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"let's explore how to achieve our goals and learn the secrets to success"

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Jack Canfield
He shares his wisdom on how to become more self-aware and appreciate who you are
as well as what you have achieved.

Jack Canfield is an epitome of success. He has authored seven books listed in the
Guinness Book of World Records as New York Times Bestseller, Beating Stephen king
(Macmillan 2017) These book are:

Jack Canfield with picture

• An epitome of success
• Authored 7 books listed in Guinness Book of World Records
1. Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
2. The Success Principle: how to get from where you are to where you want to be.
3. The Power of focus.
4. The Aladdin Factor
5. Dare to Win
6. You’ve got to Read this book
7. The Key to Living the Law of Attraction
• Featured quote about success “By taking the time to stop and appreciate who
you are and what you have achieved – and perhaps learned through a few mistakes,
stumbles and losses – you actually can enhance everything about you. Self-
acknowledgement and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to
move forward toward higher goals and accomplishment.” Brown (2016)

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This quote can be reflected in the motivation and goal theories of the following

Albert E. Bandura
Dr. Richard Bandura is one of the most influential psychologists of all time. Self-
efficacy is the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute sources of action
required to manage the prospective situation. There are four main sources of influence
by which a person's self-efficiency is developed and maintained: performance,
vicarious experiences, verbal or social persuasion, and physiological (somatic and
emotional) states.

Albert E. Bandura with picture

Four main sources of influence:

● Performance
● vicarious experiences
● verbal or social persuasion
● and physiological (somatic and emotional) states.

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Dr. Bandura had study known as the Bobo Doll Experiment in this experiment, the
sample children were presented with new social models of violent and non violent
behaviour toward an inflatable redounding Bobo doll. The result were; the group of
children who saw the violent behaviour model became violent to the Doll, While the
control group who was presented with the non violent behaviour model was rarely
violent to the doll.

Bobo Doll Experiment
● Group of children who saw the violent behaviour model- violent to the Doll.
● Control group who was presented with the non violent behaviour model-rarely
violent to the doll

This Experiment has proven right the hypothesis that social modelling is very
effective way of learning. Dr. Bandura introduced the social learning theory that
focus on what people learned from observing and interacting with other people.
Bandura’s social cognitive theory states that people are active participants in
their environment and are not simply shaped by that environment.


“Self-efficacy theory is based on the assumption that psychological procedures

serve as a means of creating and strengthening expectations of personal
efficacy. Dr. Bandura defined self-efficacy as “people’s belief about their
capabilities to produced designated levels of performance that exercise influence
over events that affect their lives.”

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Unlike traditional psychological constructs, self-efficacies beliefs are

hypothesized to vary depending on the domain of functioning and circumstances
surrounding behavior. Dr. Bandura identified acts of people with "high assurance
of their capabilities," such as:


He identified acts of people with "high assurance of their capabilities," such as:

1. Approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered.

2. Set challenging goals and maintain a strong commitment to them.
3. increase or maintain efforts in the face of failures or setbacks
4. Attribute failure to insufficient effort or deficient knowledge and skills, which
are acquirable;
5. They approach threatening situations with the assurance that they can
exercise control of them.

In contrast, people "who doubt their capabilities"

1. Shy away from tasks they view as personal threats.
2. They have low aspirations and weak commitment to the goals they choose to.
3. Instead of focusing on how to perform, they dwell on personal shortcomings,
obstacles they will face, and various negative outcomes.
4. They slacken their efforts and give up quickly in the face of difficulties.
5. Are slow to recover their sense of efficacy following failure or setbacks.
6. Fall easy victim to stress and depression.

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Dr. Bandura described four main sources of influence by which a person’s self-efficacy
is developed and maintained. These are:

Four main sources of influence:
1. Performance accomplishments or mastery experience.
2. Vicarious experience.
3. Verbal or social persuasion.
4. Physiological (somatic and emotional) states.

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Self-efficacy belief is an important factor in human motivation. Self-efficacy
beliefs work in tandem with component skill and incentive to act. Self efficacy is
important because it ensures that a person has both the necessary skills and the
motivation to participate.

“Most human motivations cognitively generated”, self belief of efficacy is an
important factor in human motivation. Beliefs of self-efficacy work in coordination
with component skill and incentive to act. Inasmuch as a person has both the
component skills needed to succeed and the incentive to engage, self efficacy
plays an important role in determining what activities a person will choose to
engage in , how much effort they will expend, and how long that the effort will be
sustained when things get tough. (Weibell 201)


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Carol S. Dweck
Carol S. Dweck is one of the leading researchers in the field of motivation. Her research
focused on why people succeed and how to foster success. She believes that success
is based on hard work, learning, training, and perseverance as well as talents and

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She is also the author of Mindset: The new psychology of success that was published in

Fixed and Growth Mindset

Dr. Dwecks contribution to social psychology relates to implicit theories of intelligence

with her book, Mindset: the New psychology of success published in 2006. Dr. Dweck
described people with two types of mindset. People who believe that success is based
on their innate abilities have a “fixed” theory of intelligence, and goes under Fixed

On the other hand, people who believe that success is based on hardwork, learning,
training, and perseverance have growth theory of intelligence, which goes under Growth
mindset. According to Dr. Dweck, individuals may not necessarily be aware of their own
mindset, but their mindset can still be discerned based on their behavior. It especially
evident in their reaction to failure. Fixed-mindset individuals dread failure because it is a
negative statement on their basic abilities, while growth-mindset individuals do not mind
or fear failure as much because they realize their performance can be improved and
learning comes from failure.

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Fixed mindset are a type of mindset believing that success is based on their innate
abilities and have a fixed theory of intelligence. People with a fixed mindset are the
individuals that despises failure. They also Believe that their basic abilities, intelligence,
and talents are just fixed traits. And be affected by subtle environmental cues.

Growth mindset on the other hand believes that success is based on hard work,
learning, training, and perseverance and have growth theory of intelligence. People with
growth mindset on the other hand do mind or fear failure. It allows a person to live a
less stressful and more successful life. They also understand that talents and abilities
can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. They are more likely
continue working hard despite setbacks.

▪ Fixed mindset – are a type of mindset believing that success is based on their
innate abilities have a fixed theory of intelligence.
❖ Individuals who dread failure: negative statement to their basic abilities.

❖ They also Believe that their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents
are just fixed traits.
❖ And it Can be affected by subtle environmental cues
▪ Growth mindset – on the other hand believes that success is based on hard
work, learning, training, and perseverance have growth theory of intelligence.
❖ Do not mind or fear failure: new learning and will make the performance
to be improve
❖ It Allows a person to live a less stressful and more successful life
❖ Understand that talents and abilities can be developed through effort,
good teaching and persistence
❖ They are More likely continue working hard despite setbacks.

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Edwin A. Locke
He is the author/editor of 12 books about motivation and goal-setting. His approach is
based on what Aristotle called final causality, that is, the action caused by a purpose.
Locke focuses on making lists of objectives in order to meet a certain outcome. Locke
emphasizes the background of making a goal and how to achieve it.

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Goals have both internal and external aspect. And it has two attributes which is content
and intensity.


● He is Internationally known for his research on goal setting

● He is an author/editor of 12 books about motivation and goal-setting.
● Goal setting theory’s approach is based on what Aristotle call final casualty; the
action caused by a purpose.
● Goals have internal and external aspect.

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Content is the actual object sought or whatever the person is seeking. And it has two
attributes which is difficulties and specificity. For example, a person wanted to graduate
with flying colors.

Intensity is the scope, focus, and complexity among other choice processes. Example
is the study habits, grade monitoring, numbers of books and others.

Content and Intensity

o Content – actual object sought
▪ Content is Whatever the person is seeking
▪ And it has Two attributes
❖ Difficulties
❖ Specificity
Example: A person wanted to graduate with flying colors.

o Intensity – the scope, focus, and complexity among choice process.

Example: Study habits, grade monitoring, numbers of books to read, etc.

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Findings under the article “Motivation Through Conscious Goal Setting” stated the
1. The more difficult the goal, the greater the achievement.
2. The more specific or explicit the goal, the more precisely performance is regulated.
3. Goals that are both specific and difficult lead to the highest performance.
4. Commitment to goals is most critical when goals are specific and difficult. When
goals are easy or vague, it is hard to get commitment because it does not require
much dedication to reach easy goals.
5. High commitment to goals is attained when:
The individual is convinced that the goal is important and the individual is
convinced that the goal is attainable.

One is willing to give up other aspirations in order to accomplish a specific, feasible aim.
Commitment has a crucial role in developing and accomplishing goals. The first stage, having a
specific and doable aim, is necessary but insufficient. To attain the desired result, one must be
prepared to give up other objectives. This suggests that in order to achieve a goal, one must be
prepared to put in the time and effort necessary for it and be willing to sacrifice other aspects of their

For instance, if one's objective is to launch a successful business, they may have to forgo spending
time with their loved ones and friends in order to put in the extra time needed to do so. A person may
also need to stop consuming bad foods and beverages and make a commitment to a regular exercise

schedule if their objective is to lose weight or become in shape. It's critical to be conscious of any
potential sacrifices that may be necessary in order to reach a goal, no matter what it may be.
It goes without saying that not every objective will call for this amount of dedication. However,
dedication is crucial for achieving those objectives that are significant to us and that we genuinely
desire. Our chances of success are significantly lower without it. As a result, if you're serious about
reaching your goals, make a commitment to both yourself and the goal and follow through to

Examples for this are:


1. In order to study more, a student who is committed to earn good grades may have to give up social
2. Athletes that want to compete in the Olympics might need to exercise for several hours each day.
3. A musician who aspires to become a professional might have to put in a lot of practice time every
4. A person looking to lose weight may need to make dietary changes and engage in regular exercise.
5. A smoker who wishes to stop may need to stay away from triggers and exercise extreme restraint.

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6. Having a direct effect on performance, self-efficacy influences:
a. The difficulty level of the goal
b. Commitment to goals
c. Response to failure
d. Choice of task strategies
7. Goal setting is most effective when there is feedback that shows progress in
relation to the goal
Setting goals is most effective when there is feedback that shows progress in relation to the goal.
Because this feedback can help individuals track their progress and make necessary adjustments to
achieve their goals.
8. Goal setting mediates the effect of knowledge of past performance on subsequent
(Mary) Goal setting does mediate the effect of knowledge of past performance on subsequent
performance. Specifically, goal setting helps individuals to translate their knowledge of past
performance into specific goals for improvement. These specific goals then motivate
individuals to put in the effort required to improve their performance.

9. Goals affect performance by affecting the direction of action, the degree of effort
exerted, and the persistence of action over time
(Mary) Goals can affect performance by providing a sense of direction and purpose. They can
also affect the level of effort exerted by influencing how much importance is placed on
achieving the goal. Lastly, goals can also affect the level of persistence by determining how
long someone is willing to continue working towards a goal in the face of setbacks.
10. Goal stimulate planning in general
11. When people strive for goals on complex task’ they are least suitable in
discovering suitable task strategies if:
a. There are no prior experience
b. High pressure to perform well and;
c. High time pressure
12. Goals in combination with self-efficacy, mediate or partially mediate the effects of
several personality traits and incentives on performance
13. Goal-setting and goal-related mechanisms are be trained and/or adopted in the
absence of training for the purpose of self-regulation
14. Goals served as standards of self-satisfaction, harder goals demands higher
accomplishment in order to attain self-satisfaction.

(Mary) There is some evidence that individuals may successfully learn task techniques without any
prior knowledge or instruction. According to one research, people may learn a new skill reliably and
fast with just a few tries.
According to the results of another study, people learn the best approaches to a challenging activity
via trial and error. 
People may not be successful in learning appropriate task techniques if they lack prior experience or
instruction. This may be due to their lack of knowledge on the best techniques to employ or how to
do so. 
However, individuals may be more successful in identifying appropriate task solutions if they have
some prior experience or instruction. The aforementioned is due to the fact that they will be familiar
with particular methods and how to employ them successfully.


Research Findings under the article “Motivation Through Conscious Goal Setting”

1. The more difficult the goal, the greater the achievement.

2. The more specific or explicit the goal, the more precisely performance is regulated.
3. Goals that are both specific and difficult lead to the highest performance.
4. Commitment to goals is most critical when goals are specific and difficult.

5. High commitment to goals is attained when:

a. The individual is convinced that the goal is important:
b. The individual is convinced that the goal is attainable
a.i. The goal will be recognized if,
i.i Quite Sufficient
i.ii Legitimate authority of a supervisor or leader
i.iii Continued Commitment
a.ii. Leadership techniques
i.i Providing an inspiring vision
i.ii It can Act as a role model for the employees
i.iii Expects outstanding performance
i.iv Leaders can Promote employees who embrace the vision and
dismiss those who reject it
i.v Delegating responsibility (ownership) for key tasks Goal setting itself can be delegated for capable, responsible
i.vii Expressing confidence in employees’ capabilities
i.viii Enhancing capabilities through training
i.ix Asking for commitment in public
6. Having a direct effect on performance, self-efficacy influences:
a. The difficulty level of the goal
b. Commitment to goals
c. Response to failure
d. Choice of task strategies
7. Goal setting is most effective when there is feedback that shows progress in
relation to the goal
8. Goal setting (along with the self-efficacy), mediates the effect of knowledge of past
performance on subsequent performance
9. Goals affect performance by affecting the direction of action, the degree of effort
exerted, and the persistence of action over time
10. Goal stimulates planning in general

11. When people strive for goals on complex task’ they are least effective in
discovering suitable task strategies if:
a. No prior experience
b. High pressure to perform well
c. High time pressure
12. Goals (including goal commitment), in combination with self-efficacy, mediate or
partially mediate the effects of several personality traits and incentives on
13. Goal-setting and goal-related mechanisms can be trained and/or adopted in the
absence of training for the purpose of self-regulation
14. Goals served as standards of self-satisfaction

Voice-over only

Dreams can come true, but it depends on how determined we are to make those
happen in real life. Rather than just keeping your dreams of promotion or fulfillment in
your head, Before we end our report, I will give you several tips on how to make them

Write your dreams down.
Voice-over only: If you want to make them real, then write them down and get a feel
for the ones that are achievable, and make sure they happen through hard work and

Find someone who can give you Guidance, then go for it.
Voice-over only: To get your dreams underway, you need to let someone in on your
‘secrets’. Find someone who can give you pointers like a business coach or a mentor,
learn from their mistakes and ensure you don’t fall into any traps. Once all your effort is
done, then there’s only thing to do – go for it.

Be brave.
Voice-over only: Be accepting of challenges and knockbacks, but be brave and fight
for your corner. Keep your drive – and remember how much you want to achieve your

Take in the journey.
Voice-over only: The start and finish of a project is naturally satisfying, but the journey
should be just as enjoyable. So work slowly and methodically, and pick up experience
along the way. Whether you achieve your goal at least you can draw experience from
the journey

Dream on.
Voice-over only: Whether it works out or not, you should never stop taking your
dreams and making them real. So keep on dreaming and fulfilling that potential. Dont
forget to take action, if you don’t, it will remain in your dream.

Voice-over only:

Always remember that if you just daydream, and avoid making changes in your
life, nothing will happen. Most dreams can come true, but you need to be
courageous to pursue them. Procrastination is not an option. You need to invest
time and energy into making them come true.

I’m leaving you the quote from Walt Disney that “all our dreams can come true, if
we have the courage to pursue them”

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