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NAME: David Alué Díaz DATE: Saturday February 26th, 2022

TEACHER´S NAME: Gabriela Morales SCHEDULE: Saturdays

A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate expression.

1. Is somebody at the door? (somebody, something)

2. I memorized everything the teacher wrote on the board last time. (everything, something)

3. I ´m still working for my dad. I´ve never worked for anybody else (nobody else, anybody else)

4. Do you want to ask me something else? (everybody else, something else)

5. Nobody (Nobody, Somebody) was on time today. (Everybody, Someone) was late.

B. Answer the following question logically with 2 complete sentences, and be sure to include an appropriate
adjective clause in at least one of your sentences.
EXAMPLE: Are you dating someone who works at this school?
No, I´m not dating anyone who works here. My girlfriend is from Mexico City.

1. The friends who I was talking with yesterday are from THE USA. They are on vacation in Cuernavaca.

2. A synonym is a word that is spelled different but, means the same thing. Happy and glad are synonyms.

3. I usually go to Japanese restaurants because I like sushi. Also, I go to Italian restaurants because I like

4. The name of the best restaurant that I’ve ever eaten AT is “Nectar”. They SERVE the best pizza in

C. Change the sentences or questions the teacher reads to the tense indicated by the expression in parentheses
as in the example (past perfect or past perfect progressive). If the teacher reads a question, do not answer it.
Write another question.
EXAMPLE: Teacher reads: I went to work at 7:30 yesterday.
On your paper: (already... when the rest of the family woke up)
You write: I´d already gone to work when the rest of the family woke up yesterday.

1. (already....when I called you?) Had your parents already picked you up yesterday when I called you?

2. ( prepare us for the exam last month) The teacher gave us a lot of homework to prepare us for the
exam last month.

3. (just....when my stomach began to hurt.) I’d just been eating lunch downtown when my stomach began to

4. (....before your last exam?) Did your parents check your homework for you before your last exam?

D. Change the sentences the teacher reads to questions with the interrogative words in parentheses as in the
EXAMPLE: Teacher´s sentence: I want my parents to pay my tuition tomorrow.
On your paper: WHEN
Your question: WHEN do you want your parents to pay your tuition?

1. (WHOSE) Whose friend who lives in Mexico City DID you GO downtown with last night?

2. (WHO) Who haS never taking a trip by herself?

3. (WHAT) What was the teacher telling you when the director came into the classroom?

E. Answer the questions the teacher reads with three complete logical sentences or independent clauses. If you
give a short answer, be sure to give 3 more complete sentences or independent clauses.

1. I’d already eaten lunch because you called me too late yesterday.
I was cooking eggs before you called me yesterday.
I couldn’t wait for you for lunch.
2. Yes, I’ve been burned myself when I was cooking.
I usually burn myself a lot when I am cooking.
I don’t like cooking because I use to burn myself.
3. Yes, my mom met a lot of people of the US.
She worked in Los Angeles California for a year.
She used to go to Santa Monica Beach frequently.

F) Read the following paragraphs. Then answer the questions the teacher reads about this reading with one
complete sentence.

Hi! My name´s Sophia Martinez, and I´m 40 years old. I just began to study here, and I want to introduce myself
to the class.
I´m from Acapulco. I´ve lived in Acapulco most of my life, but I moved to Cuernavaca two years ago. I´d studied
English for two years in Acapulco before I moved here. I moved here because I got tired of the hot weather in
Guerrero. I prefer the warm weather in Cuernavaca. I´d worked as a teacher for many years before I moved here.
When I got here, I had a hard time finding a job as a teacher, so I decided to find a job as a secretary. Now I want
to finish my English studies so I can become an English teacher. I have many friends. My friends say I´m a
person who is hard-working and intelligent. I think they are right!
I´d like to get to know everyone in this class and become friends with everyone. I think I´m friendly and outgoing
person. I don´t like to spend time by myself. So I hope that soon we can all go out for coffee and get to know each
other better.

1. Sophia just began to study here.

2. She’d studied English for two years in Acapulco before she moved here.
3. She moved to Cuernavaca because she got tired of the hot weather in Guerrero.
4. Because she had a hard time finding a job as a teacher.
5. Her friends say she’s a person who is hard working and intelligent.
6. No, she doesn’t like spend time by herself.
Where are the friends you were talking with yesterday from?
What is a synonym?
What kind of restaurants do you usually go to?
What’s the name of the best restaurant that you ever eaten that?
Did your parents pick you up from school yesterday?
The teacher has been giving us a lot of homework recently
I ate lunch downtown
Had your parents been checking your homework for you?
I went downtown last night with a friend of my mother’s who lives in Mexico City
I’ve never taking a trip by myself

Why had you already eaten lunch when I called you yesterday?
Have you ever burned yourself when you were cooking?
Have your parents ever met anyone of the US
When did Sophia begin study here?
How long had she studied English before she moved here?
Why did she get a job as a secretary?
How do Sophia’s friends describe her?
Does she like spend time by herself?

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