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Acknowledgement of Eccentricity in the Society

Since the early 90’s, fashion and trends abruptly overtook the market.
Predictably up to this generation, modern society enormously and eagerly follows
trends here and there. Trend and craze were a sudden buzz and people were raging
mad and insane over the latest trends and sensations, indicating that people in this
generation are living through the standards and patterns of this world. However, there
are also people who find it senseless or pointless to join, fit, and live with societal
norms and standards. They are called “eccentric” people. Being eccentric can be
associated with the words such as being odd, strange, bizarre, peculiar, quirky, and
even “weirdo” in slang. Eccentric people are deviants. They are simple but act
unusually and strangely. These are people who care more about themselves than what
others think of them.
What is eccentricity? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines eccentricity as the
quality or state of being eccentric, a deviation from an established pattern or norm
especially : odd or whimsical behavior. Wikipedia defines Eccentricity (also called
quirkiness) as an unusual or odd behavior on the part of an individual while refers to it as to some noticeable deviation in behavior, style, or
manner from what is normal or expected and it usually suggests a mildly amusing but
harmless characteristic or style. According to psychiatrist David Weeks eccentrics are
wildly diverse yet share common characteristics. “They are not necessarily in need of
reassurance or reinforcement from the rest of society.”
Substantially, eccentricity refers to certain people who behave differently, or a
person who acts and speaks in ways that are not in line with societal norms.
Eccentrics don’t try to stand out nor affect certain behaviors, clothes, or interests in
order to be seen as non-conformists – a common misconception about them, they just
do their best to live in a world of conventions while simply being themselves.
Eccentric people are convinced that they are indeed different or visionary, they
proffer profound ideas that don't quite operate within the laws of logic, they are
egotistical, and they don't hesitate to bring up their unusual preoccupations with
anyone they meet (Weeks). Though it is not abnormal, there is a definite deviation in
their conduct from the general cultural or societal norms.
Eccentrics are free spirits. They go with the flow, embrace spontaneity, reject
conformity, and live their life in an unconventional way. As long as they are happy,
what people say doesn't matter. They embrace who they are and realize that they’re
not like anyone else, and that’s a good thing. In fact, they are often loners. These
people love their own company, value their home lives and revere personal space just
like introverts. Yet, paradoxically, they have a strong desire to express themselves
freely when they choose to. Eccentricity can be slightly related to introverts as they
focus on themselves more rather than minding those people around them.
Eccentric people are quite rare since the majority of the people live in line with
social norms and standards. According to Weeks, 1 in 10000 people are eccentrics.
Consequently, eccentricity was a key trend on the fall runways, but he does say there
are more eccentrics than there used to be, because more and more people rebel
against the blandness of a consumerist society by asserting their independence and
their willingness to be different. This might bother people, but for those eccentric
people, this indicates more importance and acceptance among them, this could also
bring them more freedom and opportunities in life where they can live more
comfortably in the modern society.
Therefore, being eccentric is not ill and doesn’t literally mean being crazy or
weird but just someone that deviates markedly from an established norm, practices,
and standards. Eccentrics can make life both exciting and challenging for those
working with them due to their often extreme, unusual or unpredictable behaviors and
thoughts, all they need is exposure and consideration for them to shine. Eccentricity
must not be seen differently by people but rather be embraced, explored and
welcomed the same way people embrace and welcome racial differences and social
distinctions among societies.


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