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Name: John Joshua L.

Manticahon Date: October 4, 2022

Program: B.S in Civil Engineering Score:

Activity 4: The Power of Mathematics


● Give a scenario where you find mathematics is important (Personal experience).

● Explain how/why you apply mathematics (referring to your personal experience).
● Synthesize your discussion.

Scenario Discussion
I bought food for dinner and I only have P300.00 I used mathematics to calculate money and handle
to cook food good for five people. My father told my family’s fund for dinner. First, I thought of a
me to make use of the whole P300.00 because it dish where I can use up all the 300 pesos given to
was a special day. I was able to cook chicken me. I calculated everything by estimating the price
adobo worth 300 pesos and satisfied my family’s of each ingredient.The chicken adobo is a perfect
dinner. choice because it is worth 300 pesos (depending on
where you buy ingredients). I bought 1 kilogram
of chicken for P233.00, garlic for P10, onion for
P10, soy sauce for P10, vinegar for P10, and magic
sarap for P7. I took P20 for the Shuttle bus fare.
All in all, I spent exactly P300.00 to buy our
dinner. Without mathematics, I would’ve bought
much more expensive ingredients which could ruin
our dinner. Or maybe, I could’ve bought cheaper
food and disappoint my father who said to make
use of the whole 300 pesos.
I was working as a Graphic artist for my father and Money is one of the hardest things to acquire in
I helped him distribute the salaries for his this world. Losing something hurts a lot and that’s
employees. I was the one who held the money, why it is important to handle it with care. I was
recorded it in Microsoft Excel, and submitted it to able to calculate the salary of my father’s
him for confirmation. I also distributed their employees using Microsoft excel. I counted and
salaries myself. distributed the money myself. Without enough
knowledge about mathematics, I would’ve made a
mistake like giving too much or less money to the
employees. My father is very strict in terms of
money, making mistakes related to money could
make him mad (he could’ve fired and scolded me).
I was facilitating an English Quiz Bee as I was the I applied mathematics in Microsoft Excel by
Grade 8 representative of our English Club. My job inputting the correct formulas to be used to make a
was to tally the scores of each contestant. The working sheet. Also, I used math to get the scores
score I tallied would determine who wins and who of every contestant. Making mistakes would fail
loses. the whole program as scoring is one of my most
important roles as an officer. The Quiz Bee was a
success and it was a fair competition.
I was working for my father as a graphic artist and Sometimes, when your coworkers make a mistake
billboard installer. My coworker sends me a you just have to save them. As a graphic artist, I
picture, and they provide measurements as to what can’t go to the site myself because I have class
size the billboards should be. Sometimes they duties. When they forget to give specific
forget so I just estimate the size. measurements for the building, I estimate the size
myself (size is important to know if what size of
billboard will fit in the building. To estimate the
size, I use the people inside the picture they’ve sent
me with the building in it. If my 5’3 uncle is seen
in the picture, I use his height to compare it to the
size of the building. If the size of the building is 15
feet, then I can make a 15 feet long billboard. We
are not rich, that’s why we can’t afford to make
mistakes at work. Without using mathematics, we
would’ve gone back to the site and it would be
costly. Instead of making profits, we could use our
profit to make up for their mistakes. With math, I
was able to help everyone save money and also
make profit.
In our cooking class (examination), I made a To make the cake, we were asked to mix one cup
mistake measuring the wrong amount of sugar in of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour,
my cake. This made the cake too sweet and not too and four eggs to make a cake. I made a mistake by
delicious. putting 4 cups of sugar instead. To fix it, I put 2/8
teaspoon of sea salt in the batter to neutralize the
sweetness (⅛ cup for each cup of sugar.). Because
of that, I was able to still get a high grade since the
teacher didn’t notice the mistake.


With this activity, I was able to learn about the power of mathematics and how it saved me
from different types of hardships and situations. Say for example, in a situation where I made a
mistake in our cooking class by putting the wrong amount of sugar in my cake batter. Without
using mathematics to fix the cake, I would’ve failed the examination or gotten a low grade. With
this in mind, I realized that mathematics is something that can be applied in different areas of our
lives. In housework, schoolwork, officework, etc., we use math and that’s what makes it

Based on my personal experience, mathematics is one of the most important parts of our
lives. Since it is everywhere, I apply it in every activity. As stated from my personal experiences,
I’ve encountered scenarios wherein I encountered hardships and was able to ease the situation
using math. Mathematics really does make our lives easier and better. Its power is something that
we should take advantage of (in daily life or in scientific applications) since it offers lots of benefits
to us.

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