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Listening Reading
Listen to two reviews for a new tablet Read the text about a gadget. Are the statements
computer. Choose true (T) or false (F). below ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not
enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or
0 James has had his tablet for over a year. T/F
‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).
1 James thinks his tablet is very good. T/F
Tomorrow’s Gadgets Today
2 James doesn’t like the SUPRA tablet’s design. T/F
Future Kitchen is the ultimate kitchen gadget. It is
3 Tatiana prefers the older version of the
the kitchen of the future. It’s based on a technology
SUPRA tablet. T/F
we all use every day: texting. So, how do you use it?
4 Tatiana doesn’t like to use the tablet to Easy. Before you go to work in the morning, you
check emails. T/F prepare your dinner and put it in the oven. Then,
when it is time to turn on the oven later in the day,
5 Tatiana thinks people should buy the
you just send a text message telling Future Kitchen
SUPRA tablet. T/F
to turn on the oven. You specify what temperature
and how long
Writing the oven should be on. When you get home, your
Write a paragraph about an object that you couldn’t dinner is waiting for you. But hold on, Future
live without. Use the phrases below to help you. Kitchen doesn’t just work with the oven. You can
also ask the dishwasher to turn itself on and, when
Something I can’t live without is my …
you run out
The most important gadget for me is my …
of milk or eggs, your refrigerator either texts you to
It’s impossible for me to go anywhere without my …
remind you to go to the store on the way home or it
texts the store to have them send over what is

0 The Future Kitchen is based on an

everyday technology.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
The Future Kitchen lets you control your oven
from a distance.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
It is difficult to control your dishwasher using
Future Kitchen technology.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
Refrigerators in the Future Kitchen are able to tell
people when to buy milk. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
People will have to wait some years to able to use
4 Refrigerators in the Future Kitchen can ask stores to the Future Kitchen technology.
send food home. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

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