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College of Computer Science

Department of Computer Engineering
Subject : 225-CPE-4 – Microprocessor and Interfacing
Section : 3636
First Trimester, 2022
Duration : 2 weeks

Assignment # 1

Deadline for submission is 10/10/2022 (Rabi Al Awwal 14, 1444) .

The answer has to be specific and clear.
Any two papers have the same answer ; the marks will be ZERO for both papers.
Maximum mark is 2.5

1. Name the general-purpose registers of the 8086

a) 8-bits
b) 16-bits
2. If CS=3499H and IP=2500H, find
a) The logical Address
b) The physical Address
c) The lower and upper range of the code segment
3. If SS=3499H and the offset 3FB9H, find
a) The logical Address
b) The physical Address
c) The lower and upper range of the code segment
4. If an instruction that needs to be fetched is in physical memory location 38AF0 and CS=2800H, does
the code segment range include it or not ? If not, what value should be assigned to CS if the IP must
be 1293H ?
5. If SP= 3500H, what is the offset address of the first location of the stack that is available to push data
into ?
6. Assume SP=49FCH, AX=0F3AH, BX=F43CH, DI=0000H, SI=0000H and CX=0AH. Find the content
of the stack and the stack pointer after the execution of the following instructions ?

What is the function of this fragment of code ?
7. The following registers are used as offsets. Assuming the default segment is used to get the logical
address, give the segment register associated with each offset.
a) BP
b) DI
c) IP
d) SI
e) SP
f) BX
8. Assume that the registers have the following values (in Hex) and that CS=1A45H, DS=2A45, SS=3A45,
SI=4000, DI=5000, BX=1F49, BP=700, AX=25FF, CX=8AF91 and DX=1299. Calculate the physical
address of the memory where the operand is stored and the contents of the memory location in each of
the following addressing examples :

a) MOV [SI],AL g) MOV [3600],AX

b) MOV [SI+BX+8],AH h) MOV [BX]+30,DX
c) MOV [BX],AX i) MOV [BP]+200,AX
d) MOV [DI+6],BX j) MOV [BP+SI+100],BX
e) MOV [BX][DI]+13,CX k) MOV [SI]+50,AH
f) MOV [BP][SI]+10,DX l) MOV [DI+BP+100],AX

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