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Chapter II


2.1. Brief Background of the study

Momentarily, the demand for food industry is increasing as economic growth takes
place. As time pass by, innovation used to improved or develop something that is made
traditionally. Nowadays, there are a lot of businesses who offers the traditional churro.
Churro is a fried-dough pastry with a sweet taste that consider as a based snack. This
snack originated from Spain and Portugal as well as the Philippines and Ibero-America. In
Spain, churros can either be thin or long and thick, where they are known as porras in some
regions. They are normally eaten for breakfast dipped in champurrado, hot chocolate, dulce
de leche or café con leche. Sugar is often sprinkled on top.

So that, the proponents came up in the concept of churros that will be given a
healthy twist, a churros that will satisfy the customer not just for its price and tastes
alone, but also for the nutritional benefits that it has, a churros that is made up of
vegetables. There are different variety flavors of vegetables, also this will click in the
market since people loves sweets and pastries, it is new in the market since it will
contain healthy and nutritious benefits for our target customers.

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