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I. Introduction

I. 1. Background
I. 2. Reduction of scams impact
I. 3. StaySAFU scam detection

II. Scam detection protocol

II. 1. Token scan

II. 2. Team scan
II. 3. Scam balance

III. SAFU token value

III. 1. Governance
III. 2. Auto-evaluation
III. 3. Tokenomics

IV. Summary
I. Introduction
1. Background

Any investor in decentralised finance knows that scam tokens are

ubiquitous. This causes huge concern: every day, thousands of
investors get robbed, and every day thousands of investors lose
confidence in investing in nascent crypto-assets. Of course, there
are so-called solutions to prevent the frauds: liquidity lock,
developer team 'doxx'... everyone knows that this does nothing to
prevent scammers from scamming. It seems necessary to find a
reliable and sustainable solution to this problem if it is to remain
possible to launch crypto-assets from scratch.

2. Reduction of scams impact

The deployment and use of StaySAFU would allow any investor to

screen any 'project' much more effectively, and therefore reduce
their losses caused by scams. Any investor using StaySAFU will
therefore have more capital to invest in the right projects;
allowing, mechanically, a growth of crypto-assets that have real
value. Moreover, a virtuous cycle will take place in terms of
reducing scams: scammers will earn less and less money, and
consequently will probably change their activity. StaySAFU, in
short, is the end of scam tokens, and the redirection of stolen
capital into the relevant projects.
3. StaySAFU scam detection

There are already platforms with the same goal as the one we aim
to develop. However, all of them are ineffective (at least for the
majority of scams) and moreover, the vast majority offer paying
services (or only paying services) to investors. This is not how we
see things. It seems to us to be a common right not to be
scammed; that is why our platform will be perfectly accessible and
perfectly free to use for anyone. The major difference between
our platform and the previous ones, in fact the heart of the
project, is based on an idea: the factors establishing the
probability that a token is a scam go far beyond the simple
mathematical study of the code of the smart-contract, the
verification of the liquidity lock, or other such factors. Our protocol
includes in its estimation two other absolutely essential factors:
the reliability of the developer team, and what we have called the
'scam balance'.

II. Scam detection protocol

1. Token scan

Our scam detection protocol is based on three main axes: the

token scan, the developer team scan, and the scam balance. The
token scan is a cold but necessary step: first, it analyses the smart-
contract code for signs of scam of any kind (honey pot, hidden
minting). But this is not enough: next, we need to look at the
liquidity pools, in particular the distribution of their holdings,
and ask ourselves whether it is a locked pool or not. Similarly, we
look at whether the ownership of the contract is renounced or
not. Finally, the interesting part begins (the previous features are
necessary but already seen and less and less effective): evaluating
the distribution of holders according to the liquidity pool,
estimating the reliability of the holders (is it just a developer who
has spread his funds over multiple accounts?) and analysing the
dev wallet transactions. From all these parameters, a score from 0
to 1 emerges, which provides an initial estimate of the token's

2. Team scan

The second step is the team scan. It is at least as important as the

token scan. When a smart contract is generated, the address that
created the contract can claim the token and link it to a StaySAFU
account. Each StaySAFU account represents a team of developers.
If the team has claimed tokens in the past that turned out to be
scams, its trust score drops. Accounts that have only claimed one
token are not given the benefit of the doubt and are listed as
potential scams, to prevent account generation abuse. Accounts
are offered the possibility of doxxing (increasing their trust score)
by revealing the identity of their members, however it does not
seem essential that a doxx be performed for trust to be
established between a team and investors, which is why we did
not want to make this feature mandatory.
3. Scam address

Our final way of estimating the reliability of a token is what we

have called the 'scam address'. You invest in a new token, and it
turns out to be a scam (let's say a honey pot). You can't sell; the
best thing you can do with your tokens is send them to our scam
address. When new users scans the token via StaySAFU, the
analysis will indicate that tokens have been sent to the scam
balance. This will result in a third score, estimated on the number
of tokens held by the scam address compared to the total supply,
and normalised with the largest percentage held of any token to
ensure reliability and scalability of the platform.

III. SAFU token value

1. Governance

We believe that investors in any project should have some

control over it. This is why we decided to include a
governance dimension to our token. Holders will be able to
make regular decisions about improvements/modifications to
the platform.

2. Auto-evaluation

Our token has a self-evaluation mechanism that has an instant

impact on the price: we intend to monetise the site with (light)
banner ads. The money generated by this advertising will
automatically be used to add liquidity but also and mainly to buy
tokens and burn them. This mechanism is different from most
burn mechanisms, since it is burning tokens that are in circulation
(so it has a direct impact on the price).

3. Tokenomics

The transaction fee for our token is almost non-existent as we feel

that many abuse around this concept and that it may be quite
harmful for crypto-assets. We have therefore opted for a 1%
transaction fee, which will be redirected to the team wallet to fund
marketing and pay our staff. The fee will be deducted
automatically in BNB, to prevent any potential dumping when
using the team funds. As for the distribution of the tokens, it will
depend on the presale, but at least 50% of the total supply will be
in liquidity, and at most 75%. The rest of the tokens will be
distributed in several wallets (team wallet, future exchanges
liquidity, private investors) which will all be locked for at least 6

IV. Summary
StaySAFU proposes a way to deliver crypto from the scam
scourge, with an innovative token scanner combining basic rug
checks and team scans, as well as a scam address, all of which
allow any investor to access a reliable estimate of the scam
potential of the token they are about to purchase.

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