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Looking back from the younger version of me, I see a naive but futuristic
child. Who can fathom that at such a young age, I already have a goal of being
a psychologist (just because I heard that our neighbor’s also majoring
psychology and I also want to wear a white coat). The young Aira Mae that I
know had a difficulty at socializing, identifying what kind of emotion she felt
and had a difficulty at expressing her
emotion to the public eye that’s why
most of the times, she was labeled as
quiet. That circumstances made her
think that she must be like those other
bubbly children so that people would
accept her. It pressured her a lot.
Physically speaking, she was also always
the first in line whenever they had a
flag ceremony because of her cute
height. The things that I realized about
the changes I have been through are
more focused on mental, intellectual,
and emotional maturity because believe me, I can still get a discount on
restaurant that offers a discount to 4 feet and below (kidding aside). Going
back to the topic, now I can fully say that I can be classified as the introverted
one but, unlike before I can now adapt to the environment. I realized that I do
not need to pretend to make connections, that I can create my own social
circles, that it is possible for me to express myself in front of many people.
My perspective really changed. It feels like, when I entered the puberty
stage, I was slapped with responsibilities that made me mature fast. Loads of
information and roles overwhelmed me but that’s a good thing because though
it overwhelmed me, it also kind of directed me on how to live rightly and
purposeful. Over the years, I also learned that as a person who have various
interests, I need to prioritize my goals and do them one at a time.
Now that I am undergoing in the process of being an adult, it feels weird
because there are times that I think of committing into relationship. I also
dreamed of succeeding in my chosen field and to be financially stable. It is
surprising for me because what I only dreamed of when I was a child was to
have a ‘baby alive’ toy. The more I age, the more my horizons widen and the
more I get excited. The series of modifying my character and inevitable changes
are thrilling yet scary because no matter how much you strive for success, at
the end of the day the uncertainty of life is worrisome. But thanks to
Psychology because we, humans are now able to make our lives better in this
game of life.

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