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Data Base Systems

Syed Bakhtawar Shah Abid
Lecturer in Computer Science

1 Data Base Systems

Text Book


FRED R. McFadden

2 Data Base Systems

Text Book

3 Data Base Systems

Marks Distribution

 Internal (Term Project)---------------10

 Mid Term------------------------------- 20
 Final Term----------------------------- 70

4 Data Base Systems

Basic concepts and Definitions

 Data
– Collection of facts and figures concerning an
object or event
– Stored representation of objects and events that
have meaning and importance in the user’s

– It is always in raw form

5 Data Base Systems

Types of Data

 Textual Data
– Data in the form of written phrases and sentences
 Audio Data
– Data in the form of spoken phrases and sentences
 Graphical Data
– Pictorial data i.e. data in the form of images, charts, graphs
 Video Data
– Data in the form of Digital video i.e. an electronic
representation of moving visual images (video) in the form of
encoded digital data.
6 Data Base Systems
Basic concepts and Definitions

 Information
– Meaningful form of data
– Processed form of data that can be used for
decision making
– Data that have been processed in such a way as
to increase the knowledge of the person who
uses the data

7 Data Base Systems

Basic concepts and Definitions

 Meta Data
– Data about data

– Data that describe the properties or characteristics

of end user data, and the context of that data

8 Data Base Systems

Basic concepts and Definitions

 Data Base
– An organized collection of logically related data.

– A database is a shared collection of logically

related data, and a description of this data,
designed to meet the requirements of different
users of an organization.

9 Data Base Systems

Basic concepts and Definitions

 Data Base Management System (DBMS)

– A software system that is used to create, maintain,
and provide controlled access to user bases.

– A software system that acts as an interface between

the Database and user of the Database
– A software system that acts as a shield to protect
data base from direct unauthorized access.

10 Data Base Systems

Basic concepts and Definitions

11 Data Base Systems

Basic concepts and Definitions

 Entities
– A person, place, object or event in the user
environment about which the organization wishes
to maintain data
 Entity Type:
– A collection of entities that shares common
 Entity Instance:
– A single occurrence of an entity type

12 Data Base Systems

Modeling entities and attributes

 Entity types
– Strong entity type
 An entity type that exists independently of other entity types
 The strong entity type is called the identifying owner
– Weak entity type
 An entity type whose existence depends on another entity type
– Associative entity
 Associative entities relate the instances of several entity types.
They also contain attributes specific to the relationship
between those entity instances.
 Identifying relationship
– The relationship between a weak entity type and its owner
Basic concepts and Definitions
 Relationship
– Association between data
 Relation
– A named two dimensional table of data.
– Each relation consists of a set of named columns
– An arbitrary number of un-named rows
 Relational Database
– A database that represents data as a collection of tables in which
the relationships are represented by common fields in the related

14 Data Base Systems


 A property or characteristic of an entity or relationship type that

is of interest to the organization.
 Types of attribute
– Required Attribute
– Optional Attribute
– Simple Attribute.
– Composite Attribute.
– Single Valued Attribute.
– Multi Valued Attribute.
– Stored Attribute.
– Derived Attribute.

 Required Attribute
– A required attribute is an attribute that must have
a data value.
– These attributes are required because they
describe what is important in the entity.
 Optional Attribute
– An optional attribute may not have a data value in
it and can be left blank.

16 Data Base Systems


 Simple Attribute.
– Attribute that cannot be decomposed into smaller attributes.
– e.g. age, roll# etc.
 Composite Attribute.
– Attribute that can be decomposed into smaller
 e.g. Name, address etc.
 Name can be divided into first name, middle name, last name
 Address can be divided into House#, Street#, Sector#,
Phase#, Tehsil, District etc.

17 Data Base Systems


 Single Valued Attribute.

– An attribute that has only one value for an entity.
– e.g. Roll# CNIC, Passport# etc
 Multi Valued Attribute.
– An attribute that can have more than one values
for an entity
– e.g. Address, Phone#, Subject etc

18 Data Base Systems


 Stored Attribute.
– An attribute whose value is stored in the database
and cannot be derived from another attribute
– e.g. Date of Birth (D.O.B)
 Derived Attribute.
– An attribute whose value can be derived/calculated
from the stored attribute.
– e.g. age which is derived from D.O.B

19 Data Base Systems

The concept of a shared organizational

20 Data Base Systems

Example of a Database System

21 Data Base Systems

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