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In what ways does gender inequality persist at present in our society?

Since time began, women have always been thought of as an inferior gender to men.
Nowadays, even though we have evolucionated to a more equal world, we still have some
inequalities in relation to work, wages, and many other things.

Regarding the salary, here in Spain in 2019, women’s wage represented 91.3% of men’s wage,
and we do not have a specific reason for that, it is just because of the gender.

In relation to work, women have what is called the glass ceiling, a point beyond which women
do not get promoted. One of the reasons for this could be that as women can get pregnant,
bosses think twice before promoting a girl because of the maternity leave.

To sum up, we have progressed a lot in this aspect, but we still have a long way to go.

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