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The differences between the houses then and now that we have approached are the arguments set out below A first argument that | want to bring up is my personal opinion about the houses before and this would be the following: In my opinion, life in a house in the old days was good because it was simple and modest in most cases, not because it would not have been like that nowadays, then everything was simpler no matter if someone wanted to or not. no, this is due to the lack of technology at that time now technology surrounds us in a percentage 94% of the houses in the world have running water have heating current and many others everything adds a great simplicity to all people. A second argument | would like to make would be some information about the structure of houses long ago and now both for and against -Houses before Pros: Their simplicity and lack of electronics put people to work and prolong their lives cons: due to the structures of the house you could not always be sure that it will stand up to a natural phenomenon (an earthquake, a flood, etc ......) -Houses now pros: now everything is simpler people have a lot of auxiliary utilities we're talking about at the level of the wood stove from candles -At the chandelier switch on the remote control and so on Cons: people do not know how to capitalize on the facilities, things now lie on one ear and start to get the disease in the end the conclusion that life in the houses before and now has both its plus and minus points but people either managed and adapted with time to everything and no matter the weight we have to struggle to pull and enjoy our goods

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