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Among the two suggested strategies, the second proposed strategy is the

one that conforms to the organization’s Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives and
Values. Using the Strategy Analysis, I was able to identify the need of the
organization and the stakeholders, which is to have a sufficient number of
nurses. Nurses play a critically important role in ensuring patient safety while
providing care directly to patients. From a patient safety perspective, a nurse’s
role includes monitoring patients for clinical deterioration, detecting errors and
near misses, understanding care processes and weaknesses inherent in some
systems, identifying and communicating changes in patient condition, and
performing countless other tasks to ensure patients receive high-quality care.
Therefore, reducing the number of nurses to cut the expenses should not even
be considered as the ability to provide quality healthcare will decline and this
does not conform to the VMGO and values of the organization.
The second strategy, on the other hand, is effective in reducing expenses, at
the same time, it does not compromise the quality healthcare that the
organization provides. This makes the second recommended strategy the
appropriate strategy to be applied as it meets the parameters of our desired

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