islamic City (96% of its population is Muslim Maranaws)
but Marawi is also surrounded with establishements, offices, schools and
now let us use the Marketing Concept
Let us first define the target market, who are or what is our target market?
(Call Someone)
THE PEOPLE of Marawi,

So from this example what product or what kind of product that Mr. Leoligao
should not sell for his business? Give me an example!
PORK, Anything that is not Halal!
For He targets more customers, He should not sell Pork or anything that is not

And what products should he sell instead? Think of a product..

Office and school Supplies, Fruits, Furnitures and etc

Before Marketing Concept was discovered, there were various eras of

developments took place.
1. The Production Era – This era covers the period of the Industrial Revolution
until 1928 when the company was focused on production of few specific
products. Products are produce in mass at a low cost.
During this Era business has the mindset “If produced somebody will buy”
Due their current market that time, business can sell anything it produced.

2. The Sales Era – the company emphasized selling because of the increased
on competition covering period 1930 to 1950. During this era businesses
created sales technique to convince costumers to buy their products.
Companies were only concerned with selling products simply to get rid of
it for a profit not because it fulfills their customers need.
3. The marketing Department Era – covering the period 1950 – 1960,
progressive companies adapted the idea that all marketing activities within
the firm must be under the control of one department. We see advertising,
sales, promotions and anything marketing related all grouped into one

4. The Marketing Company Era – Marketing was recognized not only of a

single department but of the whole company and was also the time when
marketing people developed long range plans.
In addition, there is a shift to mass production to the need to satisfy
customers. “Customer is King” Customers became the main focus.
Distribution channel and pricing strategy are also defined during this era.

5. Marketing Company with Social Concern Era – About the year 1975,
companies began to consider social issued as a factor in the formulation of
marketing strategies.
Challenges the companies to work for the benefits of both consumer and
society while still attaining a profit

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