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Appellee, *
4 *
VS. * Case Nos. 215403
5 215404, 215405
6 Appellant.

Volume Ten of Eighteen Volumes
Pages 1351-1500




William Cox, Esq.
14 District Attorney General
City and County Courts Building
15 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402


17 C. Leland Davis, Esq.

428 McCallie Avenue
18 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402


20 Don W. Poole, Esq.,

Poole, Thornbury, Stanley, Morgan &
21 Richardson
732 Cherry Street
22 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402

23 Phillip C. Lawrence, Esq.

Lawrence and Lawrence
24 701 Republic Centre
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
Volume Ten

Direct Examination 1353
Cross Examination 1358


Voir Dire Examination/Davis
(Jury out) 1366
Voir Dire Examination/Poole
(Jury out) 1369


Voir Dire Examination/Davis
(Jury out) 1375
Voir Dire Examination/Poole
(Jury out) 1377


Direct Examination 1380
Cross Examination 1384
Redirect Examination 1389


Direct Examination 1391
Cross Examination 1398

Direct Examination 1404
Cross Examination 1410

Direct Examination 1419
Cross Examination 1423

Direct Examination 1429
Cross Examination 1435

Direct Examination 1439
Cross Examination 1442
Redirect Examination 1448
Volume Ten
4 Voir Dire Examination/Davis
(Jury out) 1451
5 Voir Dire Examination/Poole
(Jury out) 1454
6 Direct Examination 1463
Cross Examination 1470
Redirect Examination 1475
Recross Examination 1476
May 15, 1998 - Friday
10 Voir Dire Examination/Cox
(Jury out) 1486
11 Voir Dire Examination/Poole
(Jury out) 1488
13 Voir Dire Examination/Cox
(Jury out) 1490
14 Voir Dire Examination/Poole
(Jury out) 1497










P. McDowell - Direct
1 A Right.

2 Q And the smell was awful, you said?

A Yes, sir.

4 Q Did your dog react in any particular way?

A Yes, sir. He got up right beside me and

6 bristled up and growled, and I thought he was going to

7 knock me off of the bluff, he was real upset about it.

And did your grandson react in any specific

9 way?

10 A Just he got sick.

11 Q You mean got physically --

12 A The odor was, yes, sir, he vomit, he sure

13 did.

14 Q Did you come back and recant -- or recount

15 this story to your husband?

16 A No, sir.

17 Q Or at some point in time did you mention it

18 to your husband?

19 A We have -- everybody comes in at my house

20 at the same time and we all eat supper together, or

21 dinner, and we had a lot going on, and it rained for the

22 next two days and I didn't even think to tell him

23 anything.

24 Q All right. By Wednesday did you tell him?

25 A I was talking on the phone to a friend that

P. McDowell - Direct
had called and she wanted to know if we had been looking

for those bodies that had been missing on Signal

Mountain, and he heard me talking on the phone about how

the dog acted.

Q Did something click with you then? Did you

have a thought at that time?

A No. I kept telling him, This couldn't be

our mountain, this happened on Signal Mountain, not on

my mountain.

Q All right. But at some point did you talk

to your husband about going down and taking a look?

A I think it was on Tuesday. We have a

nursery and we had just planted 5,000 little white

pines, and we have to go over and check them after it

rains because the water will wash them out and they'll

die, and I had told him I'd like for him to stop and

look how someone had cleaned up the dump, but we got run

off the road almost by some vehicles and we went back,

and we forgot to even stop then.

Q Okay. But then Wednesday your husband did

go check it out?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did you go with him?

A No, sir, I went to church. I didn't.

MR. COX: That's all.

P. McDowell - Direct
MR. POOLE: No questions.

MR. LAWRENCE: I don't believe we have any


THE COURT: All right. Thank you. You can

have a seat in the courtroom or you are free to leave.

(Witness excused.)

MR. COX: Burnie McDowell, Your Honor.

Burnie McDowell



called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

examined and testified as follows:



Q Would you state your name, please, sir?

A Burnie McDowell.

Q All right. Now, Mr. McDowell, I think that

your wife Portia just testified, is that correct?

A That's correct.

Q And I think you and she lived at the, near

the intersection of U.S. 27 and Big Fork Road, is that


A That's right.

Q And you run or own a nursery up there in

that location?

B. McDowell - Direct
1 A Right.

2 Q Where is your nursery?

3 A It's four miles from my house out Big Fork

4 Road. It's right behind my house, but you've got to go

5 out Big Fork Road and circle around because of the Suck

6 Creek being right behind the house.

Q And is this area where you live, is that

8 close to Prentice Cooper?

9 A Yes.

10 Q All right. As a matter of fact, is your

11 property or some of it adjacent to Prentice Cooper?

12 A Very close. I don't know if it actually --

13 no, it don't actually touch it, but it's --

14 Q By it's very close?

15 A Very close.

16 Q All right. And your wife's in the habit of

17 taking a walk, a daily morning walk, is that correct?

18 A (Witness nods head up and down.)

19 Q By Wednesday, the 13th of July, had she

20 talked to you about going down and checking the dump

21 site that's there on Big Fork Road?

22 A Right, she had.

23 Q And did you do that on Wednesday?

24 A Yes.

25 Q What time did you go down there?

B. McDowell - Direct
1 A It's quite late. I didn't want her to go

with me, so she had to go -- she was going to church,

3 and in my mind, I said, I'll just wait till she goes to

4 church and I'll go check it out.

5 Q Did you do that?

6 A I did that.

7 Q So it was in the evening you went down

8 there. What did you find when you got down there?

9 A When I pulled up to the site, then I was

10 afraid of what I was going to find because of the news

11 and all.

12 Q You'd been hearing about people missing?

13 A Right. And they had dumped dead bodies,

14 cattle, farm animals there, so to be -- I didn't want to

15 call the law and them thinking, you know, here I have

16 called the law out here for a dead cow or something, to

17 be sure, so I said I'd better go down and at least make

18 sure of what's down there.

19 And so that's how come me to go on down

20 there, to verify the fact that it was human body rather

21 than a dead cow or a horse or something.

22 Q Just tell us what you did when you got

23 there?

24 Do what?

25 Q Tell us what you did when you got there.

B. McDowell - Direct
A To the site?

2 Q Uh-huh.

3 A Well, I looked down in there and then it

was obvious there was a dead something there because of

the insects and all that, you know, swarming the area.

6 And I said, If it should be those people, I

7 need to not disturb anything, so I walked back up the

8 road and come down on the low side, and when I come to

9 the low side I could see one of the boys' arms sticking

10 out.

11 Q That's when you knew?

12 A (Witness nods head up and down.)

13 Q And then what did you do?

14 A I got back in the truck and went home,

15 called -- I told my daughter to call the law, and she

16 couldn't do that, so -- terrified her, so I finally got

17 on the, the book, found the number and called them, and

18 they come on out and I went out with them, and, of

19 course, we stayed there the rest of the night.

20 Q You'd been living out there a long time,

21 Mr. McDowell?

22 A Yeah.

23 Q When you go down off the mountain, I assume

24 you go down Highway 27 down through Suck Creek, is that

25 right?

B. McDowell - Direct
A Back to Chattanooga, yes.

Q Yeah. Do you know of a shortcut to get

from Suck Creek Mountain over to Signal Mountain?

A Yes.

Q And --

A With a four-wheel-drive vehicle.

Q You can't do that with a regular car but

you can only do it with a four-wheel-drive?

A Right.

Q Ask you to step down here, if you would.

Is this about where your house is, Mr.


A Yes, approximately.

Q And is this the area you've been discussing

where you found them?

A That's correct.

Q Okay. And how do you get back -- what's

the shortcut going over to Signal?

A This road right here. This is the old

county road, runs right through there.

Q Comes out on Taft Highway?

A Right, closer to the park there.

Q And if you come, you come from there, you

come down Taft Highway and get on -- well, you come

Signal Mountain, you get on Corral Road over into this

B. McDowell - Direct
area, is that correct?

A I'm not familiar with the streets over


But you're just familiar with Taft Highway?

A (Witness nods head up and down.).

MR. COX: You can take your seat, sir.

You may ask.

Mr. McDowell, you need a drink of water?

THE WITNESS: I'm all right.



Q Mr. McDowell, I can tell that was a very

troubling experience for you, and I'm sorry that you had

to be the one to find that.

Let me ask you some other questions. These

folks are from Loudon County and they're not really

familiar with the area. You've been a life-long

resident, haven't you? .

A Since 1968, and that's when I built my

house there where it's at.

Q Where were you living, where were you

living before that?

A Over on Whitwell Mountain, what they call

Griffith's Creek, but just across the valley.

Q You moved up there and started this nursery

B. McDowell - Cross
or did you have the nursery before you moved?

2 A Practically all my life I've been fooling

3 with the nursery business, but I really didn't have a

nursery business. It's just interest in it, you know.

5 Q And is that growing into your main

6 occupation now?

7 A Yeah.

8 Q In fact, I think I've seen -- you've got a

9 wooden sign out there, I've passed it going over to, you

10 go to Whitwell that way, too?

11 A Correct.

12 Q And you've got a big sign says, "Big Fork

13 Nursery" up there, don't you?

14 A That's correct.

15 Q If you don't mind stepping down again,

16 could I get you to come down here and just show these

17 folks the different routes that one would take to get

18 hither and yon around your house?

19 They've got that little pointy device, I

20 don't have that so we'll have to use our fingers.

21 Here's Ketner Gap. What is that? Is that

22 where your house is?

23 A This is Big Fork Road right here, so this

24 is Ketner Gap just comes right up.

25 Q So this is Big Fork Road here, and one of

B. McDowell - Cross
1 the other ways of travel would be to come up what they

2 call Suck Creek Road?

3 A Yes.

4 Q Okay. Can you show us where that is, kind

of trace that?

6 A This would be the road comes back.

7 Q Comes along the Tennessee River and then

8 runs into Signal Mountain Road?

9 A Signal Mountain Road.

10 Q And then one method of travel from the town

11 of Signal Mountain would be go down the mountain on

12 paved road, go around the Tennessee River and come up to

13 Big Fork Road there?

14 A Yes.

15 Q It's a shorter -- it's a longer distance,

16 but do you have any calculations to know the time it

17 would take to get from the town of Signal Mountain going

18 the long route as compared to going back through the,

19 through the --

20 A There's a lot of miles in difference, so

21 it's five miles from my house to this road down here.

22 Q To Taft Highway?

23 A To Taft Highway.

24 Q Now, the road that you take, the map that

25 you looked at earlier shows the two roads branch and one

B. McDowell - Cross
1 ties into Taft Highway and the other one, looks like it

2 comes out a little higher, and one of those you say is

3 unpassable?

4 A Yes.

5 Q Even with a four-wheel-drive vehicle?

6 A Maybe. I don't know. I wouldn't travel it

7 with a four-wheel-drive.

8 Q Okay. And the other road, do you know

9 whether the other road that connects with Big Fork Road

10 at your house and Taft Highway goes down a structure

11 called the staircase or the stair steps? Are you

12 familiar with that?

13 A Yeah. I have traveled it many years ago.

14 I come through there here the other day and I wouldn't

15 try that. I come the way right down the bluff there.

16 Q Okay. So there's, there's a method of

17 travel that comes around the bluff rather than going up

18 what's called the staircase?

19 A ❑h-huh.

20 Q And coming around the bluff is rural,

21 unpaved country road, isn't it?

22 A Four-wheel-drive.

23 Q Four-wheel-drive road?

24 A Right.

25 Q And the staircase would be a tougher road

B. McDowell - Cross
1 to travel, wouldn't it?

2 A Lot tougher.

3 Q Which would be the faster way to travel,

4 coming around the bluff or coming up the staircase?

5 A You can't get up the staircase, in my

6 opinion, but going around the other way it's very quick,

7 you know, it's just a mile, it's just probably just a

8 mile from where the intersection is there, you know.

9 Q Now, where you live, do you have contact

10 generally with folks on the mountain, you know,

11 there's --

12 A Folks on Signal Mountain?

13 Q Yes, sir.

14 A No.

15 Q Mrs. McDowell seemed to describe where you

16 live as a different mountain than Signal Mountain. Is

17 that the way you look at it yourself?

18 A I know not anybody over there. Very

19 unusual for me to know anybody over there.

20 Q What separates --

21 A I do know a few but not very well.

22 Q What separates the mountain? You're sort

23 of describing this area as a mountain and Signal

24 Mountain over here as a mountain. What geological

25 feature separates the two areas from each other?

B. McDowell - Cross
1 A These two creeks fork right here, Huge

2 Creek and that's called Big Fork, all that there.

3 Q And so this area right here where these

4 contour lines are closely spaced together signifies a

5 creek coming down?

6 A Bluffs, yeah.

7 Q Bluffs? And is that Suck Creek?

8 A Yes.

9 Q Okay. And then there's another creek over

10 here, I don't really --

11 A Both of them are Suck Creek. One's North

12 Suck Creek and one's South Suck Creek.

13 Q So this is a deep valley, then, that's

14 separating these two, these two mountains, correct?

15 A (Witness nods head up and down.)

16 Q Is there a lot of four-wheeling that goes

17 on in your observation as you travel from your house

18 back to --

19 A Yes, oh, yes.

20 Q See a lot of different kind of vehicles

21 back there?

22 A Yes, motorcycles.

23 Q Pickup trucks?

24 A Four-wheel, mostly four-wheel-drive now.

25 Q Jeeps?

B. McDowell - Cross
1 (Witness nods head up and down.)

2 Q See a lot of those?

A Yes.

4 Q You see a lot of these folks on what they

call ATVs, you know what that, what I'm describing,

6 four-wheelers and three-wheelers?

7 A See a lot of them.

8 Q Now, you said that if this is your house,

9 here's Big Fork.

10 A Right there.

11 Q Right at that intersection?

12 A Right there.

13 Q So what you do to get to your nursery, you

14 have to go how far back here?

15 A Four miles. I live -- it's right behind my

16 house, this power line, just right back here.

17 Q All right. So the nursery is actually back

18 here?

19 A Yeah, right here. Strip mine is actually

20 back here.

21 Q All right. But these are, these are dirt

22 roads that go back in here, too?

23 A All of them dirt roads.

24 Q I guess you have a four-wheel-drive

25 vehicle, don't you?

H. McDowell - Cross
1 A Pickup truck.

2 MR. LAWRENCE: All right. Thank you.

3 Nothing further, Your Honor.

4 MR. COX: Nothing further from the state,

5 Your Honor.

6 THE COURT: All right. Thank you. You can

7 have a seat in the courtroom or you are free to leave.

8 (Witness excused.)

9 THE COURT: Who is your next witness?

10 MR. DAVIS: Approach for a second, Your

11 Honor?

12 THE COURT: All right.

13 (Thereupon, a bench conference was held on

14 the record in the presence of the jury but

15 out of the hearing of the jury and the

16 following proceedings were had:)

17 MR. DAVIS: I think the next two or three

18 witnesses we have left, we have to have a quick jury-out

19 hearing on them. This is the Lowerys, and --

20 MR. LAWRENCE: I need to step in the men's

21 room.

22 THE COURT: Okay.

23 (Thereupon, said bench conference having

24 been completed, the following proceedings

25 were had in the presence and hearing of

1 the jury:)

2 THE COURT: All right. Jurors, we'll take

3 a short break at this time and the attorneys can take a

4 break also at this time, and Mr. Casteel.

5 (Thereupon, at 2:18 p.m., the jury was

6 excused from open court a recess was had.)

7 (Thereupon, pursuant to recess, the

8 following proceedings were had in open

9 court in the absence of the jury:)

10 THE COURT: All right. I believe we have a

11 couple other jury-out matters?

12 MR. DAVIS: Yes. Judy Lowery will be the

13 first one.


15 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

16 examined and testified as follows:



19 Q Judy, if you could, state your full name

20 for the record.

21 A My name is Judith Ann Lowery.

22 Q And if you could direct your comments to

23 Judge Meyer for this jury-out hearing.

24 On June 18th of 1988, did you have occasion

25 to be out with your husband Melvin, who goes by the name

J. Lowery - Voir Dire/Davis
1 Butch, out on a trip to the blue hole?

2 A Yes, sir.

3 Q Could you relate the substance of that trip

4 to Judge Meyer, please?

5 A On what happened that day?

6 Q Yes, please.

7 A My husband, myself, my two children, Talena

8 and Tallan Taylor, Cheryl White and Rusty White and his

9 two children, we all went up to the blue hole to go

10 swimming. My husband lived up on the mountain, he'd

11 been swimming up in the blue hole for 14, 15 years. It

12 was a known place.

13 We were all up at the blue hole, and my

14 husband, Rusty White, and one of the children were up on

15 the rocks swinging down into the water, while Cheryl,

16 myself and my two children were down at the bottom

17 playing in the pool.

18 At this point in time, Mr. Casteel came

19 down behind us, I heard him, turned around, and he told

20 me to have the men come down now.

21 When we got down, my husband got down

22 first, Rusty was still up on the rocks, he had his

23 shotgun pointed at my husband at all times. He told us,

24 Do not make a wrong move, he would not hesitate to use

25 the shotgun. And then he also told us that the men were

J. Lowery - Voir Dire/Davis
1 very lucky that women and children were present.

2 At that point he escorted us up the hill,

3 the children first, Cheryl and I second, and then my

4 husband Butch and Rusty White. At all times he had the

5 gun pointed directly at my husband. At -- several times

6 it was right in my husband's face.

7 Going up the hill, he had a walkie-talkie.

8 We did not hear nothing come back from the other side of

9 the walkie-talkie, but he was relaying through the

10 walkie-talkie for everybody to keep watch on us as we

11 went up the hill.

12 When we had first come into the blue hole

13 up at the power lines, there was an area where there was

14 just a chair standing up against a tree. After we were

15 . escorted out and had to sign a book with our plate

16 numbers of our truck and sign the names to it, when we

17 went out of there past that little place where the chair

18 was, there was now a full campsite there. There was a

19 chair, there was a --

20 , 4 I want to stop you right there.

21 A Okay.

22 Q That's the substance of what we need for

23 the jury-out hearing, and in front of the jury I'll ask

24 you some other questions.

25 A Okay.

J. Lowery - Voir Dire/Davis
1 THE COURT: All right.



4 Q Ma'am, I think you've indicated this was

5 June the 18th, is that true?

6 A It was the weekend of the Fourth of July.

7 Q I thought you said it was June the 18th.

8 I'm sorry. Did you sign your name in the book on that

9 weekend?

10 A My husband did.

11 Q So you remember looking at the little book

12 that was signed by your husband?

13 Y'all have that?

14 THE COURT: No, he's got it.

15 MR. DAVIS: Here it is, I'm sorry.

16 Q (By Mr. Poole) And I guess I was asleep

17 then, but I thought I heard something about the 18th and

18 you said yes, that was the 18th?

19 A I --

20 Q What sort of vehicle were you all in,

21 ma'am?

22 A We were in a Toyota four-by-four pickup,

23 blue.

24 Q And is that, let's see, Butch Lowery?

25 A Yes.

J. Lowery - Voir Dire/Poole
1 Q Blue Toyota pickup, Toyota, '88, FWF 411,

2 Hamilton County, phone number 698-8515. Is that a long

3 time ago?

4 A Yes, sir.

5 Q Your number changed?

6 A Yes, sir.

7 Q "Two families, ignored signs, drove

8 through." Let me show you, if I could approach the

9 witness, Your Honor.

10 THE COURT: Yes.

11 Q (By Mr. Poole) This is a couple of things.

12 I'm just looking at those things there. Is that your

13 husband's writing?

14 A Yes, sir.

15 Q And under this it says, June the 18th, and

16 I thought that was the question that was asked of you.

17 A Yes, sir.

18 Q Okay. Well, could it have been June the

19 18th or are you pretty sure it was Fourth of July?

20 A It could have been June 18th. I do know it

21 was around Fourth of July.

22 Q Okay. And then Russell, you were with the

23 Russell White family?

24 A Yes, sir.

25 Q White Toyota pickup?

J. Lowery - Voir Dire/Poole
A Yes, sir.

2 Q Okay. That's fine. Now, by your

3 testimony, ma'am, he pointed the shotgun right at at

4 least your husband the whole time that you're talking to

5 him?

6 A Yes, sir.

Q And I think at the face or head or whatever

8 you said?

9 A Yes, sir.

10 Q And did he make threats?

11 A Yes, sir.

12 Q What were those threats?

13 A The threats being that not to make any

14 sudden moves or he would not hesitate to use the

15 shotgun.

16 Q This took place at the blue hole, and you

17 were accompanied back up to the power line?

18 A Yes, sir.

19 Q And then you hot-footed it out of there, I

20 guess, didn't you?

21 A Yes, sir.

22 Q Did you go out this Helican Road or this

23 road that leads out to Vandergriff Road?

24 A Yes, we did.

25 Q Is that the way you came in?

J. Lowery - Voir Dire/Poole
1 A Yes, we did.

2 Q And whatever day it was, what time did this


4 A It was mid afternoon.

5 Q Okay. Ma'am, going in or out, did you meet

6 any other families, meet any other people coming in or

7 out?

8 A No, sir, we didn't.

9 Q There was some indication that somebody

10 going out in a blue pickup may have met another family

11 coming in or some more folks coming in, that was not

12 you?

13 A No, it was not.

14 MR. POOLE: Your Honor, that's all the

15 questions I have preliminarily of the witness.

16 THE COURT: All right. What is your

17 position?

18 MR. POOLE: Your Honor, we will object as

19 we have been, pretrial and throughout, that this is a

20 direct situation, under 404(b), it does charge other

21 assaults, other misconduct, and we would urge the

22 Court's ruling that it does, in fact, and that there's

23 no basis for the introduction of it.

24 THE COURT: What's the state say?

25 MR. DAVIS: For the reasons we've

1 articulated previously, we believe it's admissible.

2 THE COURT: But at a certain point, doesn't

3 you -- when you keep introducing more and more witnesses

4 to the same or similar things, aren't you getting closer

5 and closer to this being propensity to commit an

6 offense?

MR. DAVIS: I don't believe so, Your Honor.

8 THE COURT: You don't think you run into

9 danger on that the more witnesses you call?

10 MR. DAVIS: I certainly understand the,

11 that argument. I think in this particular case what

12 we're talking about is a circumstantial evidence case

13 over a period of time. This goes to motive and

14 identity.

15 Her statements are as to the identity of

16 the man behind the shotgun and the motive for him doing

17 what he said he could do. There's no way that we can

18 get into his head about either identity or motive from

19 the three victims that are dead. It's impossible.

20 That's why the rules allow us to get into identity and

21 motive through these types of witnesses.

22 And I will tell Your Honor that we have

23 four witnesses from this incident. We are only going to

24 call two of them, so that we're not going to get --

25 we're going to call this witness and her husband, and

1 I'm not going to --

2 THE COURT: Will his testimony add anything

3 to what she will testify to?

4 MR. DAVIS: Well, the only thing I'm -- it

5 will substantially corroborate what she says. The only

6 thing I'm concerned, if I don't call her, then they'll

7 argue, Well, you never heard from the husband that he

8 had a shotgun pointed at him, you know.

9 But at any rate, the point is, of the four

10 people that are there -- we are trying to move this

11 forward as quickly as possible -- of the four, actually

12 multiple people that were there, we're going to call

13 just these two that have what we think to be very

14 relevant, admissible evidence as quickly as possible.

15 THE COURT: All right. What does the

16 state -- I mean the defense say about the testimony of

17 the husband and about your raising that as an issue if

18 he doesn't testify?

19 MR. POOLE: Well, Your Honor, I think all

20 of these are issues that the state intends to call

21 Mrs. -- this lady and her husband. I think, I think

22 their testimony about threats and assaults are not

23 admissible. It's our argument that none of them have

24 been admissible.

25 THE COURT: I know that, but I'm saying,

are you willing, if the state doesn't call him, to

forego arguing to the jury that they didn't call him?

MR. POOLE: I don't know that -- we may be

forbidden from doing that at any rate at this point in


THE COURT: Okay. Then they can go ahead

and call them then.

All right. You can have -- wait outside

and let your husband come in.

MR. DAVIS: Butch or Melvin Lowery.


called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

examined and testified as follows:



Q Good afternoon, Butch. If you could,

please state your full name for the Court and direct

your comments to Judge Meyer.

A My full name is Melton B. Lowery, Jr.

Q Okay. And do you go by Butch, is that


A Yes, sir.

Q All right. Could you relate to Judge Meyer

an incident that happened out at the blue hole in the

summer of 1988?

M. Lowery - Voir Dire/Davis
1 A Yes, sir. We went up to -- me and my wife

2 and her two kids and a friend of mine and his wife and

3 two kids went up there for a picnic and to swim the blue

hole. We'd been up there approximately 30 minutes to 45

5 minutes and we were approached by a gentleman with a

6 shotgun. He told my wife to tell me to come off the

7 rocks and to come down.

8 Once I came down off the rocks, he pointed

9 a shotgun at me and told me not to move, he would not

10 hesitate to use it. . And I said, "Well, you have no fear

11 of that, I'm not using -- I'm not moving, my wife and

12 children are here."

13 And he said, "Well, you're lucky you've got

14 your wife and children here." He kind of got a little

15 irate and told us to pack up our things and walk up the

16 hill.

17 When we got up the top of the hill, he

18 started telling us about other things. He relaxed the

19 shotgun when we got up there, and during the time of

20 walking up and the time he had his shotgun pointed at my

21 face, he'd been talking on a walkie-talkie, but I

22 couldn't hear anything else come across the

23 walkie-talkie.

24 Time we got at the top of the hill is the

25 first time he relaxed the shotgun, and at this time I

M. Lowery - Voir Dire/Davis
noticed when we came up, the first time when we first

got there, there was two chairs leaning up against a

tree. Well, this time when we got up top of the hill

there was a full camp set up with four or five chairs, a

table, a stove, and sort of like a lean-to, so --

4 I'm going to interrupt you and stop you

there, if I could. For purposes of this jury-out

hearing, those are all the questions I'm going to ask

you right now.

THE COURT: All right.

Q (By Mr. Davis) And the only other

question: At some point did he direct you to sign the


A Yes, sir.

MR. DAVIS: Okay. That's all I ask for

right now.



Q Sir, other than what you've been asked,

were there any other threats or comments made to you

that day other than what you've just been asked?

A Best of my knowledge, he said he was

getting tired of me coming up there. He said he had

seen my pickup before and it was a brand new pickup and

that's the first time I'd been up there in several

B. Lowery - Voir Dire/Poole
1 years.

2 Q Right.

3 A And other than that, that's all I can

4 remember.

5 Q See anybody going in or coming out other

6 than this man?

7 A No, sir.

8 Q Is the man that you're talking about here

9 in court?

10 A Yes, sir.

11 Q Mr. Casteel?

12 A Yes, sir.

13 Q Did you know him before that?

14 A I had heard about him from living on Signal

15 Mountain.

16 Q Did you know him before that? Had you ever

17 seen him?

18 A Never have met him.

19 MR. POOLE: That's all.

20 THE COURT: All right.

21 MR. DAVIS: That's all, Your Honor.

22 THE COURT: Okay. You can have a seat.

23 Better still, wait out in the hall, and I guess you're

24 ready for the wife?

25 MR. DAVIS: We're ready for Judy to come

1 in, and the jury.

2 MR. POOLE: Oh, wait a minute. Have we had

3 a ruling on it yet? I'm sorry.

THE COURT: Yes. I assume that your

5 argument is the same for him as it is for his wife?

6 MR. POOLE: I didn't know we ruled on Judy,

7 I'm sorry.

8 THE COURT: Yes, yeah, she can testify.

9 MR. POOLE: She can testify. And the Court

10 is specifically finding that this is a material issue,

11 Your Honor, that bears on both of them and the rest of

12 them?

13 THE COURT: Right.

14 MR. POOLE: Which is?

15 THE COURT: I was trying to get you to

16 agree that it's cumulative and that you wouldn't comment

17 on it, and, therefore, we'd only have one of the

18 Lowerys, but you indicated you couldn't agree to that.

19 MR. POOLE: Well, I understand, but what

20 was the ruling then? I'm sorry, I didn't hear it in

21 regard to Judy. What's the material issue that Judy is

22 being allowed to testify about?

23 THE COURT: Again, showing Mr. Casteel's

24 motive for having committed this crime.

25 MR. DAVIS: We would urge the Court to also

1 put on the record identity. We believe the case law

2 raises that.

3 MR. POOLE: And even though it's

4 prejudicial, Your Honor, the Court is under the

5 assumption --

6 THE COURT: The probative value outweighs

7 the prejudice.

(Thereupon, at 2:54 p.m., the jury returned

9 to open court and the following proceedings

10 were had in its presence:)

11 THE COURT: All right. You ready to call

12 your next witness?

13 MR. DAVIS: Yes, Judy Lowery, please.

14 THE COURT: All right.


16 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

17 examined and testified as follows:



20 Q Judy, if you could, please introduce

21 yourself to the jury?

22 A My name is Judith Ann Lowery.

23 Q And, Ms. Lowery, where do you live?

24 A I live in Idaho.

25 Q Okay. And you've come back from Idaho to

J. Lowery - Direct
testify at this trial, is that correct?

2 A Yes, sir.

3 Q All right. Ten years ago in 1988, where

did you live?

5 A At that time I believe we lived at Casa

6 Loma apartments in East Ridge.

7 Q Okay.

8 A Tennessee.

9 Q Here in Hamilton County?

10 A Yes, sir.

11 Q All right. If you could tell the jury, did

12 you have an occasion to go out to a swimming area known

13 as the blue hole in the summer of 1988?

14 A Yes, sir, we did.

15 Q All right. And what is your memory of when

16 that took place?

17 A I believed it was around the Fourth of July

18 weekend somewhere. We had just come back from Idaho, so

19 there's a little span there, but I thought it was right

20 around the Fourth of July weekend.

21 Q Okay. If you could take a look at that

22 photograph that's up on the TV monitor and ask if you

23 recognize that?

24 A Yes, sir, I do.

25 Q What is that?

J. Lowery - Direct
A That's the blue hole.

Q Okay. The blue hole. And let me show you

another angle on that. Do you recognize that? 0

A Yes, sir.

Q What is it?

A Looks like the blue hole.

Q Okay. If you could, tell the jury about

your, your trip to the blue hole, start with who was

there and what happened, which you believe to be around

the Fourth of July of 1988?

A Yes, sir. My husband, Butch Lowery,

myself, my two children, Talena and Tallan Taylor, Rusty

White, his wife Cheryl White, and his two children, we

all went to the blue hole to go swimming. My husband

was raised or lived up on the mountain for several

years, and been swimming in the blue hole for 14, 15

years. We all decided to go swimming up at the blue


At the time of the incident, my husband,

Rusty and one of their children were up on the rocks

swinging off, swinging off the rocks into the water.

Cheryl and I and my two children were down at the bottom

by the rocks and stuff swimming in the area down there.

At that point in time, Mr. Casteel came up

behind us and told me to get the men down from the

J. Lowery - Direct
1 rocks. I called my husband down. Rusty was still up on

2 the rocks. My husband came down. At that point, Mr.

3 Casteel had a shotgun pointed at my husband's head.

4 never took the shotgun off of him.

5 He made the statement to not make any

6 sudden moves or he would not hesitate to use the

7 shotgun. Then after that, he told us that, "You're very

8 lucky," he spoke this directly to my husband while he

9 was, had the shotgun on him, that "You are very lucky

10 that you have women and children present with you."

11 At that point he leaded (sic) us up the

12 hill, the children in front, Cheryl and I second, and my

13 husband and Rusty in the back, still pointing the

14 shotgun at him.

15 On the way up the hill, he had a walkie-

16 talkie. We could not hear anybody on the other end of

17 the walkie-talkie, but he was stating to somebody to

18 make sure they were keeping an eye on us while we were

19 going up the hill. When we got to the top of the hill,

20 he had my husband and Rusty White sign a book as to the

21 date and us being in the blue hole, and took our license

22 plate numbers down.

23 Q Okay. And how'd that affect you at that

24 time?

25 MR. LAWRENCE: Your Honor, we've objected

J. Lowery - Direct
1 to that kind of testimony before. We'd renew that

2 objection.

3 MR. DAVIS: Want me to rephrase the

4 question?

5 THE COURT: All right. Rephrase your

6 question.

7 Q (By Mr. Davis) All right. Were you

8 afraid?

9 A Definitely.

10 MR. LAWRENCE: Same objection, Your Honor.

11 THE COURT: No, he can ask that part.

12 Q (By Mr. Davis) I'm sorry, I didn't hear

13 your answer.

14 A Definitely.

15 Q Okay. Is that substantially the events

16 that happened out there at the blue hole that day?

17 A Yes, sir.

18 MR. DAVIS: Okay. That's all for right

19 now.



22 Q Ms. Lowery, you've told the jury, and I

23 think it's true, this was a Saturday that you were up

24 there on, correct?

25 A It was on a weekend.

J. Lowery - Cross
1 Q Okay. And we jostled back and forth about

2 what weekend it was, and I indicated that the book

3 showed the 18th of June, and you wouldn't argue

4 strenuously with that if it shows what I guess the

5 family signed up that weekend, would you?

6 A Correct.

7 Q Okay. Now, when this took place, you all

8 were in this, this area, pretty country there, swimming?

9 A Yes, sir.

10 Q You were already in the blue hole when it

11 happened, right?

12 A Yes, sir.

13 Q What time of afternoon on the weekend did

14 that happen?

15 A It was mid afternoon.

16 Q Two, three, four o'clock, somewhere in

17 there?

18 A Somewhere in there.

19 Q Had you all come up that day from your

20 homes to go swimming?

21 A Yes, sir, we did.

22 Q Okay. And you had not seen anybody else

23 coming in, had not even seen Mr. Casteel coming in when

24 you came in that afternoon?

25 A Not when we came in, no, sir.

J. Lowery - Cross
1 Q Okay. First time you saw anybody that

2 afternoon related to the blue hole was Mr. Casteel when

3 he came on you?

4 A Yes, sir.

5 Q Let me ask you, as you go, went back there

6 to go swimming, did you see any no-trespassing signs or

7 anything like that?

8 A I do believe I saw one.

9 Q One. Okay. Do you know, do you remember

10 crossing the power line?

11 A Yes, sir.

12 Q Okay. And that was up close to the

13 campsite that you've described?

14 A Correct.

15 Q It's a pretty good walk down from that

16 campsite power line down to the blue hole, isn't it?

17 A Yes, it i

18 Q Okay. And then there's a goodly piece to

19 walk across the power line, you know, 40, 50 yards or

20 something like that, across the power line?

21 A Well, we didn't walk across the power line.

22 Q Drive across it, right?

23 A Yes, sir.

24 Q Okay. But now, you did walk up and back

25 from the blue hole though, right?

J. Lowery - Cross
A Yes, sir, we did.

Q And then you, at the, I guess up at the top

of the power line, you got in your vehicle and went on

out that road to Vandergriff Road and went home or went

somewhere else, right?

A Correct.

Q Okay. Now, this certainly, the

altercation, the encounter that you have described took

place from the blue hole back up to the campsite of the

power line?

A That's correct.

Q And then did Mr. Casteel put the gun down?

A He leaned it up against a tree right at the


Q Okay. And, you know, he had you guys sign

up that you were there, right?

A Yes, sir.

Q Okay. And you gave a statement to the

police but it was, was it sometime later than that, I

guess, wasn't it?

A We made a call the day of the murders.

Q Did you move then or did you stick around

in Chattanooga, Signal Mountain, awhile after 1988?

A Oh, yes. We were here for several years.

Q Several years. When did you move to Idaho?

J. Lowery - Cross
1 A A year and a half ago.

2 Q Did you? As you came out that day, you

3 didn't see anyone else either, did you, ma'am?

4 A No, sir, we did not.

5 Q You would have -- I mean, certainly no

6 shots were fired by anyone, correct?

7 A No, sir.

8 Q No shots were fired over your head,

9 warning, threatening you or anything like that, were

10 they?

11 A No, sir.

12 Q Was this a -- what kind of weapon was it?

13 A It was a shotgun.

14 Q Do you know --

15 A Short, short barrel on it.

16 Q Short barrel on it?

17 A Yes, sir.

18 Q Let me ask you, does this look like the

19 shotgun?

20 A Yes, sir, it does.

21 Q That does?

22 A Yes, sir.

23 Q And do you know -- I don't know how to get

24 that thing back down, but do you know whether it was

25 loaded or not?

J. Lowery - Cross
1 A No, I don't know whether it was loaded or

2 not. I assumed it was.

3 MR. POOLE: Okay. Thank you.



6 Q What was the demeanor of Mr. Casteel during

7 this altercation with your husband when he had the gun

8 pointed at your husband's head?

9 A He was very threatening.

10 Q Okay. Appear angry?

11 A Yes.

12 Q What was his tone of voice? Was it

13 conversational?

14 A No, no conversation. Just direct, to the

15 point and -- trying to figure out how to say it.

16 Q Take your time.

17 A It was a demanding, threatening tone with

18 the statements that he was making to us. Whether there

19 was anybody else there or not, he was making it be known

20 that we were being carefully watched. Let's just say I

21 don't get frightened very easy, and that is not a moment

22 I would like to return to.

23 Q Okay. And what was the statement he said

24 while he had the gun pointed at your husband's head?

25 A He said not to make any sudden moves or he

J. Lowery - Redirect
1. would not hesitate to use the shotgun.

2 MR. DAVIS: That's all.

3 THE COURT: Anything further?

4 MR. POOLE: (Shakes head from side to

5 side.)

6 THE COURT: All right. Thank you. You can

7 have a seat in the courtroom or you are free to leave.

8 THE WITNESS: Thank you, sir.

9 (Witness excused.)

10 THE COURT: Who is your next witness?

11 MR. DAVIS: Butch Lowery, please, Your

12 Honor.

13 Your Honor, while Mr. Lowery is coming up,

14 I would just like to take those two photographs of the

15 blue hole and show the jury, and put these into

16 evidence.

17 THE COURT: All right. Let them be marked.

18 (Thereupon, Exhibits 71 and 72

were marked and filed.)

20 MR. POOLE: What are those numbers?

21 MR. DAVIS: 71 and 72.

22 MR. POOLE: Wowl


24 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

25 examined and testified as follows:

M. Lowery - Direct


3 Q Good afternoon, Butch. If you could,

4 please introduce yourself to the jury.

5 A My name is Melton B. Lowery, Jr.

6 Q Your friends call you Melton?

7 A Everybody calls me Butch.

Q Yeah. Okay. Butch, if you could, where do

9 you live now?

1 10 A Hayden Lake, Idaho.

11 Q All right. And in 1988 where did you live?

12 A Apartments in East Ridge.

13 Q Okay. Here in Hamilton County?

14 A Yes, sir.
1 15 Q All right. At some point did you have an

16 opportunity to go up to a swimming hole known as the

17 blue hole on Signal Mountain?

18 A Yes, sir.

19 Q All right. What has been your history up

20 at the blue hole?

21 A The history?

22 Q Well, I mean, had you been there before?

23 A Yes, I lived on Signal Mountain for 14

24 years and I've been over there quite a few times.

25 Q Okay. And what is it?

M. Lowery - Direct
1 A That's a little swimming hole and formation

2 of rocks around it. Everybody goes over there to swing

3 off a vine or swing off a rope.

Q Is that the, is that a photograph of it

5 right there on the television?

6 A Yes, sir.

7 Q Okay.

8 A Yes.

9 Q All right. And when do you think in 1988

10 you went up to the swimming hole?

11 A Excuse me?

12 Q When in 1988 did you go out there?

13 A June, I believe.

14 Q Okay. And tell us, who did you go with

15 and -- is this another photograph of the swimming hole

16 here?

17 A Yes.

18 Q All right. When you went out in June to

19 the blue hole, tell us, who did you go with and what

20 happened? Tell the jury.

21 A Went up to the blue hole with my wife, two

22 children, a friend of mine, his wife and his two

23 children. We went up there to take a picnic lunch and

24 swim for a while.

25 Q Okay. And while you were there, tell us

M. Lowery - Direct
what happened.

A We had been there approximately 30 minutes

or a little more when a man walked up with a shotgun,

told my wife to order, tell me to come down off the


And when I got down to the rocks and all

where he was standing, he pointed a shotgun at my face

and told me not to move, that he would not hesitate to

use it.

And I told him, well, he had no worry about

that because I got my wife and children here. He told

me that I was lucky that I had my wife and children with


Q Let me stop you there. What was his

demeanor? How did he look when he said those things?

A He looked, to me he looked sort of mad, or

some other people might say P.O.'d.

Q Okay. And what tone of voice did he use?

Was it a tone of voice like I'm using with you right now

or was it different?

A It was sort of more like a hostile voice.

Q Okay. And are the rocks where you were, is

that in that picture here on the television screen or is

it off to the left there?

A It should be off to the left.

M. Lowery - Direct
1 Q Okay. And is it more in that photograph?

2 A Well, if I'm right, it's been a while since

3 I've been up here. The, these are the rocks we jumped

4 off of, and if I ain't mistaken, the sort of flat part

5 where the rocks are is back to the left.

6 Q Okay. And then after, after that

7 statement, after that hostile statement, what happened?

8 A He told us to pack up our goods, our

9 baskets and stuff and proceed up the hill.

10 Q Okay.

11 A That whole time he was talking on a

12 walkie-talkie, which I never heard anything come back

13 over, I don't know if he had it too low or whatever, but

14 time we got to the hill is the first time that he

15 relaxed the shotgun, said something in his microphone or

16 the walkie-talkie, laid the shotgun up against a tree

17 and proceeded to get a book out.

18 Q Let me show you what's State's Exhibit

19 Number 1 and ask you if you can recognize that book?

20 A Yes, sir, that looks like it.

21 Q All right. And let me ask you to read the

22 top of this page to yourself.

23 A "Butch Lowery, blue Toyota pickup, Toyota

24 '88, four-wheel-drive, all terrain, all Hamilton

25 County."

M. Lowery - Direct
1 Q All right. Is that, who wrote the "Butch

2 Lowery" in there?

3 A That's my signature.

4 Q Okay. And what about the other

5 information?

6 A May I take my glasses off?

7 Q Sure.

8 A It says, "Two families, ignored all signs,

9 drove through woods to blue hole." And below that is

10 Russell White's name, "white Toyota pickup, Toyota '86,

11 1023 UW Tennessee. Telephone number, 894-0595."

12 Q And Russell and Cheryl, were they your

13 companions out there that day?

14 A Yes, sir.

15 Q All right. And Russell or Rusty, he signed

16 his name underneath yours?

17 A Yes, sir.
18 Q And you were present when that happened?

19 A Yes, sir.

20 Q Okay. And the number entry on there, what

21 numbers are there?

22 A Mine is 101 and Russell's is 102.

23 Q Okay. The -- and that took place at the

24 campsite, or where did it take place?

25 A At the top of the blue hole where a

M. Lowery - Direct
1 campsite was set up.

2 Q Okay. Do you recognize, in the courtroom

3 today the person who held the shotgun and put it up to

4 your head?

5 A Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I do.

6 Q And for the jury, could you please point

7 out that person?

A The gentleman sitting in the black suit in

the middle.

10 Q All right. In the middle between these two

11 attorneys here?

12 A Yes, sir.

13 MR. DAVIS: All right. Let the record

14 reflect, Your Honor, he has picked out the defendant,

15 Mr. Casteel.

16 THE COURT: All right.

17 MR. DAVIS: Luther, you want to check that

18 and make sure it's clear? Okay. Is that clear?

19 Q (By Mr. Davis) All right. What I want you

20 to do is, I don't want you to put this to your head, but

21 I want you to tell me how close was this to your head,

22 was the end of the -- first off, do you recognize this

23 shotgun?

24 A Yes, sir, I do.

25 Q And what is this shotgun?

M. Lowery - Direct
1 A It's a 12-gauge assault rifle, pump

2 shotgun.

3 Q And you recognize this gun from a previous

4 encounter?

A Yes, sir, I do.

6 Q All right. In whose hands the last time

7 you saw this shotgun?

8 A Frank Casteel's.

9 Q All right. Now, tell us, how close did the

10 end of this shotgun come to your head when he made that

11 statement?

12 A Approximately 12 to 13 inches, 14.

13 Q Why don't you just -- don't point it at

14 your head, but just point it. You get my meaning on

15 that?

16 A On me?

17 Yeah, without pointing it at your head.

18 THE COURT: Don't point it at yourself.

19 Q If you had a second head out here.

20 A Yeah, it would be about right here.

21 All right.

22 A Yes, sir.

23 Q All right. And we're all laughing now in

24 my poor attempt to recreate that, but was it funny then?

25 A No, sir, it wasn't.

M. Lowery - Direct
1 Q And was it, in your experience, one of the

2 most serious things you've ever been through?

A Yes, sir, it was.

4 MR. DAVIS: No further questions.

5 THE COURT: For the defendant.



8 Q Mr. Lowery, if I stand over here can you

9 hear me all right, sir?

10 A Yes, sir.

11 Q You all came down to the blue hole without

12 encountering any other people on your way in that day,

13 did you not, sir?

14 A Yes, sir.

15 Q And came down I guess kind of a rough dirt,

16 rocky road to get there?

17 A Yes, sir.

18 Q Okay. Your first encounter with anybody,

19 your first meeting with anybody was the person you have

20 now picked out as being Frank Casteel?

21 A Yes, sir.

22 Q Okay. The only time or the places that you

23 saw and encountered and talked to him was between the

24 blue hole and the power line area, is that true?

25 A Yes, sir.

M. Lowery - Cross
1 Q Okay. And he indicated to you that was his

2 property?

3 A Yes, sir, he did.

4 Q He say what he was going to do with it?

5 A No, sir. He said he was just tired of

6 people coming on his property.

7 Q Okay. And now, was your vehicle parked up

8 there about, you know, his campsite area?

9 A There's a little path going down to the

10 blue hole. It was parked approximately 15 feet into the

11 woods.

12 Q Okay. This area from the campsite or the

13 power line area to the blue hole drops off quite a bit

14 and is a pretty rough walk, isn't it?

15 A Yes, sir.

16 Q Pretty far down there?

17 A Yes, sir.

18 Q And so you were, you came back up, I guess,

19 with the families and Mr. Casteel following you as you

20 came back up there?

21 A Yes, sir.

22 Q Okay. Do you know how long it takes to

23 walk down or walk back up?

24 A Well, going downhill, it takes a little

25 shorter time going down, but walking back up, maybe 15

M. Lowery - Cross
1 minutes.

2 Q Fifteen minutes to walk back up, and then

3 you get to the campsite, which is at the corner of the

4 power line, right?

5 A Yes, sir.

6 Q And then you got -- of course, Mr. Casteel

7 put the weapon down that we've talked about up there,

8 did he not?

9 A Yes, sir, he leaned it up against a tree.

10 Q Okay. And you signed your name, Mr. White

11 signed his name and did Mr. Casteel put in this other

12 information about you and your vehicle and things like

13 that?

14 A After we handed the book back, I don't know

15 what -- he wrote something in it but I don't know what

16 it was.

17 Q The things that Mr. Davis has read out to

18 you, you didn't put those in there, though, did you,

19 about what kind of vehicle you were in and things of

20 this nature?

21 A My name, the Toyota is mine that I signed,

22 the year and all, but not the tag.

23 Q All right. So after you left there, you

24 crossed the power line area and then went back on into

25 the woods on the trail?

M. Lowery - Cross
1 A Yes, sir.

2 Q This little road. Did you, as you came in

3 that day, sir, see any signs about no trespassing or

4 anything?

5 A No, sir. I never seen a sign at all.

6 Q Okay. And certainly didn't look for them

7 as you went out because you were getting out, weren't

8 you?

9 A That's right.

10 Q Okay. Did you see any gate areas?

11 A There was a gate area but nothing was

12 across it.

13 Q Okay. So it was open when you went in and

14 came out both, right?

15 A Yes, sir.

16 Q And that was a goodly piece from that power

17 line area that you've talked about. You had to get back

18 on into the woods to get to that, did you not, sir?

19 A Yes, sir.

20 MR. POOLE: That's all. Thank you, sir.

21 THE COURT: Anything further?

22 Q (By Mr. Poole) Let me ask you one other

23 thing before you leave: You have identified Frank

24 Casteel today. You haven't seen him in ten years?

25 A No, sir.

M. Lowery - Cross
Q Okay. Has he gained any weight since then?

A Well, I couldn't tell that. I remember the

facial features on him. With a shotgun pointed at your

face and you're looking at a shotgun, you don't forget

something like that or who's holding the shotgun.

Q That's the reason you picked his face out,

you were able to remember his face?

A Yes, sir, and the shotgun.

Q But his body weight or anything like that,

you didn't notice it?

A No. I was more interested in his finger

motions and his facial expressions.

Q So you could pick out his face or his

fingers but not his body then, I guess?

A That's right.

MR. POOLE: Okay. Thank you, sir.

THE COURT: All right. Thank you. You are

free to go or you can have a seat in the courtroom.

(Witness excused.)

THE COURT: Who is your next witness?

MR. COX: John Savor, Your Honor.

Gentlemen? Mr. Poole?


MR. LAWRENCE: Should we approach?

(Thereupon, a bench conference was held on

M. Lowery - Cross
1 the record in the presence of the jury but

2 out of the hearing of the jury and the

3 following proceedings were had:)

4 MR. COX: This is another encounter, two

5 witnesses. I hate to keep sending the jury out, in and

6 out, but I don't know what else to do if y'all want to

7 hear him.

8 THE COURT: Have you heard his statement?

9 Have you read his statement, the one that's going to

10 testify?


12 THE COURT: Okay. And do you have the same

13 objection?

14 MR. POOLE: Yes, sir.

15 MR. LAWRENCE: Yes, sir.

16 THE COURT: Do you need a jury-out hearing?

17 The Court doesn't if it's not going to be any different

18 than the other.

19 MR. POOLE: If we could stipulate --

20 MR. COX: The statement?

21 MR. POOLE: Stipulate his statement, and

22 again, once again, we will argue it's a violation of

23 404(b).

24 THE COURT: Okay. You can preserve that,

25 your exception to my ruling.

M. Lowery - Cross
1 MR. LAWRENCE: We might put it a little bit

2 more explicitly on the record maybe at a break or

3 something, if we can do that.

4 THE COURT: Okay. Sure.

5 (Thereupon, said bench conference having

6 been completed, the following proceedings

7 were had in the presence and hearing of

8 the jury:)


10 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

11 examined and testified as follows:


13 BY MR. COX:

14 Q Good afternoon.

15 A Good afternoon.

16 Q Will you tell the jury your name, please,

17 sir?

18 A John Savor.

19 Q John, where were you living back in 1988?

20 A Middle Valley.

21 Q And how old were you back in 1988?

22 A Twenty-five.

23 Q Did you have the occasion on June 16th to

24 go up to the blue hole area?

25 A Yes, sir.

Savor - Direct
1. Q All right. What was your purpose for going

2 up there?

3 A Go swimming.

4 Q All right. There's a logbook entry here,

5 Mr. Savor, that says "June 16th, John M. Savor, '77

jeep." Is that you?

7 A Yes, sir.

8 Q Also there's a notation, it says, "caught

9 seven/eight young men, Toyota on power line, but jeep

10 went down to blue hole." Is that right?

11 A Yes.

12 Q What about that word "caught," is that

13 right?

14 A Yes.

15 Q Tell us what happened.

16 A There was two vehicles came in with us. We

17 left one at the power line and drove my jeep down to the

18 blue hole.

19 Q Keep your voice up a little bit.

20 A As we got down to the blue hole, we went

21 swimming, stayed down there a few hours, came back out.

22 I loaded, had six people in my jeep and two walked out

23 in front of us, and they were probably 50 yards in front

24 of us, I saw a man detain the two people.

25 Q A man detaining them?

Savor - Direct
1 A Yes.

2 Q How were they being detained?

3 A With a shotgun.

Q How far from them were you when you first

5 saw them?

6 A Probably 50 to 75 yards.

7 Q All right. Did you continue, then, on up

8 to where they were?

9 A Yes.

10 Q All right. Continue your story about what

11 happened.

12 A As we got there, Mr. Casteel told us to all

13 get out of the jeep and stand where we could see him and

14 keep our hands where we could see them.

15 Q He didn't tell you to leave, he told you to

16 all get out of the jeep?

17 A Yes, he lined us all up.

18 Q Lined you up?

19 A In a, kind of in a group.

20 Q All right. And why did he do that?

21 A I'm not sure.

22 Q All right. But he told you to stay

23 together in a group?

24 A Yes, sir.

25 Q And lined you up?

Savor - Direct
1 A Yes.

2 Q All right. Did he have any type of weapon

3 at this point in time?

4 A He had a shotgun.

5 Q How old were the other folks that were with

6 you?

7 A Pretty much my same age, give or take a few

B years.

9 Q Twenties?

10 A In their twenties, mid twenties.

11 Q All right. After he got you out of your

12 vehicles and lined you up, what'd he do?

13 A We just talked and he told us that he

14 didn't appreciate people driving through his back yard.

15 Q His back yard?

16 A Yes.

17 Q When he was telling you that, where was the

18 shotgun?

19 A In his hand, held in this position. His

20 hand was on the stock and he was holding it up against

21 his arm, straight up.

22 Q Did he ever, did he ever relax that

23 position any time during the conversation he was having

24 at that time?

25 A Only a few times. He wanted to get his

Savor - Direct
3. book so we could enter our names in the book.

2 Q Did he enter the names in the book or did

3 you enter the names in the book?

4 A We did.

5 Q All right. And while you were entering

6 your names in the book, where was the shotgun?

7 A Still in his hand.

Q All right. Do you think you'd recognize

9 that shotgun if you saw it again, or can you describe

10 it?

11 A It was just a pump shotgun, I don't know a

12 whole lot about guns. That looks like it.

13 MR. COX: He's identified State's Exhibit

14 Number 1 (sic).

15 THE COURT: All right.

16 (By Mr. Cox) What were some of the other

17 folks -- was everybody just standing there lined up for

18 this entire episode?

19 A We had a couple of people in our party that

20 were not taking it very seriously. They were kind of

21 laughing and joking.

22 Q Was that you?

23 A No.

24 Q All right. And what happened to those two

25 that were not taking it too seriously?

Savor - Direct
A One of them went to the back of the Toyota

2 to get a pack of cigarettes out of the back, and as he

turned and walked to get his cigarettes, Mr. Casteel

4 told him to stop right there, and which he did not, and

5 he forcefully told him to back away from the truck, not

6 to move and keep his hands where he could see them.

7 Q How long were you caught and detained?

8 A About 30 minutes.

9 Q Well, did it take that long to write your

10 name down in the book?

11 A No. I couldn't understand how, why it took

12 so long to I guess calm Mr. Casteel down. He was pretty

13 irritated that we had come on his property, and me and

14 Mr. Perry, another guy in our group, we just talked to

15 him, tried to calm him down and tell him we were sorry

16 for coming in there and that we would put back anything

17 that we disturbed.

18 Q All right. You wanted to leave at that

19 point in time?

20 A I really did want to leave.

21 Q Did you ask to leave?

22 A No, I did not.

23 Q You said you'd just put the stuff back?

24 A I told him that anything that was

25 disturbed, that we would put back.

Savor - Direct
1 You said you would do anything?

2 A I would have done anything.

3 Q At some point, then, were you released?

4 A Yes. After we noted our names in the book,

5 he explained to us that we were not to come back, that

6 he was tired of people driving through his back yard,

7 and that we told him that was no problem, that we would

8 leave and never come back.

9 Q Were you scared?

10 A I was scared for my life.

11 MR. COX: You may ask.

12 MR. LAWRENCE: Your Honor, we have an

13 objection to that last question. The Court has

14 overruled us before.

15 THE COURT: Yes.



18 Q Mr. Savor, I'm Phil Lawrence. I'm Frank

19 Casteel's lawyer, and I'm going to put a statement that

20 you gave in front of you because I'm going to ask you a

21 question about it in just a second.

22 As you drove back there from the paved

23 road, over the dirt road back to the blue hole, you

24 noticed the no-trespassing signs that were posted there,

25 did you not?

Savor - Cross
A Yes, I did.

Q For whatever reason, you ignored those

signs and continued to drive on?

A Yes, I did.

Q Was there any reason that you didn't think

they were, meant what they said?

A We had gone back in there prior to that and

there was no-trespassing signs there, so we, we broke

the law by trespassing.

Q But there was a group of you, you were out

to have fun, feeling bold and went on through to the

blue hole, right?

A Yes, sir.

Q How long had you been down there before Mr.

Casteel arrived?

A Probably about two hours.

Q Okay. And when he came down there, he made

it known that you weren't welcome to be there, right?

A He didn't come down. He met us as we came

Q As you came out. Okay. And the record

that this lady is taking down doesn't really indicate

the hand positions that you were demonstrating about how

he was holding the gun, but would it be fair to say the

gun was held so that the barrel was pointing up into the

Savor - Cross
1 sky?

2 A Yes.

3 Q And it stayed in that position throughout

4 this entire encounter?

5 A As well as I can remember, yes.

6 Q Okay. Now, I've put that statement in

7 front of you, and would you mind reading just the bottom

8 quarter of the page where you're asked about whether or

9 not Mr. Casteel threatened you? Now, what was the date

10 that that statement was given? Let me just turn to the

11 first page and see. You gave this statement on July the

12 12th, 1988, a few days after the incidents?

13 A It was three weeks after.

14 Q You think it was three weeks after?

15 A Yes.

16 Q Okay. Oh, you gave your statement three

17 weeks after --

18 A The murder.

19 Q -- your encounter with Mr. Casteel?

20 A No, it was three weeks after the murders.

21 Q Well, we think the murders occurred on July

22 the 9th, and apparently you gave your statement on July

23 the 12th. Would there be some just maybe mistake in

24 your mind about when the murders occurred?

25 A Yes.

Savor - Cross
1 Q Okay. So if it says July the 12th, that's

2 when you gave your statement, correct?

3 A Yes.

Q Shortly after the murders had occurred?

5 A Shortly.

6 Q And how were you contacted?

7 A We were not contacted. We contacted them,

8 the detectives.

9 Q Okay. You contacted someone at the

10 sheriff's department?

11 A Yes.

12 Q Now, you were asked by Detective Parham on

13 July 12, 1988, "Did he threaten you?" And how did you

14 respond to that question?

15 A "He never threatened me."

16 Q And is that what you remember today, --

17 A Yes.

18 Q -- that he never threatened you or anyone

19 else there?

20 A No, he didn't.

21 Q He was authoritative?

22 A Yes.

23 Q Would that be a way of expressing this

24 man's attitude towards you?

25 A Very authoritative.

Savor - Cross
1 Q Was very clear in what he told you, that he

2 didn't want you there and didn't want you to come back?

3 A Yes.

4 Q And at that time, you probably felt that he

5 was justified in saying that because he had posted those

6 signs there warning people not to come back?

7 A Yes, sir.

8 Q And some of your companions were not taking

9 him as seriously as you did?

10 A Exactly.

11 Q Okay. You later had an encounter with Mr.

12 Casteel at your job, didn't you?

13 A Yes, I did.

14 Q Tell the jury about that.

15 A I worked as a mechanic at a local Ford

16 dealership, and I had the job to put an engine in a car,

17 and which I did.

18 MR. COX: Approach the bench for a moment,

19 Your Honor? I object, have an objection, like to be

20 heard.

21 (Thereupon, a bench conference was held on

22 the record in the presence of the jury but

23 out of the hearing of the jury and the

24 following proceedings were had:)

25 MR. COX: He went down to the shop sometime

Savor - Cross
1 later, had some work done on his car. He confronted him

2 about what had happened up on the mountain. I think

3 he's going to try to elicit testimony from this witness

4 that Casteel said the gun was not loaded. That's

5 nothing but self-serving hearsay.

6 MR. LAWRENCE: Well, what if I don't ask

7 him that?

8 MR. COX: Well, that'd be good.


10 (Thereupon said bench conference having

11 been completed, the following proceedings

12 were had in the presence and hearing of

13 the jury:)

14 Q (By Mr. Lawrence) So you were working as a

15 mechanic at the local Ford dealership?

16 A Yes.

17 Q Was it Lawrence Doster Lincoln Mercury at

18 the time?

19 A Yes.

20 Q Mr. Casteel brought his wife's car there

21 for some work?

22 A Yes.

23 Q Did you approach him?

24 A Only after I realized that was him.

25 Q What'd you say to him?

Savor - Cross
1 A I told him I didn't appreciate being

2 detained like that.

3 Q And he told you that he was afraid he --

MR. COX: Object.

5 Q What did he tell you?

6 MR. COX: Object.

7 THE COURT: No. You're going to have to

8 direct your question at what answer you wish to get.

9 MR. LAWRENCE: It only has, it only has --

10 MR. COX: May we approach, Your Honor?

11 THE COURT: All right.

12 (Thereupon, a bench conference was held on

13 the record in the presence of the jury but

14 out of the hearing of the jury and the

15 following proceedings were had:)

16 MR. COX: Maybe I was confused but I

17 thought Mr. Lawrence just got through saying, What if I

18 don't ask him?

19 MR. LAWRENCE: I'm not going to ask him

20 that question.

21 THE COURT: What are you going to ask him?

22 MR. COX: You just asked him what he said.

23 MR. LAWRENCE: Well, he'doesn't have to say

24 that he said the gun wasn't loaded. Maybe he said

25 something else.

Savor - Cross
MR. COX: Come on, that's what you're

trying to elicit, I mean, you know --

MR. LAWRENCE: I'm telling you, I'm not.

MR. COX: I'm telling you, you are.

MR. LAWRENCE: You're not going to let me

ask the question?

THE COURT: (Shakes head from side to


MR. LAWRENCE: All right, Your Honor.

(Thereupon, said bench conference having

been completed, the following proceedings

were had in the presence and hearing of

the jury:)

Q (By Mr. Lawrence) What was Mr. Casteel's

demeanor on that occasion?

A He looked different than I'd seen him prior

to that. He had a beard and his demeanor was calm.

Q Friendly?

A He wasn't saying anything. He just stood

over in the corner and I approached him.

Q Okay. How much later was that than July

9th, 1988, or July 12th when you had your, gave your


A I'm not exactly sure.

Q Several months later?

Savor - Cross
1 A Several months.

2 Q Many months later?

3 A Yes.

4 MR. LAWRENCE: Okay. Thank you.

5 THE WITNESS: You're welcome.

6 THE COURT: Anything further from the

7 state?

8 MR. COX: Nothing further, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: All right. Mr. Savor, you are

10 free to go or you can have a seat in the courtroom.

11 MR. LAWRENCE: Let me ask you one other

12 question, if I may, Your Honor.

13 THE COURT: Okay.

14 Q (By Mr. Lawrence) Did Mr. Casteel tell you

15 anything about what would happen if you came back up

16 there a second time after he had given you a warning?

17 A He said he would swear out a warrant for us

18 trespassing.

19 MR. LAWRENCE: Okay. Thank you.

20 THE COURT: Anything further?

21 MR. COX: Nothing further.

22 THE COURT: All right. Mr. Savor, you are

23 free to go or you can have a seat in the courtroom.

24 (Witness excused.)

25 THE COURT: Who is your next witness?

1 MR. COX: James Perry.

2 MR. POOLE: As he comes down, may we just

3 approach the bench one more time, sir?

4 THE COURT: All right.

5 (Thereupon, a bench conference was held on

6 the record in the presence of the jury but

7 out of the hearing of the jury and the

8 following proceedings were had:)

MR. POOLE: Your Honor, we just want the

10 record to be very clear. This is another witness with

11 this young man, says the same thing, we've got the same

12 motion.

13 THE COURT: Okay. And for the reason I've

14 given on the others, let your objection be denied.

15 MR. POOLE: Your Honor, I think further, we

16 have repeatedly objected to what their thoughts and

17 fears were. I think the state seeks to elicit to make

18 it more of an assault, to say you were afraid, you were

19 scared and all that, which makes the assaults worse, it

20 seems like to me. We've objected to that.

21 THE COURT: You can note an exception.


23 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

24 examined and testified as follows:


Perry - Direct

Q Would you state your name, please, sir?

A James Perry.

Q And, Mr. Perry, did you have occasion to be

up at the blue hole on June 16th, 1988?

A Yes, sir.

Q And were you up there with Mr. Savor?

A Yes, sir.

Q And who all else was up there?

A There were approximately six or seven

others. I can't recall all the names.

All right. Where were you living at the


A I was living in Hixson.

Q All right. And what had y'all gone up

there to do?

A We went up there to go swimming,

four-wheeling. We'd been going there since early '80s.

Q You'd been going there since the early


A Yes, sir.

Q To that same location?

A Yes, sir.

Q On this particular day, what time did you

go up there, do you remember?

Perry - Direct
1 A Approximately 4:30, 5 o'clock. And I think

we were exiting around 6:30, 7.

3 Q Okay. And how were you exiting? Were you

4 walking or were you in a truck or what?

5 A My truck was parked at the power lines and

6 we had walked down to the swimming hole, and we walked

7 out, and he -- and that's where Mr. Casteel was waiting.

8 Q All right. And what, were you walking out

9 ahead of a vehicle that was following or were you in the

10 vehicle --

11 A No, one of the other vehicles was all the

12 way down and I was riding on the bumper.

13 Q Okay. What happened when you got up to

14 that area?

15 A Two of the guys with us were already

16 confronted and motioned us over. We all gathered

17 around.

18 Q All right. Did some people get out, have

19 to get out of their vehicles?

20 A Yes.

21 Q And what, just tell the jury what happened.

22 A He confronted us, telling us this was his

23 property and he was going to stop the trespassing, and

24 we should have read the signs and we knew better than to

25 be there.

Perry - Direct
1 Q He said he was going to stop the

2 trespassing?

3 A Yes.

4 Q As he was saying these things, was he armed

in any way?

6 A Yes, he had a shotgun.

7 Q And how was he holding it and what was he

8 doing with it?

9 A The shotgun was draped over his arm in a

10 cradle position.

11 Q All right. Then what happened?

12 A I guess we talked for probably 30 minutes

13 or so, and he was telling us about the people who'd been

14 coming in and out and this was his land, his family was

15 up there and he had to protect them.

16 Q Did you see any family up there at this

17 point in time?

18 A No.

19 Q Did you see a campsite?

20 A No.

21 Q All right. Did you see a vehicle?

22 A A vehicle was off to the, to the right

23 facing out on the far side of the hill. You could see

24 the top of it.

25 Q All right. So what took 30 minutes?

Perry - Direct
1 A Basically just, you know, he was pretty

2 wound up at us, you know, thought we should have

3 obtained to the signs and not came in, and we explained

4 that we'd been coming up there for years and there was

5 always unlimited access, and he said that no longer was

6 there unlimited access, that this was his property and

7 this was going to stop.

8 MR. COX: All right.

9 THE COURT: For the defense



12 Q Do you recall what hour of the day this

13 was, Mr. Perry?

14 A It was late evening after work, I believe

15 on a Thursday is the first time we'd been up there that

16 year.

17 Q Did you write your own name in Mr.

18 Casteel's book?

19 A Yes.

20 Q Could I show you this, please?

21 A Sure.

22 Q Would you -- you can hold it.

23 A Okay.

24 Q Does that appear to be your handwriting?

25 A That is my handwriting.

Perry - Cross
1 Q What have you written there?

2 A My name, my Toyota and my tag number.

Q Just read out what's written there?

4 A "Jim Perry, '84 Toyota," my license tag

5 number, FTP 973.

6 Q You remember that being your license tag

7 number back then?

8 A Yes, sir.

9 Q And what is the date that's entered in the

10 book?

11 A It says June 16th.

12 Q Is that when you remember that it was?

13 A Approximately.

14 Q Okay. And you think that might have been a

15 Thursday?

16 A I think so. Seemed like it was towards the

17 end of the week. I can't be for sure.

18 Q Not that it's critical, but let me just

19 check.

20 A Okay.

21 Q I've got a calendar. Yeah, you're right,

22 it was a Thursday.

23 And did you say that you went up there

24 after work?

25 A Yes, sir.

Perry - Cross
1 Q So what time would it have been that you

2 got off from work and went up there?

3 A 3:30, got off work at 3:30 and probably got

4 up there 4:30, 5 o'clock.

5 Q How long were you swimming there at the

blue hole?

7 A About an hour.

Q And what, so that would put your encounter

9 with Mr. Casteel at what time?

10 A Somewhere between 6, 6:30, somewhere in

11 that neighborhood.

12 Q Okay. How was he dressed?

13 A I really don't recall, blue jeans and

14 flannel shirt possibly. It was warm so it was probably

15 a short sleeve shirt.

16 Q You did see the no-trespassing signs as you

17 came from the pavement back on the dirt road to the blue

18 hole?

19 A Saw no-trespassing signs. I'm not exactly

20 sure where they started.

21 Q You remember coming through something that

22 appeared to be a gate?

23 A I'm familiar with the gate.

24 Q And how are you familiar with it? Just

25 from the years going --

Perry - Cross
1 A Just from being up there so often.

2 Q Do you have any recollection whether there

3 was any barrier at the gate at all?

4 A There was no barrier.

5 Q No wire, no swinging gate, nothing like

6 that?

7 A No. We drove straight through.

8 Q Drove straight through.

9 Now, after Mr. Casteel had this discussion

10 with you, did he make any statement about what would

11 happen if you came back up there?

12 A Possibly prosecution for trespassing.

13 Q You didn't go back up there?

14 A No.

15 Q You understood that he meant what he said

16 about that?

17 A Yes.

18 Q And as you recall, the shotgun was draped

19 over his arm while it was kind of cradled in his arm?

20 A It was cradled over his arm.

21 Q Never pointed at you?

22 A No, sir.

23 Q Never pointed at anyone else?

24 A Not that I recall. Like I say, some of the

25 guys had exited before I did and I couldn't say.

Perry - Cross
Q Where were you working then?

A General Industries.

Q Which is?

A It was a van conversion company.

MR. LAWRENCE: Okay. I think that's all.

Thank you.

THE COURT: All right. Thank you. You can

have a seat in the courtroom or you are free to leave.

(Witness excused.)

THE COURT: Who is your next witness?

MR. COX: May we approach, Your Honor?

THE COURT: All right.

(Thereupon, a bench conference was held on

the record in the presence of the jury but

out of the hearing of the jury and the

following proceedings were had:)

MR. COX: I think we're waiting on a

witness right now at this second.

MR. DAVIS: Want to take a ten-minute

break --


MR. DAVIS: -- and we can probably pound

out one or two more witnesses for the day?

THE COURT: I intend to give y'all a

working charge.

1 MR. LAWRENCE: Wonderful.

2 THE COURT: This, this is just something

3 I've mentioned the other day that y'all can look at, and

4 here's one for Mr. Steelman, too.

5 That was just if you wish me to include

6 identification. That's just something to look at.

7 MR. DAVIS: Okay.

8 THE COURT: All right. So we need to take

9 a few-minute break.

10 (Thereupon, said bench conference having

11 been completed, the following proceedings

12 were had in the presence and hearing of

13 the jury:)

14 THE COURT: Okay. All right. Jurors,

15 we're waiting for a witness that'll take just a few

16 minutes, so you can step back in the jury room, or they

17 can walk up and down the hall back in there if they

18 would rather, if you want to get some exercise, if you

19 get tired of being in that room.

20 OFFICER TILLEY: I think they've got a

21 trial going on down here.

22 THE COURT: Oh, they've got a trial going

23 on? Well, they still might be able to walk.

24 (Thereupon, at 3:43 p.m., the jury was

25 excused from open court and the following

1 proceedings were had in its absence:)

2 MR. COX: May we be excused, Your Honor?


4 (Thereupon, a recess was had.)

5 THE COURT: All right. All right.

6 Everybody's present, so let the jury come back.

7 (Thereupon, at 3:59 p.m., the jury returned

8 to open court and the following proceedings

9 were had in its presence:)

10 THE COURT: All right. Is your next

11 witness ready?

12 MR. COX: Yes, Your Honor, Gary McDowell.


14 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

15 examined and testified as follows:


17 BY MR. COX:

18 Q Would you state your name, please, sir?

19 A Gary McDowell.

20 Q Mr. McDowell, where were you living back in

21 1988?

22 A At 2556 Boston Branch Circle.

23 Q Is that up there near the Helican?

24 A Yes, sir, it is, about --

25 Q And where specifically?

G. McDowell - Direct
A Probably three quarters of a mile across

2 the ridge.

3 Q All right. Did you own horses?

4 A Yes.

5 Q And did you from time to time ride that

6 area, ride back in that area?

7 A Quite often.

8 Q Okay. How long had you lived up there at

9 the time this, what I'm about to talk to you about

10 happened?

11 A We moved up there in '78.

12 Q So you lived up there ten years before July

13 of 1988?

14 A Correct. We'd been riding that area for

15 that length of time.

16 Q On May the 15th of 1988, were you and your

17 wife out riding in that area?

18 A Yes, sir.

19 Q All right. And where did you ride?

20 A We came across Hixson Branch and over the

21 ridge across Hixson Branch and up to the Helican and out

22 through the power line toward --

23 Q All right. Did you ride up -- I'm sorry,

24 go ahead.

25 A Toward the blue hole.

G. McDowell - Direct
Q Toward the blue hole. When you were riding

up the power line toward the blue hole, did you run into

Mr. Casteel's campsite?

A Yes, sir, we did.

Q All right. And what happened when you got


A As we came into the power line, we noticed

some, a no-trespassing sign and we noted the no-

trespassing sign and the phone number, and then we

continued to ride on to make the loop down to the blue

hole and back out. And as we got down to the bottom of

the hill, there's a ravine and a small creek that runs

through it with some trees or brush on each side, and as

we started through the ravine, Mr. Casteel and his son

stepped out in front of us and stopped us.

Q All right. And was that right there at his

campsite or just a bit from it?

A Yes, just right beside it.

Q Were you making any noise in particular

when you rode up?

A No, not unless we were just talking.

Q All right. Do you think you surprised him

or do you know?

A I think it probably did because we, you

know, just leisurely riding and it wasn't like he was

G. McDowell - Direct
1 there. They were kind of coming out of the, from behind

2 the bushes when we got there.

3 Q Okay. And what was said then?

4 A Mr. Casteel stopped us and said, "Don't you

5 guys know, don't you know that you're trespassing?"

6 And we said that, you know, "Well, we're

7 here on the power line like we've been riding for years,

and we thought the power line was public domain and

anyone had the right to be there."

10 He said, "No, this is my property." He

11 said, "Didn't you see the trespassing signs?"

12 I said, "Yes, I noted the one and thought

13 we would go on and ride on through."

14 Q I'd just ask you to keep your voice up just

15 a little bit so that the -- I'm sorry, go ahead.

16 A And he, you know, noted that, that we were

17 trespassing and told us, you know, that he'd been having

18 a lot of trouble, he didn't -- it was his property and

19 he was going to build a house out there and he didn't

20 want a lot of people out there trashing the place like

21 they had been, especially at the blue hole.

22 Q All right. Did you, did you resist in any

23 way or verbally and say that you'd been riding out there

24 and you thought you ought to be able to ride?

25 A Well, at first we told him that we'd been

G. McDowell - Direct
continuing riding on the power line and that we didn't

know that it was private property, you know, and we

were -- meant no harm, we were just there to go to the

blue hole.

Q All right. But did he ultimately insist

that you couldn't be on his property?

A Yes, he did. He stated that we shouldn't,

you know, that we were trespassing and that he wanted to

make sure that he was going to stop that type of


Q Okay. And how long did you engage in a

conversation with Mr. Casteel up there?

A Well, it was quite a while. At first he

was kind of perturbed and maybe to the extent mad about

us being there and insistent that we were trespassing,

and I could tell that he was getting -- the more that I

told him, you know, that I felt like we were on public

property, then the more madder that he seemed to get,

and so I kind of backed off and told him, "Look, you

know, I'm sorry, we don't mean no harm to be out here.

We'll leave right now." And he kind of calmed down a

little bit.

His son was with him at that time, and his

son kept kind of what I call egging it on, nudging him,

saying, you know, "Get their name, Dad. Here's the

G. McDowell - Direct
1 book," you know, "Don't let them get away without

2 getting their name," and that type of thing.

And we, so we continued to talk on for a

4 few minutes. That's when he told me that he was going

5 to build a road and build his house out there and that

6 that was -- but that that was a lot of trespassing going

on and he was going to put a stop to it, that it was, it

8 was hard to get it through to a lot of the old timers

9 there on the mountain.

10 Q All right. That's what I was getting to.

11 Did he specify to you any particular individuals that he

12 stated to you he was having trouble with?

13 A Yes, sir, he did. He stated that there

14 were particularly three people that he was having

15 troubles with, and that was Joe Skinner, Mason, and

16 someone else that I can't remember their name, and that

17 he was going to make believers out of these guys.

18 Q Okay. He told you he was going to make a

19 believer out of Mason?

20 A Yes, sir, that's correct. He said he'd

21 been having a lot of trouble with him coming out there

22 and he'd make believers out of them.

23 MR. COX: You may ask.

24 Q (By Mr. Cox) One other question: Did you

25 know who Mason was when he was talking about him?

G. McDowell - Direct
1 A I knew of him. I didn't know him

2 personally.

3 Q You know where he lived?

4 A I knew where he lived, yes.



Q Well, actually what you said at that time,

Mr. McDowell, was that the person -- you knew that he

9 was, knew specifically that he mentioned Joe Skinner?

10 A That's correct.

11 Q And then he mentioned another name, and to

12 the best of your recollection at that time, it was

13 someone named Mason?

14 A That's correct.

15 Q You were not positive at that time that

16 that's the name he said?

17 A Well, it was a name that I recall him

18 saying, yes.

19 Q On the time that you had this encounter

20 with Mr. Casteel, he didn't have a gun?

21 A No, he didn't.

22 Q And he did take your name and your wife's

23 name down in his book?

24 A That's correct.

25 Q You have been riding that area for some

G. McDowell - Cross
1 period of time?

2 A Yes, sir.

3 Q And when is the first time that you had --

4 when is the last time before this date in May when you

5 encountered those trespassing -- had you encountered

6 those no-trespassing signs at any time prior to May

7 18th?

8 A Never.

9 Q When was the last time before May 18th that

10 you had ridden that road on horseback?

11 A In that area?

12 Q Yeah.

13 A It was possibly a few weeks. We rotated,

14 you might say, from one end of the mountain to the

15 other.

16 Q You ride other places on the mountain as

17 well?

18 A Sure.

19 Q You still live there?

20 A Yes, sir.

21 Q Still ride your horses?

22 A Yes, sir.

23 Q And when you were there, did he have an

24 encounter with some other people?

25 A He had told us about numerous encounters

G. McDowell - Cross
that he'd had, specifically, of course, specifically

with Skinner and Mason and this other gentleman, and

then also about an encounter with the Pendergrasses, I

think their name was, because he ultimately allowed them

to horseback ride on his property, he said.

And we asked him if possibly we could, and

he said maybe at some later date, "I'll," you know,

"will allow you to but I want to get this straight right

now first."

Q He wanted to establish that this was his


A He wanted to stop all the trespassing, is

what he said. Said he wanted to keep everybody out.

Q But at some future time, that you might

inquire again and it would be okay to come on his


A Correct.

Q Did he have his telephone number posted on

the no-trespassing signs?

A Yes, he did. He had a phone number, no

names, just "no trespassing," and gave a phone number.

Q And gave a phone number.

A And it was, the sign was on a tower, posted

on a tower.

Q Okay. Did you have any contrary

G. McDowell - Cross
1 understanding at that time that, that he could claim

2 some kind of dominion over the power line area?

3 A I never knew anybody could. I thought it

4 was on open land for, you know, walking or riding or

5 whatever.

6 Q You understand differently now?

7 A I've been told differently, yes.

8 Q Give me just a moment.

9 The young -- in fact, in your statement,

10 you actually identify and describe the person who was

11 with Mr. Casteel as a young boy?

12 A Yes, sir. He introduced him as his son.

13 Q Okay. And by "young boy," what did you,

14 what age did you determine him to have been?

15 A I would have said 18, 19 years old maybe,

16 17, 18, somewhere in that range.

17 MR. LAWRENCE: Okay. All right. Thank

18 you.

19 THE COURT: Anything further?

20 MR. COX: Nothing further.

21 THE COURT: All right. Thank you, Mr.

22 McDowell. You're free to go or you can have a seat in

23 the courtroom.

24 THE WITNESS: Thank you, sir.

25 (Witness excused.)

G. McDowell - Cross
THE COURT: Who is your next witness?

2 MR. COX: Mark Sivley.


4 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

5 examined and testified as follows:



B Q State your name, please, sir.

9 A Mark Sivley.

10 Q And, Mr. Sivley, where were you living in

11 1988?

12 A Down in Red Bank.

13 Q All right. Did you own some property or

14 have some property up on the mountain?

15 A Yes, sir.

16 Q And whereabouts?

17 A Well, the address is 1770 Sivley Trail at

18 the end of Layton Lane.

19 Q All right. What was your property?

20 Where'd you own property? Did you own any property

21 along the Helican Road or in that area?

22 A It's close to the Helican, about a couple

23 hundred yards from the Helican Road.

24 Q All right. Did you own a portion of the

25 property there on the road?

Sivley - Direct
1 A Right up to the road.

2 Q All right.

3 A Not far from the road. ,

Q Okay. And did you know where Mr. Casteel's

5 property was?

6 A Yes, sir.

7 Q All right. Did you at any time authorize

8 or give any permission to Mr. Casteel to post any no-

9 trespassing signs on your section of the roadway?

10 A No, sir.

11 Q Or on your property?

12 A No, sir.

13 Q All right. Did you ever determine that

14 that was done at some point in time?

15 A No, sir.

16 Q All right. So nobody ever gave him any

17 permission that you're aware of?

18 A Not that I know of.

19 Q All right. And I think that you were up

20 there and participated in the search in this case, is

21 that correct?

22 A Yes, sir.

23 Q Did you know the victims?

24 A Two of them.

25 Q Who'd you know?

Sivley - Direct
1 A Richard and Kenneth.

Q All right. And were you present in the

3 gate area on the date that certain items were found?

4 A Yes, sir.

5 Q All right. Just tell us what you observed.

6 Who were you with?

7 A Stanley Nixon. I believe Kenneth's

8 brother. I'm not sure who all was there, four or five,

9 and two detectives, and we were walking towards the gate

10 area and found a knife and a quarter.

11 Q Okay. And you were there when those two

12 items were found?

13 A Yes, sir.

14 Q All right. Did you see any signs at that

15 point in time?

16 A Well, we got up closer to the gate where

17 the detectives were, and we talked to them, and one of

18 the detectives said that --

19 MR. LAWRENCE: Your Honor, we would object

20 to what the detective said.

21 Q (By Mr. Cox) Yeah, don't tell me what

22 anybody said.

23 A Okay. Well, anyway, we determined there

24 was gunfire had been there, so we decided to spread out

25 and look. And we looked, and the place looked, you

Sivley - Direct
1 know, normal, undisturbed, like nobody had been there.

2 And we noticed green flies, and, you know,

3 you associate green flies with, you know, a dead animal

4 or something, and you look down at the ground and

5 there's nothing, nothing there, just leaves, and then

6 the flies were actually like, you know, close to the

7 ground and they were actually crawling under the leaves,

8 so we bent down and started turning the leaves over, and

9 that's when we found the blood and the brain matter.

10 Q Okay. And shortly after that, I assume the

11 police took over the scene, is that correct?

12 A That's correct. They, they closed the area

13 off as a crime scene is what they said.

14 MR. DAVIS: Thank you.



17 Q Mr. Sivley, let me ask you to look at a

18 chart here, please, sir, a map, and this has been marked

19 as Exhibit 70. Let me orient you to this. Maybe you

20 can sort of turn so the jury can see it, you won't have

21 to get out of your chair. Let's just move this a little

22 bit.

23 Can I get you to look at it this way? Here

24 is the intersection of Vandergriff -- I'm sorry, here's

25 Vandergriff and Sawyer. Previously somebody has

Sivley - Cross
identified the Ellis home and Wayne Cox identified his

2 house and the cabin where the Kellys are. This is

3 called Layton Lane right there?

4 A Yes, sir.

5 Q Okay. Can you sort of take this pen and

6 outline where your property would be? Does that look

7 familiar to you? Can you tell where we are?

8 A I know exactly where we are, yes, sir.

9 Q Is that your house?

10 A Yes, sir.

11 Q Okay. Does this property extend further

12 out so that there would be some reason that Mr. Casteel

13 would be asking you to post that little piece of

14 property there, or are we talking about some other

15 property that he would be asking to post?

16 A Say the question again, sir.

17 Q Well, General Cox asked you if he asked

18 your permission to post your property, and you said he

19 didn't, or that you didn't give him permission, but he

20 wouldn't have been wanting to post no-trespassing signs

21 where your house was?

22 A I think his intentions were that he wanted

23 to build his road on down my driveway and go in by my

24 driveway.

25 Q But he never did that?

Sivley - Cross
1 A No, sir. I think he was wanting to cut

2 across two or three pieces of property here and just cut

3 a road through there. I don't think anybody would go

for that.

5 Q Okay. So he was asking permission to

6 actually to extend a road, then, from the end of your

7 driveway on out here to maybe connect somewhere with

8 this road?

9 A Yes, sir. I think it was coming down

10 through here and angling back toward this way. Now, I'm

11 not -- my house, my property may be a little further

12 down in this area here.

13 Q But your property certainly doesn't

14 intersect with the Helican Road going back here from the

15 blue hole, does it?

16 A It goes within about 150 foot of the road.

17 Q Okay. Let's do this then. This apparently

18 represents the Helican Road going back here to the blue

19 hole?

20 A Yes.

21 Q You see that trail?

22 A Yes, sir.

23 Q So would your property extend closer?

24 A Yeah, and a portion of this map, I'm not

25 sure what this road here is, but according to the

Sivley - Cross
1 property deed, this road goes all the way down and

2 crosses this road, so --

3 Q Actually there's a deeded right-of-way?

4 A Yes, sir.

5 Q Thirty-foot right-of-way?

6 A That's correct.

7 Q And goes all the way here?

8 A All the way down, yes, sir.

9 Q It's not open, but the right-of-way exists?

10 A That's correct.

11 Q Okay. And does your property, then, come

12 all the way down parallel to that right-of-way?

13 A That's correct.

14 Q How deep is your property?

15 A About 880 feet.

16 Q So --

17 A Eighty-five.

18 Q Rather than what you've drawn here, your

19 property would actually extend all the way down here?

20 A Yes, sir. That's my -- my house is sitting

21 on this front corner. The property goes all the way

22 down.

23 Q Okay. So would I be misrepresenting things

24 if I drew a line to sort of connect your property to

25 the, to this road?

Sivley - Cross
1 A That's correct, almost to the road, about

2 150 foot from the road.

3 Q Okay. So it's probably stopped where I've

4 drawn this line here?

5 A Yes, sir.

6 Q And then your house is built on one corner

7 of it?

8 A Yes, sir.

9 Q Okay. Now, when Mr. Casteel bought his

10 property up there on the mountain, he got in touch with

11 several families up there about his desire to get better

12 access to his property, and you've testified yourself

13 about his desire to maybe extend your driveway back and

14 open that 30-foot right-of-way that existed on the deed

15 records back to get to the Helican Road?

16 A Yes, sir. He wasn't actually trying to

17 cross my property. He didn't actually want to cross

18 mine, but he was wanting to go down so far and angle to

19 the right and cross some other people, but I don't know

20 if he contacted them or not.

21 Q But you know he contacted you?

22 A Yes, sir.

23 Q Contact you in person?

24 A Yes, sir.

25 Q Did you ever have any social encounter with

Sivley - Cross
1 Mr. Casteel, you know, a visit?

2 A He introduced himself when he was looking

3 or purchasing the land, that he was the new owner of the

4 land out there.

5 Q How did he -- under what circumstances,

6 circumstances did he discuss with you the opening of

7 this road? Was it in a face-to-face meeting, on the

8 telephone or by some other means?

9 A If I can remember, he was, he came by and

10 just asked if he could open that road up, and I told him

11 it was an unopened road, you know, there's nobody owned

12 it, so as far as my part goes, but as far as crossing

13 anybody else's property, I can't speak for them.

14 Q So as far as you were concerned, he had the

15 right to do that?

16 A Yes, sir. As long as he wasn't crossing my

17 property, I had no right to say.

18 Q And this 30 foot right-of-way, then,

19 paralleled your property as it goes back to the roadway?

20 A That's correct.

21 Q Okay. General Cox said something about did

22 you ever give him permission to post your property and

23 you said no?

24 A That's right.

25 Q And then he asked you did he ever post your

Sivley - Cross
1 property, and you said no, not to my knowledge, correct?

2 Is that right?

3 A Yes, sir.

Q Did he ever invite you to come down and

5 visit at his place?

6 A No, sir.

7 MR. LAWRENCE: All right. Thank you.

8 MR. COX: Just one more thing.


10 BY MR. COX:

11 Q You were out searching for these three

12 missing men?

13 A Yes, sir.

14 Q When were you searching?

15 A Sunday and Monday.

16 Q How many people up on that mountain were

17 searching?

18 A Quit a few. Lot of friends.

19 Q Lot of neighbors?

20 A Lot of neighbors. We all were.

21 Q Would you say there was hundreds of people?

22 A Close to it.

23 MR. POOLE: Your Honor, I object because

24 it's beyond the scope of cross examination. Whatever

25 he's going into was not gone into on cross. Mr.

Sivley - Redirect
1 Lawrence didn't ask anything like this.

2 THE COURT: All right. I will allow it.

3 You can note an exception.

4 Q (By Mr. Cox) Everybody you knew up on the

mountain was looking?

6 MR. LAWRENCE: Well, if he's going to, if

7 he's going to cross-examine him or if he's going to

8 redirect, he doesn't need to ask leading questions, Your

9 Honor. Let the witness testify, please.

10 Q (By Mr. Cox) Was or was not this man

11 looking for them?

12 A Not to my knowledge.

13 THE COURT: Anything further?

14 MR. COX: That's all.

15 THE COURT: Anything further from the

16 defense?

17 MR. COX: That's all.

18 THE COURT: Okay. All right. You are free

19 to go or you can have a seat in the courtroom.

20 MR. DAVIS: May we approach, Your Honor?

21 (Thereupon, a bench conference was held on

22 the record in the presence of the jury but

23 out of the hearing of the jury and the

24 following proceedings were had:)

25 MR. DAVIS: We've got one more witness for

1 the day and it's a Tony Meeks, and he is an altercation

2 witness at the gate. I don't know if you want a 404(b)

3 thing or not. Suzie actually has the shotgun, Casteel

4 is directing the activity, but it's at the gate.

5 MR. POOLE: What's that now?

6 MR. DAVIS: Our last witness for the day,

7 Tony Meeks.

8 MR. LAWRENCE: Yeah, we want a jury-out on

9 that.

10 MR. DAVIS: Okay. That's fine.

11 (Thereupon, said bench conference having

12 been completed, the following proceedings

13 were had in the presence and hearing of

14 the jury:)

15 THE COURT: Okay. Jurors, step in the jury

16 room for a moment.

17 (Thereupon, at 4:25 p.m., the jury was

18 excused from open court and the following

19 proceedings were had in its absence:)

20 THE COURT: All right. Who is the witness

21 that --

22 MR. DAVIS: Tony Meeks.

23 Judge, while he's coming in, General Cox

24 and I have gone through our witness list and cut out

25 some of the witnesses who we felt would be repetitive,

1 cumulative in light of the conversation with the Court

2 earlier, so we would like to stop after this witness for

3 the day.

4 THE COURT: All right.

5 MR. DAVIS: And then we have, we think,

6 enough witnesses to fill the morning tomorrow.

7 THE COURT: And you think that'll be it

8 tomorrow?

9 MR. DAVIS: I think we'll be finished

10 tomorrow, don't you think?

11 THE COURT: Did the defense attorneys hear

12 that? The state expects to complete their proof by noon

13 tomorrow, so the defense will need to be ready to go

14 after lunch.


16 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

17 examined and testified as follows:



20 Q All right. Tony, we're having a jury-out

21 hearing briefly before the Court.

22 First of all, should we shut that door?

23 THE COURT: The jury room door is closed.

24 They can't hear.

25 Q (By Mr. Davis) Okay. Could you state your

Meeks - Voir Dire/Davis
full name for the record?

2 A Paul Anthony Meeks.

3 Q Okay. And do you go by Tony?

A Yeah.

5 Q All right. Could you direct your comments

6 to Judge Meyer?

7 Do you remember riding your motorcycle out

8 in the Helican area on July 4th, 1988?

9 A Yeah, I do.

10 Q Could you relate to Judge Meyer -- well,

11 first off, look at the television screen, and do you

12 recognize that area known as the gate?

13 A Yeah, I do.

14 Q Okay. And could you relate to Judge Meyer

15 an incident that happened in that area on the Fourth of

16 July?

17 A Yeah, it was just a drizzly, rainy day, and

18 I was sitting at home so I decided I would just ride

19 down, see what -- you know, I hadn't been there in a

20 long time, go down and look at the blue hole, so I just

21 rode on down, and I --

22 Q What were you riding?

23 A It was just a little Honda 90. It was my

24 wife's motorcycle, but I just, instead of walking, I got

25 on it.

Meeks - Voir Dire/Davis
1 Q Okay.

2 A So I just eased on down there, and then

3 right before I got to the gate there was four people

4 sitting there with their backs to me, and so I just

5 started to turn around because I had heard, you know,

that you don't want to get caught in there, so I just --

7 by the time I started to turn around, I was about

B halfway turned around, and she jumped up, grabbed the

9 shotgun and stuck it right in my face, within an inch or

10 two, and then Mr. Casteel jumped up, got in my face in

11 the front of me, and he jumped up and down and went

12 nuts, you know.

13 Q Do you recognize Mr. Casteel seated at

14 counsel table?

15 A Yeah, I do.

16 Q All right. And is he the man in your word

17 who "jumped up and went nuts"?

18 A Yes, sir.

19 Q Okay. And what did he say to you, if you

20 could tell Judge Meyer?

21 A He just asked me if I was dumb or stupid

22 and couldn't read the signs or whatever, you know.

23 There was signs probably on every other tree, it seemed

24 like, but it wasn't really that many. Probably fifty

25 signs in that area.

Meeks - Voir Dire/Davis
1 Q Okay. Between the roadway and the gate on

2 the way in, right?

3 A Yeah.

4 Q Okay.

5 A Yeah, between the roadway and the gate.

6 And I told him yeah, I could read, I was just wanting to

7 ride down there, you know.

8 He says, "Well, I'm telling y'all, y'all

9 going to have to stay out of here or I'm going to make

10 sure that y'all don't come back in here."

11 Q Okay. And that's what Mr. Casteel told

12 you?

13 A Yeah.

14 MR. DAVIS: All right. That's the

15 substance, Your Honor, of what we'd introduce before the

16 jury.

17 THE COURT: All right. For the defense.



20 Q Sir, I was looking at your statement while

21 you talked. You apparently gave this statement to the

22 police in October of 1990. Does that sound about right?

23 A Should be about right.

24 Q You got your statement there?

25 A Yeah, I got it here.

Meeks - Voir Dire/Poole
1 Q When did you get that?

A 10th 19th of '90, 11:15 a.m.

3 Q Well, let me ask you: What time of day or

4 night were you down in the, in this area you're talking

5 about?

6 A It was probably like, between 5 to 6

7 o'clock, somewhere around in there.

8 Q Okay. How'd you get there?

9 A Maybe seven.

10 Q What was your vehicle or how did you get

11 there?

12 A I rode a little, my wife's little, it was ,

13 just a little motorcycle.

14 Q Were you by yourself?

15 A Yes, sir.

16 Q And you have indicated that you had some

17 kind of an encounter where? Where was this meeting?

18 A I run into them at what we call the gate.

19 It was just two fence posts sitting there.

20 Q Okay.

21 A And they had it barb wired off right when I

22 got there. The motorcycle was real quiet so they didn't

23 really hear me pull up, so I was going to try to get

24 turned around and leave before they could get up, but by

25 the time I got turned around, they'd done jumped up and

Meeks - Voir Dire/Poole
caught me.

Q I mean, did you see them or see -- why were

you getting ready to turn around so fast?

A Yeah, I seen them. They had their backs --

they was sitting on rocks. There was like a rock ledge

that goes down.

Q Yes, sir.

A The road is smooth till you get to that

gate, then there's rocks sitting all in it, and they was

sitting on them rocks at the barbed wire, you know, at

the gate, so I was going to try to ease around.

Q Was the barbed wire closed off?

A Yeah, it was closed off.

Q Were these people that you saw on your side

of the barbed wire or the other side of the barbed wire?

A Yeah, they was on this side.

Q Facing towards the Vandergriff Road then,

closer to Vandergriff Road?

A Well, their backs was facing Vandergriff.

They were facing going towards the power lines or the

blue hole.

Q Okay. And what day of the week? Weekend,

day of the week or what, do you know?

A Monday, I believe, Monday or Tuesday.

can't remember exactly. It was July the 4th.

Meeks - Voir Dire/Poole
1 Q How many people were there, sir?

2 A Four.

3 Q Do you know who they were?

4 A I know one was Mr. Casteel and there was a

5 lady that I figured it must have been his wife.

6 Q Now, let me ask you this. This is pretty,

7 you know, could be important, but you're not sure who

B the other people were, are you?

9 A I don't know them by name.

10 Q Well, you sure who they are?

11 A Yeah, I'm sure who he is.

12 Q All right. Well, okay. You're sure that

13 Mr. Casteel was there?

14 A Yeah. He was the one facing me the whole

15 time.

16 Q All right.

17 A And the only thing I could see with her was

18 the shotgun.

19 Q All right. So you don't know who this

20 "her" was with a shotgun?

21 A Not exactly sure.

22 Q Okay. And you say there were two other

23 people?

24 A Yeah, there's two younger people that they

25 kept their backs turned to me the whole time.

Meeks - Voir Dire/Poole
Q So you don't know who they were at all, do


A No. I never seen their face.

Q So basically the person that you're looking

at is Mr. Casteel, this man here?

A Yeah, he was standing in front of me doing

the talking.

Q And this man here -- okay. How was he

dressed that afternoon, sir?

A He just, I reckon just blue jeans and a

regular shirt.

Q Okay. But he did not have a weapon?

A No, not that I seen.

Q So there were three other people there that

you cannot identify?

A That -- no, I can't identify them for sure.

Q Okay. Did you look at pictures, these

detectives show you any pictures of other people or

anything like that?

A They may have showed me some pictures a

long time ago.

Q But you don't remember either looking at

them or picking any out?

A They gave me a lineup. I ain't exactly

sure the day, but I picked him out of one back when it

Meeks - Voir Dire/Poole
1 happened.

2 Q Picked Frank out right after it happened,

3 right? Okay.

4 . But he's the only one you can be sure, as

5 you tell Judge Meyer this morning, he's the only one you

6 can be sure that was there, right?

7 A Yeah, because he --

8 Q Okay. Let me ask you a few other things,

9 sir. Do you know any of the men that were killed, sir?

10 A I just know them by he lived up the street

11 and I seen him mow his grass.

12 Q Which man is that?

13 A Mr. Mason, that's the only one that -- I

14 didn't really know him.

15 Q Okay. Were they friends of yours, the

16 Masons, you know, if they lived up the street,

17 neighbors, whatever?

18 A No, huh-uh. I really didn't know them that

19 well.

20 Q Okay. You said something when you started

21 your testimony about going in, you shouldn't go in there

22 or you knew you shouldn't go in or something like that.

23 What'd you mean by that?

24 A Well, a lot of people had said, you know,

25 "Just don't get caught in there if you go in." So I

Meeks - Voir Dire/Poole
figured it was a drizzly, rainy day, there wouldn't be

nobody in there.

Q Do you know why, you got your statement

there in October of 1990, why it took two years to, for

them to take a statement from you or for you to give a


A I talked to some detectives right after it


Q Okay. You just didn't give a statement


A Not that I --

Q Or didn't give a written statement?

A Not no written statement.

Q Who did you talk to right after it


A I can't remember their names. Just

detectives on the, from the sheriff's department.

Q Was it Mr. Sneed here?

A Yeah, I believe he was one of them.

Q Okay. Do you know Mr. Parham?

A I ain't familiar with that name.

MR. POOLE: Okay. All right, sir.

MR. LAWRENCE: Well, Your Honor, you know,

this doesn't show any motive, habit, custom or anything

else. You know, Mr. Casteel is not identified as having

pulled a weapon, so this certainly doesn't fit within

2 the parameters of what the state has been arguing about

3 these other witnesses to this point.

4 MR. DAVIS: No, but it certainly answers a

5 lot of the direction that the defense has been going

about Mr. Casteel never having any assaults out at the

7 gate, it was always on his property.

Here we have, on the Fourth of July, an

9 assault with a shotgun where Mr. Casteel is directing

10 the activity. It's Mr. Casteel who is in the face of

11 this man and directing what's happening.

12 We're going to ask at some point that I

13 imagine that there be a criminal responsibility of

14 another charge given to the jury as well, depending on

15 how the case develops from here, but I think it is

16 relevant that Mr. Casteel has signed, put signage on

17 property that is not his own from the Vandergriff Road

18 up to the gate, and there he is posted with a weapon and

19 his wife and another, on the Fourth of July, off of his

20 property, and he is directing an assault and turning

21 this man back.

22 MR. LAWRENCE: I haven't heard of an

23 assault by Mr. Casteel, Your Honor. That's the point

24 I'm making.

25 THE COURT: No. The testimony --

Casteel didn't have a weapon at that time, but he was

2 directing the activities there.

MR. LAWRENCE: And I don't think I heard

4 that testimony.

5 THE COURT: Well, I thought I heard that in

6 essence. What did Mr. Casteel do?

7 THE WITNESS: He stood in front of me while

8 she held the gun, and he done the talking. He was

9 asking me, you know, what, can't I read or what, or

10 whatever. We just --

11 THE COURT: So in substance, that's what he

12 was doing. Mr. Casteel was in charge. It's up to the

13 jury to give whatever weight they care to to the

14 testimony.

15 MR. LAWRENCE: Well, it's up to the Court,

16 Your Honor, to keep out evidence that has no probative

17 value as to any material issue in the case, or as to

18 incidents are totally inappropriate for a jury to hear

19 that have no connection with the state's theory, and

20 that is that these acts prove Mr. Casteel's motive, his

21 identity.

22 MR. COX: Your Honor, this man was at the

23 scene of the --

24 MR. LAWRENCE: It's a huge logical leap to

25 say that he was in charge of what was going on if

1 someone was standing behind him.

2 MR. DAVIS: Your Honor, if I could just

make it even simpler.

4 THE COURT: All right.

5 MR. DAVIS: Mr. Casteel is literally

6 standing on the crime scene where a triple homicide will

7 take place five days down the road, on the Fourth of

July, with a shotgun, directing whatever activity it is,

9 and it's up to the jury to give whatever weight it is,

10 but he's literally on that scene, you know, with

11 constructive possession at least of the shotgun.

12 THE COURT: No. The probative value would

13 outweigh any prejudice to the defendant, so -- on the

14 issue of motive of the defendant, so let your objection

15 be denied and you can note an exception.

16 All right. Let the jury come back.

17 (Thereupon, at 4:35 p.m., the jury returned

18 to open court and the following proceedings

19 were had in its presence:)

20 THE COURT: All right. Mr. Davis.

21 MR. DAVIS: Thank you, Your Honor.



24 Q Mr. Meeks, if you could, please introduce

25 yourself to the jury?

Meeks - Direct
1 A I'm Paul Anthony Meeks.

2 Q And do you go by Tony?

3 A Yeah.

4 Q All right. Mr. Meeks, if you could, I want

5 you to speak loud enough so that the jurors in the

6 corner can hear you, all right? You need to pick up

7 your voice a little bit, okay?

8 A Okay.

9 Q All right. Mr. Meeks, where did you live

10 in July of 1988?

11 A I lived on Sawyer Road.

12 Q Okay. And where is Sawyer Road?

13 A It's approximately a quarter of a mile from

14 Vandergriff Road.

15 Q All right. Vandergriff and Sawyer Road,

16 are they on Walden's Ridge in Hamilton County?

17 A Yes, sir.

18 Q All right. Could you tell the jury about

19 something that you did in the late afternoon or early

20 evening on the Fourth of July 1988?

21 A Yeah, I just --

22 Q Just tell the jury.

23 A Okay. I got on my motorcycle, on my wife's

24 motorcycle and decided to ride down and look at the blue

25 hole. It was just a rainy, drizzly day, and so I rode

Meeks - Direct
1 down approximately probably two miles down a dirt road

and I run into a gate with the barbed wire across it and

3 four people sitting in the middle of the road.

4 So I, I'd heard before, you know, if you

5 see anybody in there, hide or leave prior to that. So I

6 seen them sitting there, so I tried to ease my

7 motorcycle around to ease out before they caught me.

8 Then the lady that was sitting there, she jumped up and

9 grabbed a pump shotgun and stuck it right within a few

10 inches of my face, and then Mr. Casteel jumped up and

11 got in front of me and started asking me, you know,

12 "Can't you read? There's trespassing signs all down

13 through here."

14 And I told him yeah, I could read. I said,

15 "But I just wanted to ride down, you know, and see the

16 blue hole." And then he raised Cain for a while, it

17 seemed like. It might not have been five, ten minutes,

18 but it seemed like hours, but --

19 Q Let me stop you there for a second.

20 A He just went a little crazy.

21 Q Okay. Let me stop you there for a second.

22 You say "raised Cain." The jury wasn't there. Do the

23 best you can to tell the jury what you mean by that, by

24 what happened?

25 A He told me, you know, he says -- after he

Meeks - Direct
1 told me, "Can't you read?" He says, "I'm tired of

2 people coming in here. I'm tired of people doing" this

3 and that, he said, "I'm going to make sure that you

4 people don't come in here no more like this." He says,

5 "You can't do it."

Q Okay. What was his --

7 A And I agreed with him every, you know,

8 everything I could. I didn't even tell him my real

9 name. I told him that I'd been in Florida for the last

10 four or five years and I was just curious to see what it

11 looked like again. You know, I was just trying to say

12 anything to get away from the gun.

13 Q Okay. And what was his tone of voice or

14 his demeanor like when this, when this occurred?

15 A He was crazy to me. He was just shouting

16 and screaming and going on, and finally he just told me

17 to go on.

18 Q Okay.

19 A So I didn't know what was -- I was just

20 gone, you know, I left.

21 Q Okay. Show you a photograph and ask you if

22 you can identify. Take a look at that photograph, and

23 do you, can you identify that area?

24 A Yes, sir, that's the gate.

25 Q What is it? That's the gate?

Meeks - Direct
1 A Yes, sir.

2 Q Okay. And what was across the gate that

3 day on July 4th, 1988, when you were there?

4 A There was just a couple of strands of

5 barbed wire that they had stretched across it

6 Q Okay. And where was -- well, first off,

7 the man you call Frank Casteel, do you recognize him

8 today in the courtroom?

9 A Yes, sir.

10 Q All right. Where is he?

11 A He's sitting in front of me.

12 Q Okay. Where was Mr. Casteel on the Fourth

13 of July? Where in that picture would he have been?

14 A Okay. They was sitting on the rocks.

15 Q Okay. Do you see those rocks there?

16 A I can't be sure if it's the exact ones, but

17 it was like one was sitting right here and one over

18 here, then on up there was two more people sitting with

19 their backs turned to me.

20 Q Okay. And --

21 A They kept their backs turned the whole

22 time.

23 Q All right. And what was their relative

24 age?

25 A I figure -- they just stood up and kept

Meeks - Direct
1 their back turned.

Q All right.

3 A What I looked like, probably from 18 to 21.

4 Q Okay. And you didn't have any interaction

5 with them? Were they men, women?

6 A Never turned around and looked at me.

7 Q Were they men or women?

8 A It was a man and a woman.

9 Q Okay. And then Mr. Casteel, and --

10 A Yeah, an older lady with him.

11 Q All right. And who was holding the shotgun

12 on you?

13 A She was.

14 Q All right. And who was doing the talking

15 and, from your point of view, directing the activity?

16 A Mr. Casteel. He done all -- she never said

17 nothing. She just held the shotgun on me.

18 Q Okay.

19 A And he done all the talking.

20 Q All right. How close -- well, let me

21 where were you in this photograph when that altercation

22 took place? Can you place yourself on the scene there?

23 A I was probably up here a little bit. It

24 don't show it on the picture, but just back of the

25 screen a little bit.

Meeks - Direct
1 Q Okay. Off the screen. And then how close

was the gun to you, the end of the gun?

3 A Probably within two inches, --

4 Q Okay.

5 A -- I figure.

6 Q How close was Mr. Casteel to you?

7 A Probably within touching range, within arm

8 length.

9 Q All right. You could have reached out and

10 touched him with your arm if you wanted to?

11 A Yeah. I was holding the handle bars and he

12 was right here.

13 Q Okay. He was standing over you while you

14 were on the bike?

15 A Yeah, he was standing just right in front

16 of me.

17 Q All right. And that's when he made these

18 commands to you or however you want to describe it?

19 A Yes, sir.

20 Q Okay. And then after that, what did he do?

21 A He just told me to get out of there and

22 don't come back, and if I wanted to ride anywhere, he

23 says, "You can go to Prentice Cooper or Big Fork,

24 somewhere like that and ride, and don't come back in

25 here."

Meeks - Direct
1 Q All right. So he told you you could go

2 where if you wanted to ride?

3 A Either to Prentice Cooper, over at the

4 state park or whatever, state hunting area.

5 Q Okay.

6 A Or Big Fork area.

7 Q All right. Are you familiar with those

8 areas?

9 A Yes, sir.

10 Q All right. Where are those areas relative

11 to this area?

12 A It's probably six miles if you go through

13 the woods.

14 Q Okay. Other side of the mountain?

15 A Yeah, on the opposite side.

16 Q Okay. After this happened, were you

17 afraid?

18 A Yeah, I. just, I went home and didn't leave.

19 MR. DAVIS: That's all.



22 Q Okay. Mr. Meeks, this was out on the

23 Fourth of July weekend that this happened, sir?

24 A Yes, sir.

25 Q Okay. And was it the Fourth of July?

Meeks - Cross
1 A Yes, sir, it was the Fourth of July.

2 Q Is this an off-day for you? Were you

3 working somewhere?

4 A Yeah, it's an off-day for us, holiday.

Q Where were you working then?

6 A Asplundh Tree Company.

7 Q Okay. And did you go to work the next day?

8 A Yes, sir.

9 Q Okay. What time did you go out on the

10 property that day?

11 A It was probably between four and six,

12 somewhere in that area. I ain't exactly sure.

13 Q Sometime that late afternoon. Okay. And

14 you indicated to these folks that you said that, that

15 you lived out in Florida, you'd been gone so you didn't

16 know you couldn't be back there or whatever, I guess,

17 right?

18 A I did that because he was going, you know.

19 Q I'm not going to get you for lying. You

20 just told him that, though, right?

21 A Yeah, I was just trying to get away.

22 didn't know exactly what was going to happen.

23 Q And the truth of the matter is, you do live

24 pretty close to there, though, don't you, or didn't you

25 then?

Meeks - Cross
1 A Yeah, I lived within a quarter of a mile of

2 the dirt road entrance.

3 Q Okay. And were you friends of Mr. Mason?

4 Neighbor of Mr. Mason maybe?

5 A He lived up the road. I knew him by just

6 driving by and seeing him.

7 Q What, a couple of houses apart, a quarter

8 mile apart or how far?

9 A Probably three quarters or maybe a mile.

10 He lived on Corral Road.

11 Q Okay. And you said -- you've identified

12 Mr. Casteel as being the person that talked to you that

13 day, right?

14 A Yes, sir.

15 Q And the gentleman that you've identified as

16 Mr. Casteel did not have a gun, did he?

17 A No, sir.

18 Q And he is the only one that you know, is

19 that truthful?

20 A Yeah. That's the only one that I know for

21 sure.

22 Q Okay. And, you know, you mentioned a name

23 a moment ago, but the truth of the matter is, back in

24 1990 and 1988, whenever you gave a statement, you didn't

25 know anybody else that was there, is that true?

Meeks - Cross
I didn't know them for sure. You know, I

knew, I figured, but figuring don't work.

Q Figured, but you still don't know for sure,

do you?

A I don't know who for sure the other three


Q Okay. You know, you're sure about Mr.


A Yes, sir.

Q Okay. In fact, Mr. Casteel said -- did he

know your name? Did he call you Mr. Meeks or did you

tell him?

A No. I gave him a fake name, too.

Q Okay. So, I'm Joe Smith from Florida?

A Or Jack Johnson I believe is what I gave


Q Jack Johnson. So he said, Mr. Johnson,

don't come back here anymore, right?

A Yes, sir.

Q And, in fact, he said, Mr. Johnson, if you

come back here anymore, I'm going to call the police,

I'm going to prosecute you?

A No, he never said nothing about --

4 He didn't?

A That I can remember. He might have said,

Meeks - Cross
Get out of here or we'll get you for trespassing at one

2 time, but he said, "I'm going to make sure that nobody

3 else trespasses back in here."

4 Q Well, now, you've got your statement there,

5 you've gone over that, haven't you, that you gave back

6 in 1990?

A I've looked at it a little.

8 Q Why don't you turn over to page 5. It's

9 got Meeks here, but you were really Johnson at that

10 time, right?

11 A Well, to him, not the police.

12 Q Not to Mr. Sneed. Look down at the bottom

13 of the page there. Do you recall what he said to you

14 after the statement? What'd Mr. Meeks, alias Johnson,

15 say? Is that plain on your --

16 A Yeah, I see it here now.

17 Q What'd you say back in 1990?

18 A He'd get me for trespassing or "put you in

19 jail."

20 Q Yeah, what'd he say? "I think he mentioned

21 something about he could get me for trespassing and put

22 me in jail or something. That's far as I know." That's

23 what he said then, wasn't it?

24 A Yeah. As far as I know, that's what he

25 said.

Meeks - Cross
1 Q And I guess you remembered when you gave

2 this statement better than you do now that that's what

3 he said, right?

A Yeah, I'd say so.

5 MR. POOLE: Okay. That's all, Mr. Meeks.

6 Thanks for coming, sir.

7 MR. DAVIS: Just one or two points of

8 clarification.



11 Q Mr. Poole asked you a compound question.

12 He said you were a neighbor or a friend of Richard

13 Mason's. Let's be clear about this: You, were you a

14 friend of Richard Mason's?

15 A I knew him of just passing by, you know, as

16 a neighbor.

17 Q Okay.

18 A More or less.

19 Q Has he ever had dinner over at your house?

20 A No, huh-uh.

21 Q Have you ever had dinner at his house?

22 A No, sir.

23 Q All right.

24 A I've never -- just ride by and wave and say

25 hi.

Meeks - Redirect
1 Q Okay. You were a neighbor from, I believe

you said about three quarters of a mile away?

3 A Yeah, or a mile, yes.

4 Q All right. And you lived on Sawyer Road,

5 which is around the corner from Vandergriff Road?

6 A Yes, sir.

7 Q And how much of your life in the summertime

8 have you spent going down to the blue hole?

9 A At that time?

10 Q Ever.

11 A Probably 27, 28 years.

12 Q Yeah. And been going down there for 27, 28

13 years?

14 A Yeah, at least.

15 Q How many times have you run into people

16 with shotguns out there?

17 A One time.

18 Q Okay. And when was that?

19 A That was when I run into Mr. Casteel.

20 MR. DAVIS: No further questions.

21 THE COURT: Anything further?



24 Q Did you ever run into Cecil Hickman out

25 there with a shotgun, sir?

Meeks - Recross
1 A No, sir.

2 Q Do you have friends that did?

3 MR. COX: Object.

4 MR. POOLE: I think he opened the door for

5 that, sir.

6 THE COURT: All right. Go ahead.

7 Q (By Mr. Poole) Did you have friends that

were confronted by Cecil Hickman?

9 A Not that I know of.

10 Q How many sons did Cecil Hickman -- do you .

11 know Cecil Hickman?

12 MR. DAVIS: Your Honor --

13 MR. COX: We object. We object. This

14 is -- may we approach?

15 THE COURT: All right.

r. 16 (Thereupon, a bench conference was held on

17 the record in the presence of the jury but

18 out of the hearing of the jury and the

19 following proceedings were had:)

20 MR. COX: Mr. Poole is simply trying to

21 tell his story now through the questions to a witness

22 that doesn't know anything about what he's talking

23 about.

24 MR. POOLE: He says he'd never been

25 confronted --

Meeks - Recross
MR. DAVIS: Let me be clear --

2 THE COURT: He said he didn't know if his

3 friends had ever been threatened by him.

4 MR. DAVIS: If the answer to my question

5 had been yes, that he'd run into other people, I agree

6 with you, it would have opened the door, but the answer

7 was no, that this happened one time. That doesn't open

8 the door.

9 THE COURT: No, but he's already asked him

10 so it doesn't make any difference, but he can't go any

11 further.

12 (Thereupon, said bench conference having

13 been completed, the following proceedings

14 were had in the presence and hearing of

15 the jury:)

16 Q (By Mr. Poole) Sir, how long have you

17 lived there in that area?

18 A I've lived there all my life.

19 Q And you still live there now, sir?

20 A Yes, sir.

21 Q So you were born, raised there, you know,

22 right before you go into the Vandergriff Road, I guess?

23 A No. I just lived there, rented a house

24 there. I was born and raised on Wilson at the top of

25 the W Road.

Meeks - Recross
1 Q Oh, okay. So when did you move from Wilson

2 at the top of the W Road to this place?

3 A I can't even remember. I stayed there till

4 my mom died.

Q Okay.

6 A Till I was probably in my twenties.

7 Q How old a man are you now, sir?

8 A Thirty-six.

9 Q So this, the incident that you are

10 describing took place about ten years ago, 26. How long

11 had you lived at that place then as best you can

12 remember?

13 A Probably a year.

14 MR. POOLE: Okay. All right. That's fine.

15 Thank you.

16 THE COURT: All right. Thank you. You are

17 free to go.

18 (Witness excused.)

19 THE COURT: Jurors, I believe this is a

20 good breaking point for the day, so you can go back to

21 the jury room and get ready to go back to your rooms.

22 (Thereupon, at 4:50 p.m., the jury was

23 excused from open court and the following

24 proceedings were had in its absence:)

25 THE COURT: All right. The state has

1 announced that they expect to conclude their proof by

2 noon tomorrow. Of course, after they complete their

3 proof --

4 MR. COX: That may be a little optimistic,

5 Your Honor.


7 MR. COX: That may be a little bit

B optimistic.

9 THE COURT: Okay. So you may finish

10 tomorrow afternoon then.

11 MR. COX: Hope to.

12 THE COURT: Yeah, by tomorrow. Of course,

13 if they finish by noon, then you would want to be heard,

14 I'm sure.

15 MR. POOLE: Yes, sir.

16 THE COURT: And then after that, you do

17 need to have witnesses on call if you expect to call

18 witnesses.

19 MR. POOLE: Yes, sir. Quite frankly, we

20 had put most of them on call thinking it was going to

21 last longer from Monday, so we'll need to be making some

22 calls.

23 THE COURT: All right. And we will be

24 trying the case Saturday morning, so you might have to

25 put your witnesses on call for Saturday.

1 MR. POOLE: Your Honor, in view of the fact

that this seems to be moving quicker than we

3 anticipated, is it possible that we could just start

4 back Monday?


6 MR. POOLE: Well, because we've had the

7 whole week, we've got other things to do, and it is

8 going a lot quicker than I think everybody anticipated,

9 and we've got some things to do in the office as a

10 matter of actual fact, and we did tell our witnesses,

11 quite frankly, some of them are from out of town, to be

12 here on Monday.

13 THE COURT: Well, of course, the jury, all

14 the jurors have indicated very strongly they want to

15 work Saturday since they're sequestered.

16 MR. POOLE: But if we're going to finish in

17 two days, two to three days after that, seems like to me

18 that would not be too great an inconvenience and

19 certainly would fit in more with the schedules on how

20 we've arranged witnesses to come in.

21 THE COURT: How does the state feel about

22 working Saturday?

23 MR. COX: We would like to accommodate the

24 jury, Your Honor. I think that they're anxious to hear

25 proof on Saturday and we're anxious to proceed, and

1 understand the problems with scheduling witnesses

2 because we've been doing it all week long, but I think

3 it's something that I'm sure counsel as skilled and

4 adept as these two defense attorneys can get them in.

5 THE COURT: It may very well be that the

6 state won't complete their proof until Saturday morning

7 anyhow, because we're not starting back till 10 o'clock

8 on this case tomorrow, so we're not going to finish by

9 noon tomorrow, so it'll probably be tomorrow afternoon

10 and maybe Saturday morning.

11 If you've got some witnesses that you can

12 call, local witnesses that you could call easily, you

13 should have them ready on Saturday so that we can go

14 ahead and finish, or go ahead and try the case for the

15 convenience of the jury, so plan on working Saturday.

16 They probably will be Monday before you would have to

17 put on all of your proof.

18 MR. POOLE: How long would we anticipate

19 working Saturday?

20 THE COURT: I would say we would work

21 between, to about 4:30 on Saturday.

22 MR. POOLE: Well, even though Mr. Lawrence

23 and I are very skillful and adept, we don't have the FBI

24 and the TBI and GBI, so we really have a real problem

25 with doing that, as a matter of fact.

1 MR. LAWRENCE: We've also got practices

2 beyond this case, Your Honor, and I know the Court, when

3 the Court was a private lawyer doing trial work, that,

4 you know, it's difficult to manage all that you have to

5 do when a case like this goes on, so --

6 THE COURT: You've got a couple of young

7 associates behind you that can make arrangements for the

8 witnesses to be here Saturday, so let's plan on working

9 Saturday.

10 MR. POOLE: Well, it makes it difficult.

11 THE COURT: Okay.

12 MR. POOLE: And I guess we went into it on

13 the assumption early on that we weren't going to do

14 that, at least last week. I know the Court told us

15 Monday or Tuesday we would.

16 THE COURT: But the jury indicated that

17 since they were from out of town they did not want to be

18 sequestered any longer than necessary, like you have one

19 juror that every time she talks to her husband on the

20 phone, she cries because she misses him so much.

21 OFFICER HARGIS: Son also.

22 THE COURT: Yeah. So it's a strain on the

23 jury, and it's better for everyone concerned if we can

24 try the case as expeditiously as possible, so we'll plan

25 on working Saturday, say, until 4:30.

This Court will adjourn until 8:30 in the

morning, but we will take up this case at 10 o'clock in

the morning, 10 o'clock in the morning.

MR. POOLE: Your Honor, we have a video

we'd like to show or let Mr. Davis and Mr. Cox look at

over night. That would be something that we'll get into


THE COURT: All right.

(Thereupon, at 4:56 p.m., court was

adjourned, continuing the trial of this

cause to Friday, May 15, 1998, when the

following proceedings were had in the

absence of the jury:)

THE COURT: All right. Mr. Casteel is

here, Mr. Lawrence I think stepped back that way, and

General Cox and Mr. Davis are here.

All right. Anything we need to take up

before we resume?

MR. COX: Yes, Your Honor. We have three

witnesses that we're going to put on this morning,

encounter witnesses, which I presume require a hearing.

THE COURT: All right.

MR. LAWRENCE: Can we also mention to the

Court -- (To Mr. Poole) You want to talk to him about

the viewing?

1 MR. POOLE: Your Honor, by way of

2 procedure, all of us have indicated that maybe the jury

3 could go out and look at certain things, the ATVs, and

4 we're going to try to get the Scrambler to the Police

5 Services Center out on Dayton Boulevard. Could we do

that, assuming the state finishes in the morning, sir?

7 THE COURT: What I thought about overnight

8 is that no way the state's going to finish today, so

9 we'll say the state finishes by tomorrow and we let the

10 jury go out and look at the, those items, and then y'all

11 could be ready to start, if the state's finished, on

12 Monday, so you wouldn't need your witnesses until

13 Monday.

14 MR. POOLE: But we could go out after lunch

15 tomorrow?

16 THE COURT: Yeah, we can take care of all

17 those other details.

18 MR. POOLE: We've got somebody, Your Honor,

19 that can take that Scrambler up there and they can leave

20 it at the end of the building, so if the ATVs could be

21 outside with that midday tomorrow.

22 THE COURT: Okay.

23 MR. DAVIS: There are only two people with

24 keys to that building, so we'll need to make some


25 arrangements.

1 MR. POOLE: Detective Sneed gave me those

2 names.

MR. DAVIS: Great, you've got those.

4 MR. POOLE: Y'all might call them, too, or

5 something, whichever.

6 THE COURT: Yeah, you might let Sandi worry

about that. She got a real good write-up in this

8 morning's paper so we know she can work out anything.

9 All right. Who's your first witness?

10 MR. COX: Mark Sivley, Your Honor.

11 THE COURT: Sivley?

12 MR. COX: It's a re-call.


14 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn, was

15 examined and testified as follows:


17 BY MR. COX:

18 Q Mark, you're the same Mark Sivley that

19 testified under oath yesterday, is that correct?

20 A Yes, sir.

21 Q At the completion of the proof yesterday,

22 you related an incident to me and reminded me of an

23 incident that occurred about a week before the murders,

24 is that correct?

25 A Yes, sir.

Sivley - Voir Dire/Cox
1 And just tell us what that was.

2 A Mr. Casteel, I'd heard that he was parked

3 at the gate turning people around, and I was curious, so

4 I rode my four-wheeler out there just to see, talk to

5 him, you know.

6 And I got out there, and I -- he was

7 sitting at the gate in his jeep, and I got off and

8 introduced myself as the property owner back down the

9 road, and I asked him if a lot of people had been coming

10 back in there.

11 And he had a book laying on his seat of his

12 jeep, and he opened it up and he flipped through the

13 pages and showed me some names and said that some people

14 were, these people were coming in and that some were

15 giving him false names and stuff like that.

16 And then I asked him if he'd had any

17 trouble out of any of them. And he had a shotgun laying

18 in his seat of his jeep, and he held the shotgun up and

19 said, "No, not as long as I have this."

20 Q Okay.

21 A And --

22 Q Go ahead.

23 A We made a little small talk after that, and

24 I told him I was leaving, so I turned around and left.

25 I had no intentions of going any further. I was just

Sivley - Voir Dire/Cox
1 merely going out there to see what was going on.

2 Q See what was going on?

3 A Yes, sir.

4 MR. COX: Okay.

5 THE COURT: For the defense.



8 Q Mr. Sivley, when did this happen?

9 A About a week before the, the murders took

10 place.

11 Q Early July of '88?

12 A Yes, sir.

13 Q You got some information and you went out

14 and talked to Mr. Casteel?

15 A Excuse me?

16 Q You'd gotten some information and you went

17 out and talked to him?

18 A Yes, sir.

19 Q When you got there, he was -- was he in his

20 jeep or what was he doing?

21 A I believe he was sitting in his jeep.

22 Q And you all talked about -- what did you

23 talk about?

24 A I introduced myself.

25 Q That the first time you'd met him?

Sivley - Voir Dire/Poole
1 A No, I had met him before at my brother's

2 house.

3 Q Okay.

4 A And I introduced myself, told him who I

5 was, told him I'd just rode out to see what was going

6 on, and we made a little small talk. He showed me his

7 book and his gun, we made a little small talk, you know,

8 just about the weather and how he liked his property,

9 stuff like that, and then I left.

10 Q And that was the extent of it?

11 A Yes, sir.

12 Q Okay. And he didn't say he was having

13 trouble with anybody?

14 A He said he had trouble out of a few.

15 Q What'd he say he was trying to do there?

16 What was he trying to do?

17 A He was trying to stop people from coming

18 onto his property, which is on down the road.

19 Q On down the road from where he was?

20 A He was sitting at the gate area, what we

21 call the gate area.

22 Q Was he by himself, sir?

23 A Yes, sir.

24 MR. POOLE: Okay. Yeah, that's all the

25 questions I have.

Sivley - Voir Dire/Poole
THE COURT: All right.

MR. COX: That's all.

THE COURT: Okay. If you don't mind, wait

outside for a moment.

THE WITNESS: Yes, sir.

THE COURT: Who's your next witness?

MR. COX: Mr. Ewton.

THE COURT: All right.


called as a witness, was examined and testified as




Q State your name, please, sir.

A Jonathan Ewton.

Q What we're having now, Mr. Ewton, is a

jury-out hearing and then you'll possibly testify before

the jury in a minute, but we wanted to ask you a couple

of questions preliminarily.

Did you have the occasion to be up near the

Helican in April of 1988 or sometime thereabout?

A Yes, sir.

Q Do you recollect what specific date it was?

A Not specifically. It was in the spring,

the weather had just warmed up.

Ewton - Voir Dire/Cox
1 Q All right. And what were you doing out

2 there?

3 A I was riding a motorcycle, just trail

4 riding.

5 Q Who was with you?

6 A Mike Dantzler.

7 Q And was he on a motorcycle also or in a

8 vehicle?

9 A No, sir, he was in a jeep.

10 Q All right. And where'd y'all go to?

11 A We went into the Helican, rode out -- the

12 trail forks where the power line area is. We were just

13 going to ride up there, make a circle and come back out.

14 Q Okay. And did you get to the power line?

15 A Yes, sir.

16 Q And who was in front and who was in the

17 back?

18 A When we initially came out onto the power

19 lines, Mike was in front. As soon as we came out into

20 the field where it opened up, I passed him.

21 Q All right. So then at that point you were

22 in front --

23 A Yes, sir.

24 Q -- on a motorcycle; he was in the back in

25 his vehicle, a jeep?

Ewton - Voir Dire/Cox
1 A Yes, sir.

2 Q And then which way did you go after you

come out onto the power line? Did you go left or right?

4 A Turned left.

5 Q All right. Up the hill toward --

6 A Yes, sir. It drops off a hill, kind of a

7 long grade, crosses a creek and then climbs back up a


9 Q All right. Had you crossed the creek and

10 started back up?

11 A Yes, sir.

12 Q And then what happened?

13 A Saw a man step out of the edge of the woods

14 there. I'd looked back to see how far behind me Mike

15 was, it was kind of rocky and a little creek and

16 everything, and when I turned back around, there was a

17 man stepping out of the woods.

18 Q Okay. Who was the man?

19 A That man right there.

20 Q Okay. And was this man armed?

21 A Yes, sir.

22 Q With what?

23 A A revolver.

24 Q All right. What did he do with the

25 revolver?

Ewton - Voir Dire/Cox
1 A He pointed it at my face and said, "Hold

2 it." Told me to hold it.

3 Q All right. And what did you do?

A I just started slowing down. I didn't

5 really know what to do. He yelled, "Hold it," again,

6 and I said, "Wait a minute."

7 And as I kept getting closer to him, I was

8 almost stopped, and he yelled, "Hold it," one more time.

9 And I yelled, "Wait a minute," back to him. And as I

10 pulled along beside him, I didn't know who the man was,

11 why he wanted me to stop, why he was pointing a gun at

12 me, and I decided I was going to make a run for it.

13 Q All right. Did you?

14 A Yes, I did.

15 Q All right. And then where did you go?

16 A Another trail cut back off to the left of

17 the direction I was traveling, cut back into the woods

18 and the way back out.

19 Q All right.

20 A I went that way to try to get away from him

21 because I didn't know -- I decided, you know, if I was

22 going to get shot, I was going to do it trying to get

23 away.

24 Q Okay. And then did you stop some place up

25 in the woods?

Ewton - Voir Dire/Cox
1 A Yes, sir. When I felt I'd traveled a safe

2 distance from where he was, the trail kind of drops over

3 a little hill. There's no possible way he could get a

4 shot that way. I stopped to listen for my friend in the

5 jeep behind me.

Q Did you finally hear your friend coming?

7 A Finally I heard the jeep start back up. It

8 didn't come out the way I had gone out. He had turned

9 around and gone back out the other way. It was, it was

10 shut down. I didn't hear anything for maybe 10, 15

11 minutes, it seems like.

12 Q Then you heard your friend coming out?

13 A Right.

14 Q All right. What did you do? Did you --

15 A I rode back to where the trail had split

16 originally and stopped there, turned my engine off to

17 wait for him. And when I - heard him, I started it up and

18 sat there. And when I saw the front of his jeep, could

19 just see the front of it to make sure it was him coming

20 back out, I rode , on, and continued to do that till I was

21 back out to the road. I would stop and wait for him to

22 catch up.

23 Q So you were kind of hop-scotching ahead of

24 him--

25 A Yes, sir.

Ewton - Voir Dire/Cox
1 Q -- waiting for him to come out?

2 A Yeah. A motorcycle is considerably faster

3 through the woods than a jeep.

4 Q Okay. And then did you at some point

5 arrive at the intersection of the Helican Road and

6 Vandergriff Road?

7 A Yes, sir.

8 Q And did you wait there?

9 A Yes, sir.

10 Q And then what happened?

11 A Well, I heard the jeep coming again, went

12 ahead and started the motorcycle up, and, you know, I

13 was kind of relieved and looked back kind of smiling,

14 expecting to see Mike coming out of the woods, but it

15 wasn't his jeep in the lead, it was a Jeep Scrambler --

16 Q All right.

17 A -- that was at this place where he pulled a

18 gun on me.

19 Q And had you seen that Scrambler down there?

20 A Yes, sir. It was parked just in the edge

21 of the woods. There's like a little clearing there.

22 Q All right. So you thought that was a man

23 who had pointed the gun at you at that point?

24 A Yes, sir.

25 Q So what'd you do?

Ewton - Voir Dire/Cox
1 A I took off.

2 Q On Vandergriff Road?

3 A Yes, sir, went back out to Sawyer's and

4 turned right.

5 Q And what'd that, the driver of the Jeep

6 Scrambler do?

7 A When I pulled out on to Sawyer's, I looked

B back over my shoulder, you know, I didn't bother

9 stopping for the stop sign, looked back. He didn't

10 either. He came through the stop sign a pretty good

11 speed, so I ran -- my motorcycle is a small, little

12 bike, you know, and ran about 70 miles an hour, and he

13 pursued me.

14 Q Pursued you for how far?

15 A I would say a mile and a half to two miles.

16 Q How'd you get away?

17 A There's an area that cuts from Sawyer's,

18 crosses a place called Marshall Creek, comes out on

19 another road, North Fairmount. It's several miles to

20 get from that on the road, but it's like maybe half a

21 mile through the woods. The end of the trail that I cut

22 off on had been blocked off by rocks and dirt where

23 people dumped it. I cut off the bank, off the side of

24 the road, pretty steep embankment there, and the trees

25 are too close together to get a jeep down it anyway, so

Ewton - Voir Dire/Cox
I knew if I -- the road gets kind of curvy and I pulled

away just a little bit through the curves. I knew if I

went that way, he couldn't follow me.

Q Was the motorcycle loud?

A Yes, sir, extremely loud. I had damaged

the exhaust system on it about a year before that and

never fixed it.

Q Did you hear any shots?

A No, sir.

Q Did you know there'd been shots?

A Not at that time, no, sir.

Q Not until you talked to your friend, Mr.


A Yes, sir.

MR. COX: All right. You may ask.



Q Sir, do you know, Jonathan, when this


A I'm not sure exactly when it was. It was,

I would say about the middle of April.

Q Middle of April of '88?

A Yes, sir.

Q How old are you now?

A I'm 28.

Ewton - Voir Dire/Poole
1 Q So you were --

2 A Twenty-nine, I'm sorry, 29. I had a

3 birthday this month.

4 Q You forget, huh? So you were 19, 18, 19 at

5 the time?

6 A Yes, sir.

7 Q And what you have described -- and tell me

8 how you got back onto the power line to start with?

9 A I rode out there.

10 Q Were you on the Helican Road?

11 A Yes, sir. Yes.

12 Q Okay. And have you been back there before?

13 A Yes, sir, several times.

14 Q Before this happened?

15 A Yes, sir.

16 Q When was the most previous time before

17 that?

18 A It had probably been the year before.

19 Q Back in '87?

20 A Yes, sir.

21 Q And when you came in on this time in '88

22 then, were there any postings or signs or anything like

23 that?

24 A Sir, I do not recall seeing any signs. I

25 can tell you if there were, I ignored them. I do not

Ewton - Voir Dire/Poole
1 recall seeing signs that day.

2 Q Did you come through a gate area?

A No, sir, there was no gate. There's a

4 place they call the gate, but there's not actually a

5 gate there.

Q Nothing there?

7 A Hasn't been for several years since the guy

8 used to keep cows back there or something.

9 Q So you just rode on through there?

10 A Yes, sir.

11 Q And then it's a good piece and you got to

12 the power line?

13 A Yes, sir.

14 Q And what'd you do when you got to the power

15 line?

16 A Turned left to ride down the power lines,

17 come back out the other trail and go back out.

18 Q Okay. And is that when there was this

19 encounter?

20 A Yes, sir.

21 Q And the guy you had it with was Mr.

22 Casteel?

23 A Yes, sir.

24 Q And you said you didn't hear any shots

25 then, you never did hear any shots at all, did you?

Ewton - Voir Dire/Poole
1 A No, sir, I did not.

2 Q But did he have a weapon?

3 A Yes, sir.

4 Q And what'd he do with the weapon?

5 A He pointed it at my face.

Q Were you stopped at the time?

7 A I was not stopped. I was coming up the

8 hill. I was going fairly slow. When he stepped out and

9 pointed, I slowed down. I wasn't sure if .I was going to

10 stop or not.

11 Q Did you stop?

12 A No, sir, I did not.

13 Q So he had a weapon pointed at you and told

14 you to stop?

15 A Yes, sir.

16 Q You just kept going?

17 A Yes, sir.

18 Q And nothing happened?

19 A Sir, when I got next to him and he yelled,

20 "Hold it," that last time, I just took off. I thought

21 he was going to kill me. I was going to be trying to

22 get away if he did.

23 Q I guess the truth of the matter is, if he

24 intended to kill you, he probably could have as you

25 drove by, couldn't he?


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