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The rise and spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome

coronavirus 2 virus, have driven a public health crisis, the 2019 novel

coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, to debilitate nations worldwide. In specific,

the COVID-19 pandemic forced colleges to move their entire instructional

apparatus to one of online delivery overnight. The benefits of online or

electronic learning have been archived by numerous companies, colleges,

employees, and students alike. Online learning has been advanced as being

more viable and helpful than conventional instructive situations as well as

giving openings for more learners to proceed with their instructions.

According to Kemp and Grieve (2014), students’ academic grades and

favorites for learning psychology varied depending on whether it was carried

online or offline, their results showed that students had a general preference

for face to face activities, even predominantly when the discussion of academic

topics was required. However, no obvious differences were found in academic

performance during online learning compared to face to face classroom

learning. In addition, students and the teaching staff expressed negative

impressions of online education. Students were not prepared for the sudden

shift from conventional to online education, their responses were in favor of

conventional teaching. Broadly, online instruction turns students into passive

observers rather than active participants. They suggested to proactively strive

to mitigate the unique challenges that could be encountered with online

courses through the introduction of simple solutions such as more training on

online teaching, dividing the course into several parts that can be completed in

a short amount of time, and fostering personal interactions within the online

world or promoting the use of social media during the training, thus providing

additional opportunities for social interaction.

It was found that the majority believe that offline learning is the best

mode of learning compared to online learning, however, due to the fact that

there is a pandemic, online learning is the only ray of hope for them (Amin, et

al. 2022). By which they can learn, save their time and complete their

academic years on time. On the other hand, it was concluded that offline

learning is more focused, less interrupted, more reliable, more interactive and

keeps students attentive. Online learning may not be similar to offline learning,

but during the current situation of Covid-19 pandemic, it provides benefits to

the students, saves them time and improves their academic performance. The

findings revealed that online learning among higher education students is drab

& dull, as students find it difficult to calibrate to various online methods of

learning. While the offline method of learning is the most preferred method of

education, due to its simplicity and essence, the students feel that online

learning technologies will provide them with a lot of benefits to learn and

improve their academic performance because physical work or class would be

replaced by technologies in the future.

As stated by Hong, et al. 2021, the face-to-face learning process or offline

method has been shifted by the online learning process due to the Covid-19
pandemic. In every country around the world, many students and teachers are

forced to use online learning tools to teach their students. Hence, many

teachers and students have changed their ways in the learning methods, and

they also suggested that online learning is much better than offline learning

during the pandemic Covid-19 situation. Online learning is enormously

beneficial in these times of lockdown and limitations. The teaching-learning

activities are done satisfactorily. However, the network problem becomes the

main problem in online learning methods. In addition, based on the result

before the outbreak of covid-19, they found that many students would like to

prefer offline learning compared to online learning. The student prefers offline

learning since they can focus, activate, and enjoy throughout the session by

understanding the content better and do communication easily. Due to

numerous issues, online learning was not successful. The quality of internet

networking is very influential on the success of the online method. Students

often do not understand the material taught by teachers and they can meet

directly or face-to-face to solve the problem of misunderstanding. Apart from

this, many of the students in higher education agree that the online learning

tools help to improve students’ academic performance because it helps them do

the task more efficiently and can always playback the video of the online

learning tools that have been recorded to help to improve the academic

performance. The online learning tools have helped the students in saving time

while studying. However, when there is an offline learning class before covid-19

or an online class after covid-19, the student also has to spend almost the
same time on the online class and offline class more than 12 hours per week.

On the other hand, the quality of the online educational process is based on

several factors such as teacher's level of education using technology, teaching

style, interaction with students, strategies that capture students' attention,

encouraging student with teacher contacts, cooperation, rapid feedback, active

learning, and time spent on tasks. The quality is dependent on various factors.

These factors can help the students get more improvement when through the

online educational process and help them to get a good quality on the online

education. While all of the research included demonstrating that online

learning is better than offline learning using higher education methodologies,

neither of the included research revealed online learning to be less successful

than offline learning strategies, regardless of statistical approaches used.

Meanwhile, a study by Donaldson, et al. (2016), claimed that to some

extent, online learning might not compete with some aspects of offline learning,

like interactive knowledge building between teacher and students. Such

limitations could create opportunities for students to obtain self-learning

abilities through information technology, such as information literacy and

metacognition controlling.

In conclusion, even though the E-learning platform meets the basic

conditions in order for students to turn their preference towards it, (ease of

use, usefulness), students still prefer other platforms because of the

undoubtedly pitfalls of it that are easily identified such as learners can easily

get distracted, lose focus, or miss deadlines. E-learning is dependent on

technology: the internet and computers, which students may not have access

to, interruptions or other system errors may appear during courses. Students

were prone to decreased motivation, lack of physical interaction or feeling of

isolation, and susceptible to health issues due to hours in front of a screen.

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