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1. What is a hypothesis?
A hypothesis is an assumption, but it goes beyond a guess. It is the heart of research
because it explains whether there is a relationship between dependent and independent
What is the difference between a nonexperimental hypothesis and an experimental
An experimental hypothesis predicts a cause-and-effect relationship between variables
while on the other hand, nonexperimental hypothesis predicts a relationship between
variables but does not involve manipulating an independent variable.
2. What are the characteristics of a good hypothesis?
Characteristics of good hypothesis are synthetic statements, testable statements,
falsifiable statements, parsimonious statements and lastly, fruitful statements.
3. Which of the following are synthetic statements? Why?
Letter A and D are synthetic statements. Letter A is synthetic because it can be either true
or false. It can be true because month of December normally have winter breeze and it is
the coolest month of the year. It can also be false because there are other months like
January wherein you can still feel the coldness. Letter D is also synthetic because the
statement is clearly false.
a. If I am cold, then it is December.
b. Out of sight, out of mind.
c. Virtue is its own reward.
d. A statement that is always true is never true.
4. Explain the differences between induction and deduction. Describe the way they are used
to create theories and generate hypotheses.
Induction starts from focusing on specific case then testing it further to general population
to create theory and generate a hypothesis while on the other hand, deduction starts from
focusing on general principles then trying it out on specific cases. Researchers used a well-develop
theory in deduction while in induction, researchers generate their own theory to generate
5. Is a discovery' made through serendipity just a matter of luck? Explain your answer.
A discovery made through serendipity is not just a matter of ‘luck’. At first, it really seems
like it but if we will look further, it goes beyond that. Let’s say a researcher have a discovery
through serendipity. Regardless of whether he unintentionally discovered it, the mere fact that
he was able to connect the dots and create a strong foundation about that discovery shows pure
hard work and critical thinking skills therefore, it is not just a matter of luck.
6. a. What is the role of intuition in research?
Intuition helps the researchers to grasp unofficial result with regards to the study they are
working on. If the researcher has an immense amount of expertise about their study, his intuition
will become more valid since intuition is defined as unconscious-problem solving.
b. Is intuition scientific?
Although intuition sometimes led us to correct outcomes, intuition remains unscientific
since it cannot be easily verified. Intuition sometimes is based on our personal experiences
therefore it can also be subjective at times.
c. Why are our hunches often correct?
When we have correct hunch about something, it means that we have expertise in that
area. Having expertise helps us to have correct hunch because the more we know about
something, the more we can make conclusion that is based on facts that are stored within our

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