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XYZ Volunteers Project:

Create a Solution with Name: XYZ Volunteers Solution

Create a new publisher with Prefix --- vol

Create a new Canvas APP name as – XYZ Volunteers App

XYZ Volunteers app allow user to see all the volunteer’s details in one place and allow users to
search the volunteer by searching them by different combination of attributes and to add the desire
volunteers in the favourite list.

Entity Name: Volunteer Table

Field Display Name Data Type Requirement Level
Lookup (of User Table)
Name (primary column) Business Required
Option Set
1. CCP
2. MMN
3. DX
Org 4. DME Business Recommended
Option set
1. Americas
Geo 4. India Business Required
Multi Select
1. 1.Former Intern
2. Former Intern +
Joined as Grad
3. Joined as Grad
4. None Of these
University? Business Required
Multi Select
1. BEN
2. Access at TS
4. VEN
Employee Network 5. Women at TCS Business Required
Multi Select
1. Cooking
2. Surfing
3. Coding
4. Travel
5. Social Justice
Interests 6. Sports Optional
Multi Select
1. SQL
2. Coding
3. Career Development
Skills 4. Higher education Optional
Location Option Set
1. San Jose
2. Bangalore
3. Delhi
4. Mumbai
5. London
6. Lehi
7. Los Angeles
8. McLene



Create a blank Canvas app with following controls:

The app is divided into five sections

1st – Gallery (Volunteer Gallery)- which contains volunteer table information.

 Image - to show all Volunteers image from office 365 user table
 Label1 - to show initials of the name of the volunteer is Image is not present
 Label2 – to display volunteer name
 Label3 – to display volunteer job title (Hint Fetch job title from office 365 user)
 Star icon – to make Volunteer as favourite/unfavourite.

2nd – Filter section contain

 combo boxes of Org, Geo, University? , location and Employee Network.

 Text Box which can filter Gallery with all the columns of Volunteer table
 Reset icon – to reset all the combo boxes and text box

3rd – Favourite Section – To display all the volunteers selected by the user

Note: - Only Current user’s selected volunteers will be visible in the favourite section.

Add Gallery and display all the details same as volunteer’s gallery.

4th – Display section – to display selected record full information from Volunteer Gallery and
Favourite Gallery

 1st Label- Name

 2nd Label – Title
 Star Icon - to make volunteers as favourite/unfavourite
 3rd Label - Org
 4th Label - Geo
 5th Label – Employee Network
 6th Label - Location

5th – Header of the app

 Image1 – for logo of the company

 Label 1– for title of the app
 Image2 – for current user image
 Label2 – for current user Full Name

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