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Test Paper – UK relief and generalities

Choose the correct answer: 0,25x 10 = 2,5

1. What is the highest mountain in the British Isles? – Ben Nevis/ Snowdon/ Cairn Eige/Scafell Pike
2. Which lake in Scotland is said to be inhabited by an aquatic monster known as Nessie? –
Inverness/ Loch Ness/ North Loch/ North Torridon
3. Where in the United Kingdom are the Sperrin Mountains located? Northern Ireland/ eastern
Scotland/ England/ Southern Wales
4. Which uplands form the “spine” of northern England? Appalachian Mountains/ Cumbrian
Mountains/ Chiltern Hills/ Pennines
5. In which historic county of England is the peninsula called Land’s End located? Stratford/
Sunderland/ Kent/ Cornwall
6. What are the Fens of eastern England? A silver mine/ a river valley/ a mountain range/
(reclaimed) marshland
7. Near which city is the Neolithic site Stonehenge located? York/ Glasgow/ Dublin/ Salisbury
8. Which regions occupy the island of Great Britain?
England, Scotland and Wales/ England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland / England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland / England, Scotland, Wales and Eire
9. What’s the name of the form of relief made up of approximately 40000 basalt columns, located
in Northern Ireland?
Land’s End/ The Fens/ The Giant’s Causeway/ John O’groats
10. This is an island situated in the Irish Sea.
Orkney Island/ Isle of Man/ Isle of Wight/ Shetland Island

Fill in the sentences: 0,25x 10 = 2,5

1. Britain’s coastline has many…………….…..…….……., such as: peninsulas, e………………..………, rias,
f…………….………. and s……………..………. .
2. The ……………………………………… or ……………………………… Meridian passes through………………………..,
which is one of London’s suburbs.
3. The boundaries of the British Isles are: to the north- Shetland Island, to the south………………….. ,
to the east - ………………………………. and to the west - ……………………………………….. .

Briefly explain the following words and make up short sentences using them. 0,25x 7 = 1,75
1. Moorland =

2. Shallow =
3. Marsh =

4. Silt=

5. Fault (line) =

6. Peat =

7. Strait =

Make a list of the names of Britain’s mountains and

number them, as highlighted on the map.
Then write 2 more forms of relief on your list and
indicate them on the same map.

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