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activity #2

Sports have already made their way into other academic
disciplines such as sport medicine, sports law, and sport
psychology, to name a few. And, since it is practiced by almost
everyone, sport has grown into a multibillion-dollar industry
throughout the world (actively or passively). Sport has become
so ingrained in our culture and a reflection of our society that it
has become a part of our culture and a reflection of our
The history of sport can teach us about social changes and
about the nature of sport itself, as sport seems involved in the
development of basic human skills. Knowing the history of
sports is essential in the following ways: The history of the
game must be studied since it teaches people team spirit,
solidarity, patriotism, and so on. Furthermore, studying
athletics helps to instill health-related concepts in people's
thoughts, ensuring a long and healthy life. History of sports
should be known to people as they should aware under what
circumstances, by whom and how it was played.
It is important to understand the rules and its revision in due
course of time.
It also teaches in the young minds the importance of sports as
some of them may be interested in these activities apart from
studies, career, etc.
Yes, Filipinos still valued sports here in the Philippines.
We still have competitions in different kinds of sports in
different parts of the Philippines.
Every Filipino enjoys sports, and it makes them feel good
when they participate in the activities they enjoy. When
Filipinos, even children, do games or sports, they get
healthier and fitter. This is especially true when they are
stressed or fatigued. Sport keeps us fit both mentally and
physically. As a result, nearly every Filipino has their own
sports and hobbies that they participate in on a regular
basis. Sport is one of the ways we demonstrate our
Filipino identity. Most Filipinos enjoy sports, and they are
taught how to play them not only at school, but also by
our family, who enjoys sports in a different sector.
Currently, the Philippines compete in a variety of sports
and obtain a variety of medals in a variety of sports on an
international level. The Philippines is looking for Filipino
athletes with a strong desire to compete in the
Philippines Olympic International and be part of the future
generation of champions. The government also supports
the Philippines Sports Commission in its efforts to
promote sports and assist all Filipino athletes in their
efforts to practice properly and achieve their goal of
becoming Asian champions in various sports.
Sports may provide respect and distinction to a country
as well as an athlete's family. It also assists you in
becoming well-known in your chosen sector of sport and
encourages other young Filipinos who like sports. One of
the most essential elements that may help our bodies
stay healthy and our minds relax is to enjoy sports and
participate in them. It helps your inner mind and body
clean up after a stressful day.

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