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Hey, I’d like to welcome back any previous watchers of the videos before or the new ones just

finding this channel. Right now I’m about to go over a very diverse character in terms of her
fighting strategies in my opinion. Coronzon or Laura Stuart the Great Demon who guards the
Abyss of the Tree of Sephiroth.

I got something quite different in how I’m going to power scale her, what I mean is that I’ll power
scale her off feats or statements from each volume she’s elaborated on in power or fought in.
Then I would scale her based on feats or statements in that specific volume and yes previous
volumes will correlate or add to scaling in later on volumes.

I hope you find this fun ok?


Let’s look at NT18, she’s mentioned a little bit and first off by name she’s as meaningful or
greater than the likes of Aiwass. This inherently hints to her status being comparable or outright
better, meaning this can translate to stats.

So at the end of NT18 she’s equal or higher than Aiwass overall.


Now onto NT19, immediately after killing Aleister’s main body, Aleister intentionally avoided
facing Coronzon head on and seems to be focused on buying time to imply he can’t hurt her.

One thing worth noting is Coronzon isn’t very heat resistant like any other normal human body.

Mina also doubts she can beat the likes of Coronzon and the narrator says Mina is fated for
destruction to indicate Coronzon will catch Mina and kill her.

One other pretty good ability is that her roar by pure voice can suck out a person’s life force.

Later on it’s stated Coronzon is a transcendental being and Aiwass is a comparison. During this
fight by the way she’s able to be unaffected by low oxygen levels that makes a person be
damaged internally.

Coronzon was able to clash with Aiwass when she herself was nerfed due to the nature of her
magic working with the elements on Earth, plus Aiwass himself is boosted while farther away
from Earth.

During the fight between a nerfed Coronzon and Aiwass who’s boosted, the narrator says it is
hard to determine who’s more incredible to show they’re comparable in these states.
Something else to add is this damn demon is able to fight and later on speaking in an area of no
oxygen or air and gravity.

At the end of the day, nerfed Coronzon can grab onto boosted Aiwass and break his neck.

Now to a great durability feat of Coronzon being unharmed and laughing in the center of an
explosion that destroyed Academy City and the Windowless Building.

In conclusion of NT19, Coronzon is just better than Aiwass and Mina overall with possibly being
unstoppable to Aleister and lastly surviving the explosion that destroyed the Windowless
Building. With many haxs and resistances shown here which isn’t the end.


Next up is the volume being NT20; Coronzon was stated by Index to be unstoppable and this
same Index knows how to create levels of destruction on Othinus’s levels with Leivina alone but
here has Aleister who mastered magic.

Coronzon has also been stated to be a higher life form opposite to Aiwass by Aleister. Making
them comparable.

Last feat for NT20 is her body was not crushed and later on looks to be uninjured after having
the force of all of Academy City sealing her by Aleister’s foot being said to be heavy as an

In conclusion for NT20 she is clearly a being who is probably compared to the likes of Othinus in
how dangerous she is and is a higher life form like Aiwass, plus has lifting strength to not be
crushed under an asteroid.


Annie, a long time member of the Golden Dawn, thinks if she got Coronzon under her own
control, then they can beat Mathers.

She is said to have equal or greater power than Aiwass.

Her and Aiwass are considered higher beings together compared to the Golden Dawn.

In pure flight speed when using her wings, Coronzon is said to be a straight line of light.

She is able to erase the Edinburgh Castle just by flying down and slamming down on the

Coronzon is said to hold more pure power than Aiwass again.

Coronzon has a knife in her pocket.

Coronzon tanks a punch from Touma.

Now conclusions for NT21, she upscales the likes of Mathers and Aiwass while having a flight
speed similar to lightspeed. Plus the destructive capability to erase Edinbrugh Castle which is
huge, and holds a knife and tanking a punch from Touma.


Lastly the big volume of NT22 where Coronzon’s Magick: Flaming Sword is able to bypass
certain haxs which rely on reacting to the supernatural or magical. (This can be useful against
wannabe Touma’s)

Both Misaka and Misaki were completely attacked by fear from Coronzon who’s just merely
standing near them so a fear hax.

While off guard; Coronzon tanked an attack from Accelerator who shook the Earth and came out

Using her long hair, she used her bundled strands of hair to neatly redirect the vector of attacks
from Accelerator which were invisible too.

Once taking a physical attack, Coronzon has an effect of if you touch her. Then you’ll get a
mysterious feeling in your body and this leads to incapacitating those who touched her.

Othinus after seeing both Mathers and Coronzon thinks that Coronzon is greater.

Coronzon can easily move around like normal while lifting 230 kilograms.

Niang-Niang with a fear of hax is unable to effect Coronzon.

Now onto some real power scaling, Coronzon can clash so keeping up with and meet the
expectations of nerfed Niang-Niang to give her a fun fight when going all out.

Once both Coronzon and Niang-Niang hit each other it turned into a explosion but
Coronzon comes out unharmed.

Coronzon uses magic that not even Mathers can do and is stronger due to being called
ultimate magic.

The pure elements from Coronzon can erase attacks on nerfed Niang-Niang’s level.
This type of pure elemental magic is compared to Archangel Gabriel and is said to be greater in
purity, with properties like negation. Since it was compared to the Imagine Breaker.

Knowledge wise, Coronzon undermines or thinks she is better than those who mastered magic.

During her fight with nerfed Niang-Niang she was not trying to win and only wanted Hamazura
to escape.

The last bit of the battle is Coronzon survived getting hit by nerfed Niang-Niang.

Moving on from the fight Coronzon’s hair was shown holding up a ship which is 150,000 tons.

Coronzon can change her genetic makeup and can make herself male or female.

She has pretty good endurance with many wounds potentially internal and still acting

Her main source of power with magic is from up and down the Tree of Sephiroth.

Now to some big boy stuff, both Index and Othinus determined that Divine
Mixtures/nerfed True Gremlin/Curtana/Aleister can’t defeat Coronzon because she has
magic to counter or keep herself from getting killed by them. She is considered an
absolute evil of a being.

Aleister even concedes with Lilith being the only person to beat Coronzon there.

Back then during 1909, Coronzon overwhelmed Aleister Crowley.

Now to the finals! Keep in mind that both Aleistan and Mina were amplified by the
Queen Britannia ok?

In terms of raw power she is compared to Archangel Michael and has enough power to
power up the Queen Britannia by herself.

The Queen Britannia has a Temple which is strong enough to need an attack on the
level of Othinus’s world destroying to break it.

Another thing to keep in mind is during the last bit of NT22 she was being weighed
down by calculations in her head when fighting and essentially weakened.
Coronzon, while weakened, is able to easily keep up with and not be tagged at all by
Aleistan who has an even more boosted Blood Sacrifice spell due to the ship. Plus she
seems confident in killing Mina with a single blow of her pure elemental spells.

Coronzon, after facing a boosted Blood Sacrifice Aleistan and boosted Mina thinks that
they cannot hurt her.

Coronzon’s ultimate attack being Magick: Flaming Sword matches Othinus’s Gungnir
attack which destroyed the world and its phases.

This ultimate attack would naturally turn into physical matter which is natural.

Magick: Flaming Sword has enough power to split the Temple in half.

Another thing to remember is Aleistan nerfed Coronzon who was busy controlling the
recoil of her many spells which made her massively weakened.

Yet still when weakened this badly, she resisted and came out unharmed after being
forced between the phases by Aleistan.

She has a resistance or cannot be harmed by attacks based off of Heaven or


Now this Great Demon soon tanked a hit from Accelerator which shook the galaxy
which didn’t knock her out, only remove her soul due to hax.

The last feat is she tanked a hit from fish eggs by Touma that split the Temple in two.

In conclusion Coronzon is weak as fuck, hope you enjoyed the video and see you
people later.

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