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I am a friend of Diane and have known her for about 35 years and Mike since Diane met him.

I have known Stephen since his birth and have been very close to him.

I have babysat for Diane and Mike as Stephen has never been an easy child.

I went to Bulgaria with Diane and Stephen 2 years ago at the start of their holiday before Mike was
able to join them. While there Stephen had a blow up of temper and took the car keys threatening
to drive the car away. He sat in the car but did not do anything else. He was told by his Mum to get
out of the car which just resulted in him getting more and more agitated, seeing this happening it
was safe to leave him there and he got out of the car when his Mum was not

reacting to him.

He then said he was going for a walk and was gone about 15 minutes and on his return said he was
so close to stepping in front of a car and it would have been all his Mums fault.

He then sat singing silly songs with unacceptable language put in, he knows his Mum does not like
bad language. He also was threatening to do silly and dangerous things which he did not carry

Anything said to try and calm him down or tell him things are dangerous just seems to wind him up
even more and make him more likely to carry through his threats.

This was ongoing for about 90 minutes after which he said he wanted his Mum to go to his room so
they could speak.

Diane went to his room and was kept prisoner there for about 2 hours while he blocked the doorway
so she was unable to leave, if she tried to pass him he said she was attacking him.

When told this is a form of bullying he gets even more wound up.

All this kicked off for no known reason.

On another occasion while at a swimming pool he got wound up and awkward because his Mum
would not go in the pool with him right at that moment, so he harassed her by constantly going on
and on at her until she went. Repeating himself over and over.

I left Bulgaria with a heavy heart as I knew his Dad would not be arriving for another week and I was
dreadfully worried for Diane’s state of mind. Living walking on eggshells cannot be easy.

I have witnessed these incidents often and believe you me they are really scary. Stephen does not
see a problem with talking over anyone and cannot wait for a conversation to finish (including a
telephone one) to say what he wants. It does not seem to bother Stephen who may be visiting if he
gets his Mum to his room he will keep her imprisoned there. Stephen can walk through a door fine
and jolly and come back through it in a terrible mood this is without any provocation at all.

If he is approached after calming down and asked what the problem was he will not converse with
you and just sits staring straight through you with a smirk on his face.

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