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Learn better English


Saturday, 5th March 2022

Homework review
I highly appreciate those who submit the homework punctually and made many mistakes, well done!

1. We are writing a formal language (academic).

2. Use the right punctuation including lowercase and capital letters.
3. Try to learn more conjunctions like moreover, however, besides, in addition, or
else, etc.
4. Better use “and”, “but”, “because” and “or” in the middle of the sentence.
5. No abbreviation.
6. “Etc” is informal, use “and so on” instead.
7. Adjective: comparative and superlative adjectives.
8. Avoid Wordy sentence: One sentence for an idea. Do not complicate the whole
sentence by combining 3 or more ideas in a sentence.
9. Use the same type of the verb if you are mentioning many stuffs within the
What is UTBK?
You can write “Ujian Tertulis Berbasis
Komputer” instead of only “UTBK”

each try out.

will end /finish it before UTBK.

I want to pass the UTBK at ITB

majoring in Mathematic by studying
hard every day for 4 months and do the
try outs.

Be more specific as
Please be careful in using


What year?
What is UTBK?
You can write “Ujian Tertulis
Berbasis Komputer” instead of
only “UTBK”
What is UTBK?
You can write “Ujian Tertulis Berbasis
Komputer” instead of only “UTBK”


other people
the first three months

February 20th, 2022 until

December 20th, 2022.
I’m going to search and stalk…..

Please use capital “I” instead of “i”

Ujian Tertulis Berbasis Komputer

What year?
Please make the SMART GOALS for the essay in the last slide!

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