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At some point, it begins to seem as if the old case and the new case are connected, at least that

possibility cannot be discounted. A succession of investigations takes place before the reader, and as if
in between, the portraits of partners Rob and Cassie become more and more detailed. The friendship
that binds (баэндс) them together is described subtly and movingly. The book immerses (імьосіз) you in
the atmosphere of the events and creates that special emotional state that makes you believe what is

I am disappointed with the end of the book, because we never found out what happened to the children
in the forest. But everything happened the way it was supposed to. I'm happy that Rob was left with
essentially nothing, because he couldn't make up his mind about his feelings and his childhood trauma,
and Cassie married a man who wasn't shy about his feelings.

As for Damian, I consider him a wimp because he went along with his lover and tried to please her in
every way, forgetting about his own interests and consequences.

I think Rosalind is a bastard because she tried to solve her problem the wrong way - by poisoning her
sister and then deciding to kill her. If I were her, I would run away from home and tell my mother and
the police everything. Especially since she has relatives she could have stayed with. On the other hand,
she is understandable because she had mental problems because of Katy, who had set her father on
her, who in turn constantly raped her. It can't go away.

The plot itself is interesting: the disappearance of the children, the mystery of the protagonist, the
subsequent death of a little girl and the possibility that the two cases are interconnected. The downside,
for me, was the lack of momentum, and at times the events were boring. Also, I was very annoyed with
Rob, his conceit, his inability to really be friends, and his teenage antics just pissed me off. In general, it's
strange that the adults involved in the murder acted like children, yes, I can understand when adults are
just fooling around, but their behaviour was perplexing.

The whole story of Rob's friends disappearing has undoubtedly been very traumatic for him, but I found
it strange that in all these years he never tried to find out what had happened. I had hoped to find out
the truth about what happened to Rob, but unfortunately, in this book the story remains unresolved.
I'm very disappointed in Rob's behaviour because he acted like a teenager about everything, he didn't
think about the consequences. How could he have fallen for Rosalie and trusted her unconditionally?
How could he ignore Cassie's feelings and do whatever he wanted? I'm not a feminist, but I think Rob is
a stupid man who does first and thinks later. Maybe if he had started a relationship with Cassie it would
have helped him deal with his past and made it a lot easier to find Katy's killer.

I think Cassie is a lovely girl who did the right thing by Rob. She didn't run after him and beg him to be
with her, she just pretended like nothing had happened. She's very strong and I respect girls like that.

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