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Meeting 4 Assignment

Opening and Closing Classes Micro-skills

NIM : 2111070002
Nama : Risyono
Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Mata Kuliah : Teaching Practice
Tahun Akademik : 2022/2023 (Semester 3)

1. Opening the class

Greeting Good morning class. (Students answered good morning)

Remember that the 'or' in 'morning' is a long sound, oooooooooor" (gesture

something very long coming out of mouth with right hand)

"Oooooor... Good. Moooooorning ….

Okay, great.
Taking the Who isn't here today?
register (Looking around class at/ for empty chairs whilst holding class list in hand)

Does anyone know where Gerald is?

Tomy (class leader’s name), can you count how many people are here

So, everyone is here except Gerald, he’s being ill for two days.

Initial chit-chat Did you have a good weekend?

Did anyone do interesting things last weekend?

Sonia, you said you were going to Liman Beach in Semau. How was it?

Getting started So, let's get started, shall we? (Clapping hands together once)

I'd like to start the lesson by reviewing what we did last lesson. Last week
we have learned what debate is. I gave you some motions and you made a
group of three. After that you did research to the motions.

There are two sides to the debate. One will argue for and another against the
First, the affirmative group receives two minutes to present their case to the
The negative group then receives two minutes to present their case.
After both sides have a chance to speak, both teams receive two minutes to
prepare a rebuttal and summary.
The order of speech is reversed now, and the negative side presents their
rebuttal and summary for the first two minutes.
The last to speak is the affirmative team who then presents their rebuttal and
summary for two minutes. The debate is now concluded.

Stating the Today, we have 90 minutes, and we are going to practice the debate we have
objectives learned.

O ya, during the debate, the other groups will serve as the judges and decide
which side presented a stronger case voting at its conclusion for winners of
the debate.

Any questions before the debate starts?

2. Closing the class

Nearly time to Just fifteen minutes till the end of the class. We can practice the last round of
stop the debate today.

Summarizing You've done really well today.

the class and
giving Do you think we have achieved our objectives today?
Did you have fun today?

What was your favourite part?

Do you feel like you've improved?

Do you want to play the same debate next week? But unfortunately, next
week we will do writing,
Talking about Right, I think we have no more problems with the speaking class, we have
the next lesson practiced the formal debate.

If you feel like you need more practice, you can do practice at home with
your peers.

Next week we will move onto writing a discussion text. It would be the
written form of our debate today because the topics are the same.
Ending Well, it was a pleasure meeting you.
See you next week and have a good day.

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