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Answer keys

1. Ted Pink did well at law school.

False: He came near the bottom of his class, and has never practised law.
2. Pink wants us to rethink how we run our businesses.
3. Pink says that people who were offered rewards to solve the candle problem
solved it more quickly than those who were not offered rewards.
False: the results were vice-versa.
4. Pink says that modern businesses are mostly run according to the theory of
extrinsic motivation
5. Pink says that MIT students in the US and students in India who played
games did well when rewards were given for mechanical skills.
6. They did poorly when rewards were offered for creative skills
7. Pink says that there is harmony between what science knows and what
business does.
False: he says that there is a mismatch between the two.
8. Pink argues that people need strong management in order to be creative in
False: he argues that they need self-direction, i.e. to go it alone.
9. At Google, engineers can spend 20% of their time working on anything they
10.Pink compares the effectiveness of Encarta, which offered its staff rewards,
and Facebook, which doesn’t.
False: He compares Encarta with Wikipedia.
11.Pink argues that if we do things for their own sake in business rather than for
rewards, we can change the world.

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