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Etapa locală - 15 februarie 2020

Clasa a IX – a, Secțiunea A, nivel A2+ / B1

• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

• Punctaj total: 100 puncte. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.

• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.


I. Read the text below and use the words given in capitals to form words that fit in the gaps. (8 x 1p= 8p)

I love my job even though it’s 1) ____________. DANGER

There are a lot of risks involved but it’s also very rewarding.
In the past, it was quite 2) ___________ to see a woman USUAL
firefighter and when I was a trainee, there were hardly any at all.
It was thought that women would have 3) ______ in doing this kind of job, DIFFICULT
but we have proved everyone wrong. Despite the fact that it is hard
work and quite tiring, firefighting is an 4) _________ job. INTEREST
I have been a firefighter for years and I have never felt 5) _________. BORE
Everyone I work with finds it an 6) ______ career to have and they ENJOY
7) _________ agree with me that being a woman is not CERTAIN
a 8) _________ in becoming a firefighter. ADVANTAGE

II. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits in each gap. (8x1p= 8p)

1. I parked the car ………. the hospital and went inside.

a. under b. in front of c. towards d. between
2. Did they ………. travel a lot when they were first married?
a. using to b. travelled c. used to d. use to
3. If I were you, I ………. how to drive a car.
a. would learn b. will learn c. would learning d. learned
4. How ………. flour do you need for the sponge cake?
a. many b. any c. much d. some
5. A superhero is a fictional character ………… special power.
a. with b. for c. by d. on
6. Jerry is an extremely …………… person.
a. amuse b. amused c. amusing d. amuser
7. The cake was …………… delicious that we ate it all.
a. such b. so c. to d. some
8. There is …………….. in the office today. It’s Sunday.
a. nobody b. anybody c. somebody d. everybody

Clasa a IX-a, Secțiunea A

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense: (8x1p=8p)
1. John .......... (paint) the garage at the moment.
2. Forty years ago, my grandmother .......... (walk) two kilometers to school every day.
3. She .......... (have) lunch with her fiance when he gave her an expensive ring as a birthday present.
4. I .......... (look) for my glasses since yesterday. I don’t know where they are.
5. The burglar ............. (get away) by the time the police arrived.
6. They are making a lot of noise. They ............. (wake) the baby.
7. This is the first time she .......... (cook) lasagna.
8. She never ....... (drink) coffee in the morning.

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. (8x2p=16p)

1. I cannot get all my clothes in the suitcase. BIG

The suitcase ……….. take all my clothes.
2. They didn’t sell many tickets for the match. FEW
Very ……………………….. for the match.
3. Covent Garden is close to Oxford Street. FROM
Covent Garden is …….…Oxford Street.
4. “Put your toys away!” mum said. ME
Mum ………………. toys away.
5. Mount Everest is higher than Mount Fuji. AS
Mount Fuji ………..…… Mount Everest.
6. Perhaps she is at home now. MAY
She …………….…… now.
7. She hasn’t finished her homework yet. STILL
She ……………………… homework.
8. There was a lot of traffic, so they were late for work. BECAUSE
They were late for work ………….……… of traffic.


I. You are going to read a text about four people telling why they do their jobs. For questions 1-10 choose the
best answer A, B, C or D. (10x2p=20p)

Which person gives the following reasons for doing their job:
1. I enjoy making important decisions
2. There are good promotion prospects
3. There is no stress
4. I get a big salary
5. I am close to retirement
6. I was pushed into it by my parents
7. I’m too settled to think about a move
8. It’s very near home
9. It gives me plenty of time to do my hobby
10. I have time to enjoy my family life
Four people talk to Frances Cunningham on what they get out of their work.

Clasa a IX-a, Secțiunea A

A. Samantha Stone
I have to admit I didn’t have much choice in the matter. Both of my parents were teachers, and they just assumed that I
would follow in their footsteps. In a way I regret it, because at this point my heart’s not really in it, but I get my pension in
five years, so I suppose I’ll be able to keep going till then. The good thing is that I get home early and have long holidays,
which means I get plenty of time to do what I really want, to spend time with my family.

B. Vincent Yardley
I’m not a workaholic. As long as I’ve got enough money to feed myself and have a bit of fun, I’m happy. My real passion
in life is surfing, and with the job I have I can take as much time off as I like to do it. I went to Hawaii last year for six
weeks, and next month I’m off to France to watch the world championships. Okay, there’s not much money in the bank,
but I consider myself a very lucky person to go through each day without a worry in the world.

C. Sunny Ghose
I’m am a pretty ambitious person – always have been, I suppose, and want to get to the top. The prospects of doing that in
my current position are excellent, so I’m sticking with it whatever happens. I work all hours and hardly see my family, but
I tell myself it’s all worth it, and given that my income is very high, that’s easy to do. I couldn’t stick with some boring
little desk job which seems to be good enough for some people.
D. Alice Judd
I wouldn’t say I actually look forward to going to work every day, but life isn’t that bad. The kids are really happy in their
school, all our friends are here, and we love our house and garden, so I don’t think I’ll be looking out for a new career –
not unless it lands on my doorstep, of course. I took over the business from my dad ten years ago, and it’s been chugging
along steadily ever since. I enjoy the responsibility of being the one in charge, even if there are few decisions I have to
make. The other thing is that work is only a short stroll away – so no traffic jams for me!

II. You are Vincent Yardley. Write a narrative essay about the last time you went to Hawaii. 180-200 words.
(40 points)

Clasa a IX-a, Secțiunea A

Etapa locală - 15 februarie 2020
Clasa a IX – a, Secțiunea A, nivel A2+ - B1



I. 1. dangerous
2. unusual
3. difficulty
4. interesting
5. bored
6. enjoyable
7. certainly
8. disadvantage
II. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A
III. 1. is painting 2. used to walk/would walk/walked 3. was having 4. have been looking/have looked
5. had got away 6. will wake/are going to wake 7. has cooked 8. drinks

III. 1. Is not/isn’t big enough || to

2. few tickets || were sold
3. not far || from
4. told/asked me || to put my
5. is not || as high as
6. may be || at home
7. is still doing || her
8. because || there was a lot


I. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. A

II. Writing (40 points)

10p for content and task achievement

10p for organisation, cohesion and layout
5p for vocabulary and spelling (0,10 peach mistake)
5p for grammar structures and punctuation (0, 20p each mistake)
10p for register, style, creativity and effect on the reader

Clasa a IX-a, Secțiunea A

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