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1. To be completely fair, we need a(n) …………………. person. (interest)

2. He wrote the book alone, so he doesn’t have a(n)____________ (author)
3.The plan is completely.................(WORK). Let’s just forget it. 4. Someone who
can’t read is often......... afraid of certain situations.(UNDERSTAND)
5. While walking in the mountains in North Wales, we came across a _______
quarry. USE
6.The ________ staff consists of ten experienced journalists. EDIT
7. That new conference was…………………………. boring! SPEAK
8. I’m not very keen on the………………. of this dictionary definition. WORD 9.
Advertising is particularly effective on people who are highly………... SUGGEST
10. Under her fine… …….. , circulation has increased by 100,000. EDIT
11. It’s pure………………………… - there’s no evidence to support these
allegations at all. HEAR
12. I’m not convinced that there’s a………………………link between pollution
an global warming. CAUSE
13. I’d like to make a…… …… from my bank account, please. DRAW
14. Please keep e-mails short. …… …makes everyone’s lives easier. BRIEF
5. I don’t want to………………………..the agony for you, but I’m afraid you’ll
have to wait another two days to know how much money you’ve won. LONG
16. You might find it hard to answer all the questions in the………… time. LOT
17. If one of our nurses has acted………………….., you can be assured we will
take the strongest possible action against him or her. NEGLECT
18. I can’t believe you forgot to get your wife a birthday present. You’re so
……………………..sometimes! NEGLECT
19. As I told Rose how I felt she was completely……………………………….., so
I had no idea at all what she was thinking. RESPOND
20. We still don’t know whether the plan will ever come to…… .. or not. FRUIT
21. I was a bit……………………………by my performance in the first exam, but
I decided to make an extra effort in the ones left. MORAL
22. When confronted with a mass of red tape, many people feel a sense of ........
23. I really believe that it would be a major mistake to………………………any
drugs that are currently illegal. CRIME
24. Maybe I am an………………………..; but what’s wrong with wanting every
human being to have access to clean drinking water? IDEAL
25. The Minister attempted to………………………the dispute, saying it was just a
minor disagreement. PLAY
26. I hate going clothes shopping with Carlo – he’s so…………………………that
he takes hours to find anything he likes. CHOICE
27. I’m afraid I left the chicken in the oven a bit long so it’s a little………………
28. Many people are rather……………………....when they first get involved in
politics, but they often change. IDEAL
1. To be completely fair, we need a(n) …………………. person. (interest)
1. Disinterested
2. He wrote the book alone, so he doesn’t have a(n)____________ (author)
3.The plan is completely.................(WORK). Let’s just forget it.
4. Someone who can’t read is often......... afraid of certain situations.
5. While walking in the mountains in North Wales, we came across a _______ quarry.
USE (disused)
6.The ________ staff consists of ten experienced journalists. EDIT
7. That new conference was…………………………. boring! SPEAK
8. I’m not very keen on the………………. of this dictionary definition. WORD
9. Advertising is particularly effective on people who are
highly…………………... SUGGEST suggestible
10. Under her fine…………………….. , circulation has increased by 100,000.
EDIT editorship
11. It’s pure………………………… - there’s no evidence to support these
allegations at all. HEAR hearsay
12. I’m not convinced that there’s a………………………link between pollution
an global warming. CAUSE causal
13. I’d like to make a……………………… from my bank account, please.
DRAW withdrawal
14. Please keep e-mails short. ………………………makes everyone’s lives easier.
BRIEF Brevity
15. I don’t want to………………………..the agony for you, but I’m afraid you’ll
have to wait another two days to know how much money you’ve won. LONG
16. You might find it hard to answer all the questions in the………………………
time. LOT allotted
17. If one of our nurses has acted………………….., you can be assured we will
take the strongest possible action against him or her. NEGLECT negligently
18. I can’t believe you forgot to get your wife a birthday present. You’re so
……………………..sometimes! NEGLECT neglectful
19. As I told Rose how I felt she was completely……………………………….., so
I had no idea at all what she was thinking. RESPOND unresponsive
20. We still don’t know whether the plan will ever come to…………………….. or
not. FRUIT fruition
21. I was a bit……………………………by my performance in the first exam, but
I decided to make an extra effort in the ones left. MORAL demoralised
22. When confronted with a mass of red tape, many people feel a sense of
……………………….. POWER powerlessness
23. I really believe that it would be a major mistake to………………………any
drugs that are currently illegal. CRIME decriminalise
24. Maybe I am an………………………..; but what’s wrong with wanting every
human being to have access to clean drinking water? IDEAL idealist
25. The Minister attempted to………………………the dispute, saying it was just a
minor disagreement. PLAY downplay
26. I hate going clothes shopping with Carlo – he’s so…………………………that
he takes hours to find anything he likes. CHOICE choosy
27. I’m afraid I left the chicken in the oven a bit long so it’s a little………………
DO overdone
28. Many people are rather……………………....when they first get involved in
politics, but they often change. IDEAL idealistic

1. What benefits does English Speaking Club bring about to secondary students?
Write a paragraph to express your ideas

2. Write a paragraph (You should write about 140-160 words) on the topic. What are
the benefits of extra – curricular activities?(15 points)

3. Nowadays, most students take extra classes. Do you think this is a good idea? Or
would it be better for students to invest all that time in self-study?

4. violence among stuents at schools worries parents a lot.

5.benefits of volunteer work.

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