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Name: Margilie L. Sangcap

Section: FSM-1G

Why it is important to study the importance of the computer concepts and applications as a
student , teachers , and worker.

“Student “

As a student it is important to study the importance of computer concept . Because it helps to

facilitate tasks. Faster process that you know what is needed when we use a computer . We can more
easily to understand how the computer help us . We will have the knowledge of what exactly are the
parts of computer needs whether it is fit to be used or put in unit.


As a teacher it is important to understand things regarding the computer . Because it is one of the
tools used in teaching especially now during pandemic . He/She should know what the parts are and
how to operate or use them to make it easier for him to process his teaching needs . And in case it
breaks he / she knows where and how it is broken . He/ She would better understood how it could help
him / her better.


Same as a teacher and student they need to understand or learned the importance of the
computer concepts . So that they can easily understand and also fixed fixed it . To easily analyze what
they need to do or how to use it.

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