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UNDERSTANDING \—~ HILDREN'S RIGHT TO FREEDOM : coe "THERE'S ALWAYS A FREEDOM TO TAKE” UNDESTANDING CHILDREN'S RIGHT TO FREEDOM FREEDOM IS A SACRED AND INALIENABLE RIGHT THAT ALL HUMAN BEINGS POSSESS. IT IS THE POWER TO ACT ACCORDING TO ITS WILL, WHILE RESPECTING THE LAW AND THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. FREEDOM OF THE CHILDREN CHILOREN HAVE RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES LIKE ADULTS. BUT CHILOREN ARE MORE FRAGILE AND VULNERABLE THAN ADULTS. SO, UNTIL THEY BECOME ADULTS, THE LIBERTIES OF CHILDREN ARE MORE RESTRICTED IN ORDER TO ENSURE THEIR SECURITY AND WELL-BEING. NEVERTHELESS, THEY HAVE LIBERTIES WHICH IT IS IMPORTANT TO RESPECT. IT CONCERNS MAINLY LIBERTIES OF “CITIZENSHIP*; THE FREEDOM OF ‘SPEECH, EXPRESSION AND ASSOCIATION, AND “SPIRITUAL” OR “RELIGIOUS” LIBERTIES; THE FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, CONSCIOUSNESS AND RELIGION THE RIGHTS TO LIBERTY OF OPINION, EXPRESSION AND ASSOCIATION OF THE CHILDREN CS 0 8 ee ~ eae Pa a ORE) CHILDREN HAVE THE RIGHT, AS D0 THE ADULTS, TO HAVE AN OPINION, TO EXPRESS IT AND TO MEET IN ORDER TO SHARE THEIR POINT OF VIEW. Monthly Magazine LIBERTY OF OPINION AND LIBERTY OF EXPRESSION Liberty of Opinion Children have the right to have an opinion different from their parents. While taking into account their age, as well as their degree of maturity and discernment, children have the right to have their opinion considered. States, communities and parents have the duty to listen to the children and to consider their opinions when the decisions concern them Liberty of Expression Every child has the right to express freely their opinion on all the questions which concern his/her life. So a child should not be the victim of the pressure of an adult, who would try to force him/her in order to influence them in their opinion or who would prevent them from expressing themselves freely, The freedom of expression for the children also involves their right to be informed. It is the right of the children to know what happens and to access information which interests them, Then children can comprehend current problems, inquire and build up their own opinion on topical subjects. Kimy Rose C. Rodriguez 2022 FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND FREEDOM OF THOUGHT FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION Like adults, children have the right te meet in order to consult and react en issues which directly concern their rights and their well-being, but JESHEL GRACE L. PADILLO SSO FREEDOM OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND FREEDOM OF RELIGION FREEDOM OF CONSCIOUSNESS The freedom of conscience is a freedom halfway between the liberties of bu) Ceyolia (ola M-lale MR alm ci-xe( oan] a Celll [ea freedom, strictly connected to the and philosophical convictions of Wear 1~ 1 dela cat: 1am] Te have a consciousness and a r the children are free to deter will be the principles which will te lalot FREEDOM OF RELIGION bie ee eae eee religion or the conviction of their choice and to show it ic) a gO ee gaa) Cee Acme nec emma caked UT mes eal amet ooh a a conviction of their choice, as soon as they reach a See aa Ree ara os) be imposed to them. on Lays) In this way, children know how to manage their own life and their will learns how to UE ORR Ce me em ict tlm SLT CUM LOM CMCC et Luts CER Rea CIR mute aL ag takes to manage their life and problems. In addition, “In this issue, we need to know that all people have their own freedom even for children because different people have a Cre MUR die CMC eC lee Cai om Ura Gre UR tte te) learn what to want to do with their life. Also, kids will learn that they need to take care of their life and do what they want to do while staying safe, staying legal, and not against their parents laws. ‘ Ff E Freedom helps teach kids the importance of managing life and what they want to COM ed ota rdur Ree teed Coen ram turer ar ee UT rebellious behavior. Dr. Julie Carbery said "What's going on is freedom. Freedom is P cocaine to a teenager. It's intoxicating, It's addictive, And it is often their biggest motivator. They will do anything to get it, and they are terrified a CUT iia Ss

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