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Buyer behavior patterns

Place of purchase

Commerce has always been competitive. Ecommerce has leveled the industry where small businesses
can be a direct threat to larger industries. Consumers have a lot of purchasing options between online or
brick and mortar. Understanding online or in-store buying behavior between online can have a
significant impact on whether you products do well in one location over another.

Items purchased

Purchasing power is a primary factor for the type of items purchased by buyers. The purchasing power
for item, the availability of those items, in addition to their quality and price will determine whether
items are purchased—and in what quantity, such as bulk. For example, the average consumer does not
purchase their clothing in bulk, but they may purchase certain food items in large quantities. Consumers
also don’t tend to purchase expensive items such as jewelry in bulk.

Time and frequency of purchase

If you’re launching an online sales campaign, it’s crucial to understand buyer behavior patterns to appeal
to consumers who are most likely to buy your product. Everyone has buying habits. Understanding the
time and frequency of purchase will help you detect repeat customers and what types of products
they’re most likely to buy. That’s why initiating a customer behavior analysis is a smart marketing

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