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The supply chain and its elements ESSAY

Mainly the supply chain is a fundamental part of logistics because it is simply the chain
or link that moves the goods from one place to another.
What for me is a supply chain in any company must have a constant improvement and
a competitive advantage over other companies in order to have a better
competitiveness in the market.

Suppliers: in a company this is a fundamental part because, as their word says, they are
the ones that provide the products to an organization, that is why companies must have
suppliers that are very reliable because if the raw material does not arrive in the case of
a industry because the company will be greatly affected.
Transport: in the case of transport, it is not exempt that the load always arrives at the
right time because there can always be minor variations in the journey, such as:
assaults, a tire failing, a road crash, etc. That's why you always have to keep in mind
that products or raw materials sometimes arrive just in time and other times they don't.
Manufacturers: in large factories there will always be product detentions on some
occasions due to lack of raw material or due to an accident of the same employee for
not having followed the safety and hygiene rules, manufacturers must be aware that
there will be losses at some point moment because there is not a good organization in
the company because there are always massive layoffs in factories like APTIV they are
always going to be economic issues that happens for not having or not electing good
leaders in different areas of the organization.
Customers: about customers, because they always have to be given good attention so
that they return to the business that sells the product, we have all been customers at
some time and we always like to be given good attention and in the case of buying
products we ask for a product with good quality.
Communication: In my point of view, this is the most important thing in a company. A
clear example that my sister told me is that a colleague assigned box number 207 and
released the operator, but the operator made the wrong box and hooked box number
214 the operator left and upon arrival at the Mexican customs enters in yellow they
request the dispatcher of the customs agent to make the payment of a fine and the
rectification of the request but what happened is that in the end the custom did not
realize that he was carrying another box with different papers and because when he
crossed the box and got to the patio he lost a lot of money now the company will have
to send a letter of forgiveness so as not to pay the fine.
Technology: in this, companies always have to be constantly updating by putting new
software to have a better optimization of all the movements made by the company.
To finish, all these elements are very important in the supply chain in order to have an
organization that is competitive and avant-garde before its competition.

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